Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 16: Shan Lan


At the entrance of the Jupiter team dungeon, Xie Mingzhe entered the group, and Chen Xiao directly gave him two cards - the goddess of the storm and the goddess of ice and snow with a level 70 star, one for tornado gathering monsters, and one for freezing group control.

Xie Mingzhe was very excited when he got the seven-star black card for the first time, and carefully put away the card: "Brother Chen, I will pay you back when I run out!"

"No need to pay it back, I'll send it to you." Chen Xiao said simply.

"Thank you Brother Chen!" Such a good boss was sent by God to save him, right? Xie Mingzhe looked at the other party with emotion, but found that Brother Chen had already entered the dungeon resolutely, and he didn't mind at all—probably seven-star cards are very common for boosters.

In this ten-member team, apart from Chen Xiao and the other five power trainers, the other five people's IDs are very unfamiliar, and they are passers-by recruited by Chi Qing.

Holographic games cannot open more accounts, the studio is limited, and there are not enough people in the team, so they can only recruit from the world. Fortunately, the dungeon materials are all dropped by head, and there will be no disputes due to material problems. It doesn't matter if you set up a few passers-by.

This wood-based team dungeon is called "Dark Night Forest". As soon as you enter the dungeon, the surrounding mobs are alerted, and countless small tree spirits are surrounded by the crowd, and their feet are full of dark green vines, one after another, attacking the intruders frantically. .

Xie Mingzhe accidentally tied his feet with a rattan. Seeing that the vines were about to climb all the way up to his neck, Xie Mingzhe struggled to step back. As a result, the more he struggled, the tighter the vines were tied, and the whole body was bound. He really wanted to set fire to these vine monsters.

At this moment, a soft luster glowed on his body—someone used a card skill.

Xie Mingzhe felt that the vines loosened, and his feet could finally move. He immediately took a step back and turned his head to see that Chi Qing came over with a card with purification skills and told him: "Be careful with your feet. Player character Although you will not die in the copy, you will be controlled."

"Thank you." Xie Mingzhe, who was rescued, immediately followed up with Sister Chi Qing.

"Little Fatty, take away the batch of vines on the north side first." Chen Xiao commanded.

"Understood!" Pang Yu released the rhino card. The huge rhino roared and rushed into the pile of vines, pulling away a large number of vines. I saw that the densely packed vines like snakes quickly wrapped and wrapped the rhinoceros, strangling the rhinoceros into pieces!

"..." Xie Mingzhe was a little shocked when he saw this scene, is the combat power of wood vines so terrible? Rhino Card's HP exceeded 150,000, yet he was instantly killed? !

Just in shock, I heard Chen Xiao say: "Xiao Xie, you freeze all these vines."

The vines who had strangled the rhinoceros realized that they had been deceived, and turned around collectively, as if consciously, they quickly surrounded everyone's location.

Xie Mingzhe hurriedly summoned the Goddess of Storms, looked at the direction, a tornado gathered them all together, and then summoned the Goddess of Ice and Snow—the snowflakes fell from the sky, and all the vines in the range were frozen. The frozen vines are intertwined and wrapped in ice and snow, like a "frozen twist".

Chen Xiao glanced at Xie Mingzhe's direction and admired it in his heart: "Everyone, go fast!"

Everyone immediately followed Brother Chen and rushed into the forest to burn those tree spirit mobs. The constant burning flame quickly burns the mobs in the game to ashes.

After fighting the first wave of mobs, everyone was tied up by vines again, and the little fat man Pang Yu couldn't bear to complain: "This dungeon is disturbed by vines everywhere, and these vines don't lose materials, but they are deliberately disgusting. The wood type is the most disgusting. The only thing is the vine, I hate the brush wood type copy the most..."

Xie Mingzhe felt the same.

One step was tied by the vines, and two steps were tied again... Still not letting people play the dungeon well

After being tied all the way, everyone finally stumbled and beat the final vine boss, Xie Mingzhe asked with a headache: "Are you still fighting?"

Chen Xiao said: "Let's play the other five books and finish all the copies of Jupiter."

