Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 145: The teacher and apprentice are deeply connected with each other


After Zhou Xiaoqi lost to Fat Uncle, she returned to the auditorium dejectedly. Zhen Man patted her on the shoulder and comforted her softly: "It's okay, you have done your best." Beside Ms. Man.

The other contestants in the audience looked a little nervous, for fear that Tang Shen would call on him next time.

Especially Liu Ran and Qin Yuhang, who had played against Fat Uncle before, were even more uneasy. Liu Ran leaned into Qin Yuhang's ear and whispered, "It was Xiaoqi just now. Will Tang Shen let us fight Fat Uncle?"

Qin Yuhang's face changed: "Don't be a crow!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Muzhou called out by name, "Liu Ran, come here."

Liu Ran: "..."

He really should keep his mouth shut, what he really said today, quite a true biography of Nie Shen's crow mouth.

Liu Ran smiled dryly at Qin Yuhang, who had an ugly face, and came to the middle of the ring.

The last time I fought with Uncle Fatty, Liu Ran took the initiative to ask Ying to stand up first. At that time, Uncle Fatty didn't come up with a new water-based deck, but used the gold-based deck that everyone knew to play against him. .

But he still lost. Uncle Fatty took Lin Daiyu to beat his flower card, White Poppy, at a critical moment.

In order to fight Uncle Fat this time, Liu Ran actually made a lot of preparations. He not only adjusted the deck, but also bought a "Piranha" card from the Temple of the Gods Guild to raise it to full level.

Piranha was created by Ye Suqian, the chief card designer of the Temple of the Gods. It is an instant-dead card specifically for the human race. Some time ago, it suddenly began to circulate in the game and was sold publicly. Many people bought one for emergencies. .

No one knows why the pantheon does this. Liu Ran only knew that the Cannibal Flower card had the greatest impact on Uncle Fat, because the most famous person who used human cards was this Uncle Fat.

He originally thought that in today's duel, he unexpectedly took out the man-eater flower to kill Fat Uncle Jia Tanchun. As long as Tanchun died, Fat Uncle's water card group output would not be enough, and Wang Xifeng alone, even if he laughed out loud. Chakra can't kill his plant card either.

Originally, he had a 60% chance of winning, but when he saw the duel between Fat Uncle and Zhou Xiaoqi just now, he was completely stunned. The decks that Uncle Fat brought today were all monster cards, and he didn't have a single human card. He really prepared for nothing!

However, Liu Ran quickly calmed down and withdrew the cannibal flower in the deck.

As soon as he walked into the middle of the ring, Uncle Fatty kindly reached out to him: "Liu, long time no see!"

Liu Ran greeted embarrassedly, "Hello, Uncle Fat."

Uncle Fat smiled and said, "Let's start!"

At the beginning of the second game, the map randomly assigned by the system is a jungle, and both sides announce the card group.

Liu Ran still used wood cards, and all the cards were made by Tang Muzhou. Obviously, he was a die-hard fan of Tang Muzhou.

The cards he announced this time include the two single attack cards "Iris" and "Wisteria", the group taunt + range invincible protection card "Banyan", the illusion group control of "Ephemera" and the "White Poppy" Chaos crowd control.

Liu Ran's ability to adapt is very fast. Obviously, after watching the game in the last round, he has realized that it is unwise to play with the group attack card to play the earth element. It is better to bring some single attack cards to kill the opponent's output core in seconds. Moreover, Zhu Bajie will rebound damage, if he leads a group attack, he may beat him down, but he will kill his own cards.

This newcomer is indeed the strongest in the second team, and his ideas have also been recognized by Tang Muzhou.

Tang Muzhou speculated: "The dark card Xiao Liu should bring a single attack and a single control. Banyan tree defense, the single control card restricts Zhu Bajie's movement, the group control disrupts the rhythm, and the three single attacks go to focus fire to kill the opponent's key cards, this is indeed a better strategy for cracking earth-type cards."

Xu Changfeng asked, "Based on your inference, how many chances will your junior brother win in this game?"

Tang Muzhou said without thinking, "100% chance of winning."

Xu Changfeng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "You really have confidence in him."

Tang Muzhou said: "Because he must have a stronger card, besides, he is my junior brother, how can I do if I don't have confidence in him?"

Xu Changfeng smiled and said, "Unfortunately, you didn't pull him to Fenghua."

Tang Muzhou could not refute this, and this was indeed his regret.

The five cards Xie Mingzhe announced selected four cards that were used in the previous game, namely, the taunting card Baigu Jing, the single attacking card Pipa Jing, the healing card Guanyin, the displacement card Zhu Bajie, and the auxiliary card Tang Seng.

Everyone has seen the first four cards, and the fifth Tang Seng is a new card.

