Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 141: Earth Healing Card


Xie Mingzhe knew that his idea was a little weird. After he proposed the design idea, he asked Chen Qianlin seriously: "Master, do you think such a scene design can pass the review?"

Chen Qianlin also found the scene card of Daughter Country very interesting. The Flaming Mountain, Pantao Conference, and Water Curtain Cave previously designed by the little apprentice are also very novel, but in the final analysis, they are maps of forced displacement, Buff competition, and vision control. Other clubs have also done similar maps. However, the idea of copying cards has never been proposed.

The card that drinks the river water will automatically become pregnant and give birth to a "baby" card that inherits half the data from the mother's body. Chen Qianlin doesn't know how to evaluate it.

Ignore the poor description, in essence, in this battle map, both sides have two copies of the card, which can turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment. For example, when a party's core card has residual blood, let the card quickly go to the river to drink water, not only can you avoid control and injury for 9 seconds, but you can also get a copy of yourself before you die, which greatly improves the fault tolerance rate. , so as not to be instantly killed by the opponent.

Chen Qianlin thought about it carefully and said: "The design of this map does not violate the official regulations on 'fair play', but the arena is 7v7. If your map passes the review, it may be possible in some cases. It becomes 9v9."

For example, if both sides of the battle have no cards to die in battle, each copy two cards, wouldn't it become 9v9? Xie Mingzhe had an idea and said: "Then it is restricted that after two cards are killed, other cards can be allowed to drink river water to generate a copy, so that players will not have more than seven cards."

Chen Qianlin nodded in agreement: "If this restriction is made, it should be able to pass the review."

Xie Mingzhe said excitedly: "Let's do it like this, Qin Xuan, please remember it."

Qin Xuan complexly remembered these design ideas in his brain.

On the way back, Yu Ke couldn't help but complain: "Qin Xuan, you said that if the scene cards of our club really appeared in the professional league next year, would they be scolded to death by the fans of other great gods? I think of Tang Muzhou's. The thousand-year-old tree gave birth to a small tree, Ye Zhu's butterfly gave birth to a small butterfly, and Gui Sirui's female ghost gave birth to a little ghost... I want to scold A Zhe."

Yu Ke was obviously very afraid of the cold. He wore a thick scarf around his neck, and was fully armed with hats and masks, only revealing a pair of big black eyes. At this time, his eyes were full of confusion, and he seemed to be a little confused by Xie Mingzhe's design ideas.

Qin Xuan glanced at him, sighed in his heart, and said in a low voice: "Azhe's idea is really weird, as his teammates... we can only get used to it slowly. I will make all the scenes he said. If you Worrying about being scolded, you can choose not to choose these pictures during the competition, choose your favorite blood pool hell."

"It's not that I don't like it, I just think... It's weird." Yu Ke couldn't find a more precise adjective, so he mumbled and changed the subject, "By the way, last time I saw you and Azhe PK, Brother Chen did it. You have almost mastered the dark plant card of yours, right?"

"Well, Brother Chen makes cards very quickly, and with the guidance of Lin Shen, he has made nearly 30 cards, and the card pool has been completed."

"Is that so much?" Yu Ke was a little surprised. He never went to learn more about Chen Xiao's dark plants. He didn't expect Brother Chen to make 30 cards, which is more than enough for individual and double competitions. He thought about it for a while, and said seriously, "Show me some other day. We have to cooperate well in teamfights in the future. I don't even know Brother Chen's deck, so I can't cooperate at all."

"Okay." During this time, the two would PK together every day when they were free. Qin Xuan actually showed some dark plant cards in front of Yu Ke, but not all of them.

There is still a long way to go before the team competition. Before Xie Mingzhe finishes the basic deck, he and Yu Ke can practice cooperation first. After all, their level is relatively low, so naturally they have to work harder.


When it snows, it is especially suitable to stay at home. After Qin Xuan and Yu Ke left, Xie Mingzhe sat on the balcony on the second floor, sorting out his thoughts while looking at the snowy scenery outside, and remembering all the cards to be done next. brain memo.

