Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 187: Group list


The previous team competition system was that all teams played a big round robin in the regular season, and the final rankings were counted. In the eleventh season, due to the increasing number of participating teams, the league divided the team competition into the upper and lower halves. Therefore, the group list became the focus of everyone's attention.

After clarifying the competition system, the official competition director will announce the group list soon.

Before the group announcement, the contestants had a heated discussion in private. Shan Lan leaned into Master's ear and asked, "Master, do you think we will be divided into the upper or lower half?" Nie Yuandao said calmly, "Anyway, not will be divided with Nirvana."

As soon as the voice fell, a group list appeared on the screen.

The upper half is also group A. There are old clubs Fenghua, Ghost Prison and Frost City, as well as six second-rate teams. Among them, the more famous ones are Mirage and Sanctuary. The remaining four teams, Xie Mingzhe, have never heard of it. Pass.

In the second half of Group B, the old clubs include Judgment, Pantheon and City of Darkness. Other teams like Terminator, Peak, Wolf, Brilliant, Moonlight, etc., are all second-tier teams that have not made the playoffs. However, Nirvana, which was just established this year, has attracted much attention due to the fame of Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiao in the Masters before.

Shan Lan: "… "

He shouldn't be mean to ask the master, he knows exactly what the master is saying.

Nirvana and Judgment are not only divided into one area, but also the first game of Group B!

Xie Mingzhe really doesn't mind which teams are in the same zone. Anyway, in the regular season, all teams have to play round-robin matches, but only one game with teams in the same zone, and two games for cross-zone teams.

After the announcement of the group list, the event director immediately announced the schedule of the regular season from April to June.

Seeing the intensive schedule, Xie Mingzhe couldn't help but feel nervous. In April, the group cycle was first, and he specially picked Nirvana to watch. Nirvana's most recent team match was scheduled for April 4th, which is the evening three days later. At 8 o'clock, the opponent was a very strong ruling in the same district; immediately following the fight against the Temple of the Gods on April 6, the opponent on the 8th, the Capital of the Night, was simply a tyrant three consecutive battles!

After playing these three strong teams, although the next opponents are all second-tier teams, the schedule gives them almost no time to rest and adjust. They play one game every other day, and all the in-group loops will end on April 20. , and enter the external circulation stage.

The first opponent in the loop outside the group is the giant Fenghua in Group A...

Does the person who arranged the game in the league have a grudge against Nirvana? What a nightmare schedule!

Xie Mingzhe looked at Chen Xiao, leaned into his ear and said, "This schedule is a bit like a roller coaster. At the beginning, I challenged three strong teams in a row. After a few days of stability, I began to challenge Fenghua, Ghost Prison, and Liushuangcheng. team… "

Chen Xiao said calmly: "It's okay, anyway, these powerful enemies will meet sooner or later. If we meet them earlier, it will be easier for us to learn lessons and adjust our tactics as soon as possible." He pointed to the first game in the schedule, and said, "Follow In this decision, you will direct it."

Xie Mingzhe said with a bitter face: "I have no confidence in hitting God Nie!"

Chen Xiao said: "My style is too similar to Nie Shen. I can't beat the ruling in the face of the fight. You have to rely on your wonderful tactics to see if you can win a point from the ruling."

Xie Mingzhe touched his chin and said, "How about we go back and discuss it with Master?"

Chen Xiao said: "Well, I will send the schedule to my brother and let him prepare in advance!"

Xie Mingzhe nodded and decided to go back and discuss the detailed plan with Master.

After the announcement of the team competition schedule, followed by the announcement of the individual competition schedule.

Because there are so many players who signed up for the individual competition this season—Nie Yuandao, Ling Jingtang, and Zheng Feng, these veteran players who debuted before the third season actually signed up; and the great gods who once won the individual competition, Tang Muzhou , Fang Yu, Liu Jingxu, Shan Lan, Pei Jingshan and other new generation players were not absent, in addition to Xu Changfeng, Zhen Man, Ye Zhu, Xu Xingtu and other runner-up winners, almost all of the players who can be named in the league have signed up. It can be said that It's star-studded!

Xie Mingzhe was blinded by this row of names, and couldn't help but whispered: "What's wrong with this year? Did so many players sign up for the individual competition? It's twice as many as the tenth season!"

Hearing his muttering, Tang Muzhou explained with a smile: "The league has been established for ten years, and the eleventh season is the beginning of a new stage. There are many people signing up for individual events, which is normal."

With so many great gods, it is not difficult to win awards.

Fortunately, the individual competition is also divided into the regular season and the playoffs, which is consistent with the team competition. After the regular season is completed in the first half of the year, the playoffs will be played in the second half of the year. Therefore, Xie Mingzhe still has a long time to hone his skills. and awareness.

