Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 149: Team results


The match between Fenghua and Ghost Prison, as the opening match of the tenth season team battle, naturally attracted widespread attention.

The screams of the fans who came to the scene today almost overturned the roof. The reporters were surrounded by reporters outside the venue. There were many other clubs who came to watch the game. There were also hundreds of millions of viewers in the game. on this match.

In the first round, Ghost Prison's unexpected mark flow play, narrowly defeated Fenghua by 2 cards.

The second game is the home game of Ghost Prison. Fans of Fenghua are even more uneasy. Everyone knows how difficult it is to play the home game of Ghost Prison. In the dark scene, Ghost Card itself has a certain advantage, not to mention the scene map submitted by Ghost Prison every time. All very perverted.

This time, the scene chosen by Ghost Prison is called "Underground Chamber", which is a negative rendering.

The design of this map is in the style of a ghost prison. After the start, all players take the elevator to the underground castle and enter a 40×40 meter square confined space with dimly lit lights above their heads, surrounded by transparent glass walls, floating outside. With a ferocious image of the "undead".

Thirty seconds after the game starts, the undead will gather, beat the transparent windows continuously, and let out some terrifying screams. All cards in the whole scene panic every 10 seconds and cannot release skills for 3 seconds.

- This is equivalent to a map-wide silence every 10 seconds.

The 3D map screen began to play on the screen, and the effect of the scene was not inferior to the blood pool hell drawn by Qin Xuan before. Xie Mingzhe couldn't help but sighed: "The scene drawing is really good. It's just that the whole picture is silent every 10 seconds, and the rhythm is too fast!"

In the scene graph he made before, most of the negative effects were triggered every 30 seconds or so. Once every 10 seconds, won't it mess up

Chen Qianlin said: "This kind of fast-paced map, the pressure of the commander will be very high, not only to pay close attention to the team's card situation, but also to always pay attention to the negative effects of the map, this is not as simple as three-in-one."

Xie Mingzhe admired Tang Muzhou and Zheng Feng in his heart. If it was himself, let alone pay attention to the skills, health, etc. of the 20 cards, just the silence of the whole map every 10 seconds, he must not be able to control the rhythm well, maybe the skills released, just encountered If the map is silent, it will be in vain.

Chen Qianlin followed up and said, "On such a map, the normal attack card will be easier to use, and it doesn't require skills."

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "The picture of Ghost Prison is really well chosen. Gui Sirui's ghost cards have a lot of high-damage normal attack cards, and Liu Jingxu's monster cards also have a lot of normal attack cards, but Fenghua's side, senior brother should be able to Adjust the deck, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the two sides began to announce the cards.

Xie Mingzhe took a cursory glance and found that out of the 16 Ming cards, Fenghua has actually changed more than 10 cards, and the lineup has changed a lot!

The previous group attack output cards such as "Desert Rose" and "Millennium Divine Tree" were all removed, and Xu Changfeng's accelerated flow cards "Hyacinth" and "Bluebell" were also replaced, leaving a large number of Shen An's fruit trees.

The fruit projectile mode of the fruit tree is a continuous basic attack for a period of time, which is not affected by silence. In addition, Tang Muzhou also replaced five different types of vine cards, the deck bonus attribute, he chose "all card control skills extended by 2 seconds".

Xie Mingzhe thought thoughtfully: "It seems that the senior brother is going to use the vines to control the field. Can this break the mark flow of the ghost prison?"

Chen Qianlin said: "The mark flow of Ghost Prison is a brand-new style of play that has appeared for the first time this season. It is also a bold attempt by your senior brother to do so, and you may not win or lose."

Xie Mingzhe nodded and looked at the big screen seriously.

The style of play in this game is very different from the previous game. The last game revolved around Xu Changfeng’s accelerated flow style. Fenghua aggressively attacked at the beginning, but in this game, Fenghua was obviously defensive at the start, but Ghost Prison accelerated the attack. Rhythm.

The skills of the two sides fight each other. At 30 seconds, the undead in the scene begin to gather, and at 40 seconds, the first full-map silence will be triggered.

Xie Mingzhe paid special attention to the time bar of the arena.