Earth-type, there is still a lack of protection cards, healing cards, and Sun Wukong, the key output card.

The last set of wood-based decks, he plans to return to the characters of the Three Kingdoms.

When he made the Three Kingdoms series cards, he only made Soochow Fire and Shu Gold, and kept Wei Kingdom to supplement the card pool in the future. In addition to leaving a large number of characters of Wei State, he also left strong characters such as Sun Quan, the ruler of Wu State, Zhuge Liang, Prime Minister of Shu State, etc., and he wants to supplement the design based on Kachi in the later stage.

Now it turns out that his approach is indeed far-sighted.

Because Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai were done too early, they were only designed as targeted instant-death cards, which made him very regretful, so he could only reluctantly make Jia Baoyu this card to summon Daiyu and Baochai. Taishang Laojun, Sha Seng, Taiyi Zhenren, etc. have also all made instant death cards.

When making cards in the early stage, he didn't think much about it, but he also knew that duplicate card characters could not appear in the game, so he deliberately kept the powerful characters.

The later stage, the more perfect his ideas will be, and the stronger the cards will be.

He is very fortunate that he didn't waste the creativity of such powerful characters as Monkey King, Cao Cao, and Zhuge Liang. Now, his idea of making cards is mature enough, and making these character cards will definitely be much better than doing it blindly.

At present, the progress of his deck production has reached about 70%. Among the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, three can be independently taken out to play in the arena. The five series of cards are all completed.

There are still some myths and legends cards, as well as the character materials of the Water Margin, which can be kept and replenished when the league is next year.

Tang Muzhou has reminded him many times that there are only a few months left until the next season. He can't just focus on making cards, he also has to take more cards that have been made for practical training, and keep them as well. Time to practice with teammates.

No matter how strong the card is, it is useless if you are unskilled. Last night's finals fully proved this.

Today is Monday, November 3rd. He and his senior made an appointment to PK with Fenghua's second team on Wednesday. The team game will start on Friday night on the 7th. The first Fenghua vs Ghost Prison match must be watched.

Xie Mingzhe decided to finish all the cards before November 11th, and then concentrate on the drills, pay attention to the team competition, and discuss with the master the lineup of the Nirvana team battle. He still doesn't understand Brother Chen's cards. Shouldn't be.

There are still many things to be busy with, but Xie Mingzhe is full of confidence.

It was probably because the outside was plain white after it snowed. Looking at the pure white snow scene, it was easy for people to calm down. Xie Mingzhe's thoughts became clearer. He thought about it all day on the balcony and made a list of the cards to be done next.

The first thing that came to his mind was Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva is a character he particularly likes when he is watching Journey to the West. Many times when Tang monks and disciples encounter difficult monsters, Sun Wukong can't handle them. .

There are many sayings about Guanyin Bodhisattva in Buddhism. Xie Mingzhe doesn't know much about them, so he can only design them according to the description in Journey to the West.

The Guanyin Bodhisattva in Journey to the West is shown in the image of a woman. Before, he has drawn a "false Guanyin" in the shape of a red boy, which was designed according to the image of Guanyin Bodhisattva. Image steps.

The key is skill.

Guanyin always holds a jade bottle in his hand, and a willow is inserted into the bottle, which is as white as jade. Guanyin can pick up the willow and sprinkle the fairy dew in the bottle to remove the negative state within the range. The other is the treatment. Since most of the earth cards are thick with blood and prevent high, it will be more practical to treat according to the percentage. Avalokitesvara can drop Xianlu, a percentage of group healing within the range, to protect its own cards.

The design idea of this card is very simple - the skills of the healing card, not fancy, but practical.

Guanyin Bodhisattva (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1500, ATK 0, DEF 1500, Agility 20, Crit 20%

Additional skills: Jade Bottle (Guanyin Bodhisattva is merciful, pulls out willow branches from the Jade Bottle, flicks the designated area of 23 meters, and when the willow branches sweeps over, all control effects and negative states of friendly targets within the range will be cleared. ; cooldown 60 seconds)

Additional skills: Universal Rainfall (Guanyin Bodhisattva can splash the nectar in the jade bottle into the air to form a drizzle with a range of 23 meters x 23 meters. All friendly target groups that are drenched by the rain will recover 50 of Guanyin's base HP %; cooldown 90 seconds)

Purely healing and uncontrolled cards can improve the survival rate of friendly cards.

