Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 135: Earth cards


After Qin Xuan finished the eight small scenes in the Grand View Garden, Chen Qianlin, the head coach, arranged a few training games within the team. First, let everyone familiarize themselves with the self-made scenes of Nirvana Club, and secondly, let's see if there are any bugs or needs in the scenes. the place need to change.

Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke, Qin Xuan, and Chen Xiao fought in different scenes. After three days of testing, the data of some scenes were adjusted and finally determined by Chen Qianlin.

Yu Ke's favorites are still the "Blood Pond Hell" and "Vampire Castle" he made before. His aesthetic has always been the same, and he thinks that the scenes with skeletons all over the map are "beautiful", and the scenes full of crows in the sky are "cool." ".

Chen Xiao prefers "Yihong Courtyard", and the increased crit on the entire map when the night banquet opens allows him to predict the time in advance and clear the field quickly. Qin Xuan prefers "Hengwu Garden", and the illusion of the sea of flowers at regular intervals allows him to quickly adjust his strategy and use the scene to control the field.

Xie Mingzhe is very fraternity, and he practiced all the scenes repeatedly, especially the timing of the triggering of the scene events must be kept in mind. When he comes to the arena in the future, he can use these scenes and events to make some articles.

In April next year, the eleventh season will officially open. March is the stage when major clubs submit maps to the league for review. It will be nearly half a year before the Nirvana Club's scene card will officially appear in front of the audience. Xie Mingzhe is very heartbroken. expect.

Next, he will continue to improve the deck, and if there are good ideas in the scene, he can continue to enrich it. The league does not limit the number of scene cards submitted by clubs, the more the better, and there are more choices for future games.

Most of the experts in the professional league specialize in a certain department. Xie Mingzhe has now made the Soochow Fire-type card group, the Shu Kingdom-type gold-type card group, and the Honglou water-type card group, and also made Yu Ke an earth-type ghost card. four departments. Since the master said that the card making can not be limited to a certain department, but the balanced development of the five departments, then he can continue to do the soil and wood types.

Xiao Ke has one hand of earth-type ghost cards, but Xie Mingzhe has not many earth-type character cards. At present, there are three god cards of Fuxi, Nuwa and Pangu, which he has set as earth-type cards. In the future, when playing doubles, Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke will become a partner. If there are many cards of the same type, there will be a "Main Star's Asylum" Buff bonus. He really needs to make a complete set of soil cards to cooperate with Xiao Ke.

When it comes to earth cards, the most famous one is of course the Ghost Prison Club. Zheng Feng is the founder of the earth system. Gui Sirui and Liu Jingxu of the ghost prison are also earth gods.

The earth card has many advantages. First of all, the upper limit of HP and defense of the earth card is the highest among the five elements, and Lao Zheng's white elephant's 200,000 blood has not been surpassed so far. Secondly, the earth system is the strongest school of counterattacks. The earth wall can directly bounce back the damage, allowing the opponent to shoot himself in the foot. Furthermore, the earth card has a lot of negative controls, such as petrification, foot restraint, slowness, etc.

Gui Sirui's earth-type ghost cards are quite special. He completely abandoned the "earth-type defense flow" and instead made the "earth-type assassination style". Since the ghost cards can be hidden underground, the earth-type cards are good at stealth. Played to the extreme by him.

Liu Jingxu's earth card is also very distinctive. The demon clan has been made into a dual-form earth card. The monster form has high attack and control, and the human form has high blood volume and strong defense. The attack and defense change, and the play style is extremely flexible. .

Therefore, the soil card does not necessarily have to be a card with high blood volume. The earth-type attack is also not weak, it depends on how the card maker chooses.

Xie Mingzhe has also sorted out his thoughts in the past few days. It's time to let the monsters and ghosts of "Journey to the West" appear - because the monsters and ghost cards are the most convenient to make earth cards.

When it comes to the monsters in Journey to the West, what impressed him the most was the White Bone Spirit. The story of "Monkey King beats the White Bone Spirit three times" was passed down by word of mouth and was almost a household name.

It is said that Tang Seng and his apprentice passed through a desolate mountain on the way to the west to get Buddhist scriptures. The monster Baigujing who lived here found Tang Seng. She heard the rumor that "Eating Tang Seng's meat will make you live forever", so she wanted to get some of his meat to taste. taste.

