Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 158: The wooden deck is complete


Jia Xu has changed his lord several times. He was originally a subordinate of Dong Zhuo. After Dong Zhuo's death, he followed Guo Si and Li Jue to counterattack Chang'an. After these two failed, he became Zhang Xiu's advisor, and finally he persuaded Zhang Embroidery surrendered to Cao Cao and became an important advisor of the Cao Wei Group.

Many people say that Jia Xu is the "No. 1 poisoner in the Three Kingdoms" because Jia Xu's strategies are extremely vicious and efficient. He usually doesn't make many suggestions, but once he does, he can often kill people with just one or two sentences.

For example, when Cao Cao attacked Ma Chao and Han Sui, Jia Xu offered a plan to say "to wipe out Han Sui in the book", which meant that he wrote a letter to Han Sui, intentionally smearing out key positions, and intentionally letting Ma Chao see it, making Ma Chao suspicious of Han Sui. . A simple stratagem of alienation really caused the alliance between Han Sui and Ma Chao to collapse, showing how vicious Jia Xu's stratagem was.

Later, Cao Cao was hesitant about establishing the heir, and asked Jia Xu, "Who should I appoint, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi?" Jia Xu did not answer, Cao Cao asked, "Why didn't you answer?" Jia Xu said, "My lord, I am I can’t answer right away.” Cao Cao asked, “What are you thinking about?” Jia Xu said, “I miss Yuan Shao and his son, and Liu Biao and his son.”

It was because Yuan Shao and Liu Biao "abolished the elders and established the younger" that their brothers seized power and destroyed their foundations. If Cao Zhi is established, wouldn't that repeat the same mistakes? Cao Cao was enlightened like a daigo, and he suddenly woke up. Since then, he has strengthened his determination to establish Cao Pi as the heir.

Jia Xu's advice is indeed ruthless and accurate. A simple sentence just hits Cao Cao's weakness, and every time his strategy can produce immediate results. Although he was vicious, he was also quite clever. Among the large number of counsellors in Wei State who died young, only Jia Xu lived to be in his seventies, and was named Taiwei by Cao Pi. He was regarded as the winner in life among the counselors.

Xie Mingzhe decided to design this card based on Jia Xu's character as a poisonous sage.

The first is the "Wen and Chaos" led by Jia Xu, which completely caused chaos in the Han Dynasty. Secondly, it is the allusion of him alienating Ma Chao and Han Sui, which can make the opponent's card fall apart. Then there is the fact that he quietly supports Cao Pi as the heir, which can also be used as an auxiliary skill.

Jia Xu (wood type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 700, ATK 0, DEF 700, Agility 30, Crit 0%

Additional skills: Supporting the heir (Jia Xu believes that the choice of the heir should choose the first son and the eldest son, instead of "abolishing the elders and establishing the young" to break the rules, so as to prevent brothers from killing each other; Jia Xu can designate a male character card of a friend , making it the heir to the prince, the designated card's basic HP and basic defense will be permanently increased by 50%; limited skills, only once per game)

Additional Skills: Wen He Luan Wu (Jia Xu, also known as "Wen He", with his help, the world is finally in chaos. When Jia Xu activates the "Wen He Luan Wu" skill, the hostile target within a range of 23 meters will fall into chaos. status for 3 seconds; cooldown 60 seconds)

Additional Skills: A Book of Papers (Jia Xu is very good at speculating on psychology. He has long known that some people are allies on the surface, but in fact they have a lot of dissatisfaction with each other. Jia Xu designates a card of the enemy and writes a seal to the card. Letter, and the key information is painted out so that teammates can see. The teammates suspect that the card has different intentions and are exchanging information with the enemy, so they will no longer reinforce it. The card designated to receive the letter will be immune to all the buffs of the friendly , healing and resurrection skills last 8 seconds; cooldown 5 minutes)

To write a letter to the designated card on the opposite side, to alienate the relationship between the cards, Xie Mingzhe estimates that the official statisticians will definitely scold him for being insane when they see it...

