Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 157: The Adviser of the State of Wei


As early as the beginning of designing the wood card, Xie Mingzhe planned to make the wood system a "field control flow" play. Many of Wei's advisors can do control skills. The first thing Xie Mingzhe wanted to do was to be a member of Wei's advisors. The most prominent one was Xun Yu and Xun Wenruo, who was called "my son" by Cao Cao.

Xun Yu was the most important hero around Cao Cao. He followed Cao Cao for many years and formulated a military strategy and basic line for Cao Cao to unify the north, and recommended a large number of talents such as Xun You, Chen Qun and Guo Jia to Cao Cao.

When Cao Cao was out on an expedition, he would always let Xun Yu guard the rear, which shows Cao Cao's trust in Xun Yu. It's a pity that in the end, the monarch and minister broke up unhappily. The two had a great disagreement on whether Cao Cao should enter the King of Wei. Xun Yu's dissuasion angered Cao Cao, so Cao Cao gave food to Xun Yu. Xun Yu opened the food box and found that there was nothing in it. "I no longer have the salary of a big man to eat", so he committed suicide by taking poison. This skill can be used as a death language skill, allowing Xun Yu to commit suicide by taking poison when necessary, improving the collective status of allies.

Xun Yu's most famous strategy was called "Drive the Tiger and Swallow the Wolf", "Tiger" refers to Liu Bei, and "Wolf" refers to Lu Bu. The power of Liu Bei and Lu Bu should not be underestimated at that time. If the two join forces to attack Cao Cao, they will definitely become Cao Cao. 's confidant. So, Xun Yu gave Cao Cao a "plan to drive away the tiger and swallow the wolf", and let Liu Bei and Lu Bu kill each other.

In addition, there is a rumor about Xun Yu - Xun Ling Liuxiang.

It is said that Xun Yu is not only handsome in appearance, but also has a very upright character, which is dignified and respectable. Xun Yu likes fragrance by nature, and often uses incense to infuse his clothes. Every time he visits someone else's house, after he leaves, the place where he used to sit will leave a scent for several days.

Because Xun Yu loved incense, later generations often used "Xunling incense" or "Lingjun incense" to describe a minister's demeanor and look. And "Xunling Liuxiang" has also become an idiom. This rumor can be made into a card skill, allowing Xun Yu to leave a scent in the places he passes by, and have a certain field-controlling effect on the enemy cards, which is also in line with the design of wood-based cards to control the field.

After Xie Mingzhe sorted out the design ideas for the three skills, he followed by drawing the character image of Xun Yu.

In his understanding, Xun Lingjun was a gentle, open-minded strategist, not only brilliant in wit, but also a well-known handsome man in the Three Kingdoms era.

He painted Xun Yu a hat symbolizing Confucian scholars, and then let Xun Yu hold a book made of bamboo in his hand. He looked really personable and had a warm smile. Such a character image can definitely fascinate a large number of face-controlled card players.

Xun Yu (wood type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 700, ATK 0, DEF 700, Agility 30, Crit 0%

Additional skills: Drive the tiger and swallow the wolf (Xun Yu is very resourceful and is very good at grasping the opponent's psychology. He believes that both tigers and wolves are our confidants. Li. Xun Yu activates the "Drive Tigers and Swallow Wolves" skill, and can designate any two hostile cards within 23 meters away from him, so that the two cards can kill each other in the next 5 seconds, and the two cards are releasing attacks. The opponent will be automatically locked when the skill. Limited skill, can only be released once in a game)

Additional skills: Xunling Liuxiang (Xun Yu is a person with high style and good character. It is said that when he goes to other people's houses, he will leave a scent on the seat where he sits; Xun Yu's skill "Xunling Liuxiang" can be used in A special fragrance is left in the designated 23m×23m range. During the presence of the fragrance, the hostile targets within the range are affected by the fragrance, producing random hallucinations for 3 seconds; cooldown time 45 seconds)

Additional skills: Suicide by taking poison (Xun Yu received the food box that Cao Cao gave him, opened it and found it was empty, and realized that he could no longer eat the king’s wealth, so he committed suicide by taking poison. Xun Yu could take the initiative to commit suicide, when he died in battle After that, the friendly target within 23 meters is infected by Xun Yu's sadness, and the group defense is increased by 50%)

In the cards made before, most of the control skills are based on "silence", but the strongest field control of the wood type is actually the illusion control. For example, when Tang Muzhou's card "ephemera" blooms in the middle of the field, it will cause the enemy target to fall into the "illusion", and the scene in the players' eyes will be completely changed. If you can't see the surrounding scene clearly, you can't continue to operate the card.

The hallucination is a visual hard control, the duration will be shorter, but it is more domineering than silence.

Xun Yu's field control ability is very strong. Not only can he control the illusion range, but the most important thing is the first skill "Fighting Tigers and Swallowing Wolves", specifying two enemy cards to kill each other, which is actually better than chaotic field control. more terrifying. Because the chaos is random, it is impossible to know where the opponent's skills will go, but "Fighting Tigers and Swallowing Wolves" can specify cards, especially single cards, to let two super single attack cards fall in love and kill each other, which is equivalent to abolishing The enemy's strongest combat power.

