Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 136: Pig Bajie


Xie Mingzhe had no dreams all night and woke up at noon the next day.

With enough sleep and full of energy, he thought of a new card.

The Bone Spirit is a very powerful monster taunt card. She can use three taunt skills to protect teammates. The characteristics of the earth-type card being difficult to beat are brought to the extreme by her.

The most annoying thing about the earth system is actually counterattack.

In the classic replays of each season of the league, there are always some scenes of being bounced to death by soil cards. A certain player released a big move, but was bounced back by the Earth-type card and killed himself. This scene was full of laughter, and the audience often laughed unceremoniously, making the game more fun and lively.

The first character that Xie Mingzhe thought of when fighting back from the soil system was Zhu Bajie in Journey to the West.

- Zhu Bajie slaps a rake, this is a very famous saying.

Among the several apprentices of Tang Seng, Sun Wukong is undoubtedly the strongest in combat. Zhu Bajie is usually lazy and a little lecherous, but he is not so weak on the surface. If it really irritates him, Marshal Tianpeng's nine-toothed nail rake is not a decoration. !

The weight of this nine-toothed nail rake is said to have reached more than 5,000 catties, and it was forged by Taishang Laojun with a divine ice iron. With such a heavy weapon, if one rake hits it down, the opponent will not die or be disabled. In addition, "hit and rake" in the afterwords, generally describe a bite back when attacked, just to make a counter-attack.

Officially, cards with metal weapons must be classified as gold-based cards. However, cards with deformation ability will be judged as "demon cards" and classified as earth cards.

The priority of the card attribute determination is the race first and the weapon last. Therefore, if the card of Zhu Bajie is designed as a pig demon with deformation ability, and holds a nine-toothed nail rake made of metal in his hand, then he can be set as a gold-type card, or it can be set as an earth-type monster. Cards, both settings are considered to be in line with the rules, and the specifics have to be decided by the card maker.

Of course, Xie Mingzhe wants to make Zhu Bajie an earth card, which can set the highest defense and blood volume. As long as Zhu Bajie can be deformed, it can be set as an earth card using the principle of "the monsters return to the earth". There is no need to be embarrassed in terms of deformation, because Zhu Bajie has been transformed into a human shape many times in the original work, an honest and strong man image, and he has married a wife in this world.

In the skill design, "fighting a rake" can make Zhu Bajie unceremoniously counterattack the opponent when he is injured.

As for other skills, Xie Mingzhe also calmed down and thought about it carefully.

In addition to "hitting upside down", Zhu Bajie is most famous for "carrying his daughter-in-law".

When Zhu Bajie was still Marshal Tianpeng, because of lust, he confessed to Fairy Nishang in the Moon Palace after drinking, and was punished by the Jade Emperor and demoted to the mortal world. As a result, he became a pig demon because of the wrong birth.

In the story of Gao Lao Zhuang, Zhu Bajie transforms into a human body and saves Gao Cuilan, the daughter of Gao Taigong. Gao Taigong felt that the young man was strong and strong, and he was worthy of trust, so he betrothed his daughter to him and let him be married to the Gao family as a son-in-law.

As a result, Zhu Bajie drank too much alcohol at the wedding banquet, and the truth was revealed. Gao Taigong found out that he was a pig demon, and naturally refused to marry his daughter to him. Zhu Bajie took it by force and took Gao Cuilan directly and locked it up.

It happened that Tang Seng and Sun Wukong passed by Gao Lao Zhuang and learned about it, and Sun Wukong became the daughter of Grand Master Gao to confuse the pig demon. Zhu Bajie carried his daughter-in-law back home, only to find that her daughter-in-law had become a grand monkey? The two fought, and Zhu Bajie heard that Sun Wukong was protecting Tang Seng from going to the West to get scriptures, so he put down his weapon and went to worship Tang Seng as his teacher according to Guanyin's instructions.

Carrying a daughter-in-law, this skill can be designed as a "displacement skill".

Zhu Bajie mistakenly believed that a certain card of the opponent was his wife, and forcibly carried the opponent away, or carried his back into the encirclement of his own to let his teammates besiege, or carried his back to a range of 30 meters so that the opponent could not continue to attack - this kind of forcible Displacement skills are "dominant skills" that cannot be uncontrolled, and will make the opponent hard to guard against.