However, this skill of Jia Xu is really strong. When we focus on a certain key card on the opposite side, the most fearful thing is that a single target on the opposite side will increase the amount of blood and milk it back. At this time, as long as Jia Xu sent "a book between papers", this card would be suspected by his teammates as a traitor and would no longer be supported. When I received the letter of card, I wanted to cry without tears!

Xie Mingzhe put away Jia Xu with satisfaction, and then Guo Jia and Sima Yi were left to do nothing.

Among the advisors of the Cao Wei Group, Xie Mingzhe likes Guo Jia the most.

Guo Jia is a very legendary person, known as the first ghost strategist in the Three Kingdoms. After he was recommended to Cao Cao by Xun Yu, the two chatted only once, and they felt that it was too late to meet each other. Cao Cao also gave him the position of "Sacrificial Wine of Military Advisor". This position was specially granted to Guo Jia by Cao Cao. Now, it is the chief of staff of the military department.

The independent position of "Sacrificial Wine of Military Mentor" is very free and has high authority. He can check military information first. If Cao Cao doesn't trust Guo Jia enough, it is impossible to give him this position.

According to rumors, Guo Jia has an extremely powerful intelligence network, so he can say the divine prophecy that "Sun Ce will definitely be assassinated". He guessed many things very accurately. The analysis of the intelligence of all parties and the precise prediction made by the grasp of the current situation.

The "ten wins and ten defeats" and "flooding of Xiapi" in the Battle of Guandu are Guo Jia's more famous achievements. He defeated Yuan Shao and laid the foundation for Cao Cao to unify the north. It is a pity that Guo Jia has always been frail and sick. He was only thirty-eight years old when he died of illness. He died young and did not have time to play against Zhuge Liang, leaving endless regrets in history.

In fact, Guo Jia's strategy is not necessarily higher than that of Xun Yu, Jia Xu and others, but Cao Cao prefers him. Jia Zai, I will not be so miserable, which shows Guo Jia's position in Cao Cao's mind.

Guo Jia is unrestrained, informal, and likes to drink. This is very similar to Cao Cao when he was young. The two have similar smells. Although they are monarchs and ministers, they often sit together and drink wine together, just like close friends. Therefore, although Guo Jia was often reported and "impeached" for his "disrespectful style", Cao Cao always laughed and ignored him when he received the report letter, and was extremely fond of Guo Jia. Therefore, Guo Jia's untimely death also made Cao Cao very sad.

For the design of this card, Xie Mingzhe decided to make it into a Field Control + Deathrattle card.

The first is Guo Jia's divine prophecy. Several prophecies he put forward have all come true. It seems that he knows the development of things in advance. Xie Mingzhe wants to make this a very unique prediction skill. Knowing some of the other party's movements in advance, naturally We can deal with it.

Secondly, when Guo Jia died, he left Cao Cao a good plan, which helped Cao Cao easily pacify Yuan Shao's remnant forces, so that Yuan Shao's sons Yuan Shang and Yuan Xi all died in battle, and it was up to Liaodong not to fight.

The story of the fate of Liaodong fully demonstrated Guo Jia's ingenuity and profound understanding of human nature. Since it is a coup left behind at the end of his life, it can of course be designed as a death language skill.

Guo Jia's card character image, Xie Mingzhe, as a painter of Yan control, will of course not be ambiguous.

Different from Xun Yu's gentle and elegant, Guo Jia is more like a wild and unrestrained genius. He holds a folding fan, is unrestrained, and when he smiles, he looks like a graceful gentleman, and his handsome facial features are enough to make any girl heart.

The basic attribute of Guo Jia's card, Xie Mingzhe, is deliberately low. On the one hand, it is to pass the official review smoothly. On the other hand, the Deathrattle card itself is very crispy and has low blood volume, which is just convenient for triggering the Deathrattle skill after death.

