Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 155: Wooden deck


After Xie Mingzhe showed Master Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying these two gold-based team battle cards, Chen Qianlin also felt that his eyes lit up, especially Zhuge Liang's "Cao Boat Borrowing Arrow" and "Empty City Strategy", the former is equivalent to a variant of counterattack skills, The latter can be invisible in a group. When necessary, the group invisible skill can be used as a team invincibility. 5 seconds of group invisible is enough to reverse the situation.

Chen Qianlin raised the two cards to the full level, and said to Xie Mingzhe: "Chen Xiao is also making loose cards suitable for team battles these days, and he has also made a few additional auxiliary cards for Qin Xuan. Deck, we will integrate all the cards and arrange the team battle lineup.”

"Master, you said before that our Nirvana team battles will consist of earth and wood decks. When I make wood decks, do I still try to follow the idea of large-scale team battles?" Xie Mingzhe asked. , "Skills that point to a certain card alone are not easy to hit during teamfights. Are range and linear attack skills better?"

"Yes. The team battle situation is too chaotic. It's too difficult to kill the core card in 20 cards. The single-kill thing is left to Xiao Ke, who is the most flexible. When you make wood-type cards, it is still too much. Do all the cards for straight-line output and crowd control." Chen Qianlin said: "Huang Yueying is a very well-designed card, and it is especially useful in team battles. Putting down the Zhuge Crossbow in the crowd can ensure that all damage is dealt out."

"I understand." After Xie Mingzhe bid farewell to Master, he returned to his personal space to think carefully.

The biggest difference between team battles and individual matches is the number of cards. In individual matches, there are only 7 cards, and single skills are easy to hit. Therefore, a large number of single attack skills are needed to focus fire and kill core cards.

But team battles are different. Both sides have 20 cards. In the chaotic situation of 20v20, it is not so easy to hit a single kill skill.

Huang Yueying's strength is "automatic shooting", which does not require too complicated operations. When designing a team battle card, try to minimize the operation of the card, and do more auto-targeting and auto-recovery skills. This is also a very critical skill.

In addition, when making teamfight cards, you also need to consider the decks of other players in the team.

Xie Mingzhe has probably learned about the plant card Xie Mingzhe made by Chen Xiao in the past two days - the style is completely different from that of Tang Muzhou.

Tang Muzhou is better at controlling the field with plants. He likes to use the rhythm of field-controlling skill cards such as vine binding and flower illusion to output. When playing the game, the petals are all over the sky and the vines are flying together, and the visual effect is very gorgeous.

But Chen Xiao's dark plant is more of a sharp attacking skill. He doesn't like to control the field slowly, but is better at "power attack". For example, the "Black Mage" he made is a card with very strong spell output. The purple-black pine needles of "Chiba Takayama Pine" can shoot the opponent into a hedgehog. The more violent it is.

Since Chen Xiao has made a lot of output cards, Xie Mingzhe decided to make more support and field control cards when building a wooden team battle deck.

He had already thought about making Wei characters into wooden cards. Among Wei's strategists, Guo Jia, Xun Yu, etc., many people could be made into control cards. But first of all, he needs to be a wood-type main T, able to stand in front of the opponent's firepower, otherwise Nirvana's lineup will be too crispy during teamfights.

With this card, Xie Mingzhe thought of Cao Cao.

As a hero of the Three Kingdoms era, Cao Cao conquered the Quartet in the name of Emperor Han, eliminated Yuan Shao, Lv Bu, Liu Biao, Ma Chao and other separatist forces internally, subdued foreign regimes such as Wuhuan and Xianbei, unified northern China, and made the troubled times in the north tend to be Stablize.

Although Cao Cao was suspicious by nature and killed many people by mistake, no one denied his political and military talents. He cherished talents very much and was good at employing people.

In addition, Cao Cao also wrote good poetry and prose, and together with his sons Cao Pi and Cao Zhi, he was called the "Three Cao of Jian'an".

Regarding Cao Cao, although there were many negative comments in later generations, Xie Mingzhe liked him very much and felt that he was a man of temperament.

There are many allusions related to Cao Cao, and Xie Mingzhe has selected the most representative stories.

First of all, the practice of "holding the emperor to command the princes" fully demonstrated Cao Cao's wit. At that time, the Han Dynasty was almost exhausted, the princes were separated, and the emperor was just an empty shell with no real power. But after all, the emperor is still there, everyone dare not rebel directly, but they despise the emperor in their hearts. Cao Cao arrested the emperor and issued a "decree" in the name of the emperor. If the princes of all parties did not listen, it would be a rebellion. This is really a coup.

This allusion is designed as a card skill, which allows Cao Cao to forcibly control one of the opponent's core cards for a period of time to order the opponent's other cards to make corresponding operations. For example, it can be said that it is very shameful to control a key card on the opposite side as a hostage and order other cards to stop attacking.

