Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 154: Zhuge Yueying


When it comes to output, the strongest group attack is the fire element, and the strongest single attack is the gold element. Xie Mingzhe has done a lot of gold-based crit cards, and the Five Tiger Generals of the Shu Kingdom are enough. The fire group attacked cards, Zhou Yu and Lu Xun joined hands to set fire, and Sun Shangxiang's rocket harvest.

Wouldn't it be more perfect if you could make a basic attack card that can both single-attack and group-attack, with a high degree of collocation, and it is not restricted by the silence of the scene, and it can be added to any card group lineup

Xie Mingzhe intends to be a character of the Three Kingdoms. He ruled out a large number of generals from the Three Kingdoms period in his mind, and then suddenly thought of a legendary woman - Huang Yueying.

The character Huang Yueying is not clearly recorded in history, but her name has appeared in many derivative works of later generations, especially in various games adapted from the background of the Three Kingdoms, Huang Yueying is an indispensable existence.

After all, she was the wife of Zhuge Liang, the most famous prime minister of the Three Kingdoms.

Huang Yueying's father, Huang Chengyan, heard that Zhuge Liang was looking for a wife, so he took the initiative to introduce his daughter to him: "My daughter is ugly, with yellow hair and dark skin, but her talent can match yours. Would you like to marry her? She?" Zhuge Liang was not someone who valued appearance very much, and when he heard that the girl was talented, he agreed to marry without hesitation.

Huang Yueying is an only daughter who has been fascinated by her father since she was a child. She is familiar with the history of scriptures and has many talents. Moreover, she especially likes to study various tools, and has successively invented and created "wooden robots" such as wooden dogs, wooden tigers, and wooden figures, which made Zhuge Liang amazed and admired.

In the ancient Three Kingdoms era, a woman would invent so many bizarre wooden "machines". Huang Yueying is indeed a woman who does not allow men. She can be called the originator of robots. It is also because of her that Zhuge Liang got a lot of inspiration for making military machinery, and the "Wooden Cow Flowing Horse" and "Zhuge Liannu" that were developed later were put into actual combat, and the effect was very good.

In ancient times, every time there was a war, the transportation of grain and forage became the biggest problem. If someone drives a horse-drawn cart or an ox cart to transport grain and grass, it will cost money to feed the livestock, and the cattle, horse-drawn boat and cart will be exhausted, and it will also affect the efficiency of grain and grass transportation. Wouldn't it be great if there was a tool that could replace livestock without getting tired, without feeding, and delivering grain day and night

Huang Yueying is an inventor and has drawings of various instruments in his hands. Inspired by her "Wooden Dog", Zhuge Liang developed the "Wooden Cow and Flowing Horse", which is a wooden transport device with a cargo box. It is said that it is very easy to control. It saves effort and can walk thousands of miles a day on rugged mountain roads.

The wooden cow and the horse were regarded as "black technology" by the people at the time, and some even regarded it as a "monster". This means of transportation greatly saved the cost of transportation of food and grass, and accelerated the transportation efficiency. s help.

In addition, Zhuge Liang also invented a tool called "Zhuge Liannu".

In the past, bows and arrows could only shoot one arrow at a time, and it was time-consuming and laborious to draw bows and arrows. However, the Zhuge Repeating Crossbow designed by Zhuge Liang is equivalent to the ancient version of the machine gun. The bow and arrow can be stored in the continuous crossbow in advance, and 10 sharp arrows can be shot at one time, and the combat capability is several times higher than that of the traditional bow and arrow. After this weapon was put into use on the battlefield, it really frightened the enemy.

The Mu Niu Liu Ma and Zhuge Lianbo were invented by Zhuge Liang, but Xie Mingzhe did not want to make Zhuge Liang a violent output card. Since the inspiration for the design came from Huang Yueying's various wooden robot drawings, then give the tools to Huang Yueying, the machine Inventor to control, you can also design couple linkage skills.

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe decided to make Huang Yueying a card that was output by a manipulation tool.