There are no groups in the individual competition. The first stage of the competition is similar to the master competition. Ten games are drawn by lottery, and each game is two wins of three games. Those who win more than six games will enter the next stage. After the top 32 are selected, it is the group. In the round-robin, each group finally selects two people to form the top 16 to play in the playoffs in the second half of the year.

In the first stage, there were hundreds of players in the entire league who signed up for the competition. Except for the great gods, Xie Mingzhe was quite confident in winning other players. It should not be difficult to win six out of ten. The difficulty is that in the top 32 stage, four in the group stage and two in the group stage, if you are in the same group with a particularly powerful god, you have to destroy the god in the same group if you want to qualify...

Xie Mingzhe rubbed his swollen temples, and no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the future was very slim.

Only one step at a time.

No matter what the final result is, it’s always right to prepare carefully for every game. Anyway, when he comes to play the game, the most important thing is to let more people like his cards, even if he can’t win the championship, it doesn’t matter, as long as he is worthy of himself and Enough fans.


After the meeting, since Xie Mingzhe said that he would take the initiative to invite guests to dinner, Tang Muzhou gave him an idea to invite him to a buffet. A nearby hotel happened to have a good buffet, and the buffet format could also cater to the tastes of different players.

A group of people came to the hotel in a mighty way, chatting while eating.

When someone treats guests, everyone is of course not polite, and they pick up their plates and go for food.

Shan Lan took the initiative to find Xie Mingzhe and asked with a smile: "The first team match is to play our verdict. Will you take out Qin Keqing? My peacock is ready to hang himself."

Xie Mingzhe rubbed his nose with a dry smile: "Lan Shen is joking, let's take a little abuse, don't let us lose too ugly."

Shan Lan said: "You don't necessarily lose, don't be humble."

The two were polite in their mouths, but they were clueless in their hearts.

It stands to reason that the rhythm of a veteran club like Nirvana in the ruling is a 2:0 crushing rhythm, but the key point is that Nirvana has Chen Xiao, a player with first-class operation and consciousness, and Xie Mingzhe's strange cards. and creative...

If you switch to any club, you will not dare to guarantee that you will definitely win Nirvana.

Other clubs are watching. After all, the other old opponents are well-known. There is only a Nirvana deck in the entire league, which is still unknown.

Lingshen, who was in the same group of the pantheon, and Pei team from Dark Night City also came to greet Xie Mingzhe and the others. They sat at a table to eat, and while chatting, they explored the way to see what new cards and new scenes Nirvana had.

Yu Ke's stature is relatively short, and Ye Zhu's height is less than 165cm, so the "Alliance Double Short" consciously got together and chatted while holding the cake.

Ye Zhu pulled Yu Ke's cliché and said, "We have submitted five scene maps this year in the City of Darkness, all of which are newly developed and very interesting. How about you? How many have you submitted?"

Yu Ke proudly said, "We submitted dozens of Gs!"

Ye Zhu: "..."

Gui Sirui, who was passing by, pricked up his ears when he heard this, and immediately walked over with a plate, smiled and stretched out his hand to Yu Ke: "Hello Xiao Ke, I have been following your ghost cards for a long time, and you also like horror and ghosts. Is it the style? We can leave a contact information to exchange horror film resources."

"Do you have the resources?" Yu Ke's eyes lit up, and he immediately left his contact number to Gui Sirui, thinking to himself, this great god really has no air and is very good at talking.

Gui Sirui sent Yu Ke a bunch of resource packs on the spot, all of which were horror movies and horror novels. After sending them out, he pretended to inadvertently asked: "I just heard you chat with Xiaozhu, have you made a lot of new maps? "

"Well, dozens of G's!" Yu Ke happily sorted the resource package sent by the other party in the light brain.

Gui Sirui's face was full of surprise: "It's so big, how many are there?"

Yu Ke scratched his head with a smile, and said, "There are too many, I can't even count them."

Gui Sirui: "…"

Ye Zhu: "… "

The little guy seems innocent, but he is actually quite clever, and he refuses to reveal the key information at all.

It's just that the dozens of G maps he mentioned made Gui Sirui and Ye Zhu a little scared - how many maps did Nirvana make? It seems that this season, the newly joined Nirvana team in the league is likely to become the most difficult dark horse to deal with.


The afternoon time is the press conference of the major clubs. The league has arranged a unified conference room for the major clubs to hold press conferences in batches. Of course, the press conference site of the first-tier clubs is surrounded by reporters, but the newly established team of Nirvana, The popularity is actually not weaker than other veteran teams.

When Xie Mingzhe, Chen Xiao, Yu Ke, and Qin Xuan came to the Nirvana press conference, they saw a large number of reporters waiting here. .

After realizing it was right, Yu Ke said nervously: "There are so many people! I don't know what questions to ask, what should I do if I can't answer them?" Qin Xuan said calmly next to him: "You just need to be the background board and answer the questions. Just leave it to Azhe and Brother Chen." Yu Ke thought it made sense, so he took a deep breath, followed Xie Mingzhe with a smile on his face, and minimized his sense of existence.

