Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 191: Pig Bajie


In the regular season of the team competition, each game is a game of two games, with one point being awarded for a win, and no points for a loss. The result was beyond the expectations of many people. After all, 70% of the netizens in the pre-match guessing session believed that the ruling could defeat Nirvana 2:0, but they did not expect that the new team of Nirvana could pull back a game.

It's just that the way they pulled back a round was a bit special. The new deck used by Xie Mingzhe left netizens speechless, and they didn't know whether to praise him or scold him.

After each game, there will be a "highlight replay". The picture of Zhu Bajie carrying two cards of Nie Shen as his daughter-in-law and being knocked to death by the big brother Sun Wukong with a stick is presented on the big screen again.

The slow-motion replay, which looks extra clear and extra funny.

When Nie Yuandao took off his helmet, he happened to see this scene replaying on the big screen.

The expressions of the two commentators were very complicated. Wu Yue's always sweet smile was also a little stiff at this time, and she said embarrassingly: "Pig Bajie is actually a displacement strong control card, which is essentially the same as the pulling of plant vines and ghost card hair, except that Fat Uncle does it. The description of the card's skills is too strange, carrying a daughter-in-law, such a description will cause the opponent... ahem, a mental blow!"

Liu Chen quickly adjusted his expression and said helplessly: "If it was me, if I watched my cards get snatched by a pig to be my daughter-in-law, I might go crazy..."

Many viewers in the live broadcast room agreed, and even Xie Mingzhe's fans were embarrassed to praise him, saying: "I feel sorry for the card of God Nie, if the card has a soul, Uncle Fatty will be besieged by the cards of the whole league! "His cards are always so indescribable, persuading the opposite card to hang up, grabbing the opposite card to be his daughter-in-law, is there a more damaging idea?" "I think there should be!"

Nie Yuandao watched the replay with a serious expression, then stood up from the swivel chair and walked to the middle of the stage.

The man who has always looked serious, is still very serious at this time, but there is a trace of... murderous intent in his eyes

The four of Nirvana also came over at this time. Just after winning the next game, Xie Mingzhe had a particularly bright smile on his face, but when he met Nie Yuandao's deep eyes, his smile was still slightly stiff, and he lowered his head in a guilty conscience.

This murder is kind of scary.

Nie Yuandao tried his best to maintain the demeanor of the senior players, stretched out his hand and said, "Congratulations to you for taking 1 point from the ruling."

Xie Mingzhe shook his hand politely: "Thank you..." Nie Shen's subtext was probably: Don't meet in the playoffs, or I'll make you die ugly.

Nie Yuandao glanced at him, and said in a low voice that only the two of them could hear, "Carry your daughter-in-law on your back and let your senior brother kill you, your Zhu Bajie is really interesting."

Obviously, Shen Nie's expression was calm, but there was an inexplicable chill down his spine.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Nie Shen lightly pat his arm and said meaningfully, "Come on."

Xie Mingzhe immediately nodded seriously: "I will."

Nie Yuandao and the rest of Nirvana shook hands amicably, and immediately came to the backstage.

After the game, there will be a brief interview with reporters. The reporters who were watching the live broadcast just now saw the appearance of the Nirvana four, and they swarmed around Xie Mingzhe to ask questions: "Today's match against the ruling was very exciting, Zhu Bajie. This card is particularly brilliant, can Azhe tell us about the design of this card?"

Xie Mingzhe explained: "I first designed the group displacement control of 'Princess Iron Fan', and then thought that if there is a single displacement control card for cooperation, the opponent's core card can be brought to our encirclement to concentrate fire power. Kill, so I designed Zhu Bajie's skill to carry his daughter-in-law as a single displacement strong control. Of course, the name of the skill is not particularly pleasant... "

The reporters burst into laughter.

Doesn't it sound great? You seem to be quite self-aware! If the whole league chooses the "most hated skill name", Zhu Bajie's wife will definitely be ranked in the top three!

"It's really not easy to get 1 point from the ruling today. The analysis posts on the major forums before the game all think that Nirvana will definitely lose to the ruling 0:2. Did you feel stressed at the time? so what?"

"Pressure is also a driving force. We played the game with the mentality of losing, but we were not too nervous. Maybe because the players were more relaxed, the second game cooperated very smoothly. Of course, I was very happy to win, and I will make persistent efforts in the future. ."

Although Xie Mingzhe is young, every time he answers questions, he is very graceful, confident, straightforward, and has a frank smile. People who originally wanted to scold him, seeing his handsome smile, have a lot of black fans - I think this guy is very interesting, I want to see him vomit blood from the gods.

He answered questions politely and without leakage, and the reporters collectively gave the Nirvana team a warm applause. Xie Mingzhe's out-of-the-way vision saw that the person who made the ruling also came to the interview room, and immediately bowed to the reporters and thanked the reporters, and quickly slipped away with his teammates.

Although the verdict was a 1:1 draw, the result was not ideal, but today everyone sympathizes with Nie Shen, so the question is relatively mild: "Nie Shen, the tie with Nirvana is 1:1, did you expect this result?"

Nie Yuandao said calmly: "Nirvana is a brand new team with unpredictable strength. Any score is possible in this game. They have a new map and a new deck in their home game, and they are indeed well prepared. The next game will be normal as well.”

