Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 142: The soil card is completed


Bai Longma was originally the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea. He was sued by the Dragon King of the West Sea to heaven because he set fire to the pearl in the palace. When the Tang monk passed by, he became a teacher and became the mount of the Tang monk.

It was a very tragic punishment to change from a dignified dragon to a mount that was ridden under him.

However, Bai Longma has a good mentality. Since he became a mount, he has been very docile and dutiful, and he has been diligently carrying Tang Seng across thousands of mountains and rivers. Once Sun Wukong was misunderstood by Tang monk and drove away, Zhu Bajie often shouted to return to Gao Lao Zhuang to be his son-in-law, Master was captured by monsters, Bai Longma turned into a human figure to save Master, and let Zhu Bajie ask Sun Wukong back with tears, which shows that he is right. Tang Monk's loyalty.

This card can be designed with two deformations. In the "White Dragon Horse" form, it can let teammates ride it to run at any time; in the human form of "Dragon King Three Princes", he can hold a sword to make a single attack, after all, he It used to be a dragon, and its attack power was not low.

In this way, the White Dragon Horse has also become a displacement card, but Zhu Bajie is the enemy's card, and the White Dragon Horse can carry the friend's card.

The white dragon horse in human form is the third prince of the Dragon King. He is quite handsome. He wears a white coat, a golden crown, and holds a sword. The deformed white dragon horse is a horse with a pure white body like jade. It is very self-aware as a mount.

This card is also a superimposed design. Xie Mingzhe first drew a handsome third prince of the Dragon King, and then drew a white horse. After completing the data of the two cards, he connected to the card making system for superposition.

White Dragon Horse (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: Human form: HP 800, ATK 1000, DEF 800, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Basic attributes: Horse form: HP 1200, ATK 0, DEF 1200, Agility 30, Crit 0%

Additional skills: White Dragon Mount (White Dragon Horse is in the form of a mount, moving like the wind, and its movement speed is always increased by 500%. It can quickly run to the front of the designated friendly target, let the friendly target ride it, and move to the audience at an accelerated rate. Any position. It can only carry at most one friendly target on its back, and only after the target on its back can be put down, can it continue to use skills to carry other friendly targets; the interval between carrying two teammates must be greater than 30 seconds )

Additional skills: the real body of the third prince (the actual identity of the white dragon horse is the third prince of the Dragon King, with a noble background and high martial arts. In the state of the third prince, he holds a sword and can quickly flash to the designated hostile target. Stabs the target's weak point, causing 260% single-target critical damage; cooldown 30 seconds)

The addition of this displacement/output card can make our formation more flexible.

When the output is enough, the White Dragon Horse will become a mount, carrying our teammates to move around, and cooperate with Zhu Bajie to carry the enemy cards on his back to quickly open the distance, which will be very useful in the displacement map. When the remaining blood of our cards is critical, Xiaobailong can also rush to save the field and carry his teammates out of the enemy's attack range to save his life.

If you don't need a lot of displacement, White Dragon Horse is also a strong single output card. The melee crit of the third prince of the Dragon King, the damage caused by a sharp sword is very considerable, which can supplement the lack of team output.

At present, the output cards of the earth element include the super single scorpion essence, the red boy group, the bull devil single + group, and the white dragon horse single, which is actually enough for the arena, but there is another card Xie Mingzhe must make.

- That is the most important character in Journey to the West: Monkey King, the great sage of the sky.

Since cards and linkage skills can do up to four skills, Sun Wukong can only create three skills in this card itself. Xie Mingzhe has been thinking about what to do with the Sun Wukong card these days. The Great Sage is his childhood male god, and he can do too many skills.

Ruyi Golden Hoop, Somersault Cloud, Fiery Eyes, Seventy-two Changes, and more!

However, the number of skills is limited, and only three of them can be selected.

Xie Mingzhe decided to leave the "Somersault Cloud" first. The Monkey King turned a somersault and could turn 108,000 miles. This is a very strong displacement skill, which can make Sun Wukong the most flexible card.