After all, Chen Xiao is someone who has seen the big scene. After entering the venue, he picked up the microphone and said with a graceful smile: "Hello everyone, we are the four professional players of the Nirvana Club. If you have any questions, please be in order. Raise your hand to ask questions."

A girl immediately raised her hand and said, "I heard that there are a lot of teams participating in the team competition this year. Nirvana is a new team joining this season. What is your goal?"

Chen Xiaodao: "Professional league masters are like clouds. Our goal in the first half of the year is to try our best to qualify in the team and individual competitions and enter the playoffs."

While their real goal is to get the trophy, saying that for a new team just makes them feel too arrogant. In the first half of the year, we will advance to the playoffs, and in the second half of the year, we will try our best to win an award, step by step.

Immediately after, another reporter asked: "The schedule of the team competition has been released on the official website. I found that the opponent of Nirvana's first team competition is the ruling. What do you think is the chance of winning this game?"

Chen Xiao passed the microphone to Xie Mingzhe, Xie Mingzhe said calmly: "The ruling is a very strong opponent, but we will not sit still and prepare well when we go back. This is our first team match in Nirvana, no matter what the final result is, Everyone will definitely do their best, and treat it as a teamwork exercise.”

Xie Mingzhe's words were accurate, and his teammates gave him a thumbs up behind his back.

The reporter followed up and asked: "Has Nirvana submitted a self-made map this season? I heard that Nirvana Club does not have a professional map research and development department. In terms of the home map, will you suffer?"

When the staff of the official map department, program department, and card department who watched the live broadcast heard this, they all wanted to beat this reporter.

Will they lose out on the map? What a joke!

Our three departments collectively worked overtime to review and complete dozens of G maps.

Xie Mingzhe picked up the microphone, smiled slightly, and said humbly: "We have made some home maps, which have passed the official review, but compared to other clubs, the maps we made may not be so good. The game, I hope the audience can be more tolerant to us, thank you."

Official staff: "… "

Just dress it up! That last sentence is the point. Be more "tolerant" to your wonderful maps, so you have to accept the settings of card pregnancy and childbirth, card dating, and card shopping with the elderly

In the question and answer session that followed, some reporters expressed curiosity about the new face Qin Xuan, but because Qin Xuan was paralyzed throughout the whole process, he only answered the reporter's questions briefly with "yes" and "yes", and he was a cold-hearted king. It was Xie Mingzhe who looked kind and answered all the questions he could answer very seriously, so the reporters swarmed up and asked questions around Xie Mingzhe.

Since this press conference was a pre-match interview, the reporters were relatively mild and did not ask too many sharp questions. It was just after the press conference that there were a lot of reports about Nirvana on the Internet, and there were many posts on the forum, one after another predicting the outcome of this team match between Nirvana and Judgment.

"Nirvana is so miserable, I met a Boss like Judgment in the first game!"

"Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiao have good personal strength, but team competition is about cooperation. Nirvana's team competition strength is not strong!"

"Nirvana is in a difficult situation to qualify for Group B. The support rate in the first team match is less than 30%. The schedule is arranged to challenge the strong teams continuously. It is a nightmare schedule. I feel that their mentality in the first round of the regular season will be destroyed!"

"Nirvana encounters a ruling in the first battle, what kind of answer will it give to the fans? I think 0:2 is more likely!"

The so-called "analysis posts" posted by reporters in the forum and competition area collectively chanted Nirvana, which really made Yu Ke angry.

After reading these posts, Yu Ke couldn't help but say, "Isn't there a sensible media that supports us in Nirvana to get rid of the ruling? Maybe we will be upset 2:0!"

Chen Xiao rubbed his head: "You think too much, how is 2:0 possible? The team battle of the ruling is really strong, and Lao Nie is a very calm and excellent commander. Our new team is difficult to win in the team battle. ruling."

Xie Mingzhe echoed: "Yes, team battles require cooperation. Unlike individual battles, Nirvana's current support rate of 30% is already relatively high. If it is replaced by other new teams and old teams, it is estimated that the support rate will be higher than that of old teams. less than 5%."

Yu Ke lowered his head and looked frustrated: "Then what do you mean, we must lose the verdict?"

Xie Mingzhe smiled slightly: "That's not true. What we mean is, be prepared to lose, and then - try to win a game!"

Chen Xiao agreed with this, saying: "Plan for the worst, and the final result will make us not too uncomfortable. This is called the lower the expectation value, the more surprising it will be."

Yu Ke complained: "You are the upper body of Team Pei, what philosophical dialectics are you learning!"

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: "Does what I say make no sense?"

Just as he was talking, Chen Qianlin pushed the door and came in. Chen Xiao immediately closed his mouth, restrained his smile, and pretended to be a very serious person. Chen Qianlin glanced at him, raised his mouth slightly, and said, "Everyone is back? Don't be late for the meeting in the next conference room in five minutes."