Tang Muzhou knew that, with the personality of his younger brother, since he directly replaced the displacement system of Red Boy, Princess Tie Fan, and Bull Demon King, those two hidden cards must be a new linkage system, most likely with the new Tang Seng. linkage.

Linkage skills will be hidden when the linkage card does not appear, instead of being displayed directly like other skills. It will only be triggered when all the linkage cards are present. Therefore, from the card information alone, it is still unclear how Tang Seng's linkage system is designed.

Tang Muzhou was also looking forward to it, and looked at the middle of the ring seriously.

At the beginning of the game, the two sides made similar choices when summoning cards. At the beginning of the game, they summoned defensive cards to prevent the crispy output cards from being directly killed by the opponent.

Liu Ran summoned the big banyan tree, and Xie Mingzhe summoned the bone spirit.

Both sides let the cards move quickly, keep a distance, and immediately summon new cards according to the regulations after 5 seconds.

Liu Ran summoned three single attack cards of "Wisteria", "Iris" and "Hydrangea" at an extremely fast speed.

The attack modes of these three cards are different. Among them, Wisteria is a vine strangling attack, Iris is a strong aroma attack, and Hydrangea is a very strong single attack card. His operation is very meticulous. The three cards move quickly to form a "triangular position" that corresponds to each other. Put the banyan tree in the middle. This kind of formation can ensure that the three crispy output cards will not be destroyed. second.

Xie Mingzhe immediately summoned Zhu Bajie, Pipa Jing and Tang Seng.

Summoning so many cards in one go is to force out the opposing group control!

Crowd control skills are generally used when the opponent has a lot of cards. If you only control one or two cards, it will be a waste. Sure enough, seeing the increase in Xie Mingzhe's cards, Liu Ran did not hesitate to summon a flash in the pan - a flash in the pan!

I saw a one-meter-high white Epiphyllum suddenly blooming in the center of the venue. As the Epiphyllum bloomed, Xie Mingzhe's field of vision was filled with layers of petals that were as white as jade. Xie Mingzhe fell into the hallucination of the scene, let alone seeing the card of the other party, he couldn't even see where his own card was. His eyes were full of petals of a short-lived flower, and he couldn't operate it at all.

Epiphany's hallucination group control, no more, no less, exactly 4 seconds.

4 seconds is enough for Liu Ran to do something, but Xie Mingzhe will not be passively beaten. Almost at the moment when the short-lived flower appeared, he immediately summoned Guanyin Bodhisattva and solved the group control in seconds!

Uncle Fat's reaction was really fast enough, Liu Ran didn't want to use just one card to control Uncle Fatty. He put the short-lived flower, in fact, to force Uncle Fatty's Guanyin and let Guanyin use his control release skills, so as to follow up Field control and output.

Liu Ran stared at Uncle Fatty's most powerful Pipa Jing, and dispatched three single attack cards collectively—

I saw the vines full of wisteria flowers flying over like tentacles and tightly wrapping the pipa spirit. At the same time, the petals of the irises attacked the sky like sharp knives, and the hydrangea also smashed into the pipa spirit like a cannonball.

The concentrated fire output of the three single attack cards is quite terrifying, and the Pipa Jing was beaten to residual blood almost instantly.

Xie Mingzhe quickly used Tang Seng's hatred ability - Tang Seng's meat. When Tang Seng appeared, the hostile targets within the range would transfer all attacks to Tang Seng's body.

Tang Seng really sacrificed his life to attract all of Liu Ran's powerful output firepower. Even if he was an earth-type card with a very high blood volume, he was concentrated by three single attack cards, and he dropped to 40% in a blink of an eye. Blood volume!

Taking advantage of the time when Tang Seng was attracting firepower, Xie Mingzhe directly released Zhu Bajie and asked the old pig to carry a daughter-in-law back.

However, at this moment, Liu Ran made a very surprising operation.

- White Poppy, Chaos!

This unexpected group control completely disrupted Xie Mingzhe's rhythm.

I saw Zhu Bajie quickly running to the opposite Iris. He wanted to carry the iris away, but after being confused, he immediately turned around and went back. Instead, he carried the white bone spirit on his back, and carried the white bone spirit to the encirclement of the opposite plant.

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Old pig you traitor!

Of course, this is not to blame for Zhu Bajie, because Bajie was affected by the chaos on the opposite side. Fortunately, it was random chaos. He didn't carry the master on his back, otherwise, if Tang Seng was killed in an instant, it would be over.

After being besieged, the Bone Spirit can leave the fake corpse and run away, and ran back without any risk.

