Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 152: New loose card


After Xie Mingzhe designed the Yue Lao card, he handed it over to Master's staff, and Chen Qianlin suggested that he modify some skills.

The first is that the cooling time of the second skill conflicts with the accumulation time of the red line of the first skill. Xie Mingzhe modified the description of the skill, and changed the cooldown part to: "Instant skill, can be used no more than three times in a row. After three uses, the skill goes into cooldown, and the cooldown time is 30 seconds."

In this way, Yue Lao's "A Thousand Miles of Marriage" skill can be used in two ways - the first is to release a red thread immediately after obtaining it, and release it every 10 seconds to control the field with rhythm; After getting the red line, you don't release it first, but accumulate it in your hand. After 30 seconds, you have accumulated three, and then release the three red lines at the same time, you can connect 6 cards at one time.

The modified Moon Elder will be more flexible to use.

If it is a slow-paced war of attrition, you can put a red line every 10 seconds, and slowly use the red line to control the field. If it is a fast-paced game or a chaotic big team battle, you can accumulate red lines first, and then connect your 3 cards to the enemy 3 cards in one breath, and instantly limit the 3 key key cards on the opposite side. , so that the opponent's attack is greatly hindered.

Master's sense of competition is really strong, just modifying a few words makes the Yue Lao card... even more annoying.

In addition, Chen Qianlin also asked Xie Mingzhe to adjust the description of the third skill. He said: "For blood-sucking skills, you must limit the specific data. Most output cards have less than 50,000 HP, while defense and auxiliary cards have more HP than 120,000, in terms of balance, you can limit the blood volume of the residual blood card to the critical point of 30,000."

Xie Mingzhe understood at one point, and quickly changed the third skill to "The cards connected by the red line love each other deeply. When one of the cards' HP is less than 30,000, and the other's HP is greater than or equal to 30,000, the HP The higher party will voluntarily share the life value with the lover, sharing 10% of the remaining blood volume every second, until the other party is full of blood, or the difference between the two parties' blood volume does not exceed 1000."

Such a description will not be ambiguous.

The modified Yue Lao successfully passed the audit of the official database. Xie Mingzhe believes that the Moon Elder he designed will definitely become one of the most annoying cards on the field in the future, because this card will force others to fall in love, and let the opponent share the blood volume with the "lover", which is a linked card The card will definitely be maddened-Fen your sister, did that eye see that I love you? !

Yue Lao's red line is a "dominant" skill, which cannot be uncontrolled or exempted from control.

There is only one way to deal with the red line - keep a safe distance of 30 meters away and let the red line automatically break. This card also controls the opponent's distance invisibly. It can be said that it is a super auxiliary card of "three birds with one stone", which is suitable for any lineup.

In addition to Yue Lao, Xie Mingzhe decided to make another Buff supplementary card.

He thought of the Queen Mother.

Since the Queen Mother is in charge of the Pantao Garden, and the scene card "Pan Peach Conference" he made before is to grab the peaches every once in a while, the Queen Mother's skills can also be designed according to the "Pan Peach". Let the Queen Mother directly plant a peach tree, and give the teammates peaches to eat, so that different teammates can eat different peaches, so that teammates can get different buffs.

According to legend, the Queen Mother also has an immortality medicine in her hand. After eating it, you will not die. This skill can be made into a resurrection skill, but the way of resurrection is different. When the card dies for the first time, it triggers the protection of the undead medicine, ignoring the death - this is also a powerful tool for the key card to prevent the opponent's immediate death judgment.

Regarding the Queen Mother, there is another legend that cannot be ignored, that is, the poignant love story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

The mortal Cowherd and the Immortal Weaver Girl fell in love and became husband and wife. The Queen Mother believed that the gods and humans could not fall in love. The hairpin on the head was drawn out of thin air, drawing out a Tianhe to separate the two. Later, because the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl were more in love with each other, the Queen Mother was finally moved, so she extrajudicially allowed the two to meet once on the Magpie Bridge on the annual Qixi Festival to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

The red thread of the old moon can lead to a good marriage, and the Queen Mother is the good marriage that broke up the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

This dismantling is a skill that can forcibly use the Tianhe to isolate the battlefield, so that the cards on the other side of the Tianhe cannot reinforce the cards on the other side, and the healing and gain effects are all invalid, and the cards isolated by the Tianhe will be isolated and helpless.

This is a very powerful battlefield isolation technique. When the Queen Mother draws a Tianhe River during teamfights, we can focus all our efforts to kill the isolated cards first.

The three supporting skills of the Queen Mother are all very strong, so the basic attributes of this card are destined to be very low, but as long as the skills are released smoothly, they can play a vital role in assisting team battles.

Xie Mingzhe thought about the skill design, followed by the image design of the Queen Mother.

In terms of image, he decided to refer to the descriptions in myths and legends, and painted the Queen Mother as a benevolent smile, beautifully dressed goddess, wearing a golden hairpin, shining brightly, holding a staff in her left hand, and she has the majesty of an ancient goddess in her gestures.