If you only do two skills, the basic attributes of the card will be better. The HP of the full-level Guanyin can be piled up to more than 180,000, and 50% of the HP will be 90,000 at a time. Although the cooling time is very long, this large group can directly restore the blood volume of the whole group at one time.

With this card, mass healing is enough.

However, the cooling time of group therapy is too long, and it can only be played once in 90 seconds. In a fast-paced battle, if the opponent focuses on our core cards, it is likely that they will not be able to save them, so you have to make a single therapy card. .

Xie Mingzhe thought of Tang Seng.

Tang Seng is also a monk, and he is compassionate. Naturally, it is not easy to make attack cards. He can assist and protect his disciples in the rear, and let them attack.

Xie Mingzhe remembered the image of this holy monk very clearly. In the original book, he was said to be handsome, handsome, with red lips and white teeth, and clear eyebrows. Tang Monk was undoubtedly a very handsome man. , even the lord of the daughter country was tempted by him.

He was wearing a red cassock, holding Buddhist beads in his hand, and wearing a hat with two golden silk sashes hanging down from the side of his face. Although he looks very handsome, he always looks like a "clean heart and few desires", which looks sacred and inviolable.

Xie Mingzhe quickly drew the image of the card on the nebula paper, and he thought of several designs in terms of skills.

The first is Tang monk meat. This is the best treasure that all the monsters covet. It is said that eating Tang monk meat can make you live forever. This skill can be designed as a "luring enemy" skill, making the enemy covet his flesh and take the initiative to attack him, thereby protecting other teammates.

The second is that his Heart of Compassion can be made into a single healing skill. The Hooping Spell becomes an auxiliary Buff skill for Sun Wukong to explode.

After thinking about the skills, Xie Mingzhe started to make this card—

Tang monk (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1200, ATK 0, DEF 1200, Agility 20, Crit 20%

Additional skills: Tang monk meat (in legend, eating Tang monk meat can make you immortal, so when Tang monk activates the skill, the hostile target within 23 meters immediately turns his attention to stare at him, and wants to eat a little meat on him. All attacks within the next 5 seconds will be automatically transferred to Tang Seng; the cooling time is 60 seconds)

Additional skills: Compassionate Heart (Tang Seng has a compassionate heart and cannot bear to see his teammates get injured. When a teammate is injured, he will close his eyes and recite the Buddha beads, praying for a quick recovery of his teammates. Tang Seng can sacrifice his own 10% of his foundation. Life, restores the same amount of HP to the designated friendly target; cooldown 20 seconds)

Additional Skills: Hooping Spell (When apprentice Sun Wukong makes Tang Seng angry, Tang Seng will recite the Hooping Mantra silently, making the apprentice Sun Wukong with the hoop on his head enter a state of mania and rage, and the Sun Wukong who hears the incantation reduces his defense by 80%, but his attack power increases. 80% for 5 seconds; cooldown 90 seconds)

This card has one more skill, so the basic attributes are not as good as Guanyin.

The basic HP of a full-level Tang Seng is about 150,000. Xie Mingzhe set the HP increase to 10% each time, which means that a single increase of 15,000 is used. The HP increase is relatively low, and the cooling time will be relatively short, only 20 seconds. It can be rescued at a critical moment.

Tang Seng sacrifices his own blood to restore blood to friendly targets, which is a typical "blood-selling treatment" model of the soil system. Moreover, Tang Shen also has a range of taunting skills, and he has to taunt while selling blood, so he will die easily.

Therefore, in terms of linkage skills, it can be designed according to the residual blood of Tang monks.

The Sand Monk card has been made into an instant death card, and no further skills can be added. Xie Mingzhe had to let Tang Monk and other apprentices link up.

Zhu Bajie has been made, and there are still the eldest apprentice Sun Wukong, and the apprentice with the lowest sense of existence: Bailongma.