Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 184: scene card


The official establishment of the Nirvana Club happens to be February 22, which seems to be a mockery of the fact that there are a bunch of second-hand people here.

Many fans of Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiao's personal homepages left messages to congratulate them. At the same time, the public account "Nirvana Club" managed by Chi Yingying was officially launched. Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiao forwarded the promotion together, attracting a lot of traffic in the past, and the number of fans was very fast. exceeded one million.

Yu Ke's fans now have two million, and there are not many netizens who like the little boy ghost card deck.

On the other hand, Qin Xuan has always been unknown. In addition, he has not entered the quarterfinals of the Masters, nor has he appeared in public. His personal homepage is still overgrown with grass, and only a few fans have touched the attention of his teammates. Followed him by the way.

He likes to be alone, and he doesn't mind the fact that he is not as popular as his teammates.

In the past few days, Qin Xuan has been on winter vacation and has been busy with scene pictures. Because Xie Mingzhe gave the settings for a few more scene cards and asked Qin Xuan to help them make them.

The first is the classic battle of the Three Kingdoms period. Xie Mingzhe selected some of the materials suitable for card battles and made them into scene cards.

The first was Guo Jia's proposal. The battle in which Cao Cao defeated Lv Bu "flooded Xiapi". At that time, Lv Bu was stationed in Xiapi City, and it was difficult to break through. Cao Cao listened to Guo Jia's advice and dug two rivers outside the city. Let the river flow into the city and flood the city of Xiapi.

Xiapi City is made into a battle scene. After a period of time after the game starts, the river pours into the city. As the river pours in, the cards in the whole scene move slower and slower until the river completely submerges the city, and the cards in the whole scene are flooded. die in battle.

Of course, the setting of drowning is invalid for aquatic creatures, and this map cannot be used to play Frost City, but for other clubs, the setting of the countdown to death map will cause psychological panic among players, and will continue to slow down. Speed will also affect the rhythm of the game, you can use this map to make some targeted arrangements.

This is a "pseudo-water battle" map.

The second battle reenactment map is the classic battle of Chibi.

Cao Cao's boat was connected by iron cables. At the beginning of the game, all the cards were on the boat, but when the game was 1 minute into the game, Huang Gai pretended to surrender. rushed into Cao Jun's camp.

The wind was raging, and the fire was burning more and more vigorously. The flames engulfed all the ships in an instant. At this time, the cards were surrounded by flames. The cards in the whole scene were ignited by the fire, and a lot of blood was lost every second. If you want to put out the fire, you must jump into the river. , and jumping into the river means that the card's movement speed and attack speed are completely reduced.

Jump into the river to save your life? Or take advantage of the blood loss in the whole scene to kill the opponent's card first? It's up to the players to decide.

In the third scene card, Xie Mingzhe decided to make a gossip array.

At the very center is a picture of Tai Chi, surrounded by the formation of the Four Signs and Eight Trigrams.

Because the orientation of the Bagua Array is very complicated, it is very difficult for people in this world to fully understand it. Xie Mingzhe simplified the process and made the Tai Chi Yin-Yang map in the middle of the Bagua Array radiate to the semi-circular range. In this way, the entire battle area The ground becomes yin and yang, and the white yang part returns blood in the whole range; the black yin part loses blood in the whole range.

The Yin-Yang Bagua Diagram randomly rotates and changes, and the cards that were on the positive side just now may become the negative side in the next moment. Sometimes blood is returned, sometimes blood is lost, and it is exciting to play.

The fourth scene card is "Tongque Terrace", a luxurious building complex with magnificent attics in the background, but the scene of the card battle only selects the square square at the top of the Bronze Sparrow Terrace, on both sides of the square are A cage, every once in a while, will trigger the "Tongque Spring Deep Lock Erqiao" event, and automatically lock the card with the highest attack power on both sides in the past 1 minute into the cage.

This map can be used in team battles. You can see the time when the scene event is triggered, use the card with a slightly lower attack on your side, and replace the core card with the highest attack on the opponent. Of course, the opponent is not stupid. The specific card to be locked up depends on the awareness of the commander.

For the fifth Three Kingdoms series scene card, Xie Mingzhe chose "Luofengpo".

