Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 144: Carrying a daughter-in-law? Save the master?


Xie Mingzhe starts by summoning the Bone Spirit.

This taunt card can pull aggro three times in a row, transform once every 30 seconds, and leave a fake corpse to run away. It is not easy to die when summoned, and it is relatively safe.

Zhou Xiaoqi summoned two linkage cards, red algae and green algae.

The two sides did not attack directly, but waited for the second wave of summons after 5 seconds.

Xie Mingzhe directly released the family of Red Boy, Princess Tie Fan and Bull Demon King!

I saw the spirited child opened his mouth and spit, and the flames rose rapidly in the fan-shaped area in front - the real fire of Samadhi burned, the effect of reducing mental power was triggered, and Princess Tie Fan's banana fan was activated at the same time, and the strong wind blew, and the flames burned more and more vigorously, red and red. The algae and green algae are burnt and continue to lose blood, not to mention their mental power!

Losing 12 points of mental power every second is not a joke. Summoning a full-level card requires 30 points of mental power. If you let it go, if you drop it for four or five seconds, the mental power will not be enough to summon the remaining cards. are useless.

Zhou Xiaoqi was helpless and summoned all the cards in her hand in one go.

Mental power control, this kind of play is the judge's good at, and the burning of the fire element reduces the mental power, everyone is not unfamiliar. And the reason why Xie Mingzhe asked Red Boy to force out all the opponent's cards was to see the situation clearly and to call Zhu Bajie to control the field later.

With all the opponent's 7 cards present, Xie Mingzhe discovered Zhou Xiaoqi's hidden cards - coral grass and ice crystal jade dew.

It is still a water plant. Among them, Coral Grass is a single attack card with kelp, and Ice Crystal Jade Dew is a group strong control.

In this way, out of Zhou Xiaoqi's 7 cards, there are actually 5 output cards.

This output ability is quite terrifying. Once these marine flora attacks and single attacks all break out, even if Xie Mingzhe's soil card has a high blood volume, it may not be able to withstand it. What's more, she brought two single attacks, obviously to stare at Xie Mingzhe's core card and quickly kill it.

Almost the moment after seeing the opponent's card clearly, Xie Mingzhe decisively summoned the Guanyin Bodhisattva in the dark card.

Sure enough, Zhou Xiaoqi directly opened the group freeze of Ice Crystal Yulu.

Once it freezes, she can quickly focus the fire to kill the red boy with low defense in seconds, so the linkage of the family of three is also destroyed.

But I didn't expect Xie Mingzhe to have taken precautions. At the moment when she opened the freeze, Guanyin Bodhisattva suddenly appeared, the willow in her hand brushed gently, and the negative effects in the range were cleared, and her freeze control field was released almost in seconds.

Xu Changfeng, who was sitting next to him watching the battle, praised: "The consciousness is good." Tang Muzhou smiled and said, "Of course, it doesn't matter who is the junior or junior." Xu Changfeng: "..."

There were also many people in the auditorium who were discussing in a low voice: "Uncle Fat is really quick!" "He predicted that Xiaoqi was going to control the field, and the hidden card brought an unlock card, which would unfreeze the ice in seconds." "However, Xiaoqi's sea Calamus also has a range of hallucination group control, and the superposition of water poison can also freeze the control field, what will he do next?"

In this card, the female flower state is a range illusion control field, and the male flower state is a range group attack.

Xie Mingzhe paid special attention to this card in the preparation stage, and the design was very reasonable. He guessed that once Zhou Xiaoqi failed to control the freezing, she would definitely follow the hallucination and force control, so the moment Guanyin Bodhisattva lifted the freezing, Princess Tie Fan immediately shot—

I saw a violent gust of wind swept in, and Zhou Xiaoqi's sea calamus rose from the ground, and was directly blown by the tornado to a distance of 30 meters, which led to the hallucination of the sea calamus. Control field, out of the attack range, directly empty!

Skills are empty, which is very common on the field of play. However, it is not common for two consecutive skills to be empty.

This shows that Uncle Fatty has made extremely accurate predictions on Zhou Xiaoqi's thinking and style of play!

A group of people in the auditorium took a deep breath - they just haven't seen him for a week, the progress of Uncle Fat is terrible!

Both range group controls were easily resolved. Zhou Xiaoqi's scalp went numb for a while, knowing that she was encountering a master, she immediately gritted her teeth to calm down, and decided to forcefully kill the red boy.

At present, among Fat Uncle's cards, Bai Gu Jing, Niu Demon King, Princess Tie Fan and Guanyin Bodhisattva have high defense, and only Red Boy is a low defense output card, which is easier to kill.