In terms of character image, there are many folk legends, some say that Huang Yueying is really ugly, and some say that Huang Yueying is actually very beautiful. Huang Chengyan is afraid that Zhuge Liang only cares about the appearance and not the inside, so he deliberately said that his daughter was ugly to test Zhuge Liang.

Whether Huang Yueying is ugly or beautiful, there is no definite conclusion.

Xie Mingzhe decided to paint her a white veil so that people could not see her face, only showing her eyebrows and eyes.

A woman who can make so many wooden robots is not an ordinary weak woman. Her eyes must be clear and bright, and her eyes are full of heroic spirit. The clothes are drawn in a simple, simple, and generous manner, and she holds some wooden parts and drawings in her hand to highlight her hobby of "like designing all kinds of machines".

Huang Yueying (Gold)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Times of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 800, ATK 1500, DEF 800, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional skills: Zhuge Liannu (Huang Yueying will control the weapon "Zhuge Lianbo" and place the Zhuge Lianbo at any position within 5 meters of himself. In the next 10 seconds, the Zhuge Lianbo will automatically shoot and move forward. Shoot 10 sharp arrows in a row in a straight line, each arrow will cause 30% gold critical damage to the target hit on the path, and the direction of the Zhuge Repeating Crossbow can be adjusted arbitrarily when the arrow is fired; 30 seconds after shooting ten sharp arrows After that, Zhuge Lianbo will accumulate 10 sharp arrows again, and Huang Yueying will reposition them for the next round of shooting)

Additional skills: Wooden Niu Liuma (This is a very time-saving and labor-saving means of transportation, used to transport materials when both sides are fighting. Huang Yueying can control the wooden ox and horse to move along the specified route to provide materials to friendly targets. After the friendly target obtains the materials , immediately increases the basic attack power by 50% for 5 seconds. There are 5 materials in the wooden cow and the horse, and up to 5 teammates can get the boost status. After the materials are used up, Huang Yueying can make the wooden cow and the horse come to a safe position within a range of 30 meters. Battle and re-accumulate supplies, and deliver again after 1 minute)

The transportation of materials by the wooden cow and the horse is a relatively simple auxiliary skill. Huang Yueying can also eat the materials to enhance his attack power. The key is the skill of the first Zhuge Repeating Crossbow.

The most powerful thing about Huang Yueying's card is that she will not be affected by control skills such as silence and dizziness. Because once the Zhuge Liannu is placed on the ground, it is equivalent to placing a stable artillery turret, which will continue to fire automatically within 10 seconds. As long as she puts the repeating crossbow in the right position, she can be charged or even killed herself, and the output can still be played.

Moreover, the skill design and usage of Zhuge Liannu is also very flexible. Adjust the angle when using it, and it will become a ranged group attack. The angle remains the same, shooting 10 arrows at a single card in a row, that is a very terrifying single-shot burst output, and the card with the thickest HP can be shot half-life.

It can switch between group attack and single attack flexibly, and when necessary, it can also limit the opponent's movement by using Zhuge Bolt's fan-shaped strafing. This "black technology" with the strongest attack power in the Three Kingdoms era made by the Zhuge couple will definitely make the opponent as big as a cow when it comes to the Star Card League.

This card is a gold-type card, with a basic attack of 1500. The full-level Huang Yueying can have a basic attack of more than 100,000, plus a 100% crit, it is completely an output fort.

Adding Huang Yueying to any deck that lacks output can be a perfect match. This is the advantage of loose cards.

She is not limited by the scene, control and lineup. As long as the "Zhuge Repeating Crossbow" is put in place, the arrows can deal tons of damage.

Xie Mingzhe was very excited when he saw the designed cards.

Among the output cards that have been done so far, Huang Yueying's gold-based fortress burst, and Sun Shang's incense-based harvest burst, the mechanism is different, and when they come to the arena, the output of these girls must not be underestimated!

After Huang Yueying completed, Xie Mingzhe did not rush to review, because he still had to make Zhuge Liang, and then made a linkage skill for the two cards, and then reviewed them together.

Zhuge Liang's character material Xie Mingzhe has been retained until now, just to make him a powerful control card.

As the prime minister of the Shu Kingdom, Zhuge Liang really did "to do everything and die".