Baigujing first turned into a beautiful young woman who went to deliver meals to her husband, trying to deceive Tang Seng. Sun Wukong saw at a glance that it was the bone spirit, so he beat her to death with a stick, but the bone spirit used the "decomposing method" to leave a corpse and run away. Because the corpse of the young woman transformed by the white bone spirit was too realistic, Tang Seng mistakenly thought she was a human being, and blamed Sun Wukong for killing innocent people indiscriminately. He didn't believe Sun Wukong's explanation at all.

The four masters and apprentices went on the road again, and Bai Gujing turned into an old woman again, claiming that they killed her daughter. Sun Wukong naturally saw through it at a glance, and beat her to death again. Bai Gujing left a fake corpse and ran away again. Tang Seng felt that Wukong After killing two innocent people in a row, he chanted the constriction spell, and Sun Wukong rolled on the ground in pain.

The cunning Baigujing became addicted to playing Jingfen, and turned into an old man for the third time, crying to Tang Seng, "You killed my wife and daughter." Out of the prototype, it is a pile of bone skeletons.

You can switch between "human form" and "demon form", and the design of this card can also follow this principle. Moreover, the White Bone Spirit was beaten three times by Sun Wukong before it showed its original shape. According to this idea, it can be designed as a flexible transformation card to attract the firepower of the opponent. When it is attracted enough, leave the "fake corpse" to escape.

Xie Mingzhe's eyes lit up, thinking that this idea is very good!

He first kept the design concept of Baigujing in mind, and then went to the Internet to search for the drawing method of "human bone".

Xie Mingzhe had never studied medicine, so he had to look at professional anatomical diagrams for how to draw bones.

Baigujing is female in terms of gender setting. He checked the data and found that the female pelvis is different from the male pelvis. The female pelvis is wide, the pelvis is shallow, and the angle of the pubic arch below is greater than 90 degrees, while the male pelvis is completely opposite. If you don't check the information and doodle casually, people who have studied medicine will definitely make a joke when they see it.

Since it is a card, the attitude must be rigorous. The differences in the details of these male and female skeletons are also reflected in Xie Mingzhe's image design. In this way, even professionals can judge that the white bone spirit is a banshee just from the pelvis.

After drawing the original shape of the white bone spirit, Xie Mingzhe began to draw three human figures transformed from the white bone spirit.

The first young woman, according to the description in the original book, has snow-white skin, a curvaceous figure, and is dressed very sexy. The lecherous Zhu Bajie sees her eyes light up, and can't wait to carry it home to be her daughter-in-law. Baigujing turned into a young farmer woman, dressed in a relatively simple image, and her makeup was a bit gorgeous and seductive. Because she pretended to deliver meals to her husband, she was still holding a basket with a lunch box in her hand.

Xie Mingzhe drew the images of the second old lady and the third old grandfather according to the old man he understood. It was not difficult to draw an old man with a wrinkled face and a rickety figure, and he quickly finished it.

The question now is how to combine the four images? If the four images are put together directly, the card face is too messy and the system cannot pass the review, and if they can be combined, it will become nondescript...

Xie Mingzhe had a headache and wanted to ask Master, but found that Master had gone upstairs to sleep. It happened that I was chatting with Tang Muzhou every night before going to bed, and he shamelessly sent a message to ask Tang Shen: "Senior brother, I'm in a bit of trouble, if a monster card has many forms, how can I put multiple forms in it? In the same card?"

"..." Tang Muzhou held back a smile and asked, "Why did you start making monster cards again?"

Junior Brother's brains have changed, he made a bunch of character cards, made a ghost card for Yu Ke, and now he's going to make a demon card? Gui Sirui and Liu Jingxu of the Ghost Prison Club will definitely want to play a mixed doubles against him if they see his ghost cards and demon cards appear in the arena in the future.

"I'm going to make a set of Earth-type monster cards, which will be better when I play a double match with Yu Ke." Xie Mingzhe paused, then worriedly said, "Will God Liu Jingxu have any opinion on me?"

"That won't happen." Tang Muzhou said, "Liu Jingxu is a research maniac. Knowing that you make a demon card will only make you more interested. A certain type of card in the star card game is not bought out by anyone, everyone can do it. ."