Fiery eyes and golden eyes are also Monkey King's signature skills. For example, the white bone spirit transforms into various human shapes. Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie and Sand Seng cannot see it, but Sun Wukong can see through the disguise of the monster at a glance.

However, the practicality of this skill is actually not very big, because the only monster in the alliance with deformation ability is Liu Jingxu's monster card. Even if he sees through his monster transformation, it is useless. Can't the card be deformed? Why can you transform and he can't? Certainly not checked.

The one with stealth ability is the ghost card of the great god Gui Sirui. There are only a handful of stealth cards in other players' decks. Therefore, the skill of flaming eyes can be aimed at Gui Sirui's ghost card at most.

It is not cost-effective to waste a skill position to target ghost cards. Xie Mingzhe decided to give up the skill of Sharp Eyes, choose "Seventy-two Transformations" and "Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod", and finally leave another position for the master-disciple linkage skill.

With the skill design of the Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick, Xie Mingzhe thought of a coup. The Golden Hoop Stick was originally a Dinghai Shenzhu, but it was snatched by Sun Wukong as a weapon. This weapon can be freely changed in size. Area attack; when it becomes smaller, it is an ordinary stick, hitting the enemy's head, causing huge single damage, one child per stick.

If this attack skill is combined with Tang Seng's Hooping Spell, it can completely complete a wave of harvesting in the endgame.

The key is how to design the "seventy-two changes"

In the original work, Monkey King's seventy-two transformations can be transformed into anyone and anything. If it is designed according to the original work, Sun Wukong can be transformed into any card on the field.

For example, when he fought with Tang Muzhou, if his thousand-year-old tree appeared, Sun Wukong could still make a thousand-year-old tree. When fighting with Ye Zhu, Sun Wukong can become his butterfly.

If you can have the skills of the opponent's cards after transformation... that's a bit of a bug.

The output skill of this card is already very powerful. It can be attacked in groups or single. If the seventy-two transformations are designed to have the skills of designated cards after transformation, it is really unreasonable. For example, if Sun Wukong becomes an output card, then there are Three output skills; become a healing card, which can add blood to teammates; become a control card, which can counter-control the opponent—Monkey King can become all the cards in the entire alliance and have skills with one card, so what else do others play? There is no official way for a single card to disrupt the balance of the entire game.

Such a design will never pass the review. Xie Mingzhe can only remove the "possessing the opponent's card skills" after the transformation, only change the shape, and maybe he can pass.

In fact, in the original work, Sun Wukong is also deformed to confuse the opponent, and he cannot have the skills after the deformation. For example, although he can become the Bull Demon King, he will not use the Bull Demon King's skills, he just deceives Princess Tie Fan. This design is actually more reasonable.

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath and concentrated on drawing the image of Sun Wukong.

He had a particularly deep impression of Sun Wukong in his mind, and soon, a vivid Monkey King appeared on the card, wearing a tight hoop spell, holding a wishful golden hoop stick, wearing a red shirt, very handsome.

In terms of data, it is naturally the main heap attack, making the Dasheng a very powerful output card.

Sun Wukong (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 800, ATK 1200, DEF 800, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional skills: Somersault Cloud (In legend, Sun Wukong can turn a hundred and eight thousand miles with one somersault. When the "Somersault Cloud" skill is turned on, Sun Wukong can teleport to any position in the audience and is not blocked by any obstacles; cooldown time 60 seconds)

Additional skills: Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick (the weapon "Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick" in Sun Wukong's hand can be freely changed in size. When the golden hoop rod becomes a giant weapon with a thickness of 1 meter and a height of 3 meters, it can be directly smashed to the ground, causing a range tremor , so that the hostile target within 23 meters will be damaged by 80% of the group soil; when the golden hoop rod becomes a small weapon with a thickness of 5 cm and a length of 1.5 meters, Sun Wukong can hold the golden hoop rod and hit the designated target hard, causing 300 damage to the target. % single-target crit damage; weapon transformation cooldown 45 seconds)

Additional skills: Seventy-two changes (Monkey King will change seventy-two, he can imitate any card on the field, become the image of this card, and copy the current basic attributes of the card, making it difficult to distinguish True or false. The transformation lasts for 5 seconds, and after the transformation is over, the attributes of Sun Wukong before the transformation are automatically restored; the cooling time is 300 seconds)

After the card design was completed, Xie Mingzhe connected to the review center, and it was submitted to the artificial channel again.