Xie Mingzhe touched his nose and felt that the card of Zhu Bajie was too much - he actually recognized his daughter-in-law!

After thinking about the skill design, Xie Mingzhe began to conceive the painting method of Zhu Bajie.

The demon-shaped pig Bajie is very good to draw. He was deeply impressed by the silly old pig in Journey to the West. Bajie with a pig's head has a pair of oversized ears, a big nose and nostrils facing the sky, and he is dressed in black clothes. On his stomach, he wears a black hat on his head with a gold rim, and holds a heavy nine-toothed rake in his hand - a demon-shaped Bajie, which can counterattack when damaged, and has a very strong attack power.

Pig Bajie in human form is a simple, honest and honest human youth image. The defense power and blood volume have reached the highest value of the earth element. Set the skill to carry the daughter-in-law, and carry the designated card to the designated position - human form eight Ring, has the field control skills to forcefully dominate the opponent's cards and change the displacement. At the critical moment, you can completely change the battle situation by taking away a certain card of the enemy.

When making cards last night, Xie Mingzhe discovered that the more forms the Yaozu card can change, the lower the basic data will be.

For example, Baigujing, because it can transform into a young woman, an old woman, and an old grandfather, the basic blood volume of the initial card can’t be more than 1000, but strictly speaking, Baigujing throws the fake corpse away every time with residual blood, and reappears. When the time comes, it will recover to full blood, and the three forms add up to more than 180,000 blood, which is not too far from the 200,000 highest value of the soil element.

Xie Mingzhe didn't want to design too fancy a card for Zhu Bajie. If there is only one deformation, it can make the basic value higher and increase Zhu Bajie's survival rate, so as to better assist his teammates.

Xie Mingzhe drew two cards, "demon form" and "human form", respectively, designed basic data and skills for the two cards, and then layered them.

It took more than an hour to make the card this time, and the final monster card was finally superimposed—

Pig Bajie (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: Demon form HP 800, ATK 1000, DEF 800, Agility 10, Crit 30%

Basic attributes: Human form HP 1600, ATK 400, DEF 1600, Agility 30, Crit 0%

Additional skills: Monster transformation (Zhu Bajie's original shape is a pig demon, which can be transformed into a human youth. Each time it transforms, the basic attributes are automatically converted to the initial data of the human/demon race; the cooling time of transformation is 30 seconds)

Additional skills: Zhu Bajie hits a rake (Zhu Bajie is in the form of a pig demon, holding a weapon "nine-toothed nail rake" in his hand, and his attack power is extremely powerful. When he is attacked by an enemy target, he will take up the weapon and counterattack the opponent unceremoniously— Within 3 seconds of turning on the skill, Zhu Bajie will reflect all the damage he takes next, and will reflect 100% of the damage to the target attacking himself. Cooldown 60 seconds)

Additional skills: Zhu Bajie carries his daughter-in-law (Zig Bajie in human form, because he can't change his lecherous nature, he always wants to marry a daughter-in-law and go home to live. In human form, Zhu Bajie can aim at any target within 23 meters and treat the opponent as his own. Daughter-in-law, teleport over and carry your daughter-in-law away. When the Carrying Daughter-in-law skill is triggered, Zhu Bajie's movement speed increases by 500% for 5 seconds, and you can carry your daughter-in-law to any designated position. Cooldown 90 seconds)

After completing this card, Xie Mingzhe connected the system and quickly passed the review.

In fact, Zhu Bajie's skills are very simple. One is the earth-based counterattack skill of "hitting up and down", and the other is the forced displacement field control skill of "carrying the daughter-in-law". However, the description of the skill is a bit annoying - can I still recognize my daughter-in-law? !

In the actual combat stage, if Zhu Bajie teleported over and carried away Nie Shen's lion and tiger as his daughter-in-law, Nie Shen's expression would have been very exciting. If the flowers, plants and trees of Tang Muzhou were taken away, the senior brother would definitely be disgusted.

The more Xie Mingzhe thought about it, the more he felt... That picture was too beautiful to look at.

Would you like to send it to Tang Muzhou to enjoy it first

Xie Mingzhe smiled and sent the card of Zhu Bajie to Tang Muzhou's light brain, and attached a text message: "Pig Bajie carried his daughter-in-law in the audience, brother, what do you think about this design ^_^"

After Tang Muzhou read it: "..."

Can you be more skinny? !