Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 153: Treatment card


Xie Mingzhe had a hunch that the card "Send Son Guanyin" would not be so easy to pass the review. Sure enough, after submitting it, he entered the manual review channel again. The expressions on the faces of the designers at the official headquarters were indescribable. Even Fat Uncle's fan Zou Xiao Ning couldn't help but complain: "The skill design of this card, Uncle Fat, is getting more and more outrageous."

Since all the club's scene maps will be handed over to the map designers for review before the start of the season, Zou Xiaoning and the others, as analysts who control the card data, do not know that Uncle Fatty has made more strange scene cards. This is the first time everyone has seen the setting of "Let the card get pregnant". A group of people gathered around to carefully observe the description of the card, feeling that the three views would be shattered.

The director took a deep breath and said in a calm tone as much as possible: "The cards made by Uncle Fat have always been so strange in their skill descriptions... Cough, ignore the descriptions, let's just look at the data."

The middle-aged fat man put forward his own opinion: "To make a card pregnant is essentially to generate two copy cards with halved attributes. From the data point of view, it is relatively balanced to exchange two half-attribute cards for one full card. But the key is the inheritance of skills.”

The young man in a plaid shirt next to him held up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "Assuming that sending the son Guanyin can generate half-attribute copies of all cards, what will happen if the dead cards generate copies? So the restricted skills can be used twice?"

The director nodded: "Yes, many cards don't rely on basic attributes at all, but rely on skills. Especially the dead cards, deathrattle cards and field control cards, no matter how bad the basic attributes are, as long as you can release skills, you will be able to use your skills. It has a great impact on the arena. The copied cards completely inherit the skills of the original cards, which will definitely affect the balance of the game.”

The man in the shirt nodded and said, "Uncle Fatty previously made Liu Bei and Sun Wukong, except for the linkage skills, they have three independent skills, if you let Guanyin send a son to directly generate a little Liu Bei and a little Sun Wukong, and inherit the skills of the original card, it is quite Yu inherited six skills at one time, which is terrible, and players who play against Fat Uncle will probably go crazy."

Someone echoed: "Generate duplicate cards with the same skills, and also generate two copies. This setting must not pass the review!"

Everyone discussed it for a while, and they all felt that this design was very buggy. But Zou Xiaoning still wanted to win for Uncle Fat. She looked at the director's sister and suggested seriously: "I think the design of this card is very innovative, and it would be a pity to abolish it. Can I ask Uncle Fat to modify it? With this kind of card, the game will be more fun, right?"

The director frowned and pondered for a moment, then said: "It is reasonable to inherit half of the basic data, but it is too buggy to inherit all the skills. If you really want to change it, you should start with the skills, and the copied cards can only inherit the original cards. One of those skills."

Zou Xiaoning's eyes lit up: "That's right! In this way, each of the two cards copied by Sendzi Guanyin can only inherit one skill, which is equivalent to copying a maximum of two skills, which also complies with the rule of one card and two skills."

The director said: "In addition, there are restrictions. Single-skill cards are not allowed to be copied. We officially have strict regulations on instant death cards, and a maximum of one can be brought in a game. Therefore, instant death cards must never generate a second copy."

The single-skill cards are generally dead cards and very powerful function cards, including "Send Son Guanyin" itself. Single-skill cards are not allowed to be copied. Only cards with dual skills or above can give birth to babies. Sending Son Guanyin can generate up to two baby cards. , so that it is in line with the balance of skills and data of cards.

After a detailed discussion, everyone thought that such a modification was more reasonable.

The director finally made a final decision: "Let's make a revised Guanyin sent to the child to try it out, and after confirming that it will not affect the card data and skill balance, we will send it to Uncle Fat and let him make the final draft."

Zou Xiaoning said actively; "Leave this to me, and I will write a detailed test report."

After the meeting, Zou Xiaoning put the revised "Send Child Guanyin" into the simulated arena to test the data, and wrote a long analysis report - this is also the most troublesome card she has encountered since her work.

The last time I did such a complicated test report was to review the card "Puppet Master" designed by Wei Xiaotian of the Ghost Prison Club. In essence, Guanyin of Sending Son and Puppet Master have similar functions, and they both rely on other cards to enhance their strength.

However, the puppet master can only control the cards of death, and all attributes are reserved, one for one. Avalokitesvara is one for two, and the attributes and skills are halved, so the test will be more complicated.

Zou Xiaoning worked overtime all night to test the skill of sending Zi Guanyin card, and did not finish it until 3:00 in the morning.

Xie Mingzhe waited for a long time without waiting for the result, so he simply went to bed first.

When he woke up the next morning, there was indeed an extra email in his mailbox, from the official Star Card. The email detailed the bug of the card and the suggestions for modification, and the words were sincere.

Xie Mingzhe felt that the official data engineer made a lot of sense, so he politely replied: "Thank you very much for the advice of the data engineers, thank you for your hard work, I will modify it."

After the modification, there are some more restrictions in the description of the skill of Sending Son Guanyin - you can get pregnant and give birth to a baby only if you have more than 2 card skills, and the born baby card can selectively inherit half of the attributes of the mother card and one of the skills. . After sending the two babies, Guanyin will automatically disappear from the field.

Such a change is equivalent to replacing one card with two "half cards".

Xie Mingzhe submitted the card again, and this time it passed the review smoothly.

He followed by sending another message to Qin Xuan, and adjusted the design of the "Daughter's Country" scene card accordingly. According to the skill description of Sendzi Guanyin, he made some restrictions on copying cards, so as to avoid the scene review being played again in the future. return.

