Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 195: Zhuge Liang


Nirvana had been at a disadvantage in the second game, and finally came back from a desperate situation. The two commentators were stunned for two seconds before they came back to their senses. The director also quickly called up the game data and zoomed in on the game's MVP card, Zhuge Liang. on the live screen.

Wu Yue said excitedly: "Congratulations to Nirvana for winning the second round, the last wave of team battles was so beautiful!"

The screen happened to be the last wave of slow-motion playback, and Wu Yue explained with the camera: "When the water curtain was about to land, they moved forward collectively, just for Zhuge Liang to appear, open the empty city plan, and the moment the water curtain disappeared, the group could be invisible. , quickly turn around!"

Approaching the opponent first, then stealthily revolving around the moment the water curtain disappears, such a strategy made the gods watching the game on the scene appreciate it.

At the beginning, passers-by who swiped the screen in the live broadcast room and said, "The commander is in a mess" and "all of them rushed forward, is this going to give someone a head?" At this moment, they lowered their heads in shame, and their faces were beaten painfully.

Nirvana's fans finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time, frantically swiping 666 in the live broadcast room: "Azhe's commander is great!" "The last wave of counterattacks looks really enjoyable!" "Who said that our fat uncle can only do negotiation A card that people hate? A serious card like Zhuge Liang is also super handsome!"

Since the MVP card of Zhuge Liang is presented on the screen, everyone can clearly see his skill design and data.

Compared to Zhu Bajie's annoying description of "carrying his wife", Zhuge Liang's skill description is relatively normal.

The commentator Liu Chen also liked this card and introduced it in detail: "Zhuge Liang's 1st skill 'Talking to the Confucianists' is a group fear, and the 2nd skill 'The Grass Boat Borrowing Arrows' is similar to the anti-damage of the soil type, but it is not an open skill When it is time to attack, it will be counter-injured immediately, but delayed counter-injury, which just matches the group attack skills of teammates, which is also the key to Nirvana's final comeback; the 3rd skill 'Empty City Strategy' is group stealth... This card is really designed. Great, group control, group counter-injury, and group concealment all in one!"

Wu Yue also praised: "Zhuge Liang's basic attributes are very low, and he can easily be killed with less than 30,000 HP. However, as long as he plays and releases key skills, it is enough to change the situation of the battle! Put this super tactical card on the table. In the dark card, it was called until the last moment, and the victory was determined in one wave, Xie Mingzhe's command today is indeed very skillful."

Liu Chen added a few more words: "It's hard to believe that Xie Mingzhe is a rookie who just joined the league this year. After the two games with Judgment and Pantheon, I think no one will doubt his talent in commanding team battles!"

The praise of the two commentators made Xie Mingzhe's fans listen very well. Some viewers who did not understand the game heard the detailed analysis of the commentator and felt that Xie Mingzhe was indeed very talented in commanding.

Nirvana was suppressed miserably in the first game, and the second game was always at a disadvantage. The fans never thought that it would end up like this. The suppression in the early stage, and the handsome counterattack in the later stage, some fans were so excited that they cried—also Because of this, the popularity of Zhuge Liang's card has skyrocketed. Before the game was over, it was searched by fans and passers-by together.

In the past, when Zhu Bajie was on the hot search, there were all kinds of spoof emojis, but this time Zhuge Liang was widely praised.

Among the character cards drawn by Xie Mingzhe, there are not many men with good looks, but Zhuge Liang has a very special temperament. He seems to have an innate demeanor. The calm and calmness of playing the guqin, coupled with a young and handsome face and tall and slender figure, just by seeing him appear, can attract the attention of countless fans.

Secondly, his skill design is also perfect. As the commentary analyzed, the tactical cards of group control, group counter and group concealment are all in one, even if the blood volume is very low, it seems that it is very easy to die, but the impact on the battle situation at the critical moment— Just 5 seconds to destroy the temples is enough to explain the problem,

Such a beautiful and powerful card will of course be loved by many netizens.

In the interview session at the end of the game, reporters also started to ask questions around "Zhuge Liang". A professional reporter asked: "Using Zhuge Liang's tactical card to counterattack the opponent unexpectedly at the last minute, and calculate the skill time of all teammates and opponents, is this a tactic you have planned for a long time?"

In fact, it was not planned in advance, but Xie Mingzhe was too daring and temporarily replaced this hidden card.

If the truth is true, some people will definitely think that he is arrogant and can win with any card. This is also a kind of contempt for Lingshen of the Temple of the Gods. Xie Mingzhe wisely followed the reporter's words and said solemnly: "Yes, in order to get a point from the hands of the temples, we have made a lot of preparations in the past two days. We have also practiced the card of Zhuge Liang many times. The combo counterattack of the grass boat borrowing arrows and the empty city strategy is also a tactic specially designed for Lingshen."

Yu Ke: "… "

Open your eyes and talk nonsense without changing your face, Ah Zhe's acting skills are really getting better and better!

Chen Xiao appreciated Xie Mingzhe's statement very much. Such an answer saved enough face for the temples, and he would not be hacked. Nirvana has been on the hot search recently, so keep a low profile!

When netizens hear this, they will only think that the Zhuge Liang system is a secret lineup that Nirvana has practiced in private for a long time, and it is not surprising to win the temples. But in fact? Zhuge Liang was Xie Mingzhe's improvised idea and suddenly took out the hidden card. He took out this card in a hurry and aimed at Lingshen's weapon card, but he used this card carefully in the arena and finally succeeded in counterattacking.

This is enough to show his ability to grasp the entire battle situation.