With the control of her mental power, her water plants collectively dispatched—

The green algae began to quickly spread out on the ground, and instantly spread out a 30×30 meter area. All cards that touched the green algae would be affected by the water poisoning effect, and they would continue to be superimposed. When four layers were stacked, they would be automatically frozen.

At the same time, the silk-like dense kelp flew everywhere, causing large-scale strangulation damage.

The seaweed aimed at the red boy, spread it directly on the red boy, and made the red boy "seaweed rice". The coral grass quickly cooperated, and the pale pink plant rhizomes attacked the red boy like tentacles!

This set of attack combos is very beautiful, Xie Mingzhe secretly praised in his heart, and quickly used the taunting skills of the bone spirit.

The white bone spirit turned into a beautiful young woman, and designated the green algae with the strongest interference, so that all the opponent's attacks fell on her. After all, the group attack of the green algae card is really annoying, and it will be very troublesome if the water poison is stacked high.

The consequence of helping teammates absorb a lot of damage is that the Bone Spirit will instantly succumb to blood, leaving the fake corpse to run away.

Zhou Xiaoqi looked at the young woman lying on the ground in front of her and was stunned for a moment, but she quickly realized that this card was not killed in battle, it was just a fake corpse, and the green algae attack was a waste!

But the Bone Spirit can only ridicule one card, and other attacks were successfully played out. Xie Mingzhe's earth element card lost blood very seriously. Seeing that the red boy was set on fire with only a trace of blood left, he had no choice but to use Guanyin's rescue skills to restore the blood of the Ganlin group, directly returning the blood volume of all cards to more than half.

Zhou Xiaoqi finally crippled the red boy, so naturally, she wouldn't just watch her opponent recover her health.

She gritted her teeth and let all the cards continue to attack the red boy, trying to forcibly tear a gap from the opponent's deck!

Seeing that the red boy was about to die, at this moment, Xie Mingzhe suddenly drew two new cards in a row!

One was a fat monster with a pig's head, and the other was a beautiful woman, holding a pipa in her arms, and when she flicked her fingers, the piercing pipa sounded, causing sonic damage within the range and causing 2 seconds of damage. Stunned briefly.

Zhou Xiaoqi was caught off guard and counter-controlled.

Taking advantage of the 2 seconds of dizziness, Xie Mingzhe asked the red boy to retreat quickly. At the same time, Zhu Bajie rushed into the flora at a very fast speed, and the red algae aiming at Zhou Xiaoqi carried it on his back!

Because Zhou Xiaoqi has been saving the healing skills of red algae, he was affected by the two group attacks of Samadhi True Fire and Pipa Piano Sound. At this time, the red algae is about 70% of the blood volume. The healing ability of this healing card is super strong, Xie Mingzhe Decided to seize the opportunity to kill the treatment first!

Red algae were uprooted.

Zhu Bajie carried the red seaweed on his back and snatched his daughter-in-law. He was very happy, and the soles of his feet moved like the wind.

Zhou Xiaoqi looked blankly at her red algae being carried away: "???"

what's the situation? Why did that pig carry her plants away!

Almost in a blink of an eye, the red algae was backed out of range by Zhu Bajie, out of the distance that his teammates could support. The solitary red algae was pitifully carried away by Zhu Bajie into the encirclement of monsters.

Then, the beauty who played the pipa just now suddenly transformed, the pipa in her hand disappeared, but a huge tail grew.

That tail aimed at the red algae was a stab. After turning into a scorpion essence, the melee critical damage of the highly poisonous scorpion tail was really terrible. The bleeding state was still superimposed, and the red algae was instantly beaten to half blood. But the damage was still a little short, so Xie Mingzhe transformed the white bone spirit into shape, a bunch of skeletons rushed towards the red algae, and the white bone claws combo caused a lot of damage!

- Red algae killed!

Xie Mingzhe's strategy is also powerful. Taking advantage of the opponent's unprepared neutrality, he seized the opportunity to instantly heal the opponent!

As soon as the healing card died, Xie Mingzhe started a full-scale counterattack.

The Bull Demon King turned into a big white bull, rushing straight into the flora, using the bull’s horns to bruise the plants all over the body, and knocking back the target for 10 meters in a row; Princess Iron Fan was in control of the field in the distance, and a gust of wind knocked those who were about to escape. The cards are blown in front of the Bull Demon King! The red boy with residual blood immediately turned into a fake Guanyin, and began to educate the seaweed who had wrapped him just now, telling the seaweed to put down the weapon and not attack.

The family of three cooperated extremely well, and Zhou Xiaoqi's plant formation collapsed instantly.

Zhou Xiaoqi: "????"

Looking at the rampant big bison, she was completely dumbfounded.

Players in the audience: "..."