Luofengpo is a beautiful hillside. According to legend, this is the place where Pang Tong died in battle. At that time, Pang Tong's horse could not be ridden. Liu Bei kindly lent him his horse. It was Liu Bei himself who shot Pang Tong from a distance.

The scene event is a period of time after the start of the game. The enemy NPCs in ambush shoot arrows from both sides of the map, and attack the cards of both players at the same time. The cards hit by the arrows will be "one-hit sure" regardless of their HP. Kill", the arrows in the scene are not allowed to be evaded, and the archery will stop unless a card is killed. This requires players to send some waste cards to "block arrows" and die according to the actual situation.

Compared with the scenes such as making the card pregnant before, the scene design proposed by Xie Mingzhe this time is much more normal.

The flooding of Xiapi City, the fire of the Battle of Chibi, the random alternation of positive and negative states of the Bagua Array, the lock up of cards in Tongquetai, and the ambush in Luofengpo are all scenes that are very skillful in actual combat. Card.

Getting used to Xie Mingzhe's weird thinking when he was doing scenes, this time he returned to normal a little bit, but Qin Xuan felt it was strange. As a result, at this time, Xie Mingzhe suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said with a smile: "There is another scene, I think it can be designed in this way to make a scene map of the blue Wei Kingdom, the red Shu Kingdom, and the green Wu Kingdom, which is called —Three points of the world."

This scene finally restores Xie Mingzhe's usual style.

After the game starts, the entire arena is randomly divided into three areas: Wei, Shu, and Wu, and the players' cards will also be forcibly divided into three camps. 2 cards on the side and 5 cards on the enemy, and in another faction, 5 cards on the side and 2 cards on the enemy's unbalanced situation, which is equivalent to forcibly dividing the battlefield.

It has little impact on those clubs with strong individual combat capabilities, but for those clubs that need a lot of cards to control the field, they are forcibly divided into three small battlefields, which is simply terrible!

Qin Xuan sighed, and don't expect too much from Xie Mingzhe, this guy's thinking can't be normal for too long!


Xie Mingzhe especially appreciates Qin Xuan's efficiency. The six Three Kingdoms-themed scene cards were all produced by Qin Xuan in only two weeks, and the scenes after modeling were extremely realistic, making Xie Mingzhe as if he had returned to the Three Kingdoms era when the heroes were fighting for hegemony. .

What he likes most is the map "Three Points of the World", which reproduces the scene of Wei, Shu and Wu fighting for hegemony. The map of the three countries is also drawn by Xie Mingzhe based on memory, and 90% of the three major forces at that time are restored. demarcation.

In addition to these newly added event scene cards, Xie Mingzhe also had an idea. He asked Qin Xuan, "How is the completion of the scene splicing of the Grand View Garden?"

Qin Xuan said: "Only 50% completed."

At the beginning, Xie Mingzhe asked him to make the Grand View Garden series of scene cards already completed, but the "scenario splicing" was too difficult. Xie Mingzhe provided him with a floor plan, which showed the location distribution of small scenes such as Xiaoxiang Pavilion and Yihong Courtyard. Qin Xuan made a huge space and filled in these already created scenes according to the distribution map. The excess space is all blank and has to be filled with a lot of material.

After a detailed discussion between Qin Xuan and Xie Mingzhe, he added different scene materials such as pavilions, ponds, greenery, jungle paths, etc. between each small courtyard. , slowly become rich and complete.

After being busy until mid-March, Qin Xuan finally announced that the Grand View Garden was completed!

This map is larger than the 30-player team copy in the game, and it is more than ten times larger than the scene map usually submitted by major clubs. It is foreseeable that the official map designers will be stunned when this map is submitted for review.

The completion of the Grand View Garden made Xie Mingzhe extremely excited, and the scene in his mind could finally be perfectly presented in the Grand View Garden.

The first was the incident of "Checking the Grand View Garden". Under Mrs. Wang's order, Wang Xifeng led people to check the Grand View Garden. All cards were checked one by one. The checked cards had to stand at attention for 3 seconds, and each one had a share. At times, once the scene event is triggered, the audience may see a strange picture of cards standing upright one by one.

The second is the incident of "Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden".

Xie Mingzhe asked Qin Xuan to capture a large scene in the Grand View Garden and make a "dynamic scene map".

