Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 156: Brothers fry


Zhen Mi's reputation is not worse than Jiangdong Erqiao, and there are rumors that "Jiangdong has Erqiao, Hebei Zhen Mi is pretty". It is said that Zhen Mi was different from ordinary people since she was a child. Other girls were studying female workers, but she preferred reading and literacy, thinking that if she did not read, she could not tell right from wrong.

Probably in response to the saying that "beauty faces are bad", her life experience was very bumpy. He lost his father when he was young, but when he grew up, Yuan Shao took a fancy to him and chose him to be the daughter-in-law of his second son Yuan Xi. Later, Cao Cao led his army to capture Yecheng. Because of her beauty, the Zhen family was favored by Cao Pi and remarried to Cao Pi.

Originally the two were in harmony, and Zhen Mi gave birth to a son Cao Rui and a daughter Princess Dongxiang to Cao Pi, but after Cao Pi succeeded the king of Wei and became emperor, the number of concubines in the harem gradually increased. When Queen Guo returned to the palace, she left the Zhen family in Yecheng. Zhen Mi felt lost in her heart, and her letter to Cao Pi also revealed some sad and jealous words. Cao Pi was furious, killed the Zhen family, and buried her in Yecheng.

It is said that her death was extremely bleak. It was not until her son Cao Rui succeeded to the throne that she was given the posthumous title of "Queen Wen Zhaozhen" and her coffin was moved back to the imperial mausoleum. Zhen Mi's life was really miserable. Her ex-husband was killed, and her remarried husband liked the new and disliked the old and neglected her. In the end, he was unhappy and was given death by Cao Pi. Although her son inherited the throne, it is a pity that she can no longer see it.

Xie Mingzhe decided to design the skill of Zhen Mi's card according to the legendary "Luo Shen Fu".

The "Luoshen Fu" written by Cao Zhi is a famous poem with beautiful literary talent. It is said that it was written for Zhen Mi. The beautiful "Luo Shen" described in it is Zhen Mi, but because Zhen Mi is his sister-in-law, Cao Zhi is not good at naming her by name. , to describe Zhen Mi's beauty under the guise of Luoshen. But there is another way of saying that Cao Zhi used the image of Luoshen to express his longing for the righteousness of the monarch and ministers, and to reflect his anguish that his heart could not be understood by the king.

Regardless of the real history, Zhen Mi is therefore called "Luo Shen", just using the words described in Luo Shen Fu as her skill name. For example, in Luoshen Fu's "Pian Ruo Jinghong, Wan Ruo You Long" is to describe a woman's lithe posture. These two descriptions are not too exaggerated to apply to the beauty Zhen Mi. After all, Zhen Mi is indeed a famous beauty recorded in history.

Xie Mingzhe drew a picture of a beautiful woman, and soon drew an ancient beauty with a graceful figure on the nebula paper, holding the popular fan at the time.

Zhen Mi (wood type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Times of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 800, ATK 1200, DEF 800, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional Skills: Pian Ruo Jinghong (Zhen Mi is a famous beauty, her body is as light as a frightened geese, when she activates the "Pian Ruo Jinghong" skill, her evasion increases by 100%, and can be used in the next 10 Within seconds, dodge all enemy "unlocked" attack and control skills; cooldown 30 seconds)

Additional Skills: Wanruo Youlong (When Zhen Mi is moving, she is like a swimming dragon. When she activates the "Wanruolong" state, she immediately increases her movement speed by 500% for 15 seconds. When the dragon state is on, she can lock on one of the enemy targets with the lowest HP within 23 meters, accelerate to move to the front of the opponent, and attack the target with the fan in her hand. Each attack will cause 80% wood-type crit damage. Inflicts 100% wood damage to a single unit; cooldown 30 seconds)

This is a high evasion card that uses dodge to avoid damage from the opposite side.

Most of the card skills in the Star Card Arena are not locked, but group attack or pointing skills. Therefore, once Zhen Ji activates dodge, she can almost achieve invincibility and avoid injury for a period of time.

The second skill is the most simple and rude assassination skill. It relies on flexible movement speed to assassinate the card with the lowest HP. During teamfights, because the opponent's card is difficult to lock, Zhen Ji's The design of "minimum blood volume lock" has been added to the skill design, which allows her to quickly target the remaining blood cards on the opposite side, rush into the past to harvest, and make up for the lack of our single-target attack.

Making Zhen Ji a card with high evasion and high critical strike was completely inspired by the description of "Luo Shen Fu". Xie Mingzhe wanted to make her a Deathrattle card, but Zhen Ji's death-like bleak Deathrattle skill , will collide with Jia Yingchun's Deathrattle skill in the Red Chamber. It's better to make a card with high dodge, and it will be more useful in teamfights.

After Zhen Ji, two brothers, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi, remain.

Xie Mingzhe originally wanted to do the linkage of "Jian'an Three Cao", and let Cao Cao, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi write poems together, but, at most, this will make a buff, which is similar to other linkage cards, and it feels nothing new. Moreover, Cao Cao already has three skills. If he does linkage, his attributes will be reduced. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if he couldn't hold back his hatred and hung up

If Cao Pi and Cao Zhi made a dual card linkage, Xie Mingzhe thought of a very clever idea.