There was still a period of time before the triggering of the master-disciple linkage skill. Xie Mingzhe calculated the blood volume in his mind. When Tang Seng was almost beaten to 35% of his blood by the opponent, he did not hesitate to use Tang Seng's healing skill - Heart of Compassion!

Tang Seng actively reduces his own blood volume by 10% and returns blood to the designated target.

Pipa Essence is an output card, and its basic HP is very low. Tang Seng's 10% is as much as 25% for her. The Pipa Essence, which had only a trace of blood after being set on fire at first, was saved by Tang Seng's blood. came back.

Seeing this scene, Liu Ran was very calm and decided to divert the firepower to kill Tang Seng.

At this time, Tang Seng only had 25% of his health remaining, and he would definitely die if he attacked again.

However, just as he smashed a hydrangea on Tang Seng's body, Xie Mingzhe suddenly called the dark cards "Monkey King" and "White Dragon Horse".

Tang Monk recited the Hooping Spell, and Sun Wukong entered a violent state. A "Somersault Cloud" teleported directly in front of the hydrangea. He lifted the "Ruyi Golden Hoop" in his hand and smashed it hard at the hydrangea—

When the stick fell, the audience felt pain when they saw it, and the actual blood loss was quite terrifying.

The poor crispy hydrangea was smashed almost instantly by about 35% of its blood volume,

Almost at the same time, Zhu Bajie roared loudly in Liu Ran's ear: "Senior Brother, Master was captured by the monster!"

Liu Ran: "???"

The audience: "???"

what's the situation

Tang Muzhou sat up straight in the spectator seat, narrowed his eyes and looked at the arena scene. If he guessed correctly, this triggered the linkage.

Sure enough, after Zhu Bajie roared, the words "linkage technology" appeared in the data display at the scene.

Xie Mingzhe calculated the blood volume and time just right. After Sun Wukong's wave of attacks was released, Tang Seng's blood volume was just below 20%, triggering the "teacher-disciple love" linkage skill.

The white dragon horse transformed into a mount and dashed to the front of Tang Seng, with a 500% acceleration to directly save the bloody master!

The speed was so dazzling that the audience barely realized what was going on, and found that Tang Seng had disappeared.

Sun Wukong's skills are all refreshed, the Hooping Spell bonus is critical, and the attack when linked together has additional bonuses. At this time, Sun Wukong's attack power is extremely terrifying. smashed to death!

Looking at the colorful petals falling on the ground, Liu Ran was completely dumbfounded.

Sun Wukong didn't hesitate to make the golden hoop stick in his hand grow rapidly, and the huge three-meter-high stick hit the ground violently, only to hear a loud bang, all the plants within the range shed blood!

This position is also very accurate. The group attack is placed in the middle of the two cards of Iris and Wisteria, causing both cards to lose blood. There is no healing card in the opponent's deck, and the blood lost can't be recovered, and the follow-up will be much easier.

Liu Ran had no choice but to take out the sacred tree of the banyan tree to protect it, and the range was invincible!

But it was useless, he drove too late, Sun Wukong finished in one wave, and did not fight, and directly somersaulted the cloud to withdraw his lineup.

Zhu Bajie stayed where he was, and Chi Guoguo taunted his opponent with his pig face, as if to say: Hit me, I can fight back with a rake. don't hit me? I was messed up just now and didn't carry it to my daughter-in-law. I will snatch another daughter-in-law back later!

Liu Ran: "..."

What a mess!

He could understand that Tang Seng was the one who attracted firepower in this lineup, and he deliberately sold blood to trigger the deep connection between master and apprentice.

As soon as the linkage is triggered, the whole scene is completely messed up.

No matter how calm Liu Ran was, he never expected Fat Uncle to make such a bizarre linkage technique. Sun Wukong refreshes all skills, which is equivalent to hitting two consecutive crit damage, directly dropping one of his strongest basic attack output cards in seconds!

As soon as the hydrangea died, Liu Ran fell into complete passivity.

When Zhu Bajie's skills were cooled down, Zhu Bajie, who didn't grab his daughter-in-law just now, rushed over and carried the iris away, carried the beautiful iris to the front of the big brother, and let Sun Wukong beat him to death with a stick.

Liu Ran lost without any suspense.

When he came down from the arena, his face was even paler than Zhou Xiaoqi just now.

Qin Yuhang's face was even more ugly, thinking to himself, Tang Shen would not call his name...

Just thinking about it, Tang Muzhou smiled and said, "Xiao Qin, it's your turn."

Qin Yuhang: "..."

Xiao Qin, who was walking towards the ring, had a look on his face that was a bit as heroic as "going to the execution ground".

Xie Mingzhe thought hilariously, in the minds of the newcomers of the second team, Uncle Fat is probably like a beast that eats people and doesn't spit out bones.