Later generations also regarded Zhuge Liang as a representative of "loyal ministers" and "wise men".

There are too many allusions and legends about Zhuge Liang during the Three Kingdoms period. The more famous one is the well-known "Three Gus Thatched Cottage". In order to invite Zhuge Liang to come out, Liu Bei visited him three times in a row, which moved Zhuge Liang deeply. Secondly, there is the "Talk Wars Group of Confucianists" in the Battle of Chibi. Zhuge Liang faced the collective siege of the Eastern Wu advisors alone, without changing his face, waving a feather fan in his hand, and speaking with super eloquence, everyone was speechless.

In addition, there is "borrowing arrows from straw boats". Zhou Yu wanted to make Zhuge Liang make 100,000 sharp arrows in ten days. The witty Zhuge Liang chose a foggy weather, transferred a few boats, and put a lot of scarecrows on the boat. , and drove the ship to the vicinity of Cao's army. Cao Cao was suspicious, thinking that the enemy was attacking, and let his men shoot arrows. Zhuge Liang successfully borrowed 100,000 arrows from Cao Cao. The story in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was learned in elementary school Chinese textbooks at that time. The teacher also asked everyone to write and read it. Xie Mingzhe was particularly impressed.

Zhuge Liang also used the "empty city strategy" to force Cao's army back. At that time, Sima Yi's army was pressing on the west city, and Zhuge Liang had not many soldiers to defend. Zhuge Liang boldly opened the city gate and sat alone in the city tower to play the piano. Sima Yi suspected that there was an ambush in the city. , so retreat. This "empty city strategy" later also generally refers to a strategy to deliberately confuse the opponent in order to cover up the emptiness of one's own power.

In addition to these, Zhuge Liang used a clever trick to get Zhao Yun to escort Liu Bei to escape from Soochow, six out of Qishan, seven to capture Meng Huo, and so on.

A card can do up to three skills. After sorting it out, Xie Mingzhe selected three stories that were most suitable for skills.

The first is to fight against the group of Confucians. Zhuge Liang is eloquent and eloquent, so that the advisors of the Eastern Wu Dynasty are speechless. This can be made into a group control skill, which is in line with the design idea of "group chaos".

In addition, the grass boat borrows arrows and can borrow the opponent's weapons. Zhuge Liang put a straw boat on the field, all the opponent's attacks will be blocked by the scarecrow, if there is a shooting attack, it will be temporarily borrowed for our use.

The third is the empty city plan. Zhuge Liang sat alone on the city tower and played the piano. The city gates were wide open, and the city looked empty. In the arena, the empty city plan can be used as a group stealth effect. Zhuge Liang comes out alone to play the piano and fight for hatred, while the friendly target is group stealth, waiting for an opportunity!

After thinking about the three skills, Xie Mingzhe began to design the character image of Zhuge Liang.

This is the character he liked when he was reading "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" when he was a child, so he had to draw it very handsomely. Xie Mingzhe carefully typed the draft, and then slowly colored it. As a face control designer, he painted Zhuge Liang, young and handsome, wearing a Confucian robe, holding a feather fan in his hand, and chatting and laughing with a graceful demeanor.

Another Zhuge Liang has been added to the Three Kingdoms American Boys Group, and it is a versatile strong control card, suitable for any lineup.

In terms of attributes, in order to link with Huang Yueying, Zhuge Liang must also make a gold card.

Zhuge Liang (Gold)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Times of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 800, ATK 100, DEF 800, Agility 30, Crit 10%

Additional Skills: Tongue Fighting Group Confucianism (Zhuge Liang has excellent eloquence and first-class debate ability. He can debate with dozens of opponents by himself without falling behind. When Zhuge Liang activates the "Talk Fighting Group Confucianism" skill, the enemy within 23 meters around him will be heard by his voice. Affected, the group is in chaos for 3 seconds; cooldown 60 seconds)

Additional skill: Borrowing arrows from a straw boat (Zhuge Liang made a boat and filled the boat with dummies made of straw. He could place the straw boat at any designated position, and the enemy's attack skills could be blocked by the straw boat; if it was For shooting attacks, the props shot at the straw boat will be absorbed by the scarecrow. In the next 5 seconds, the absorbed props can be controlled by our side and counterattack the opponent; the straw boat exists for 5 seconds and has a cooldown of 90 second)