The five-player dungeon is simpler, plus Brother Chen and the others are very powerful, Xie Mingzhe followed them and finished all five-player dungeons quickly.

After the dungeon of Jupiter was shot down, he deeply felt the power of wood-type creatures - in addition to the vines with strong attack power, there are also various seemingly beautiful flowers with control effects such as hallucinations and blindness. Many flowers and plants There are also negative states such as poisoning, weakness, and confusion.

The wood system is just a branch in the Xingka world. Other water, fire, earth, and gold cards must also have their own characteristics.

After successfully finishing the wood-type dungeon, Chen Xiao said, "Everyone disband first, go to bed earlier, and play other dungeons tomorrow."

Xie Mingzhe nodded and looked at the time, it was eleven o'clock. Now that the team was disbanded, Xie Mingzhe simply returned to his personal space to continue studying the cards.


At the same time, the ruling club office.

Nie Yuandao, who had just returned to the club after supper, frowned slightly when he looked at the Wu Songka handed over to him by President Huan Yue.

Men's facial features are inherently tough, and when the eyebrows are slightly frowned, it will give people a very severe feeling.

A man in his thirties has a calm temperament that has gone through twists and turns. Perhaps because he deals with beasts like wolves, tigers, and lions every day, his eyes are as sharp as those of beasts, making people afraid to look directly at him.

Nie Yuandao also has a title called "Beast King", because the entire beast card pool has been influenced by him. Before he appeared, the number of beast cards in the star card world was very small, and the skills were relatively simple. Nie Yuandao has perfected the entire beast card pool. The tiger, leopard, wolf, and lion he made are extremely powerful in attack power, and the style of beast siege is also unique.

Huan Yue didn't dare to look at him, she lowered her head and asked softly, "Nie Shen, what do you think of this card?"

Nie Yuandao handed the tablet light brain to the person next to him: "Xiao Lan, come and have a look."

The man sitting next to him is named Shan Lan. He is 22 years old this year. He is also a well-known player in the league and is called "Lan Shen" by fans.

If Nie Shen's eyes are so sharp that people don't dare to look at each other, then Lan Shen is a very gentle person. When he smiles, his eyes are almost squinted into slits, and his voice is very soft. In addition, he has fair skin and a handsome appearance , has a particularly good temper, and it feels like a spring breeze.

Shan Lan was Nie Yuandao's only apprentice, and his deck was all beast-type cards.

It's just that Nie Yuandao likes melee critical strikes, and the cards in his hand are all fierce beasts such as white tigers, lions, black rhinos, and wild wolves. Just don't talk nonsense with people.

And Lan Shen prefers the air attack style. His card phantoms are very beautiful. Crane, White Eagle, Lark, Peacock, as well as the strongest aerial combat cards in the alliance, "Fire Phoenix" and "Ice Crystal Phoenix", all are It was made under the guidance of his master.

This pair of master-apprentice air combat and land combat has a tacit understanding, and it is an extremely strong combination in the double game.

Master and apprentice lived together, and they were always inseparable—because Lan Shen admired Master very much, liked to stick to Master, and he would follow Master wherever he went. In the eyes of the staff of the Judgment Club, Lanshen, who is particularly fierce in the game, is more like Nie Yuandao's "little follower".

Taking the Wu Song card from the master, Shan Lan carefully looked at the card data and asked softly, "Where did the president buy this card?"

Huan Yue said: "Black market, I happened to receive it today."

Shan Lan analyzed: "I didn't take it to the auction and sold it at a high price, but sold it to the black market at a low price, which means that the author of this card doesn't understand the value of the card and the market conditions. Maybe he didn't read the official announcement and didn't know the death penalty. Only recently joined the database - is he a newcomer who has just played the game for a long time?"

Huan Yue immediately agreed: "Yes, according to the sisters who received the card, the author is a level 15 rookie named Fat Uncle."

"Uncle Fat?" Shan Lan read the strange name and looked back at Nie Shen, "What is Master going to do?"

