Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 174: The quarterfinals list is out


The top 32 started as a round-robin group competition, which is somewhat similar to the competition system of the World Cup, Olympic Games and other sports in the Earth Age.

Eight groups, each with four players, will be ranked by points in a round-robin match, and the top two will advance to the top sixteen.

Xie Mingzhe is in Group A, and the other three players are of average strength, so he won the group stage quite easily. He won 2:0 in three consecutive games. So far, his record has been 88 consecutive victories. .

Fans are very excited when they see the winning streak data has been increasing. Every game where Fat Uncle participates, the ratings are terrible. The official noticed this and sent more famous commentators to stare at Fat Uncle. Uncle this group.

In Group B, Chen Xiao was also very powerful. He defeated three players in a row and entered the top sixteen with a complete victory record.

The ID above Yunxiao is not as famous as Fat Uncle, and the live broadcast ratings are average. However, this person's special deck has attracted widespread attention from the professional league.

Pei Jingshan already knew that he was Chen Xiao, so every game he participated in, all members of the Dark Night Club would watch the game. On the ghost prison side, since Lao Zheng suspected that the person standing behind Nirvana was Chen Qianlin, he also took the players to watch the match of Group B.

Although other clubs don't know the identity of "Above the Clouds", his special dark plant deck is indeed very eye-catching. The great gods are also watching his games and find that his style of play is extremely fierce. Fat uncle doesn't look like that at all.

In Group F, Yu Ke met a very strong opponent. Fortunately, there were no reserve players. Yu Ke won a thrilling 2:1 victory over the opponent on the first day of the game, and then won two consecutive games 2:0. One of the results entered the round of sixteen.

Qin Xuan in Group G was even worse. When he encountered a reservist master who was adjudicating, the opponent used a fire-type beast card with extremely strong explosive power. His strategy of "bleeding and stacking" slowly dragging the opponent to death failed. Was beaten 2:0 by the opposite side. But fortunately, Qin Xuan's psychological quality was first-rate, and he quickly adjusted his mentality. In the next two games, he tenaciously dragged on to the late stage, and he just let the opponent bleed to death.

Qin Xuan made it to the top sixteen with a score of 0:2 in one game and 2:1 in two games!

All four Nirvana players entered the top sixteen, which made Chen Qianlin very happy.

However, in the next round, according to the rules of group A, B, C, and D, respectively, against groups H, G, F, and E, the first group in group B will be the second in group G, that is to say, Chen Xiao and Qin Xuan actually Crash in the round of sixteen stage!

Qin Xuan never beat Chen Xiao in the team's scrims. The two are still partners in the double game, and there is no suspense about winning or losing, but Qin Xuan has put down the pressure.

Yu Ke secretly ran to Chen Xiao to intercede and said, "Brother Chen, Qin Xuan's style is not suitable for a heads-up! It's not easy for him to play until now. In tomorrow's game, can you be merciful and don't abuse him? Is it too cruel?"

Chen Xiao smiled and rubbed Xiao Ke's head, and said, "If I let him, it will hurt his self-esteem, understand?"

Yu Ke seems to understand but does not understand.

Chen Xiao said: "The greatest respect for him is to fight with all his strength, so even if he loses, he will be convinced. I deliberately let him, just like playing with him, he will feel more uncomfortable. Don't worry, I know what to do."

Yu Ke understood now, nodded and said, "Okay!"

That is, tomorrow's game is the Nirvana Civil War, who should I cheer for? Yu Ke was a little tangled, and finally made a very smart decision. It's always right to shout "Nirvana Come on!"

The next night, sixteen to eight knockout.

The opponent Xie Mingzhe met was the second place in Group H, a folk master of the water-based marine life card.

He took out six gold-type cards without hesitation, and brought an instant-death card Xishi. At a critical moment, "Xishi Shenyu" instantly dropped the fish in the opposite field, and then relying on the advantage of strong gold-type crit, he concentrated fire. The opponent is crispy and quickly builds up a card difference.

Bad cards are the key to the game.

But sometimes, if the card difference is big, you may not win. For example, if you meet Gui Sirui's ghoul, which is a big late-stage card, even if the opponent has three or four more cards than him, he can still rely on the late-stage outbreak to clear the field.

However, there is no such explosive card in the water system. Xie Mingzhe seized the "field control" feature of the water system card group, killing a few key field control cards of the opponent in a row, so that the opponent's field control skills cannot be connected, and the opponent's field control skills are completely broken. Control the chain and take the initiative in your own hands.

In this way, the water-based deck is very difficult to play, and Xie Mingzhe has no doubt won his first victory.

In the second round, the opponent changed his strategy and wanted to rely on strong control to fight the water system, but Xie Mingzhe also changed his strategy. After he saw the opponent's deck, he immediately replaced Xi Shi, and instead replaced the dark card of Nuwa.