The official only stipulates that the scene graph must be fair, but it does not stipulate that the scene graph must be fixed in a limited space. Therefore, Xie Mingzhe decided to make a more complicated dynamic scene than the gossip array. Of course, since the real-time calculation of dynamic scenes is too troublesome, he doesn't want to embarrass the official programmers. Therefore, the scenes he asked Qin Xuan to select are the simplest part of the scenery in the Grand View Garden.

At the beginning, it was a wide open space for players to summon cards and adjust their positions. After the open space, there is a very wide stone bridge, and after crossing the stone bridge, it is a circular pavilion with a wide area as the location of the final battle.

Dynamic scenes are also accompanied by dynamic events.

In the first minute of the game, the NPC "Grandma Liu" will appear in the scene. She is a rough country person with little culture. The character setting is drawn by Xie Mingzhe herself. The drawn grandma Liu is hunched over and simple in clothes, which is indeed in line with the setting of a village woman. Certainly.

Since she had never seen the market, it was the first time she came to the magnificent Grand View Garden. Grandma Liu looked around and was extremely curious. When the NPC Grandma Liu appears, in order to show her wealth to Grandma Liu, the player must summon a hidden card within 3 seconds, otherwise, Grandma Liu will forcibly drag a random hidden card to the battlefield and make the dark card Cards lose skills for 5 seconds.

The effect of this scene is "mandatory summoning of a dark card", and everyone must summon one, which is fair to both parties.

However, the reason why the hidden card is important in actual combat is because of its "surprise". For example, in the final of the Masters match against Chen Xiao, if Xie Mingzhe's Qin Keqing was dragged out by Grandma Liu in advance, would he still be able to successfully trigger the Deathrattle skill? As long as the opponent is prepared, Qin Keqing will not be able to hang the opponent's card.

Grandma Liu's setting of "mandatory summoning of hidden cards" is to deal with certain teams with particularly powerful hidden cards - such as Liushuangcheng, which hides the key Deathword cards, and Ghost Prison, which hides the key assassination cards.

Of course, Grandma Liu will also ask Nirvana to summon her hidden cards, which requires you to design the deck according to the time Grandma Liu will play, and deal with it in advance.

After Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, she not only had to force the players to summon the hidden cards, but also asked everyone to accompany Grandma Liu to visit the Grand View Garden. The scene requires that all cards must be within 30 meters of Grandma Liu, and the cards that leave the range must be followed. , will be expelled from the Daguanyuan arena.

- Go shopping with the elderly, this is basic courtesy.

She followed Grandma Liu across the stone bridge and came to the final battle site. Grandma Liu was very happy, so she sat there and told a joke. Grandma Liu told a joke every 30 seconds, and the cards in the whole scene fell into a state of "hilarious" and continued. 5 seconds, unable to make any attacks.

At the final battle site, the players were exhausted after two stages of forcibly summoning hidden cards and going shopping with the old man. They had to listen to the old man to tell jokes, which was also a great test for the players' psychological endurance.

Impatient players may want to drop their helmets and leave!

This old lady, can you still let us have a good game

The dynamic scene map of Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden is the most troublesome of all Nirvana scene maps, and the operation is of course the most complicated. Even if it can pass the official review, Xie Mingzhe would not dare to choose it easily. But at least, he realized his wish in this scene map, reproduced the grand scene of the Grand View Garden, and joined the living treasure NPC of Grandma Liu.

After completing all these settings, it is already March 20, and the scene review time stipulated by the alliance is about to end.

Xie Mingzhe and Qin Xuan immediately compressed and packaged all Nirvana scene cards and sent them to the alliance.

On the evening of March 20, the official headquarters of Star Card, the map designer department.

Seeing that the scenes sent by Nirvana Club were packaged in the size of dozens of Gs, which is more than ten times that of other clubs, the map design director suddenly had a bad premonition. He shook his fingers and opened it, a smile on his face Gradually shattered: "..."

The subordinate smiled and said: "Boss, Nirvana is the last submission, right? Their newly established club must have made not many maps. Can we finish the review tomorrow and take an early holiday?"

The design director's face was as stiff as a statue: "Vacation? You think too much, then everyone will work overtime for me!"

When the director of the card data review department next door passed by, he happened to hear these words, couldn't help but smile slightly, and thought gloatingly: This time it's your turn? Come on, don't get pissed off.

The author has something to say:

Xie Mingzhe: Our scene map is fun :)

Map Designers: MMP…