It's not midnight this time, and the opinions of the official statisticians are not that big.

Zou Xiaoning said with emotion: "He finally has a normal schedule. We don't have to work overtime in the middle of the night when we do the card in the afternoon."

The man in the shirt said, "Monkey King has no problems with the first two skills. The key is the third one, seventy-two changes. You can change your image at will. Isn't it a bit too buggy?"

The middle-aged fat man said: "That is to say, he can become an exact replica of the cards currently on the field? Confuse the opponent, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false?"

The director said calmly: "It's hard to tell what's true and what's false. It's just written in the description. At most, it's hard for the audience to tell what's true and what's false. The players must be able to tell which card is their own and which one is from Monkey King." She paused, Pointing at the last line of description with a laser pointer, he said, "The key to this skill is actually to avoid damage. Sun Wukong becomes an opponent's card for 5 seconds, and his data will be restored after the transformation. If the opponent attacks Sun Wukong, it is in vain if he can't kill him in 5 seconds. If you don't attack, Sun Wukong will have a life-saving skill in disguise."

Everyone suddenly realized that the key to deformation is actually to disguise, confuse the opponent, and disrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm.

Zou Xiaoning said: "Can he still become his own card? For example, to become a Zhu Bajie, so that the opponent is afraid that he will carry his wife away. In fact, he does not have Zhu Bajie's skills, he is just pretending! This is actually a psychological tactic, I think it's fun!"

The man in the shirt said, "Uncle Fat's skill design has always been strange. Let's look at the data and balance."

The crowd began to calculate the data.

Everyone found that Uncle Fat is getting more and more witty. He controls the data of the cards within the officially stipulated range, and the design of "Seventy-two Changes" is really just a psychological tactic to confuse the opponent, and will not cause The actual data imbalance...

Everyone had no choice but to say: "Pass!"


After Xie Mingzhe submitted Sun Wukong's review, he went to dinner.

When I came back after dinner, I found that the official efficiency was quite high, and the email of the review results was sent so quickly.

Xie Mingzhe smiled when he saw the "approved" message in the email. He found that he had figured out the official team's review rules - no matter how strange the skill description is, the most important thing is data balance.

The basic attack of Sun Wukong is only 1200, which is not the highest, so it is reasonable to have three skills. Somersault Cloud and Seventy-two Transformations are all auxiliary skills. Only the Golden Hoop is an attacking skill, which does not violate the design rules of output cards.

Xie Mingzhe simply put the three newly made cards of Guanyin Bodhisattva, Tang Seng and Bailongma for review. These three cards were designed without any problems and were quickly approved by the system.

Next is linkage.

It's a pity that Sand Monk is made into an instant death card and can't add linkage skills. You can refer to Jia Baoyu's design and let Tang Seng summon three apprentices to be his bodyguards. Since Tang Seng is a "blood-selling milk", he sacrifices his own HP to restore blood to his teammates, so the trigger conditions of the linkage skills can be designed according to Tang Seng's HP.

Xie Mingzhe thought of the classic scene in Journey to the West—every time Tang Seng was captured by monsters, Zhu Bajie would only shout "Master, Master was captured by monsters" and asked Sun Wukong to save Master.

The linkage technique is called "Master-Apprentice Love", and the group of apprentices is dispatched to protect the master.