In addition, it is Cao Cao's classic sentence "I would rather teach me to lose the world, and don't teach the world to lose me". This sentence is translated into card skills, which is "I have no problem hitting you, but you can't hit me", Lai Pi the highest realm.

To make it into a skill, Xie Mingzhe decided to name the skill "The World Returns to the Heart". This is a verse in Cao Cao's most famous poem "Dan Ge Xing". This poem is also included in the Chinese textbook. Xie Mingzhe can still recite the full text. . The first half is majestic, and the last sentence "Zhou Gong spit out, the world returns to the heart" also shows Cao Cao's ambition to hope that the world's heroes will surrender and his ambition.

The last skill is to use the story of Cao Cao's "Killing in a lonely dream". It is said that Cao Cao is very alert when he is dreaming. Anyone who approaches him will be mistaken for an assassin and kill him directly.

After thinking about the three skill settings, Xie Mingzhe took out the nebula paper and began to draw the image of Cao Cao.

In Xie Mingzhe's imagination, Cao Cao should have a pair of deep eyes, a thick beard on his chin, and a hair crown on his head. He is a very domineering hero in troubled times. Cao Cao's appearance is not handsome, and his height is still a problem, but his aura has always been 2.8 meters, and his eyes can be frightened.

In order to make the cards belong to the wood system, Xie Mingzhe gave up Cao Cao's metal weapons and let Cao Cao appear on a war horse, so that he didn't have to worry about his height. Cao Cao's mount is called "Jueying", his whole body is black and shiny, and he is a famous horse in the Three Kingdoms period.

Xie Mingzhe drew Cao Cao and his mount "Jueying" very carefully.

After the completion, Cao Cao, riding a horse and majestic, does seem to have the aura of "a generation of heroes", and his skill design will also give opponents a lot of headaches.

Cao Cao (wood type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1200, ATK 500, DEF 1200, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional Skills: Take the Son of Heaven to Order the Princes (Cao Cao is very resourceful, when he activates the skill "Take the Son of Heaven to Order the Princes", he can search for hostile targets within a range of 23 meters, and take any designated target as a hostage for 5 seconds. The hostage card cannot release any skills, and will give the following instructions to teammates according to Cao Cao's orders: 1. Stop releasing all attack skills; 2. All retreat 10 meters; The hostage card is killed. If the teammates follow the instructions, the hostage card will be put back; the cooling time is 10 minutes)

Additional skill: Killing in a dream (Cao Cao's vigilance is very strong, when he falls asleep, he will enter a dream state for 5 seconds. During this period, once a hostile target attacks him, he will immediately counterattack the opponent, causing 100% damage rebound; Cooldown 60 seconds)

Additional Skill: The World Returns to the Heart (Cao Cao expects all the heroes in the world to submit to him. When he activates the "Heart to the World" skill, all attacks within 23 meters will automatically point to Cao Cao, and at the same time, Cao Cao will absorb 5% from all attackers. HP; cooldown 90 seconds)

The design of taking hostages will be very fun in actual combat operations, especially if the key cards on the opposite side are taken as hostages, in addition to making the hostage cards unable to release their skills, it can also quickly interrupt the opponent's offensive rhythm, otherwise The opponent will sacrifice the hostages.

Skills 2 and 3 can be used together in actual combat as a combo. For example, if Cao Cao activates the "Heart of the World" to taunt first, and then activates "Murder in a Dream", he can absorb all the attacks in the range, bounce the attack back, and remove all the cards that attack him. The body sucks 5% blood.

When playing in a group, the more cards that attack Cao Cao, the more blood he can absorb, which is really in line with the setting of "Treacherous Hero".

As a taunt card, Cao Cao's skill design is different from most taunt cards. His own health and defense are not very high, but his skills make it difficult for him to be killed by the opponent's focus, and his self-protection ability is first-class. .

At a critical moment, Cao Cao can also control the field "with the emperor".

Xie Mingzhe likes the design of this card very much. It can be said that it reflects Cao Cao's personality.

It's just that he is a little worried about the audit. The key is that the first skill takes the opponent's card as a hostage, and in turn orders the opponent's card to stop attacking and retreat, just like the real kidnapper is threatening the police to retreat. This kind of operation It's so annoying, I wonder if the official data scientists will scold him

Xie Mingzhe connected to the database with an uneasy mood, and he was submitted to the manual review channel again.

Recently, the cards he made have become more and more strange. The official data engineers have become accustomed to seeing the card-making logo of "Yue and a half". Only one match per match."

Xie Mingzhe could almost imagine the indescribable expressions of the data engineers. A game is limited to one time, which is equivalent to a "limited skill". You must stay at the most critical moment to save the field, which shows how strong Cao Cao's skill is.

Just pass it!

Xie Mingzhe smiled and put Cao Cao into the card display cabinet.

Next, he plans to make Cao Pi and Cao Zhi of Jian'an Three Cao Middle Schools into cards. Of course, with these two brothers, there is no shortage of a key figure - Zhen Mi, a well-known beauty of the Three Kingdoms era known as "Luo Shen" by later generations.