Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 140: scene card


It really snowed heavily the next morning. When Xie Mingzhe got up, he looked at the silver-clad world outside and felt a little dazed for a while.

The weather here is similar to that of northern China in the age of the earth. Winter has officially entered in November. The snowflakes outside the window are mixed with cold winds blowing, and the skyscrapers are covered with snow and ice.

The snow on the suspension lane in the air has been cleaned up, and the suspension car flying back and forth is shuttled in the white snow. Xie Mingzhe saw such a spectacular snow scene for the first time. He stood on the balcony and watched it for a long time.

It wasn't until Fatty called him to have breakfast that he regained his senses and followed him downstairs.

Today is Sunday, Qin Xuan and Yu Ke are on holiday and made an appointment to come over at noon. The clothes of the two are very different from yesterday. Qin Xuan doesn't seem to be afraid of the cold. He only wears a slim black coat, which makes his body taller and taller. Yu Ke was originally small, wearing a thick white down jacket, like a cute little bear. When he came to the studio, he was still rubbing his hands and stomping his feet, and his cheeks were red and seemed to be frozen.

Xie Mingzhe endured a smile and said, "Your upper body is about to become a square with the same length and width."


Yu Ke was stunned, looked down at his plump down jacket, and realized that Xie Mingzhe was laughing at his dress, he glared at Xie Mingzhe and said, "It's terribly cold outside! I'm not like some people, I want grace and not warmth. "

After saying that, he glanced at the tall and tall Qin Xuan jealously. The latter did not notice that Yu Ke was complaining about him. He calmly opened his brain and said to Xie Mingzhe: "Azhe, the 3D map of the Flaming Mountain has been completed. I'll bring it here for you to see."

Qin Xuan's efficiency is really high. If he said that the picture was produced within three days, he really completed the entire 3D scene model within three days. When Xie Mingzhe heard this, he immediately called Master and Brother Chen, and imported the map into the game to practice combat with everyone.

This map is actually very simple to look at the environment. It is an endless and wide scene. Due to the burning fire, the sand under the feet has turned into the color of flames. All cards in the "Flaming Mountain" environment will have a "Fire Poison" on them. "Negative effect, 1% blood loss per second. The scene event of Banana Fan extinguishing fire is triggered once every minute.

After everyone's actual combat, they felt that the interval was about the same, just enough to allow Zhu Bajie and Princess Tie Fan to move the field, and it would be difficult to operate if it was more frequent.

Xie Mingzhe was very satisfied with the scene effect of the Flaming Mountain, and he immediately proposed a new scene card design - this was inspired by the finals last night. There are many scenes in Journey to the West, but there is no need to repeat the same type. Therefore, the new scenes he designed will not be repeated with the Red Mansion Grand View Garden series.

The first is the Yaochi Peach Conference of the Queen Mother.

The Jade Pond is as clear as a mirror, surrounded by thick white fog, and the fairy spirit is ethereal. It is rare for all the gods to come here to relax and have fun. When the Jade Pond Conference starts, the Queen Mother of the West will graciously entertain all the immortal friends and put delicious peaches for everyone. .

The environment design is not complicated. Xie Mingzhe first drew a wide circular jade pond in the middle, which is used for the battle between the two sides. Around the jade pond, there are many small rectangular tables, behind which sat NPC gods, and the table was full of sumptuous food. Of course, these are all environmental background decorations and do not affect the battle. The NPCs around Yaochi can't be touched at all.

The key to this scene is the opening of the Pan Tao Banquet.

After the game started, big and sweet peaches appeared around the Jade Pool every minute. The peaches were as obvious as they were as big as a human head, and they sparkled as if they were attracting players to eat them.

There are four peaches in each batch, which increase the basic attack by 50%, the basic defense by 50%, the critical strike damage by 50%, and the healing effect by 50%. The four peaches appear at the same time, and players need to compete.

When it comes to the game, players can give priority to snatch the peaches that are beneficial to them according to the situation on the field and their own needs. For example, Frost City, which is good at late-stage delays, can give priority to defending and healing peaches, while rulings that are good at fast-break will naturally rush attacking peaches.

Gaining Buff maps is not uncommon in professional leagues, but the map of "Peach Conference" has added a "scramble" design, which will make the game more interesting. At that time, a group of plants, animals, butterflies, ghost cards, rushing to eat peaches... The picture must be beautiful.

Xie Mingzhe introduced the sketches and events he designed to his teammates.

Qin Xuan accepted it quickly and took notes seriously.