After doing all this, Xie Mingzhe put Yue Lao, the Queen Mother and the Goddess of Mercy in the upper right corner of the card display cabinet. All the loose cards made in the future can be placed here, and choose and match them during team battles.

Xie Mingzhe decided to make another universal treatment card, which was the inspiration he thought of when he tossed and turned in bed last night.

The current healing cards include continuous blood increase in formation, instantaneous blood increase in team and individual units, and earth-based shields in addition to blood... There is also a single first aid card, and he plans to use the genius doctor "Hua Tuo" as it. material.

Hua Tuo was a famous doctor in the Three Kingdoms era. He was very comprehensive in medicine. It is said that he was proficient in internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics and acupuncture, and was especially good at surgery. He was called "the originator of surgery" by later generations.

In historical records, Hua Tuo was the first doctor who used "surgical operation" to treat diseases and save lives.

He used a variety of Chinese herbal medicines to develop "Mafei San", the world's earliest anesthetic. Hua Tuo made the patient take Mafei Powder and performed abdominal surgery, setting a precedent for using "general anesthesia" to perform surgery on patients. From the medical history of the world, this is also an unprecedented initiative.

Hua Tuo was a genius doctor, so naturally he had to make a powerful healing card.

Mafei San can be designed as a healing skill to relieve pain for a designated target, ignoring pain, which is equivalent to reducing damage for a period of time, and can be continuously stacked. The higher the number of stacks, the higher the ratio of damage reduction.

In addition, Hua Tuo also far-sightedly put forward the concept that strengthening the body and preventing diseases are more important than curing diseases. He made up a method of exercising, called "Five Animal Exercises", which imitated the movements of tigers, deer, bears, apes and birds to stretch the muscles and joints of the whole body, which is equivalent to the ancient version of "aerobics". It is said that most of the people who have learned Huatuo's Five Animals Opera live long lives.

If designed as a card skill, Wuqinxi can make friendly targets increase their defenses and resist some damage.

In addition, there is a legend in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that Hua Tuo "scraped his bones to heal his wounds" for Guan Yu. This can also be used as a skill, allowing cards to eradicate all diseases and recover.

The image of Hua Tuo, Xie Mingzhe, according to his own understanding, painted him as a grandfather with white hair and a kind smile.

Hua Tuo (wood type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1000, ATK 0, DEF 1000, Agility 30, Crit 10%

Additional skills: Ma Fei San (Hua Tuo is a genius doctor, he made "Ma Fei San", which has the effect of "relieving pain", allowing the user to temporarily ignore the pain. Hua Tuo makes one every 6 seconds A bottle of Mafei Powder can accumulate up to 5 bottles. He can give Mafei Powder to a designated target to take. Each bottle of Mafei Powder can reduce the damage he receives in the next 5 seconds by 20%. The damage reduction of Mafei Powder The effect can be superimposed. If you take 5 bottles, the stack will be 5 layers, and the damage will be reduced by 100%. After Hua Tuo uses 5 bottles of Ma Boiling Powder, he needs to rest for 15 seconds before continuing to make new medicines)

Additional skills: Wuqinxi (Hua Tuo advocates strengthening the body and preventing diseases. He imitated the movements of five animals and invented an aerobic exercise called "Wuqinxi". Hua Tuo can teach Wuqinxi to designated people within a range of 23 meters. Friendly target, increase the target's defense by 100% for 10 seconds; cooldown 30 seconds)

Additional Skills: Scrapping the Bone for Healing (Hua Tuo is good at eradicating pain with surgery. When the HP of the friendly target is lower than 20%, Hua Tuo decides to perform the "Bone Scratching Healing" operation for 2 seconds. After that, the target is healed, the blood volume is restored to 100% and all skill CDs are reset; the cooling time is 100 seconds)

Mafei San reduces damage by 20% every 6 seconds, and can be given to different teammates alone, or after 5 bottles are saved, they can be fed directly to the same person to reduce damage by 100%. Wu Qin Xi's double defense bonus, and the 2-second first aid of a single target, which is a 2-second scraping bone healing, are all skills aimed at a single target.

When playing in a group, the group healing card can withstand the fire when the opposite group is attacking, but when the opponent wants to focus on a certain core card of ours, Hua Tuo is very useful, reducing damage, increasing defense, and also The residual blood card is full of milk, and it can be used for emergency rescue at the critical moment.

This card can also be added to the individual game, as the strongest single milk to protect the core card.

The restrictions on the review database of the Healing Card are not so strict. Hua Tuo's initial HP is 1000, and the full-level card does not exceed 100,000. It is relatively brittle than the Earth-based Healing Card that cannot activate 180,000 HP. With three skills, the basic attributes are reduced, and it is easier to pass the review.

Xie Mingzhe put away the Hua Tuo card and temporarily took off his helmet to rest.

The loose cards made in the past two days mainly focus on support, treatment, and control. He wants to make some more damage cards, which can be adapted to any team battle lineup. When the output is insufficient, he can add these loose cards to make up for it. Insufficient output.

This type of loose card is best not limited by the map scene.

In the "Underground Room" scene of the Ghost Prison Club in the game the day before yesterday, the entire map was silent every 10 seconds, which was very unfriendly to cards that rely on skill output. In Xie Mingzhe's current deck, there are still too few basic attack cards. If he can make a strong basic attack card, at least he doesn't have to worry about the problem of insufficient output when he encounters silent control.

Who should do it? Xie Mingzhe fell into contemplation again.