At the instant 39.5 seconds into the game, all Fenghua cards retreated collectively under the command of Tang Muzhou, Tang Muzhou's big banyan branches and leaves quickly spread open, and the green defensive cover descended like a huge umbrella, knocking out the surrounding teammates. All the missing pieces are covered in a protective cover - the protection of the god tree, the whole group is invincible!

Almost at the same time, the ghost prison also counted the time point. Wei Xiaotian opened the death stare mark, staring at Shen An's output card, Gui Sirui and Liu Jingxu's general attack card rushed over at the same time, trying to kill Fenghua's core output card. Card.

Unfortunately, all attacks were blocked by the green protective cover of the divine tree.

Xie Mingzhe was extremely excited: "Senior brother's consciousness is really too strong, accurate prediction is only 0.5 seconds away!"

He couldn't find a suitable adjective to praise Tang Muzhou. In such a chaotic team battle, he could pay close attention to the silent time of the scene, predict the movements of the ghost prison in advance, and unleash the invincibility of the entire team to withstand this wave of onslaughts. Tang Muzhou is indeed the strongest player in the wood type today!

But Lao Zheng's strength is not blown out. After this wave of attacks was invalid, he was not in a hurry, and immediately let everyone stabilize the situation. In order to prevent the attacking card from being counter-controlled by the opponent, he asked Gui Sirui's ghost card and Liu Jingxu's melee demon card to quickly withdraw to the safe area under the protection of the earth-type stone giant.

Ghost Prison's mark flow is actually a strategy to forcibly open the gap in the opponent's lineup. Wei Xiaotian's first wave of marks is invalid, and there are second and third marks.

Another 10 seconds, the map silence is about to trigger.

Xie Mingzhe stared nervously at the screen, guessing how senior brother would solve the terrifying fire in the ghost prison this time.

The playing time became 49 seconds and 30 seconds. Tang Muzhou suddenly summoned a dark green vine. The vine stretched out from his hand, like a tentacle with spirituality, and instantly split into countless tiny green vines. The dazzling speed connects all the surrounding friendly cards.

- The ivy, the vine man grows, the whole group of cards will share all the damage during the vine link!

Chen Qianlin was amazed by this operation, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Xiao Tang is really powerful, his ivy will share the damage, no matter how strong the mark flow of Ghost Prison is, after the damage is evenly distributed, the card Not a single card can be dropped in seconds.”

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Senior brother, this IQ, what can he say other than admiration

The strength of the mark flow is strong in the automatic introduction of damage. All the output of Ghost Prison, whether group attack or single attack, will be instantly imported to the marked card, and the thicker card will be instantly killed. But what if the damage is "evenly shared"? After your 200,000 single-target damage is evenly split, each card will only receive 10,000 damage, which is like scratching your itch.

The ivy's vine link will last for 10 seconds. In the next 10 seconds, the mark flow of the ghost prison will be completely scrapped. Naturally, it is time for Fenghua to fully counterattack.

At the same time as Tang Muzhou commanded, he also controlled the vine card to control Gui Sirui's key ghost card. Xu Changfeng was assisting the flower group control. Zhen Man and Shen An found an opportunity. Shen An's fruit flew all over the sky, and Zhen Wen's snake Quickly crawling underground - the four of them joined forces, and with a tacit understanding, they killed the 5 cards of the ghost prison in one breath!

Fans of Fenghua at the scene screamed excitedly, and Xie Mingzhe couldn't help but applaud: "Beautiful!"

Chen Xiao sighed: "Tang Muzhou's command consciousness is really amazing..."

Although Chen Xiao and the young Tang Muzhou stood at the same starting point back then, they might be able to draw a tie, but in the past five years, as Fenghua captain, how many competitions has Tang Muzhou experienced? However, Chen Xiao kept a low profile in school and never played any games. Experience is really lacking too much.

For example, when encountering the mark flow of the ghost prison today, Tang Muzhou could quickly come up with a way to deal with it, but Chen Xiao could not think of it. This is the biggest difference between experienced gods and rookie players.

The cards made by newcomers may be very innovative, but in the cruel arena, it is not only new ideas, but also consciousness and reactions.

Chen Xiao is introspecting, and Xie Mingzhe is also examining himself.