That is the story of the famous "brothers fried" in history.

The heirs of Wu and Shu are relatively mediocre, but Cao Cao's heirs are better than each other. They have the eldest son, Cao Ang, and the "prodigy" Cao Chong who will be called an elephant at a young age. After Cao Ang and Cao Chong passed away, there were two others. There are two candidates, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi.

During Cao Cao's reign, the ministers were divided into two factions, some who supported Cao Pi, and some who supported Cao Zhi. In the end, of course, Cao Pi's party won and succeeded to the throne as "Emperor Wei Wen". But Cao Pi's character has always been ruthless. After becoming emperor, he has always been jealous of his talented younger brother Cao Zhi, so he deliberately asked Cao Zhi to write a poem within seven steps, otherwise Cao Zhi would be executed.

Cao Zhi knew what his brother was thinking, he immediately calmed down and thought, and he really composed a poem that has been handed down to this day in seven steps: "Boil beans and hold them as soup, and smash them into juice. Weeping in the kettle. It is born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each other?"

A few simple lines of poetry not only reflect Cao Zhi's extraordinary talent, but also tell Cao Pi: You and my brothers are brothers and sisters, so there should be no mutual suspicion and resentment. Cao Pi was very ashamed after hearing this, and since then he gave up the idea of killing Cao Zhi and let Cao Zhi be an idle prince.

This allusion of "brothers frying each other" can be made into a very unique linkage skill, let Cao Pi take the initiative to initiate, Cao Wei responds with action, and then has some influence on the surrounding.

Of course, before doing linkage skills, you have to make two cards, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi.

Cao Pi is a mean, unkind, vicious and vicious man. Although he is a very powerful politician, he has no human touch. He was able to kill his wife Zhen Mi directly, and almost forced his own brother to death. The concept is very cool.

But from the point of view of a king, Cao Pi is also a very effective emperor. After he succeeded to the throne, he insisted on monopoly power, established Zhongshu Province, and adopted the official selection system of "Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System". All of them are of great significance. The creation of the imperial examination system in later generations was also influenced by Cao Pi's "Nine-Rank Zhongzheng System".

In terms of literature, Cao Pi wrote a "Dian Lun" and created "critical literature". Among the poems he wrote, the most famous is "Yan Ge Xing", which describes the social phenomenon at that time from the perspective of a woman, such as "a cheap concubine keeps an empty house, worrying about Si Jun, dare not forget it, and unknowingly shed tears on her clothes", The fact that a man can write such a poem shows that Cao Pi's writing is still very delicate.

Xie Mingzhe thought of three skills for the design of this card.

The first skill is based on Cao Pi's political methods. He is very good at political struggle. After winning the battle, he will not kill his opponent directly, but is used to exile his opponent to remote places, such as Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, and later Cao Zhi, Cao Zhang was exiled to a distance by him, so that it would not affect his rights. Designed as a card skill, you can instantly expel cards from a certain range.

The second skill is to centralize power. He believes that when an emperor is to be an emperor, he must master power and not allow power to be dispersed. Centralization can be used as a skill to absorb attack power, allowing Cao Pi to obtain a very strong explosion in a short period of time.

There is also his literary contribution. As the first critical treatise in history, Dian Lun can criticize designated cards and use them as control techniques.

After Cao Pi's card skills were thought out, the next step was Cao Zhi.

Compared with his elder brother Cao Pi's ruthless heart, Cao Zhi is actually more suitable to be an idle poet. His political talent is not comparable to Cao Pi's, which is also the key reason for his failure in seizing power.

Cao Zhi's most famous allusion is "Seven Steps into a Poem", which can be made into a card skill that allows him to recite a poem within seven steps, and has some influence on the hostile targets within the range. In addition, the "Luo Shen Fu" written by him is a poem that has been circulated for thousands of years, and its literary style is gorgeous, which is appreciated by many poets and lyricists in later generations.

Cao Zhi usually likes to drink and write poems, and he misses things because of drinking. One time when Cao Cao was out, Cao Zhi got drunk, took advantage of the wine to get on the carriage of the royal family, and opened the gate of the palace "Sima Gate" without authorization. Not only that, he also drove a carriage on the forbidden road where the emperor held ceremonies to walk, which is a heinous crime.

Cao Cao was furious and disappointed with Cao Zhi. Since then, Cao Zhi has also lost his father's favor, and he has fallen behind in the seizure of the throne with Cao Pi.

Drunk in the Sima Gate is a relatively important turning point in Cao Zhi's life. It is designed as a card skill and can be used as an interference skill to the enemy group, completely disrupting the opponent's formation.

Xie Mingzhe kept the skill designs of the two cards Cao Pi and Cao Zhi in mind, and drew their images closely.

This pair of brothers are not low in appearance, but their temperament is completely different.

Cao Pi's appearance looks relatively feminine. As an emperor, he wears a black dragon robe that symbolizes his supreme status, and wears an emperor's crown on his head. Cao Zhi is an idle poet, and his clothes are not so formal. Cao Zhi, who often drinks, looks very suave and unrestrained.