Tang Seng linkage skills (Tang Seng accepted four apprentices, namely Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Seng and Bai Longma. When Tang Seng's HP is lower than 20%, he will call the apprentices to rescue, triggering the "Master-Apprentice Love" group linkage. The third apprentice, Sha Seng, is relatively idle, and will accept the call of the master, and immediately appear next to the master to block one damage for the master)

Zhu Bajie linkage skills (When Master Tang Seng's HP is lower than 20%, Zhu Bajie senses Master's call and shouts to Sun Wukong: "Senior Brother, Master has been captured by monsters!", and teleports to Sun Wukong's side, The state of carrying a daughter-in-law can also be teleported)

Sun Wukong's linkage skills (when he hears Zhu Bajie shouting "Master, Master was captured by monsters", Sun Wukong enters a frenzy state, the critical damage is increased by 50%, and the cooldown time of all skills is immediately refreshed to rescue Master)

Bailongma linkage technique (when Bailongma hears the second senior brother Zhu Bajie's call for help, it immediately transforms into a white horse mount state, and teleports to the front of Tang Seng, rescues the master, and escapes with Tang Seng on his back)

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

This linkage technique, Xie Mingzhe, gave him a headache.

When the Tang monk was left with blood, the master-disciple linkage was triggered, and the sand monk was summoned to escort him. Zhu Bajie shouted "Senior brother, master was captured by a monster", and teleported to Sun Wukong to ask for help. …

This scene is so lively!

Xie Mingzhe put the Westward Journey mentoring team on the card console and connected the system for review.

Most of the linkage skills are "when card A is on the field, card B will gain a buff", which is relatively simple.

However, the linkage design of the Westward Journey Masters and Apprentices is very novel, and its triggering conditions are in perfect harmony with Tang Seng's blood-selling treatment skills. Whenever Tang Seng automatically deducts blood to treat his teammates and sells 20% of the residual blood, the teacher-disciple relationship is triggered, and the disciples are dispatched collectively. At this time, there are two choices, either let Zhu Bajie disrupt the formation, and Sun Wukong takes the opportunity to be violent and face the opposite. Either everyone join forces to rescue the master and retreat to make Guanyin return to blood. The whole team moves in and out and is very flexible.

However, when the opponent heard Zhu Bajie's shout, it was estimated that he would be a little confused.

- Approved, please improve the card encyclopedia with linkage skills as soon as possible!

Xie Mingzhe listened to the system sound that sounded in his ears, and handed the card information and the relationship table of the linkage cards that he had sorted out in the afternoon to Chi Yingying to modify and polish. Put all the cards in.

Tang Seng and Guanyin have a single plus and a group plus, the White Bone Spirit is the main T to pull hatred, Zhu Bajie, Princess Iron Fan, Bull Demon King, and White Dragon Horse have four displacement cards, Red Boy group attack, Scorpion Jing single attack, Sun Wukong powerful output +Transformation interference, coupled with the master-apprentice linkage skills, this set of earth-based cards has extremely strong defense and output capabilities.

10 earth cards, no pure control cards, only the group attack of scorpion essence can cause short-term dizziness.

However, this set of soil system Ka Xie Mingzhe did not intend to take the control route, but the "displacement control field" style of play. On the premise of Guanyin's release, we don't have to worry about being charged, we can quickly pull the formation by means of displacement cards, and destroy them one by one, not to mention that there is Sun Wukong's deformation at any time to interfere with the enemy.

Xie Mingzhe looked at the neat 10 Earth-type cards, smiled and sent Tang Muzhou a message—

"Senior brother, my card is finished. Come over at 8 o'clock on Wednesday night, let the players of Fenghua Second Team get ready."

"Okay, I'll let me know." Tang Muzhou raised the corners of his lips, thinking to himself, the little guys in the second team will probably be frightened again.

The last time it was Wang Xifeng's hahahaha's magic voice, Tanchun's slap in the face, and Qin Keqing's death when she appeared on the stage, and she also persuaded Zhou Xiaoqi to hang her plant card.

What will it be this time

The author has something to say:

This time, the card will be carried away by Zhu Bajie as a daughter-in-law :)

The players of the second team: ! ! ! !