Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 147: Supplementary soil card


After the game with Fenghua No. 2, Xie Mingzhe and his teammates watched the video of the three games.

Although he won these three games easily, Xie Mingzhe knew in his heart that the reason why he could win so smoothly was that he had a better understanding of Fenghua's card pool, while Fenghua's newcomers knew nothing about him.

The cards from the Journey to the West series he used today were the first time they were used in the arena for actual combat. Fenghua players had never seen these cards before, so naturally they would not come up with strategies to deal with them so quickly. In fact, he took advantage of the "new card" to catch his opponent off guard.

If this deck is used to play against the great gods of the professional league, you may be able to win a few rounds unexpectedly at the beginning, but the great gods have rich experience in the game and will soon be able to come up with a solution.

The same routine can't always work, and the deck needs to be more perfect.

Chen Qianlin analyzed: "This deck looks very powerful on the surface, but the restrictions on linkage skills are too harsh. Tang Seng, Zhu Bajie, Sun Wukong and Bai Longma must all be present to trigger the master-disciple linkage. As long as the opponent understands your set The core of the linkage system, before the four cards are collected, you will give priority to dropping your Tang Monk, you will not be able to open linkage, and the output of the entire deck will be greatly reduced."

Yu Ke wondered: "But Tang Seng's HP has 150,000, and the defense is also very high, so the earth card is not so easy to be defeated, right? Besides, this card group also has the white bone spirit to draw hatred, when the opponent's firepower is too strong, It can let the white bone spirit share some of the damage."

Chen Xiao smiled and patted Xiao Ke on the shoulder, and said, "Did you forget the death card?"

Yu Ke was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Xie Mingzhe, who nodded with a smile, and said, "Brother Chen is right, this deck of mine will be very difficult to play when it encounters an instant death card. The temple of the human race instant death card has already been made. A piranha flower. The demon clan is a dead card, and there is the sand monk I made by myself. Whether I use the piranha flower to kill Tang monk, or use the sand monk to kill Zhu Bajie, my deck will face the risk of collapse."

Yu Ke: "… "

Chen Xiaodao: "The newcomers of Fenghua Second Team are too nervous today. When you start the linkage in the second game, if Qin Yuhang, who appeared in the third game, can calm down and realize this, he will take the Yaozu instant death card and defeat Zhu Bajie in seconds, master and apprentice. The linkage will not come out. The new people still lack the experience of the war, and your mind is disturbed by you."

Yu Ke: "… "

Therefore, the star card world is fair. Xie Mingzhe has been cheating others, and one day he will also cheat himself.

He made so many instant-death cards to target other great god decks, and as a result, his own deck is now being targeted as well. Humans die instantly and monsters die instantly, as long as one instant death card is played, the linkage will be broken. When it comes to the professional league, it is still unknown whether Xie Mingzhe's seemingly strong linkage system can be implemented.

Xie Mingzhe thought about it carefully and said: "It seems that the risk of this multi-card linkage is still too great. As long as one of the cards is killed, the linkage cannot be played."

Chen Qianlin said: "So, most of the players' linkage skills are made of two-card linkage, and it is rare to have more than three cards. In addition, the threat of dead cards to this deck is too great, you can also think about it in advance. How to deal with it."

Yu Ke's eyes lit up: "By the way, A Zhe made Zhong Kui to target the ghost card before, in order to prevent Zhong Kui from catching my ghost card, didn't he make Lu Zhidao this card against Zhong Kui and release the ghost card? ?"

Lu Zhidao went against Zhong Kui because the ghost card was caught, not killed, so Lu Zhidao could be released again. But both the demon clan and the human clan will be killed in seconds, what should I do if they can't be released

Yes, it can be resurrected!

Xie Mingzhe suddenly thought of the resurrection skill. The other party made his Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie die instantly. If he resurrected the dead card, the linkage skill could still be triggered. Xie Mingzhe only felt that he was suddenly open: "I will make another resurrection card. If someone really uses an instant death card to deal with my linkage system, I will bring a resurrection skill at that time to save the second card."

Chen Qianlin praised: "This is also a method. But the linkage of more than three cards should be done as little as possible, the trigger conditions are too difficult."

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "Well, I'm going to make a field-controlled flow play in the wood system, and I'll sort it out in the next few days."

Chen Xiao said: "I also sorted out the deck. After Azhe finishes the wood system, the four of us must hurry up and practice cooperation."

Qin Xuan couldn't help with card making, so he said, "If you have a new scene card design idea, you can tell me that the school is not very busy recently, so I can take the opportunity to make a few more cards."

Xie Mingzhe said: "Okay! Let's rest first, let's have a meeting tomorrow to discuss."