Nie Yuandao was silent for a moment, and then he spoke. His voice was low and calm: "During last season's summary meeting, Tang Muzhou suddenly proposed to add instant death judgment to the skill database. Do you know why I agreed at that time?"

Shan Lan seriously speculated: "Is it because many players in the league follow the example of Zheng Feng, constantly accumulating the HP of cards, and pile up the HP of cards to more than 150,000 at every turn. If this goes on, the game will become getting boring?"

Nie Yuandao glanced at his apprentice with admiration, nodded and said, "Actually, Tang Muzhou didn't make this suggestion against Zheng Fengcai. The earth faction was originally a defensive counterattack. Lao Zheng's actions were reasonable, and we also have ways to deal with him. But the key is, Seeing that Lao Zheng's cards survived for a long time, other players began to follow suit, adding health to their cards."

Speaking of this, a trace of regret flashed in the man's eyes: "The newcomers who have entered the professional league in recent years will only follow the trend, imitate, and learn from their predecessors' decks, but they have never had their own creativity. Many talented players who have created so many distinctive genres.”

Shan Lan only debuted in the seventh season. In the fifth season, he was still a young boy studying with his master. Thinking of the glory of that year, he couldn't help but yearn for it: "The fifth season is indeed full of talents, and Tang Muzhou has perfected the wood system. In the deck, Fang Yu and Qiao Xi created the water-based play style, Guiyuan Mountain with a ghost card, Ling Jingtang with a cold weapon, as well as various spell cards, Gu insect cards, etc. The creativity at that time is really now. The players are incomparable.”

Nie Yuandao said coldly: "Some rookies are eager for quick success and imitating or even copying other great gods' decks in order to achieve results. They are too lazy to think for themselves. Tang Muzhou proposed the concept of 'instant death judgment' just to change the current status of the league. Playing games has become more and more boring in recent years, and the league needs some talented fresh blood."

Shan Lan said: "So in last season's conference, most of the old players sided with Tang Shen, and they were against newcomers who had risen in the past two years and who didn't have their own unique style. They were afraid that when the dead card appeared, their own ace Once you are beaten, you will not know how to deal with it. If a professional player wants to win the game, the deck is only the foundation. The more important thing is the speed of reaction and the ability to adapt. With Master's consciousness, it is natural not to be afraid of dying."

Nie Yuandao nodded: "Well, I'm more interested in the author of this card."

Magic Moon: "..."

Who am I, where am I, what should I say

The two great gods discussed it without anyone else. Huan Yue couldn't plug in a word, and felt like a super light bulb.

Fortunately, the thoughtful God Lan noticed him, smiled and turned the subject back: "President, Master and I have been studying the cards for instant death judgment recently. This fat uncle can make instant death judgment cards, and his mental power is definitely there. not lose to us."

The database has very high requirements on the skill design of instant-death cards, and it is impossible to just make a fish and let the fish eat Tang Muzhou's tree. Instant kill skills must be related to the card itself and conform to common sense. This piece of "Wusong Fighting a Tiger" is very cleverly designed. A strong and strong man punches the tiger's head. In theory, as long as the man's strength is strong enough, it is possible to kill the tiger's brains.

Shan Lan admired the skill design of this card, looked at Nie Yuandao and said, "Master, should we try to win over this person?"

Nie Yuandao stood up directly from the sofa, turned to pick up his helmet, and said calmly, "The author of this card is definitely a rare talent. Find this fat uncle as soon as possible, I want to see him."

Seeing Nie Yuandao turn around and walk towards the club's game hall, Shan Lan immediately followed: "Master, I'll go too."

Huan Yue kept up with the two great gods with a headache: "We are looking for Uncle Fat, and we will find him as soon as possible!"


Xie Mingzhe, who was studying cards in the game, did not expect that the Wusong card, Daiyu card, tiger-type instant-death judgment, and flower-type instant death judgment he made casually, because his skills were too strange, he just happened to alarm the Boss of the Star Card League. High-level figures - Nie Yuandao and Tang Muzhou.

And let the two great gods come to the game to find him in person!