Chen Xiao sat next to him and endured his internal injuries. Seeing this scene, he finally couldn't help but leaned into his brother's ear and said, "Pig Bajie is really easy to use, it's just a matter of carrying the red algae on your back. Bull Demon King and With the cooperation of Princess Tie Fan, the ability to interfere is really terrifying."

Chen Qianlin said with admiration: "The play of displacement control is actually very difficult to operate. Xiao Xie mastered it really fast."

With a smile on his face, Xie Mingzhe calmly let the Bull Demon King's crazy basic attacks cause a lot of damage.

Zhou Xiaoqi was stunned!

She watched the red algae being killed for seconds and the kelp being educated by the fake Guanyin, her chest was so tight that she wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood. She quickly recalled the sea calamus that had just been blown away, and a wave of area group attacks smashed it, but at the moment when she opened the area group attack of the sea calamus, the white bone spirit turned into an old lady again, pulling hatred and absorbing a wave of damage. Leave the fake corpse and run away.

The Bull Demon King continued to rampage like a mad cow, and in the blink of an eye, all the plant cards were left with blood.

She finally managed to kill the red boy with the lowest HP, but the next moment, Zhu Bajie rushed over again.

Zhou Xiaoqi's face changed, and she immediately retreated her cards.

do not come!

She howled in her heart, don't carry my plants, why don't you carry one of the same kind to be a daughter-in-law

However, Zhu Bajie didn't care whether the plants would escape or not. He aimed at the most beautiful coral grass and picked up his back unceremoniously. He gasped for breath, smeared oil on the soles of his feet and ran very fast. He backed into the encirclement of monsters.

Pipa Jing and Bai Gu Jing had been waiting there for a long time, deforming at the same time.

Poisonous scorpion tail, bone and sharp claws, two single attack skills smashed down, the coral grass with residual blood, barely survived 3 seconds, and turned into a pile of pitiful corpses.

Zhou Xiaoqi: "..."

She was so angry that her head hurt, but she couldn't do anything about Zhu Bajie, because she saw another skill of Zhu Bajie—hitting back, immediately countering all the damage she suffered.

In the case that the treatment card is dead, playing Zhu Bajie will be rebounded, which is equivalent to beating yourself.

Watching Coral Grass being surrounded by monsters and killing her, Zhou Xiaoqi felt a chill down her spine, she knew she would definitely lose this game.

However, she didn't want to lose so suffocated!

At this time, in the 5v6 scene, Fat Uncle only killed one Red Boy, and Zhou Xiaoqi killed one healer and one damage.

The situation was not optimistic, Zhou Xiaoqi clenched her fists hard, mobilized her remaining output cards to focus on the bull demon king who was rampaging, and finally killed the mad cow.

The players of the second team in the stands would all want to applaud if it wasn't for the presence of Tang Shen.

This mad cow is really annoying! Of course, Zhu Bajie is more annoying, but Zhu Bajie has counterattack skills, which is difficult to deal with.

The two sides fought each other with firepower. On Xie Mingzhe's side, Princess Tie Fan also died. All three members of the Red Boy's family were killed in battle, but Zhou Xiaoqi's group attack card green algae and kelp were all killed by the Bull Demon King's direct general attack.

She only has 3 cards left, purple menu to attack, the remaining ice crystal jade dew, calamus output is not high.

And the fat uncle also has white bone essence.

The bone spirit turned into an old man again, coming out to attract firepower, and the residual blood could leave a fake corpse to run away, she had no choice.

After struggling for a minute, Zhu Bajie's skill cooling was over, and he repeated the same trick. He ran to carry away the seaweed with residual blood, carried it to the front of the scorpion essence, and was stabbed to death by the scorpion's tail!

Zhou Xiaoqi was simply desperate.

This kind of powerless resistance, the feeling of being constantly carried away by opponents is really uncomfortable.

When the word "Failure" popped up on the screen, Zhou Xiaoqi's face was extremely pale, not only because she lost the game, but also because her plant card was carried away by Zhu Bajie, three times in a row!

It's like watching the little cabbage that I have raised with great difficulty being stabbed by a pig!

The players of the second team in the stands looked at each other, and all sympathized with Zhou Xiaoqi.

At the same time, the players of the second team felt chills in their hearts.

They remembered that in the last game, Uncle Fat did not bring out the strongest deck at the beginning, but first tested the water with the gold card, and only took out the water card in the last round. Today's first game was so annoying, wouldn't it be even more terrifying next

What should I do with this card, Pig Bajie? Could there be a more annoying card than Zhu Bajie? Everyone was a little crazy.

Last time, I watched Red Algae hang in front of me. This time, I have to watch red algae, coral grass, and seaweed being carried away as a daughter-in-law by Zhu Bajie... What the hell did the plants do to be tortured like this? !