Guo Jia (wood type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 600, ATK 0, DEF 600, Agility 10, Crit 0%

Additional skills: Prophet (Guo Jia has an intelligence network and has excellent predictive ability. He can predict what will happen in the future in advance, and let us deal with it. When Guo Jia activates the "prophet" skill, the enemy All attacks of the party will be controlled by our party, and all non-locking attacks launched by the enemy within the next 5 seconds can be evaded by our group; the cooling time is 20 seconds)

Additional Skills: Heavenly Jealous Talent (Death Talk skill, Guo Jia is very resourceful, but unfortunately he has always been frail and sickly. He contracted a disease during the battle and unfortunately died young. When Guo Jia played, because he was seriously ill, he would bring a layer of his own Negative effect of poisoning, 2% blood loss per second. When Guo Jia is killed in battle, his pain will spread to the surrounding area, and group targets within 23 range of the enemy will instantly stack five layers of negative effects of wood poisoning)

Additional skills: Destiny to decide Liaodong (Death language skill, Guo Jia left a clever trick before his death to teach Cao Cao to pacify the rebellion in Liaodong. When Guo Jia is killed in battle, the effect of "Death to Liaodong" is triggered, and the enemy is trapped within 23 meters The card learns that Guo Jia has left the kit, and panics collectively, falling into a state of fear for 2 seconds; our cards are instructed by Guo Jia's kit to increase their basic attack power by 50%, attack speed by 50%, and crit damage within 2 seconds. 50% increase)

Guo Jia's death words card will automatically lose blood when he enters the game, so he can't die without worrying about it.

Before being killed, he can use the "prophet" skill to control the field, make predictions in advance, and help us dodge key attacks from the opposite side. When the blood loss is almost the same, he will die in battle, not only stacking poison on the opposite side, but also attacking us. He used his own sacrifice in exchange for a short 2 seconds of enemy fear group control and friendly group super bonus, because the skill is too strong, the time can only be shortened to 2 seconds.

The operation of this card is very difficult, and it is a test of the player's consciousness - skills need to be predicted, and blood volume also needs to be predicted. It really brings Guo Jia's "prediction" feature to the extreme.

After Guo Jia is finished, there is the last card Sima Yi left.

As the chief strategist of the Cao Wei Group who played against Zhuge Liang for many years in the late Three Kingdoms period, Sima Yi can be said to have the last laugh. In the early stage, when Cao Cao needed a lot of talents, he invited Sima Yi, but Sima Yi pretended to be disabled and refused to see anyone. Cao Cao sent someone to test him and cut him with a knife. Even the always suspicious Cao Cao thought he was really disabled.

In the later period, Sima Yi was forced by Cao Cao to go out of the mountain and has been assisting Cao Pi. After Cao Pi successfully succeeded to the throne, Sima Yi assisted Cao Pi in handling government affairs, and he was in the grip of military power and was extremely honorable for a while.

Sima Yi's contribution is also very great. He knows the truth of "relief for work". Zhuge Liang's many northern expeditions were successfully blocked by Sima Yi.

If there was no Sima Yi in the later period of Wei State, maybe Zhuge Liang really realized his dream of ruling the world. It is a pity that Sima Yi, the old fritters, used the word "drag" to drag down the national strength of the Shu Kingdom, because he knew that the Shu army was tired from the journey and lacked food and grass. Definitely retreat, this approach is actually very wise.

Once the Wei and Shu army faced off for hundreds of days, and Sima Yi still couldn't hold on. Zhuge Liang couldn't help it, so he gave him a set of red women's clothes to mock him. In ancient times, it was a great humiliation to give men women's clothes. As a result, Sima Yi was not angry at all, and even put on women's clothes in public!

Small intolerance can lead to chaos, Sima Yi really brought the word "forbearance" to the extreme.

Sima Yi has "the eagle looks at the wolf and looks after the wolf". Xie Mingzhe has also heard a magical rumor. It is said that Sima Yi can turn his head directly to the back to stare at people without moving his body. His eyes are as sharp as an eagle. Fierce as a wolf - such a person must not be provoked!

This card is suitable for making a defensive card, which is more in line with Sima Yi's characteristics.