As a result, the opponent's water card forced a wave of strong control and finally set fire to Guan Yu, and Nuwa's baby was resurrected, and the opponent was equivalent to a white fight.

Seeing this, Zheng Feng couldn't help but praise: "Uncle Fat's consciousness has grown a lot, and he has learned to adjust the deck according to the situation."

Gui Sirui said: "Uncle Fat will definitely win this game, but I'm more concerned about the next Nirvana civil war. Above the clouds and QX, all use dark plant cards, and the fight should be very exciting."

Zheng Feng smiled and nodded: "That's true, but after the next game, it will no longer be a secret that QX is a member of Nirvana. After all, their decks are so similar."

Xie Mingzhe really lived up to expectations and successfully reached the quarterfinals, with a winning streak of 90 games.

The second game was the first in Group B against the second in Group G, and the duel between Yunxiao and QX. At the beginning of the game, the two sides announced the deck stage, and the audience was a little confused: "Both of them are plant cards!" "And the styles are very similar, blood red, dark purple, black plants, is this a dark plant deck? "Will QX also be a Nirvana player?"

In the alliance group, Ye Zhu jumped out and shouted: "I found the fourth player of Nirvana, it's this QX! The deck he uses is similar to Yunxiao's, and there are duplicate cards in it, and Yunxiao's upper is taken out This dark ice from QX has also been used before!"

Shan Lan: "...Everyone can see it."

As early as in the top 32 group stage, after seeing QX's dark plant card, many people had already guessed that he was a Nirvana player, but seeing the Nirvana civil war today is more certain.

During the civil war between Chen Xiao and Qin Xuan, all members of the Nirvana Club actively came to watch.

Yu Ke whispered in Qin Xuan's ear: "Brother Chen is very strong, don't put too much pressure, just do your best!"

Qin Xuan looked calm: "Well, I know."

He knew that he couldn't beat Chen Xiao, so he didn't have any hope, so he just wanted to learn something from Brother Chen.

As a result, the civil war in Nirvana was not intense at all, but rather strangely warm.

Because many great gods have seen it, this is a very careful guidance game.

The deck Chen Xiao took out was a set of plant cards that Qin Xuan was most familiar with. He deliberately slowed down the rhythm so that Qin Xuan could clearly see his every operation—when to take control, when to burst, it was entirely the teacher Demonstrate to students.

Qin Xuan was suppressed by Chen Xiao from the beginning to the end. Those who didn't know the truth only thought that he was beaten very badly, but Qin Xuan knew in his heart that Brother Chen was actually cultivating his observation ability and response speed, although he had no doubts He lost two games in a row, but he was convinced that he lost!

Compared to Brother Chen, his strength is too far behind, and he can't fight one-on-one.

He only knew that in the future teamfights, he could give Brother Chen the best support and double his strength. This is what he should do.

At the end of the game, Chen Xiao defeated his teammates in the quarterfinals 2:0. Everyone was embarrassed to come forward to congratulate him. After all, he also defeated his teammates. Instead, Qin Xuan took the initiative to walk over and said seriously: "Congratulations Brother Chen, you are really amazing."

Chen Xiao gave a hearty smile, patted Qin Xuan on the shoulder and said, "I tortured you twice, don't you get angry?"

Qin Xuan shook his head: "No, I have self-knowledge."

This guy's calmness sometimes makes Chen Xiao can't help but admire him. He is so calm at such a young age. No matter what happens around him, his face rarely changes. Heaven and earth.

However, although Yu Ke is impulsive, his strength is very strong.

He used the extremely fast focus fire assassination style, Hei Wuchang accumulated Yin and Yang marks continuously, cleared the field in one wave, ended the game in just 10 minutes in the knockout round, defeated the opponent 2:0, and reached the quarterfinals!

Nirvana's Fat Uncle, Yunxiao Shang, and Ke Xiaoke all entered the quarterfinals, which surprised netizens.

There are also many people on Fat Uncle's personal homepage sighing: "Is Nirvana so strong!" "Uncle Fat, Yunxiao Shang and Ke Xiaoke, three of the top eight in the Masters are from the Nirvana Guild, really awesome!" "Looking forward to Uncle Fat's appearance, don't worry, die-hard fans won't dislike your looks!" "There are so many good-looking players in the league, and Uncle Fatty has a cool style of painting. It doesn't matter if you are not handsome, right?"

Xie Mingzhe was speechless when he saw the remarks of the fans.

The day after tomorrow is the quarter-finals, and we have to go to the officially designated venue for real combat. He and Brother Chen are going to lose their vests together.

That scene must be spectacular.

He has only heard of netizens who are too ugly and die, but he thinks that he is likely to set a precedent of "too handsome and dead, fans collectively turn black"...

The author has something to say:

Tomorrow will be the large-scale fall of Pipizhe and Brother Chen. Brother Tang Shen's vest can still cover it for a while.

Tang Muzhou said: Anyway, the money for the guests has been saved, so let's save some interest first :)