Queen Mother (Wood)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 500, ATK 0, DEF 500, Agility 30, Crit 0%

Additional Skills: Peach Tree (The Queen Mother is the owner of the Peach Garden, she can sow a Peach Tree within 5 meters of herself. After planting the seedlings, the Peach tree grows rapidly and grows a peach tree every 5 seconds. There are four kinds of Pantao and Pantao, which have the bonus effect of 50% crit damage, 50% healing effect, 50% basic defense, and 50% attack speed. The Queen Mother can assign Pantao to any designated friend. target, so that the target obtains the corresponding buff for 10 seconds. After the four peaches are divided, the pine tree will temporarily fall into a dormant state, grow again after 5 minutes, and continue to grow new peaches)

Additional Skills: Immortality Medicine (In legend, the Queen Mother holds a kind of "Immortal Medicine", and those who eat the magical medicine will not die. The Queen Mother can feed the "Immortal Medicine" to any designated target, and when the target receives enough damage, it will die in battle. , immediately triggers the effect of "Immortal Potion", restores 20% HP, and is immune to control for the next 5 seconds; cooldown is 10 minutes)

Additional skills: Meeting at Magpie Bridge (The Queen Mother thought it was illegal to fall in love with different races, she took off the golden hairpin on her head and drew a 10-meter-long, 2-meter-wide Tianhe, the target separated by the Tianhe, healing and boosting each other Buff and other support skills are all invalid. But the Queen Mother is kind by nature. If both parties can stick to the belief in love, she can also open up the net and let the lovers meet through the bridge of magpies. There is a bridge of magpies across the middle of the Tianhe River, and cards can be used from Magpie Bridge passes. Battlefield isolation technique, only one game per game)

Most of the status auxiliary cards in the game are general designs such as "increase the attack power of all cards within our range", but the Queen Mother has four types of Buffs that can be selectively handed over to four different cards, although it is not a group-wide improvement , but it is more targeted. When playing team battles, you can prescribe the right medicine to double the output of our attack cards and enhance the ability to heal.

The resurrection of the undead medicine is different from other resurrection skills. It needs to be pre-judged in advance, and it is easy to be eaten by cards that are easily eaten by seconds. If you guess wrong, it will be very embarrassing. However, this ability also has a very powerful use - for Deathrattle cards. Feed the undead medicine to the opposing Deathrattle card, let the Deathrattle card absorb a wave of damage but not die, and the Deathrattle skill cannot be triggered, and the opponent will be very disgusting!

As for the third battlefield isolation technique, it tests the players' judgment on the field and requires precise operation. Where should the 10m×2m Tianhe be placed? This requires the operator to observe the opponent’s cards, and try to keep the opposite key cards on the other side of the Tianhe, while the healing and protection cards cannot be quickly supported. , take the opportunity to drop this core card in seconds.

The battlefield isolation skill, if you don't put it well, you may shoot yourself in the foot. But Xie Mingzhe believes that as long as everyone practices well, they will definitely be able to master the cooperation.

Xie Mingzhe still showed this card to his master. Chen Qianlin felt that there was no major problem with the design. After connecting to the system, it passed the review, but the system let Xie Mingzhe draw the models of Tianhe and Queqiao himself in terms of skills and special effects.

Xie Mingzhe used another card to redraw the enlarged versions of Tianhe and Queqiao, and entered them into the database.

He decided to make another auxiliary card - Send Son Guanyin.

The mother river of the daughter country, this scene card can make two cards of each side get pregnant and give birth to a copy, but the restriction is too large, only in the scene map of "daughter country" can the effect be triggered.

If you make a similar card, it can be used in any scene.

In myths and legends, Guanyin sent a child to a person.

Many couples go to the Guanyin Temple to worship the Buddha statue of "Sending Son Guanyin" in order to have children. Her image is a very gentle and loving goddess, holding a cute baby in her arms. It is said that whoever she drags a dream to give the baby in her arms will get pregnant.

Xie Mingzhe drew the image of "Send Son Guanyin", and then designed a skill.

The new card Puppet Master of Ghost Prison has only one skill, but after yesterday's game, no one dared to say that this card is weak.

Sending Son Guanyin is also a skill, and it is not a weak card either!

Sending Son Guanyin (Wood)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1200, ATK 0, DEF 1200, Agility 30, Crit 10%

Additional skills: Sending Sons (Guanyin Sending Sons is very kind, and she learned that many people worship her in order to obtain offspring, so she decides to send offspring to some kind people. The target designated by Son-Sending Avalokitesvara can become pregnant immediately. In the next 9 seconds, it is immune to all damage and control effects, and a baby card is born after 9 seconds. The baby card inherits half of its own attributes and all skills, and its size is only half of its own size; Send Zi Guanyin can send a maximum of 1 per game. Two heirs, complete the task after sending the heirs, and disappear immediately)

In this way, even if there is no scene map of "Daughter Country", in other scenes, as long as there is the presence of Guanyin, the card can also give birth to a baby. And in terms of balance, the copy card generated by Sendzi Guanyin has only half of the attributes of the original card. She occupies a card slot and generates two new cards with "half attributes", which is also reasonable in terms of data.

The three loose cards that Xie Mingzhe made today will greatly enrich the tactics of team battles.

Yue Lao pulls the red line to force the card to fall in love, the Queen Mother is the one who doesn't let the opposite card support, and the Goddess of Peace is to let the designated card get pregnant and give birth to a baby. If these three cards appear in a teamfight at the same time, the opponent is probably going crazy.

A certain card was in love just now, and now he wants to stay single, and after a while, another baby is born.

The private lives of the cards are really messed up!

The author has something to say:

Modified the skill cooldown of Sending Son Guanyin to "no cooldown", which can send two babies in a row, which is convenient for two cards to get pregnant and give birth to babies at the same time on the field, and make some tactical layouts :)