A certain female reporter boldly asked: "In the second game just now, your two favorite cards, Lion King and Black Wolf, were snatched by Zhu Bajie to be their daughter-in-law. Was Shen Nie angry at that time?"

After the question was asked, the audience burst into laughter, apparently everyone recalled the incredible scene just now.

Shan Lan peeked at the master, and found that the man's face remained calm, but the fist behind him was clenched hard, and the veins on the back of his hand burst out - obviously he really wanted to crush that little bastard Xie Mingzhe.

Nie Yuandao glanced across the audience and said lightly, "Don't be angry, I'm not the only one who is unlucky."

The female reporter who asked the question immediately grasped the key point and said: "Nie Shen means that there will be more and more cards being snatched by Zhu Bajie to be a daughter-in-law. You just set a precedent, and other players can't escape, right? Everyone will be unlucky?"

Nie Yuandao nodded: "Well, we ruled that Nirvana was the first opponent Nirvana met in the team stage. I believe that Nirvana will not come up with the strongest tactics from the beginning. They must have more annoying cards. Not a single club can escape."

All-Union: "… "

God Nie, you are blatantly cursing!

Since Nie Yuandao always said that Uncle Zhongfa was doing a dead card, his name "Crow Mouth" spread in the alliance. The original serious and calm male god's painting style suddenly changed, and it seemed that he also consciously accepted the crow mouth man. Let’s say that one or two predictions come at every critical moment.

He obviously means "it's better for everyone to be unlucky alone" and "maybe you will be more unlucky than me"!

However, what he said does make sense. No team will come up with the strongest tactics from the very beginning. Nirvana must have a lot of hidden cards hidden in it. Maybe there is something more annoying than Zhu Bajie. Take it out in the next game.

Moreover, this card of Zhu Bajie will definitely not be used only once. In the next games, Zhu Bajie will definitely appear frequently, robbing his daughter-in-law everywhere, which is simply the number one scum card in the league!

Thinking of this, everyone in the team that has not played against Nirvana is in danger, and the great gods are complaining in their hearts. How can there be such a wonderful player Xie Mingzhe? If you design displacement skills, you can't design them well? Do you have to take the name of "back daughter-in-law"? Why should the official pass the audit

This question is also something that many netizens do not understand. For a time, the Internet is full of discussions about the card of Zhu Bajie—

"Although the cards are only combat tools, each owner has feelings for the cards that he has carefully cultivated. How can the officials pass the review of such insulting skills?"

"I don't think the name of this skill is insulting. The setting of Zhu Bajie is originally a lecherous pig demon, so it is reasonable to rob a daughter-in-law!"

"I also think it's fun to grab a relative. If you don't like it, you can kill this card first!"

The two sides started fighting and arguing endlessly. As a result, the topic #zhubajie# was directly on the hot search.

This is the second time that the cards made by Xie Mingzhe have been on the hot search.

Everyone still remembers that not long ago, his Qin Keqing persuaded Chen Xiao's plant to hang in the finals of the Masters, so the topic of # Plant Hanging# was on the hot search, and many talented netizens made a lot of emojis, accompanied by "I Don't hang yourself" characters.

Now, those talented fans are dispatched again—

The wonderful clips of Nirvana and the adjudication game were intercepted and made into a series of emoji packs for carrying a daughter-in-law.

I saw that in the environment of flames everywhere, Zhu Bajie carried the lion of Nie Shen without saying a word and left, with the words "don't be afraid, daughter-in-law, I will carry you", the lion was spoofed with a red-faced shy expression. There is also a moving picture of Zhu Bajie carrying a black wolf on his back. The black wolf's head was spoofed with a wedding turban, with the words "Old pig carried his daughter-in-law to get married, and the daughter-in-law's face is a little dark"...

There are other spoofs, such as "Yesterday you said you love me, and you want to marry me as a wife, but you carried me over to your brother to kill you. You scumbag, I don't believe in love anymore." Rui's ghost card P was placed on Zhu Bajie's back: "I stole a daughter-in-law, and a ghost!" The most funny thing is that someone also put Lao Zheng's elephant in it, making Zhu Bajie struggle to carry the big one on his back. Elephant, with the words: "This daughter-in-law is too heavy, will I be crushed to death?"

Netizens used their brains to create a series of emoticons, which made Xie Mingzhe roll on the bed with laughter.

This fully proves the popularity of the card Zhu Bajie. Netizens have a lot of fun playing with emojis while scolding.

He found that the card Zhu Bajie could play a wonderful show in the card world. He was really embarrassed. One card made the entire league's card emotional history chaotic. Perhaps in the near future, talented netizens will also make a statistic-in those years, the cards who were carried by Zhu Bajie to be their daughter-in-law.

In a dream that night, Xie Mingzhe dreamed again that he was being chased and killed by someone wielding a knife. Many people's faces could not be seen clearly, but the clearest one was the calm-looking Great God Nie Yuandao. He had a long knife in his hand. Seriously aiming at Xie Mingzhe's back vest...

When he woke up in the morning, Xie Mingzhe felt a chill down his spine.

It's just a matter of being a daughter-in-law. If Nie Shen's lion is pregnant in the future, what will Nie Shen's reaction be? It's scary to think about.

Xie Mingzhe ran to the bathroom, washed his face with cold water, chased away the nightmare in his mind, and came to the conference room refreshed.