Xie Mingzhe slept soundly that night. When he woke up the next day, he had a new idea in his mind and decided to make an earth-based resurrection card to ensure that Tang Seng's master-disciple linkage system could be played.

For this card, he chose "Tathagata Buddha" in Journey to the West.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva made the treatment, and the Tathagata Buddha made the resurrection card, which is also in line with the setting of the Buddha's compassion.

This card, he made completely according to the "protection linkage system", with this card, even if the opponent takes out the death card to target, he is not afraid of Tang Seng or Zhu Bajie being killed in seconds.

Tathagata Buddha (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Times of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1500, ATK 500, DEF 1500, Agility 10, Crit 10%

Additional skills: Purdue all beings (Tathagata Buddha is merciful and can't bear to see the killing. He can designate any card that has been killed within 23 meters, and the card will be resurrected immediately and restore 19% HP; cooldown time 10 minutes)

Additional skills: Wuzhishan (Tathagata Buddha stretched out five fingers, the huge palm formed five stone pillars in the arena, and circled a circular range with a diameter of 30 meters, the cards of both parties must act within the range, and the cards that are out of range Will be punished by a negative effect of 10% blood loss per second, the negative effect cannot be removed unless the card returns to the range. It can only be released once per game)

This is a pure support card, in order to make up for the shortcomings of the Journey to the West deck.

With Tathagata Buddha, first of all, it can ensure that the linkage skills of Tang Seng's master and apprentice are successfully activated, and the blood volume after resurrection is restored to 19%, which just echoes the design of Tang Seng's "trigger linkage when the blood volume is lower than 20%".

Secondly, Tathagata’s Wuzhishan trapped the Monkey King back then. The inspiration for the design of the card’s Wuzhishan came from this allusion. Outside the range, Princess Tie Fan blows the opposite card out of the Wuzhi Mountain range, and the Bull Demon King knocks back the card, which can trigger the restraint effect of Wuzhi Mountain.

This is a formation technique, but it does the opposite. The formation technique of most cards is to make the hostile targets in the formation lose blood, but the Five Finger Mountain formation technique of Tathagata Buddha is to make the cards outside the range lose blood.

The next day, Chen Qianlin was full of admiration when he saw this card - the little apprentice's reaction was really fast, as long as he found the lack of the deck, he could immediately make a card to make up for the shortcomings of the deck. With this kind of awareness, his deck will only get better and better.

Xie Mingzhe spent the whole day sorting out his thoughts on how to design the remaining wooden cards.

He intends to let the wood element play the "negative state flow" style.

At present, his card group, fire group attack, metal crit, water field control, earth counterattack + displacement, wood is very suitable for various negative states of poisoning and bleeding, he plans to use the wood card Advantages, make a set of comprehensive decks with control as the main and negative state superposition as a supplement. The linkage technology design is as simple as possible, and it is best not to have weak links that are too easy to target.

That night, Xie Mingzhe was about to go to bed after sorting out his thoughts, but he received a message from Tang Muzhou and asked in a low voice, "Are you going to watch the team match tomorrow night? I'll leave you five VIP seats. "

"Why five?" Xie Mingzhe was a little puzzled.

"For Master, and your three teammates, you can watch together." Tang Muzhou explained.

"Do you know how many teammates I have?" Xie Mingzhe didn't tell him about Qin Xuan, so Tang Muzhou didn't know about it.

"Yesterday when I was in the ring with Fenghua No. 2, besides Master, Chen Xiao, and Xiao Ke, there was a very unfamiliar person named QX. I guess it was your new teammate. Did you guess right?" Tang Muzhou asked with a smile.

"Guess it's accurate!" It seems that the senior brother is quite concerned about the situation of his team. He found Qin Xuan's trumpet from the crowd at a glance, Xie Mingzhe did not deny it, and said frankly, "He is also my alumnus and will be introduced to the senior brother in the future. ."

"Okay." Tang Muzhou followed, "There is one more thing to remind you. Your talent and consciousness are very strong, and there is no pressure to play against our Fenghua second team players, but your Tang Seng system has too many linkage cards, it is easy It is cracked by a spike, especially a dead card."

Master has already reminded him of this, and he has also thought of a remedy. However, as a player of Fenghua Club, Tang Muzhou can freely give Xie Mingzhe suggestions for improving the deck. Xie Mingzhe is very happy - because his senior brother is really good for him.

"Thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention." Xie Mingzhe said, "Come on for tomorrow's game, brother, please rest early!"

"Well, it's been very cold outside these days, remember to wear more clothes when you go out tomorrow." Tang Muzhou's low voice was full of concern, "It's not easy to get better from a cold in winter, and if you get sick, it will affect your next state... Don't be careless, do you know?"