According to his own understanding, Xie Mingzhe finished painting Cao Pi and Cao Zhi, followed by designing skills for them.

Cao Pi (Wood)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Times of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 800, ATK 1200, DEF 800, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional skills: Exile (Cao Pi is very good at political struggles, he will not directly execute those who threaten him, so as not to fall into infamy, but use "exile" to expel the opponent to a remote area that will not affect him. When Cao Pi When the "Exile" skill is turned on, you can expel the specified card to any position 30 meters away from yourself, and make the card unable to move for 5 seconds; the cooldown is 60 seconds)

Additional skills: Criticism (Cao Pi likes to criticize some bad articles, and has written a critical treatise; when Cao Pi activates the "Criticism" skill, he can criticize and educate the cards designated by the enemy, allowing the opponent to Silenced, unable to cast skills for 5 seconds; cooldown 60 seconds)

Additional skill: Centralization (Cao Pi believes that when a leader must concentrate important power in his own hands, so as to make his subordinates obedient. When Cao Pi turns on the "centralization" skill, he can use 5 seconds to get from the distance All friendly and enemy cards within 30 meters of the body absorb 2% of the basic attack power. After the absorption is completed, attack in the designated direction, causing 220% of the wood type to all enemy targets on the path. Crit damage; limited to once per game)

Additional Skills: Brothers Fried (linkage skill; when Cao Zhi was present, Cao Pi was worried that his younger brother would threaten his status, so he forced his younger brother to write a poem within seven steps. If Cao Zhi couldn't make a poem in seven steps, Cao Pi would kill him) Cao Zhi; if Cao Zhi successfully releases the seven-step poetry skill, Cao Pi feels guilty, exiles Cao Zhi to the designated location, and makes Cao Zhi immune to all damage for the next 5 seconds)

Cao Zhi (wood department)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Times of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1200, ATK 800, DEF 1200, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional Skills: Poetry in Seven Steps (Cao Zhi is brilliant in writing and can write a poem within seven steps. When Cao Zhi activates the "Poetry in Seven Steps" skill, he starts from the same place and walks quickly to the designated position in seven steps to conceive the idea Poetry, immune to all control and damage during walking, Cao Zhi sings a poem when he reaches the end, enemy targets within 23 meters around him admire Cao Zhi's literary talent, and the group falls into silence for 3 seconds; cooldown 60 seconds)

Additional skills: Elegy of Luoshen (Cao Zhi wrote a poem "Luoshen Fu" to describe a beautiful woman, but unfortunately he can only meet this Luoshen in a dream. Cao Zhi recited the verses of "Luoshen Fu", and his sadness was infected The surrounding hostile targets reduce the defense of all hostile targets by 50% for 5 seconds; the cooling time is 60 seconds)

Additional Skills: Drunk in Sima Gate (Cao Zhi usually likes to drink alcohol, but this time he became unconscious when he was drunk, and he rode a horse into a forbidden area and made a big mistake; when the "Drunk in Sima Gate" skill is activated, Cao Zhi can summon his own mount , get on the horse, increase the movement speed by 500%, and rush into the enemy camp from the designated direction, knocking back the hit enemy target by 3 meters; the cooling time is 5 minutes)

Additional Skills: Brother Xiangjian (linkage skill; when Cao Pi initiates a link skill to force Cao Zhi to write a poem within seven steps, Cao Zhi can use the “Seven Steps into Poetry” skill to respond to his brother’s link. Cao Pi kills, and after Cao Zhi is killed, he triggers the "Brothers Frying" deathrattle skill, which makes all the enemy cards stunned and falls into a state of fear, unable to perform any operations for 3 seconds)

The linkage between the brothers is one of the funniest of the linkage techniques currently designed by Xie Mingzhe.

Because of its optional linkage.

When Cao Pifang is linked, if Cao Zhi can write a poem in seven steps, Cao Pi will not kill Cao Zhi and exile Cao Zhi, which is equivalent to letting Cao Zhi teleport to the designated position, and Cao Zhi will use the "Drunken Sima Gate" skill to disrupt the enemy's formation. It can be said that It is a teleport control field with the cooperation of the brothers.

If Cao Zhi does not respond to the poem, Cao Pi will kill Cao Zhi in seconds, and then trigger the group fear control field of "brothers fried".

When it comes to the field, the opponent may be really stunned.

- Uncle Fat is a lunatic who even killed his own brother when the cards he made became crazy.

Killing my brother still makes us collectively fear, what can we do? Can only be stunned to see the two of you performing to your heart's content.

The author has something to say:

Some readers suggested that you play the game directly and do not write cards. But if I don't write these card designs, and let Xie Mingzhe take Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Zhuge Liang, and Huang Yueying to the other side to get 20 cards, is this kind of game interesting? At that time, it will definitely be confused, and most readers will not understand it.

This book is a card battle, and the card is the core. I want to be responsible for this book, and for every card that Pipzhe has crafted.

I hope everyone likes these cards, instead of just watching the protagonist slap in the face. How to play a game without cards, right ;)