Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 176: metamorphosis


Regarding Chen Xiao, there are too many negative comments on the Internet.

Chen Qianlin's younger brother, but after his debut in the fifth season, he lost 50 games in a row in individual matches.

Not only is the young man unresponsive, but he always loses the chain at critical moments. In addition, his brother was so badly beaten by the Sanctuary. He actually signed a contract with the Sanctuary like an idiot. Whether it is a fan of Lin Shen or Tang Muzhou, he can't see it. Go on him and feel that he is embarrassing Lin Shen.

In the match between Tang Muzhou and Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao was abused 2:0, which made the fans of the entire wood clan favor Tang Muzhou, thinking that Tang Muzhou is the hope of the wood clan. As for Lin Shen's younger brother Chen Xiao? Go as far as you want.

At that time, Chen Xiao's personal homepage was full of remarks scolding him for "getting out of the league", and some of them were particularly ugly. Chen Xiao didn't reply a word. He actually left the league silently and disappeared for five years. .

Now he is back in the league and has reached the semi-finals of the Masters. In the past, the black fans rushed to watch the show when they heard the news, and even maliciously swiped the screen in the live broadcast room: "I'm here to see how Chen Xiao lost." "After five years, will his losing posture change?" "This man has the face to come back. I really admire his face!"

But most sensible passers-by feel that five years is enough to change a person, and Chen Xiao should be given another chance. He didn't make any big mistakes back then, he just signed the sanctuary, maybe he was trapped by the sanctuary. It's okay to lose dozens of games, who hasn't lost

Now that he has let go of the past and mustered the courage to come back, it should all start over.

Reasonable passers-by and black fans argued for several minutes in the live broadcast room, and the scolding became more and more fierce. The two commentators had to quickly change the subject and said: "Today's quarter-final is quite a coincidence, Chen Xiao used a wood-type plant card. , Overgrown with vegetation, this newcomer whose real name is Zhao Congsheng, happens to be from the Fenghua Club, and also uses a wood-type plant card!"

"The duel between the wood type and the wood type does not need to consider the pros and cons of the deck. There will not be too much gap between the decks of the two sides. The key is to look at the details of the operation."

"Zhao Congsheng's cards are all made by Tang Shen, and Chen Xiao's cards are based on my observations in the top 32 group stage. His card deck is a dark plant card, and the card maker's LOGO has always been deliberately designed. Hide it, these plant cards should all be original cards."

"Friends from the audience, the game is about to start. Who will make it to the top four in this civil war of wood? We saw the results of the voting channel. Zhao Congsheng's approval rate is as high as 70%, and Chen Xiao's approval rate is currently only 30%. %, it doesn't look very optimistic, but I believe that Chen Xiao's return after five years will definitely surprise everyone!"

At eight o'clock, the game begins.

The first game was Zhao Congsheng's home game, and he chose a forest trap map.

The two sides announced the deck. Zhao Congsheng's clear card is a common wood plant deck, including two single attack cards, Wisteria and Iris, a team defense card, Banyan, and two field control cards, Epiphyllum and White Poppy. .

Chen Xiao's five bright cards are Chiba Alpine Pine, Black Rose, Black Mage, Dark Ice, and Coleus, all of which are actually black and dark purple plants. This kind of dark plant, which is different from Tang Muzhou's plant card style, is also Impress the audience.

Taking advantage of the tens of seconds in the countdown, the two commentators quickly analyzed the decks of the two players: "Zhao Congsheng's decks are still dominated by field control, the illusion of short-lived flowers, and the group chaos of White Poppy. Two large group controllers are difficult to deal with. After the group controls the opponent, use a single attack card to counter the opponent's core card, this should be Zhao Congsheng's idea."

"Chen Xiao's style is just the opposite. His Chiba Alpine Pine, Black Rose, and Black Mage are all group attack cards. Is this going to take the explosive route?"

On the field, Chen Xiao replaced a hidden card when he saw the opponent's deck.

Backstage of the game, Yu Ke rubbed his chin and speculated, "Could the hidden card that Brother Chen exchanged be Lin Daiyu? Specially to control flowers in seconds?"

Xie Mingzhe shook his head; "I don't think it's that simple."

Xie Mingzhe has an intuition. With Chen Xiao's pride, he took off his vest for the first time and revealed his identity as "Chen Xiao". There will definitely be many people paying attention to this game, including of course the old club Sanctuary Club. Therefore, it is more likely that his entire deck will use the dark plant cards he made, and only in this way can he truly prove his strength.

Taking out Lin Daiyu is really simple and rude, but there will definitely be a lot of black fans who say that winning the game is due to Lin Daiyu. In addition to Lin Daiyu's immediate death judgment, Xie Mingzhe believes that Brother Chen will definitely have a better solution for the solution to the opposite flower card.