"I know." Xie Mingzhe has been an orphan since he was a child and has never been cared about. At first, Tang Muzhou said these words, he was not used to it, but during this period of time, he chatted with his senior brother a few times every day, but he slowly got used to it and chatted before going to bed. has become routine.

Two men have a voice chat before going to bed every day, either discussing decks and games, or talking about what to eat tomorrow, and if the weather is cold, they need to wear more clothes. of.

What's even more strange is that he is not disgusted.

I even feel that chatting with my senior brother before going to bed is the most relaxing moment of the day.

Xie Mingzhe didn't quite know why. He only knew that he liked to chat with his senior brother. No matter what he was talking about, every time he heard Tang Muzhou's low, warm voice ringing in his ears, he couldn't get tired of hearing it.

After finishing the call, Xie Mingzhe closed his eyes and slept well.

The next afternoon, he and his teammates had dinner and came to the team competition.

Among the competitions of each season, the team stage is the most popular and the most popular. The individual competition only has the players' own fans, but the team competition brings together countless fans of great gods, club fans and card group fans, which is much more lively than the individual competition!

For example, Fenghua and Ghost Prison in today's first duel are both veteran clubs. Fenghua's four players, Tang Muzhou, Xu Changfeng, Shen An, and Zhen Man, each one of them is a great god with countless fans. Together, the four players are more than four times as popular, and there are countless passers-by who love plant decks. pink.

The Ghost Prison Club is not bad at all in terms of popularity. Zheng Feng is the founder of the earth-type card and the founder of the earth-type counter-attack style. attracted many fans. Gui Sirui, as the creator of ghost cards, although he is a bit small, his fans are very loyal. There are many people who like Liu Jingxu's monster card.

These three names, Xie Mingzhe can be said to be like thunder.

He is very unfamiliar with the fourth player in Ghost Prison. He doesn't know who he will be, and he rarely hears about it.

At 7:30 p.m., the big screen at the game site lit up, and two familiar faces appeared in the commentary room—

"Hello everyone, welcome to the tenth season of the Star Card Professional League Club League! Tonight will be the showdown between Fenghua Club and Ghost Prison Club. First of all, let's pay attention to the players in this game!"

"The four players of Fenghua Club should be familiar to everyone. They are Tang Muzhou, Xu Changfeng, Zhen Man and Shen An!" Following the introduction of the commentator, a group photo of the four Fenghua players appeared on the big screen. The contestants are Zheng Feng, Gui Sirui, Liu Jingxu and Wei Xiaotian!"

The same group photo appeared. Xie Mingzhe looked at the young boy in the photo and was a little confused.

Chen Xiao didn't recognize this person either, and said, "This Wei Xiaotian should be a newcomer from the second team, right?"

Xie Mingzhe said: "I have watched all the competitions starting from the quarterfinals of the individual competition, and I am sure there is no such person."

Yu Ke asked curiously, "Didn't he make it to the top sixteen?"

At this moment, Qin Xuan turned on his portable brain, pointed to the news he had found on the Internet, and said, "Wei Xiaotian, only sixteen years old this year, is an auxiliary player of the second team of Ghost Prison. Didn't participate at all."

Xie Mingzhe stroked his chin thoughtfully - it seems that this newcomer is a suitable player for team competition.

There are indeed some players who specialize in supporting positions in team games such as LOL and King of Glory. But "Star Card Storm" is not a game that requires multi-player cooperation. As long as a set of cards is matched, everyone can play the game. Therefore, most of the more well-known players in the league are also very strong in heads-up ability. Pure support players rarely make a name for themselves.

Xie Mingzhe is very interested in this 16-year-old Wei Xiaotian: "There has been no particularly outstanding newcomer this season. Since Lao Zheng dares to put this 16-year-old boy into the team competition, maybe he will give everyone some surprises."

When everyone heard this, they also felt that this little guy might not be simple, and raised their heads and stared at the big screen intently.

After the two commentators introduced the situation of the players on both sides, they immediately said excitedly: "Next, let's invite the two participating parties tonight, the representative team of Fenghua Club, and the representative team of Ghost Prison Club!"

The cheers at the game site flooded the field like a tide. Even if he sat in the private room, Xie Mingzhe could clearly feel the enthusiasm of the fans. Many girls waved their cartoon avatars excitedly. Before the game started, fans on both sides competed secretly, and the voice was louder than the other.

It is indeed noisy to watch the game live, but this lively atmosphere can also allow Xie Mingzhe to adapt to the competition environment in advance. At that time, when the players of Nirvana stand in the middle of the stage, at least everyone will not be stage fright.