Additional skills: Empty City Strategy (Zhuge Liang took out the guqin and sat in the designated position to play the piano sound. The friendly targets within 23 meters around him were collectively invisible, so that the opponent could not see any traces, only Zhuge Liang could see the picture of Zhuge Liang playing the piano alone. Empty City Strategy The effect lasts for 5 seconds. During the existence of the effect, Zhuge Liang is immune to all control and attack skills; only once per game)

The strongest card of this card is the big team battle of 20vs20.

Tongue battle is a group chaos, lasting 3 seconds, which is a relatively conventional field control skill.

Cao Boat Borrowing Arrow can not only borrow the gold weapon cards of Lingjingtang in the Temple of God, but also use Shen An's fruit to smash, as well as some flower petals, blisters and other attacks. All "shooting" skills can be absorbed by the Scarecrow. Borrow to counterattack your opponent. This is actually somewhat similar to the earth-based counterattack earth wall, except that the grass boat borrows the arrow to divide the earth wall into two steps, first borrow, and then counterattack.

The most terrifying thing is actually the empty city plan. Zhuge Liang released an empty city plan, and the other cards were collectively invisible, and he could only see him playing the piano alone. During the group hiding, everyone can quickly adjust their positions and make some tactical arrangements. After the stealth is over, the opponent will be caught off guard!

After the completion of this card, Xie Mingzhe followed the design of Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying's linkage skills.

The feather fan in Zhuge Liang's hand was given to him by Huang Yueying. It is said that when Zhuge Liang came to ask for relatives for the first time, Huang Yueying gave him this fan. Zhuge Liang thought it meant "ceremony is light and affectionate", but Huang Yueying said: "Mr. Zhuge, you just mentioned My own ideals are full of joy, and when they talk about Cao Cao and Sun Quan, their brows are furrowed, and I gave you this fan to cover your face."

Zhuge Liang suddenly realized, took the feather fan and never left. He knew what Huang Yueying meant. A man should be calm when he does things, and his emotions and anger should not be displayed. This feather fan can block his emotions and keep him hidden.

The name of Linkage is called Husband and Wife Deep Love.

Husband and wife are deeply in love, and Huang Yueying is linked (when husband Zhuge Liang is present, Zhuge Liannu and Wooden Niu Liuma are both organs designed by Zhuge Liang, and are affected by the master's consciousness, Huang Yueying's skill cooldown in controlling these two organs will be automatically shortened by 30%)

Husband and wife are deeply in love, and Zhuge Liang is linked (when his wife Huang Yueying is present, because the feather fan in Zhuge Liang's hand is given by Huang Yueying, in order to make his emotions not visible, Zhuge Liang can wave the feather fan to cover his expression, and during the fan swing, the immune damage continues 5 seconds. This skill needs to be released actively, and the linked skill can only be used once)

The design of the linkage card needs to improve the encyclopedia of the card. Xie Mingzhe followed it and wrote some stories about Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying in detail, and then connected the two cards to the database for review.

These two gold-based loose cards, Zhuge Liang's strong group control, Huang Yueying's artillery attack, and dual-card linkage to join the team battle lineup will definitely greatly enhance the Nirvana Club's combat effectiveness in team battles.

The tacit understanding of the four players of Nirvana is definitely not as good as that of other clubs.

However, when it comes to decks, they've gotten better and better. Next, they only need a lot of practice and cooperation. Xie Mingzhe believes that they will definitely get good results in the team battle next season.

The author has something to say:

Borrowing arrows from a straw boat and plotting an empty city are all stories made up by Luo Guanzhong. The protagonist plays the card according to "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", not according to the official history, please understand.

The protagonist is not an expert in the history department. He was a science student in his previous life. He likes to read famous books, so I think it is no problem to make cards based on the stories of famous books. According to history, to be honest, I'm not a history expert either, so I can't spend a few years researching the history of the Three Kingdoms, and then writing about real historical figures, I'm sorry for that :)