"That's good." Xie Mingzhe breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "This demon card I designed has one prototype and three deformations. How do I combine them into one card?"

"Demon cards can't be fused directly, but stacked in layers." Tang Muzhou was too lazy to continue typing, so he simply sent a voice call and explained in detail, "You need to make four cards separately, and then stack them layer by layer, so that First, the system will determine that you are designing a demon card. When you first summon it, the system will automatically display the image and data of the first layer, and when it is deformed, the image data of the second, third and fourth layers will appear. "

"So that's how it is!" Xie Mingzhe finally understood the design pattern of the demon card, as if he was enlightened.

"The official currently only allows two types of data for the demon card, the character form is the main defense, the demon form is the main attack and control. When you design the deformation, it is best to design two kinds of data according to the rules. Because the demon card is complex and changeable, the official Some restrictions have also been made, the combined skills of transformation and humanoid cannot exceed three, and linkage skills can not exceed four." Tang Muzhou sent a card data very intimately, reminding, "The specific design, you You can look at the card of Liu Jingxu's fox demon."

"Well, I understand, thank you brother!" Xie Mingzhe expressed his gratitude sincerely.

"Why are you being polite to me?" Tang Muzhou smiled slightly and said softly, "You make the card first. After you're done, you can send it to me if you don't mind."

"Okay!" After finishing the video conversation with Tang Muzhou, Xie Mingzhe suddenly opened his mouth.

He quickly set up the data settings for the four cards of the Bone Spirit.

Since my brother reminded him that the data can only be done in two versions, to prevent him from taking a detour and failing the audit, Xie Mingzhe set the monster form data of the Bone Spirit to a crit card with a higher attack, and the Bone Claws attacked the opponent at close range. The other character forms are set as earth-type cards with relatively high defense, which are used to pull hatred and resist damage.

After the four layers of cards are designed, he will concentrate his mental power and stack them up layer by layer.

A different luster appeared on the superimposed card surface. The image of "white bones" on the first layer was the most obvious, but with the change of light, the images of other layers could be vaguely seen.

The design of the demon card is really interesting!

The four-layered demon card was the most complicated card he had ever made, and it took him a full three hours. It was not until late at night that Xie Mingzhe finally finished the card.

Bone essence (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: Demon form HP 400, ATK 800, DEF 400, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Basic attributes: Human form HP 800, ATK 400, DEF 800, Agility 10, Crit 0%

Additional skills: monster transformation (white bone spirit can be transformed into three characters: a beautiful young woman, a rickety old lady, and a white-haired old man. Each time it is transformed, the basic attributes automatically change to the initial data of the human race/demon race; the transformation is cooled down time 30 seconds)

Additional skills: Dissolving the corpse method (passive skill. The bone spirit will use the "dissolving method". When she transforms into a human race, she will actively taunt the designated enemy card, forcing the opponent's attack to fall on herself. If she is attacked and When the HP is lower than 30%, she will leave a fake human corpse in place, the body will disappear, and after 30 seconds, she will appear on the field in another character form, and continue to mock the designated enemy card. It can be used up to three times. After being seen through the fake corpse three times by the enemy, the white bone spirit will have to show the original form of the demon clan)

Additional skills: Bone claws (Bone claws are in the form of the demon clan, when the skill is activated, the basic defense is reduced by 50%, and the basic attack is increased by 50%. She can teleport to the designated target, and quickly launch three consecutive strikes of the white bone claws on the target. It will cause 70% soil damage each time, and a total of 210% single soil damage. If all three consecutive hits are hit, the target will be in a negative state of "bleeding", which will lose an additional 2% blood per second for 10 seconds. Cooldown 90 second)

It was late at night when Xie Mingzhe finished the card. He rubbed his aching temples and connected the card to the database for review. As a result, I received another email: "Sorry, the database is temporarily unable to make a preparation judgment for your card, please wait for manual review."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Submitted to the artificial channel again

This is the second time he has received such an email. It seems that the database cannot judge cards that deviate from the original rules. Jia Baoyu interfered with the system's judgment because he summoned two characters, Daiyu and Baochai. Apparently, because of the three deformations, the card stack reached four layers, which made the system a bit confusing, so it had to be submitted to manual review.

The data engineers who worked overtime again in the middle of the night wanted to catch Fat Uncle and beat him.