Yu Ke couldn't help but complain: "The design of your picture really resembles Shen An's style. Shen An loves fruit! However, when Shen An's apple tree ate a peach on the field, how come? Do you think it's weird?"

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Zhu Bajie can still carry a tiger as his wife. If you really want to investigate it carefully, many of the cards designed by Xiao Xie will not pass the review."

Yu Ke nodded thoughtfully: "Yes."

Star Card World only abides by the "data fairness" principle in card battles, but no matter what the "food chain" rules of nature, Ye Zhu can easily kill Nie Shen's lion by attacking the highest butterfly, and Shen An's pineapple can kill Shan Lan's Ice crystal phoenix, these strange battle pictures, people in this world have long been used to seeing them.

Therefore, when Xie Mingzhe designed the scene, he did not need to consider any realistic rationality-everyone eat peaches together, and there is no species discrimination in the game.

In addition to Yaochi's "Peach Conference", Xie Mingzhe also thought of a scene card "Water Curtain Cave". He wanted to set the Water Curtain Cave as a very skillful map.

The scene of Shuilian Cave is a long and narrow cave. There are many strange-shaped stones in the cave, which will block the player's sight from different angles. Of course, in order to ensure fairness, the stone design on the left and right of the cave is symmetrical, and the impact of the view is the same on both sides.

At first, the light in the cave was bright, and both sides could attack the enemy cards within the range. 1 minute after the start of the game, a curtain of dense water droplets will suddenly drop in the middle of the cave. This water curtain will immediately cut off each other's sight, and all attacks made by the players' cards towards the water curtain will be blocked by the water curtain. block.

That is to say, when the water curtain falls, you have absolutely no idea what the opponent is doing. Perhaps it is to secretly hide the card behind the stone to avoid the next attack, or let all the cards retreat back to recover the blood, or hide in the blind corner of a certain field of vision, preparing to attack you when the water curtain disappears...

How to adjust the layout and thinking in the short seconds of the water curtain landing requires extremely high awareness of the players. This map will also be very difficult to play, and there are too many unexpected factors.

In addition, Xie Mingzhe also thought of a map, which is the famous scene in Journey to the West - the daughter country.

Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie accidentally drank water from the river when they were passing through the country of the daughter, and they became pregnant. If the daughter country is made into a scene card, Xie Mingzhe thinks that a very interesting setting can be made-to make all the cards that touch the river water of the daughter country pregnant.

In the scene of the daughter country, the river bank outside the city is intercepted, and there are some beautiful NPCs around.

At the beginning of the game, the cards summoned by both sides will appear on both sides of the river. There are a total of three arch bridges on the river, allowing cards to pass through, which is convenient for melee cards to attack opponents. This river has the function of "Mother River". All cards that drink the river water can become pregnant. The card pregnancy lasts for 9 seconds. It means "pregnant in September". During pregnancy, you are immune to attack and control, and you cannot attack your opponent. , after all, it is not suitable for pregnant women to do it.

After waiting for 9 seconds, the card will generate a copy of itself, inherit half of its own attributes and one of its skills, and become half the size of its own volume, which is equivalent to a mini baby card.

The scene limits both sides to let two cards drink the river water at most, because in Journey to the West, Tang Seng and Bajie also drank the river water, but Wukong and Sha Seng didn't drink it. It is up to the players to decide which card to get pregnant and give birth to.

The attack card gives birth to a baby and increases the attack power of the entire deck. If the treatment card duplicates a baby, it becomes a double treatment.

After Xie Mingzhe shared his thoughts with his teammates, everyone's faces were a little too hard to describe. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and they all feel that being a teammate with Xie Mingzhe is simply mental torture.

What's all this mess? The Peach Conference and the Water Curtain Cave already sound difficult, but the design is still normal. As a result, when I arrived in the daughter country, the style of painting immediately became weird.

Even Qin Xuan, who has always been calm, couldn't help raising his head this time, and looked at Xie Mingzhe like a monster: "Card is pregnant and gives birth to a duplicate baby? Are you... sure you want to do this?"

Xie Mingzhe smiled and said calmly: "Zhu Bajie can carry his daughter-in-law, why can't the card have a baby? In principle, it is to let a certain card use 9 seconds to generate a copy card with halved attributes. Both sides can generate two, with equal opportunities, and it does not violate the principle of fair play."

Everyone: "… "

Xie Mingzhe will ruin the game Star Card Storm!

The author has something to say:

The great gods are going to be so angry that they will not only be carried away by Zhu Bajie as a daughter-in-law, but also drink water to get pregnant and give birth to a copy card.

The cards of the entire alliance will be wiped out...