As the map loads, the game officially begins.

Zhao Congsheng played very cautiously. Immediately after the game started, he had a short-lived hallucination. He used the hallucination to control the field and summoned three single-target crit cards in a row to focus on the most powerful card of Chen Xiao's group attack, Chiba Takayama Pine. .

The pine needles of this huge pine tree are jet-black, as if quenched with poison. When the "Songtao Wanhe" skill is activated, the pine needles will fire in a 360-degree wide area, causing huge wood damage to surrounding targets, along with "stab wounds". Bleeding effect.

For this card, Chen Xiao only did one skill "Songtao Wanhe", so the output stack was super high, even higher than Tang Muzhou's thousand-year-old sacred tree, and it was regarded as the strongest group attack card of the wood type.

Zhao Congsheng was afraid that he would not be able to withstand it if it was allowed to use his skills.

However, Chen Xiao had already predicted his opponent's thoughts. At the moment when Zhao Congsheng bloomed, Chen Xiao immediately summoned Coleus, a rare plant with purple-black leaves that can release a special aroma , attracting bees and butterflies around.

According to this principle, Chen Xiao designed it as a ranged taunt card, forcing all damage within the range to be absorbed.

The advantage of the Perilla card is that even if you are in a hallucination state and cannot see the surrounding situation clearly, as long as the skill is released, you can successfully absorb all the damage within 30 meters.

Chen Xiao had already remembered the position of his card, and directly called Zisu in the middle of the card. In this way, Zhao Congsheng's first wave of focus will be absorbed by the taunt card, and Chen Xiao's Key The card's plan fell through completely.

Zhao Congsheng gritted his teeth and let his cards retreat.

Sure enough, Chen Xiao started a full-scale counterattack at the moment when the hallucination ended!

The black pine needles of Gao Shan pine are like a dense array of hidden weapons, and they are madly shooting around. When Zhao Congsheng sees this, he summons white poppy without hesitation. A 5-second pine needle strafing attack was enough to knock out all of Chen Xiao's own cards!

However, at the moment when Zhao Congsheng opened the chaotic control field, everyone saw a unique plant suddenly appear in the middle of the field - the black mirror, a black, lotus-shaped plant. The variant, it is said that after the mirror is exposed to rain and exposed to the hot sun above 38 degrees for three days, it will turn into a black mirror with a black body and will not die.

This plant card made by Chen Xiao was inspired by his brother's botanical notes. He designed the black mirror with a skill - mirroring.

The black mirror can release the mirror image that exists for 3 seconds at the designated position. During the existence of the mirror image, all cards within 30 meters of our party will generate virtual phantoms, and the opponent's control and domination skills will all act on the phantom. Does not affect the body.

This skill is similar to 3 seconds of control-free and injury-free, but it is also visually confusing. After the mirror image appears, our cards adjust their positions, and the opponent will not be able to distinguish between reality and reality.

As soon as the mirroring skill was activated, the entire arena was covered with dark plants.

Chiba pine, black rose, black mage, dark ice, perilla, and the illusion generated by large black and dark purple plants made Zhao Congsheng's scalp numb.

Almost at the same time, Chen Xiao activated Dark Ice's strong control-group freezing!

Zhao Congsheng's plant card was counter-controlled and could not be moved. Fortunately, Zhao Congsheng's dark card had a control release card. He immediately summoned the control card, but it was too late because Chen Xiao was faster than him.

Taking advantage of this critical moment to regain the rhythm, Chen Xiao attacked in two groups—

The kiss of roses, the black rose petals swept the sky and covered the sky, like a whirlwind composed of roses, combined with the large area of pine needles from the high mountain pine, and instantly suppressed all the blood of Zhao Congsheng's plants to less than half blood.

Immediately following Chen Xiao, he summoned another dark card, Canna.

The stems and leaves of this plant are still pitch-black, the leaves are like black plantains, only the petals are scarlet, as if dripping blood - Canna's skill, can aim at the designated single target to quickly suck blood, and ignore the opponent's defense.

Originally, Zhao Congsheng's cards were all crippled by two large groups. Canna aimed at the opponent's current card with the highest blood volume, and a wave of blood-sucking reduced the blood volume to about 5%, below the value of 1000, there was only a trace of blood skin left. .

Zhao Congsheng was shocked, and immediately opened the banyan tree shield and wanted to come to a wave of the whole group to avoid injury.

However, before his shield had time to open, Chen Xiao released the harvest card of the Black Mage.

The skill mechanism of this card is very special. Chen Xiao stacks its single output to the highest level, but there is a description in the skill design: apply single damage to the designated target. If the damage overflows, the overflow damage will be 80%. The ratio translates into group damage!