Even the ponytail girl Zou Xiaoning, a supporter of Uncle Fat, couldn't help but say: "Why does he always do card in the middle of the night! If I meet him in the future, can I ask him for overtime pay?!"

The man in the shirt couldn't help but complain: "He's starting to make a monster card again... and he has made three deformations!"

The middle-aged woman shrugged helplessly: "He really knows how to toss!"

The official data technicians had a splitting headache, and they started discussing the design of this card in the middle of the night.

After some intense debate, everyone finally came to a conclusion: "Although there are three deformations of the white bone spirit, unlike the ordinary monster card, which has only one deformation, Uncle Fatty designed it strictly according to the rules of the monster card. The number of skills and card data are all within the specified range, and there is no problem with the cooling time of transformation."

- Unanimously approved.

Xie Mingzhe thought that the manual review would have results tomorrow like Jia Baoyu, but he did not expect that after only ten minutes this time, he received the official review email.

Probably because of my brother's reminder, he strictly controlled the scope when designing skills and allocating data, and he referred to the skill cooldown time of Liu Jingxu's card, so the official data technicians did not ask him to modify this card, so he passed the card directly. .

Xie Mingzhe sent a message to Tang Muzhou: "The card review has passed, senior brother, I will send you a look."

Anyway, he will definitely bring a new card to experiment next time against Fenghua team 2 players. It doesn't matter if he shows his senior brother earlier, and he believes that senior brother will not reveal his card to the second team players in advance.

Tang Muzhou has been waiting for his news, and he replied in seconds after receiving it: "This card has a very good design. It is a very strong earth-based hatred card."

In the original work, the white bone spirit can resist Sun Wukong's three critical strikes, so Xie Mingzhe wanted to design her into a powerful and flexible hatred card when he designed it. Demon form, teleport launches a single attack, because the basic attack is not high, this card's attack skills are not particularly strong - the strongest is the hatred of the human form.

She has three chances to transform, can taunt the opponent's key cards three times in a row, let the opponent hit the output on her body, hit 30% residual blood, and leave a fake corpse to run away. After running away, after 30 seconds, he returned in a different form, continued to mock the opponent, and left the corpse to run away when he was crippled... It took three hits to truly kill the white bone spirit.

A fake corpse in one place, the opponent will be annoying to death by the white bone spirit.

Tang Muzhou praised his junior brother, but he didn't know whether to laugh or cry - out of all the hatred cards in the entire league, the hatred of the white bone spirit was definitely ranked in the top three. It's not because of her high blood volume and strong defense, but because her skills are just too annoying.

Xie Mingzhe was quite modest after being praised, and replied, "This is the first time I have learned to make an earth-type monster card. Thanks to my brother's guidance, I was able to pass the review smoothly."

The boy's voice was full of excitement and joy. Tang Muzhou couldn't help but smile when he heard it, and said softly, "I'm just casually reminding you that you have a high level of understanding. It's almost two o'clock. Go to bed first, and I'll talk about it tomorrow."

Xie Mingzhe was startled, only to realize that it was two o'clock in the morning before he knew it.

He asked with some doubts: "It's so late, isn't Senior Brother still asleep?"

Tang Muzhou said, "I want to accompany you until you finish the new card."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

The low voice that sounded in the ear was extremely gentle, ironing the eardrum word by word.

Tang Muzhou didn't sleep, but it was to accompany him, waiting for him to finish this difficult Monster Race card. Although the two people were far apart and only used voice to talk, but in the silent late night, such gentle company made Xie Mingzhe's whole heart warm.

He didn't know what to say, but felt his heart beat a little faster.

However, Tang Muzhou immediately sent another text message: "Go to sleep, good night :)"

Xie Mingzhe had to reply with words: "You too, have a good dream ^_^"

"I have always had you in my dreams these past few days." Tang Muzhou typed this line, thought for a while, but still didn't press the send button.

If this news was sent, Xie Mingzhe would probably not be able to sleep.

Today, he made a monster card for the first time. The four cards were stacked together. After doing it for several hours, he must be very tired. Let him sleep peacefully. There is no need to disturb his thoughts at this time.

Thinking of this, Tang Muzhou smiled slightly, deleted the information, and went to sleep.

- The greatest tenderness I can give you is to guard and wait silently without forcing you to make any choices. I believe that one day, you will understand your brother's heart for you.