Since the cooldown of Xun Yu's illusion control is not long, the opponent can't ignore this card. If the opponent focuses on the fire Xun Yu first, Xun Yu is not afraid at all, he can also take the initiative to kill himself to add defense to his teammates.

As the most important hero in Cao Wei's strategist group, Xun Yu's strength of this card is also in line with his identity.

He himself has no attack power, his basic attributes are very low, and his HP after full level will not exceed 60,000. However, his strategy of "fighting tigers and swallowing wolves and leveraging strengths" will make opponents extremely jealous. Before using skills, at least consider whether Xun Yu will use limited skills to let powerful skills kill his own cards instead.

In addition to Xun Yu, there was also a person in the military group of Wei who was close to Xun Yu, Xun You.

The Xun family was a very famous and famous family during the Three Kingdoms period. They produced a lot of talents. Xun You was actually older than Xun Yu, but in terms of seniority, he was Xun Yu's nephew.

At that time, Cao Cao was thirsty for talents, so Xun Yu recommended his nephew Xun You to Cao Cao.

Xun You has been an orphan since he was a child, so he is better at observing words than others. Cao Cao's subordinates are full of talented people, Xun You will not take the initiative to show off, he seems to know nothing, but his heart is like a mirror. What's even more rare is that he is good at strategy, but he can keep secrets and doesn't talk much. He is very low-key when giving advice to Cao Cao.

During his life, he offered Cao Cao a total of twelve strategies, which are said to be "countless strategies", and each time he succeeded. Only Zhong Yao knows the specific content, but unfortunately Zhong Yao passed away before finishing it, and only the legend of Xun You's wonderful strategy is left in later generations.

Among the recorded suggestions of Xun You, the most classic one is "Sound East Strike West". Baima was besieged in the Battle of Guandu, and Cao Cao wanted to rescue him. Xun You advised Cao Cao to say that there were too many enemies and we were too few to fight head-on. Some people could pretend to cross the river and lead the main force of Yuan army away first. He was caught off guard. Cao Cao listened to the suggestion and used the strategy of "sounding the east and attacking the west" to successfully transfer Yuan Shao's army and kill two generals, Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

With the design of Xun You's card, Xie Mingzhe decided to use his "sound east to attack west" strategy to confuse the opponent in the team battle, and the opponent was caught off guard. For example, the skills of some cards are originally pointing to the left. When the opponent sees that we are playing the card on the left, he will definitely defend and move to avoid it. As a result, at the moment when the skill is released, he suddenly flips and plays the card on the right. , the opponent is invincible!

After Xie Mingzhe thought about the design, he immediately made the card Xun You.

Xun You (wood type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 700, ATK 0, DEF 700, Agility 30, Crit 0%

Additional skills: Shengdong hits the west (Xun You likes to confuse the opponent with the strategy of "Sound East hits the West", when our cards use straight-line directional skills and single directional skills to attack the enemy target, Xun You can specify another direction, our card At the moment when the card skill is released, it will automatically shift to the direction Xun You secretly designated, so that the opponent can be caught off guard; limited skill, only once per game)

Additional Skills: Reckless Strategy (Xun You is very good at making plans, and his strategies have never failed. When Xun You activates the "Supreme Reckless Strategy" skill, all cards of our party will gain Xun You's ingenuity effect bonus, in the next 5 seconds All the attacks made within will automatically become locked attacks and cannot be evaded by walking; the cooling time is 45 seconds)

Additional skills: Dazhiruoyu (passive skill. Xun You is usually very low-key, he doesn't look smart, but his heart is like a mirror, he is very good at hiding his own strength. When Xun You comes out, he automatically enters the state of "Great Wisdom Ruoyu", hiding all his own The basic attribute of , so that the opponent cannot accurately judge his current true blood volume)

Xun You's card is the same as Xun Yu's limited skill. In actual combat, the sound of the east and the west can be used as a strategy to disrupt the opponent's defensive formation. When the opponent is caught off guard, suddenly turn the fire and kill the residual blood card.

Seeing that the Nirvana team is going to kill the A card, the opponent will definitely start to defend. As a result, the defense formation has just opened, but they find that the target of Nirvana is not the A card at all, but turns its head and seconds the B card!

The damage to the player's spirit is much higher than the actual card damage.

Xun You's Countless Strategies bonus will turn all skills into lock-on attacks, and you can't move to avoid it. Very annoying card, no matter how you play, the blood volume seems to be full of blood, which will make the opponent feel irritable.

Xie Mingzhe smiled and put away Xun Yu and Xun You.

Two field control cards with limited skills, the way of field control is different from ordinary control cards. During team battles, Nirvana's tactics will be more varied, and opponents will hate it more.

But this is not over, because there are still three people in the Wei Guo counselor group, and Xie Mingzhe also intends to make cards.

Jia Xu, Guo Jia, Sima Yi.