At this time, the black mage was aiming at the residual blood card with only 800 blood points left in the opponent.

The basic attack of the full-level black mage itself exceeds 80,000. After killing the opponent's 800-point HP card, the overflowed data is converted into a group attack, which is quite terrifying.

As soon as the black mage moved, a black mist drifted across the arena, and all of Zhao Congsheng's residual blood cards were actually destroyed!

Looking at the plant corpses all over the ground, Zhao Congsheng was stunned.

The audience at the scene also collectively dropped their jaws.

This is too... too violent!

Chen Xiao completely relied on group attacks to pave the way, and seized the opportunity to drop the 7 cards on the opposite side in seconds!

In most games, you die with one card and I die with one card, and both sides slowly drag. A wave of clear play like Chen Xiao is rare, and it looks really exciting. Even the commentary was so excited that his voice trembled: "The group attacked the whole group in seconds, Chen Xiao's style of play is really violent!"

"I didn't expect his style to be different from his brother Chen Qianlin and Tang Muzhou..."

"The dark plant is so violent that it makes people's scalp tingle. Let's call up the video playback of the scene. The LOGO of the seven cards is not hidden today. We can see that the LOGO on the back of the card is all one. The word 'Xiao', it seems that these dark plants are all the works of Chen Xiao!"

"His dark plant card skill design is very unique. The mirror image of the mirror, the blood-sucking of the canna, the single attack of the black mage and the transformation of the group attack, and the flexible petals of the black rose that can be single attack and group attack are sweeping, which is really exciting Vision!"

"Yes, Chen Xiao is undoubtedly a very good original player!"

After winning the first game, in the second game, Chen Xiao beat Zhao Congsheng with the same violent method, and reached the semi-finals 2:0.

There was thunderous applause at the game, and many players who liked plant cards even stood up and applauded excitedly.

A dark plant like Chen Xiao also looks very handsome. The key is that others are handsome and play violently. This picture is too bloody.

The black fans who scolded Chen Xiao just now are here to humiliate all shut up.

Many people turned into fans, ran to follow Chen Xiao's personal homepage, and left a message saying: "You are indeed different from Chen Xiao five years ago. You played well today." "Dark Plant, the cards are very interesting!"" It seems that in the past five years, you have changed a lot, and I decided to turn your back on you, let's see your performance in the new season, come on!"

The two commentators had no prejudice against Chen Xiao, and he really did well in today's game, so naturally he couldn't help but praise Chen Xiao: "After five years, Chen Xiao has returned to the league, and he is no longer the same as before. That rookie Chen Xiao who lost 50 games in a row!"

"I remember that when Chen Xiao left, he was scolded by many people, and there were a lot of black fans who asked him to get out of the league, how far he went. He was able to withstand the pressure of public opinion and stand up again. Such perseverance and courage, All deserve our admiration!"

"Let us welcome Chen Xiao's return with warm applause!!"

The audience burst into applause.

Hearing the prolonged applause, Chen Xiao couldn't help but burst into tears.

He remembered that every time he was on the big stage before, all he got was scolding and boos.

This is the first time he has received applause after five years.

In the field of competition, food is the original sin, and a rookie can only endure when he is scolded.

The former Chen Xiao was a "rookie" in the mouths of netizens, but today's Chen Xiao has already undergone a transformation - he has become a strong man who can create original dark plant decks!

For him, the Masters is just the first step into the league.

Chen Xiaoqiang held back his tears, walked over politely and shook hands with his opponent, then bowed deeply to the audience, turned and walked off the stage.

The man's back is straight and firm. Yu Ke, who is watching the game in the background, has long been red-eyed, but Xie Mingzhe has been smiling and applauding - Brother Chen is back, handsome Brother Chen, the eldest brother of our Nirvana team, finally proved himself!

Chen Qianlin, who was watching the game, couldn't help but have a small smile on his always indifferent face. This is his familiar brother, proud, confident, and determined.

However, the people of the Sanctuary Club were not very happy.

Shao Bo's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, even more ugly than being robbed of 100 million.

"Impossible... How is this possible..." Shao Bo murmured to himself, completely in disbelief. The young man who walked off the big stage handsomely just a few months ago felt that he had "completely no talent for the game" before he rejoiced. The one who terminated the contract with the other party, Chen Xiao.

The author has something to say:

Chen Xiao is very strong, and Tang Muzhou has always felt that his talent is not inferior to his own. He has never written about his strength before. Chen Xiao's loss of horse is the key to the plot, so he must write it in detail. This is a multiplayer game. Pipizhe can't support the Nirvana Club by himself. If I skip the important scenes of his teammates, it will be perfunctory.