It's me, what should I do? Can I do it again? Xie Mingzhe has been thinking about these while watching the game. The duel between Fenghua and Ghost Prison is like a mirror, which clearly shows his biggest flaws. If Tang Muzhou's consciousness is the master rank, then Xie Mingzhe is still a new apprentice!

The game became more and more intense, and Fenghua's counterattack regained the initiative, putting the Ghost Prison Club at a disadvantage for a while.

The number of cards between the two sides has rapidly changed from the initial 20:20 to 13:9. Fenghua has a 5-card advantage and seems to be winning.

But this is only on the surface, the next moment, all the audience's cognition is completely subverted—

Gui Sirui summoned the "ghoul", and Wei Xiaotian summoned the "puppet master"!

Even Xie Mingzhe had to admire the design of the ghoul card. Summoning ghouls is useless at the beginning, but in the later stages, ghouls that devour corpses to increase their attack power will become extremely terrifying bosses. At this point, there are 18 dead cards on the field. How strong will the ghouls attack after devouring the corpses in a row

His attack has reached the official maximum value. One basic attack is equivalent to putting a super long cooldown on other cards, continuous basic attacks, and direct clearing!

This kind of late harvest card is a powerful tool for turning the tide against the wind.

After the ghoul came out, the situation reversed in an instant, killing Fenghua 3 cards in a row before being forcibly controlled by Tang Muzhou.

However, in addition to the ghouls, there is a new card in the ghost prison: the puppet master.

The image of the puppet master is a shriveled woman, holding some silk threads in her hands, and the other end of the silk threads is a small puppet, controlled by Wei Xiaotian. The design of this card is also very novel, and there is only one skill - puppet technique: the puppet master can use the puppet technique to make a designated enemy card that has been killed in battle as his puppet, and assist him in fighting for the next 3 minutes. Limit one per game.

Cards with fewer skills are not necessarily weaker. The strength of the card does not depend on how many skills, only how the skills are designed. The puppet master has only one skill, but this card is very flexible. There are many choices for which card to control as your puppet.

At this time, there were 11 cards that Fenghua had died in battle, and Wei Xiaotian chose Ivy.

The color of the controlled puppet card will become a dark black color that matches the temperament of the ghost. The green vines that originally belonged to Tang Muzhou turned into purple-black vines in the hands of the puppet master.

I saw the black ivy spread rapidly, connecting all the 9 friendly targets in the ghost prison that were left in the range.

Tang Muzhou: "..."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Wei Xiaotian is really witty, and he fights a tooth for a tooth!

In this way, the 9 cards of the Ghost Prison Club will share the damage, and Fenghua will not be able to lose their residual blood cards in seconds!

In the end, Ghost Prison narrowly won by 1 card, and Fenghua lost a little depressed. After all, it was the puppet master who controlled their cards and forcibly reversed the situation. Even Xie Mingzhe felt it was a pity.

Tang Muzhou was very calm, with a graceful smile on his face. When the winner came to shake hands, he took the initiative to stand up, hugged Lao Zheng, shook hands with Gui and Liu, and patted 16-year-old Wei Xiao. the shoulders of the sky for encouragement.

Xie Mingzhe sat in the private room and watched this scene, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

This game is really twists and turns.

In the beginning, Ghost Prison had an advantage. In the middle, Fenghua relied on the divine tree and ivy to continuously crack the mark flow, moved back to the situation, and killed 5 cards of the opponent in a row. As a result, in the late stage, Ghost Prison suddenly reversed the situation and finally won a thrilling victory with a 1-card advantage.

It was so exciting!

This is a wonderful team battle. Every step of attacking, defending, cracking, and counterattacking is like two martial arts masters who see their moves and dismantle them.

However, only two games were played in the regular season. Today, Fenghua 0:2 Ghost Prison, the game is over.

Seeing the score on the big screen and the images of some fans hugging and crying projected on the big screen, Xie Mingzhe was stunned, and suddenly felt a little uneasy, and looked back at Master: "Fenghua lost two games in a row, Senior Brother, will you? Will you be scolded?"

Chen Qianlin was very calm: "He's used to being scolded, it's fine."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Do you want to comfort my brother

He was a little tangled in his heart, just as his teammates got up and left, Xie Mingzhe had to stand up and follow the master.