Sima Yi (wood type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1500, ATK 0, DEF 1500, Agility 10, Crit 0%

Additional skills: Eagle looks at the wolf (it is said that Sima Yi has the "eagle looks at the wolf's look", his eyes are as sharp as an eagle, and as fierce as a wolf, he can turn his head to stare in any direction, and the card that Sima Yi stares at will be caught by his gaze Scared, Fearful - Sima Yi releases the "Eagle Watching Wolf Gu" skill in the designated direction, all hostile target groups that come into contact with his gaze within 23 meters fall into fear for 3 seconds; cooldown time 45 seconds)

Additional skills: Waiting for work with ease (Sima Yi believes that when the two sides are fighting, the enemy must be very tired to come over a long distance, and we are resting in place, full of energy, only in this way can we defeat the opponent by waiting for work; All cards of the party stop releasing all skills, and all of them rest for 5 seconds. During the rest, our mentality is peaceful, and we will not be disturbed by enemy control effects and attack skills; cooldown time 90 seconds)

Additional skills: Forbearance (Sima Yi is the most forbearer, no matter how others mock him or attack him, he will not fight back, but this does not mean that he will never fight back, he is just waiting for the opportunity. Whenever Sima Yi is attacked, Control and other negative effects, he will hold back and gain 20 points of anger. When the rage value accumulates to 100, Sima Yi can choose to enter a frenzy state at any appropriate time, clearing his anger and swapping his defense and attack data to attack the enemy. All party members instantly deal 280% of the basic attack power of wood-type crit damage; limited skills, can only be triggered once in a game)

The design of Sima Yi's card is actually very balanced. The group fear control the field of "Eagle Watching the Wolf", the friendly group of "waiting for work" to avoid injury, and the limited skill "Forbearance". Sima Yi, who has endured for a long time, burst out. Very scary, just in time to clear the field with our burst card.

So far, the wooden deck is finally finished.

Xie Mingzhe simulated the playing style of wood-based decks in his mind. Cao Cao attracts firepower, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi's brotherly linkage is a strong field control skill, and Zhen Ji is a powerful weapon for high dodge and single kill against crispy cards. Xun Yu, Xun You and Jia Xu have unique skills, whether it is Xun Yu's "fighting tigers and swallowing wolves" to let opponents kill each other, or Xun You's "no last resort" to prevent opponents from dodging, or Jia Xu's "a book between a piece of paper" "Write a letter directly to the opposite side and designate a certain card to be isolated. These three tactical cards will be very flexible in actual combat operations.

And the key breakout point of the wood card set is actually Guo Jia.

The death of Guo Jia was the core opportunity for the outbreak of the whole group. The group status bonus of "Liaodong is determined by the legacy", combined with Cao Cao's "heart to the world", Cao Pi's "centralization", and Sima Yi's anger bar "forbearance", this wave of large groups attacked and smashed, and the opponent would not die or be disabled.

In the teamfight stage, in addition to these group attack skills, there are Xiao Ke Hei's impermanent yin and yang marks erupting, Chen Xiao's Chiba Gaoshan Pine's group pine needles strafing, and Guo Jia's death will stack poison on the opposing group, Chen Xiao's dark plant card There is a poison explosion card in the card, which can make the five layers of poison explode directly.

Guo Jia was killed in battle, and the time of the enemy's death was coming.

However, this deck is more difficult to operate. The speed of Guo Jia's loss of blood and the timing of his death in battle, how to control it requires more practice and cooperation with his teammates. Only when everyone has reached a tacit understanding, can there be no mistakes in team battles.

Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath and connected all cards to the database for review.

Undoubtedly, all five cards designed today were submitted to the manual review channel.

After all, the skill designs of these cards are very strange, especially when writing letters to the opposing cards, making the opposing cards fight infighting, etc., it is normal that the database cannot judge.

Fortunately, in order to pass the review, Xie Mingzhe adjusted the basic attributes of these cards to a very low level. He also carefully thought about the cooldown time of the skills. It is not outrageous. Some too strong skills have been deliberately made into "limited skills". Don't embarrass him too much.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Xie Mingzhe received the official email, and it was approved. He only needed to make some fine-tuning of the data.

Xie Mingzhe breathed a sigh of relief. The completion of this set of wooden cards is a very important starting point for the Nirvana Club. Everyone was busy before, but from now on, Chen Qianlin, the head coach, can finally match the team battle card. Group. And the four of them were finally able to practice teamwork together.

No matter when the new season will start next year or when the team competition will start, it is always right to prepare in advance.

It's also time to copy and share all of your cards with your teammates.