The teammates have a deep understanding, but it is not easy to praise him explicitly. Fortunately, the reporters are not blind. Knowing that Xie Mingzhe was in command of this game, they continued to ask questions around him: "Azhe calculated all his skills at the last minute, and the comeback is really handsome! It can be suppressed for a long time. Keep calm, how did you do it?"

Xie Mingzhe said with a smile: "I didn't think about it too much, so I focused on the situation on the field. Teammates communicated at any time in the team voice, and they would take the initiative to remind me when the cooldown time of their card's ultimate move was over. I just need to confirm everyone. All the cards and big moves are there, and then summon Zhuge Liang for a collective counterattack. This is not due to me alone, it is everyone's good cooperation."

By the way, praise his teammates, he is quite a man.

Although some of his cards are indeed very hateful, Xie Mingzhe is clearly a polite and humble boy!

Looking at his bright smile, the reporters were embarrassed to criticize him. Therefore, after the game, the manuscripts of major websites all praised Xie Mingzhe, what a genius card maker, excellent commanding talent, calmness A humble young genius...

This exaggerated adjective, Xie Mingzhe looked embarrassed. Now praising him so unanimously, if he comes up with cards like Yuelao and Wang Xifeng, as well as scene cards such as Daughters Country and Daguanyuan, will the reporters collectively turn black? It's called "killing", right? First hold him high, then stomp him to death...

Seeing the positive reports about this game from major websites, Xie Mingzhe was not happy, but very guilty.

On the way back, Yu Ke couldn't help but praise him: "Azhe, you are so bold and careful! When you took out Zhuge Liang, I was scared to death. I always thought this game would collapse, but I didn't expect the effect to be so good! "Chen Xiao patted Xie Mingzhe on the shoulder and said, "Yes, there is a future." Xie Mingzhe smiled and said, "Thank you for your willingness to follow me on the adventure."

If it wasn't for the trust of their teammates, as long as anyone was unwilling to listen to the command, they wouldn't be able to make a comeback in the second round. Xie Mingzhe is bold, but the key reason why he dares to do this is actually because he believes that his teammates will work together no matter what the situation.

While we were chatting, Xie Mingzhe's brain suddenly lit up - it was a voice message from Tang Muzhou, who asked simply, "Zhuge Liang's dark card, you added it temporarily, right?"

Xie Mingzhe was stunned and puzzled: "Brother, how did you guess?"

Tang Muzhou said with a chuckle, "From what I know about you, if you practiced for a long time before the match, as you said, you wouldn't make repeated adjustments in the stage of showing your cards. I remember that you changed the cards three times in a row. The cards should be discussing with the teammates whether to take out Zhuge Liang."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Senior brother is really keen-eyed, and he noticed such details.

Xie Mingzhe repeatedly adjusted the hidden cards at that time. After most people saw it, they would definitely think that Nirvana was adjusting the lineup or playing tricks, but Tang Muzhou suddenly guessed the real reason why Xie Mingzhe did this - because he had no confidence in his heart and dared not take Zhuge Liang, After hesitating twice, I finally summoned the courage to take it out.

His understanding of Xie Mingzhe is naturally deeper than others.

Being guessed by the senior brother, Xie Mingzhe didn't want to hide it, and said straightly: "Zhuge Liang is a loose card I made in the later stage, and it does not belong to the deck. We actually haven't practiced the Zhuge Liang system, and we took it out today because we lost the first game too badly. , in the second game, Lingshen just changed more than ten weapon cards, so I thought of using Zhuge Liang's straw boat to borrow arrows to restrain him."

Tang Muzhou smiled and said, "Is it really taken out temporarily? You are brave enough!"

Xie Mingzhe said cheekily: "I also think I'm brave enough, you say, Master will scold me?"

Chen Qianlin didn't come to the scene today, but watched the game by himself at the club. When he saw Zhuge Liang play, what would he look like? Would you like to strangle this self-asserted apprentice

Although Nirvana won in the end, Xie Mingzhe was really impulsive, and he was ready to be scolded by his master.

Tang Muzhou comforted: "Don't worry, you command very well, Master won't tell you."

Xie Mingzhe breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good." After a pause, he said proudly: "Do you think I commanded well too?"

Being embarrassed and arrogant in front of reporters, he must remain humble, so as not to be called arrogant and arrogant by netizens. But in front of his senior brother, he doesn't need to suppress his joy. After all, this is a game of counterattack and comeback. Xie Mingzhe really wants to hear his senior brother's affirmation.

Tang Muzhou sent a voice message, his voice was low and gentle: "Today's second game really played well, you have a talent for commanding team battles, you have a strong overall view, but you lack some practical experience, believe in yourself, you will be more and more in the future. the better."

Hearing the man's deep voice, Xie Mingzhe was very happy, and quickly replied: "Haha, I also think I am super talented!" If there is a tail behind him, it is estimated that it would have been raised to the sky by now.

Tang Muzhou can imagine his excited and smug look, pretending to be calm in front of reporters, and answering questions without leaking, but in fact, his character is not that mature and steady, and it is estimated that he wants to dance the moment the game is over. Get up to celebrate, in order to avoid too much hatred, I have endured until now.

The more I think about it, the more cute I feel. The guy who pretends to be serious in front of reporters must have a lot of inner drama, right? Tang Muzhou couldn't help laughing. After a while, he touched his nose and sent a message to Xie Mingzhe: "When will you use the water cards of Wang Xifeng and Jia Tanchun? Attack with laughter and slap in the face, it should be more exciting. ."

This water-based deck was used by Xie Mingzhe to play a practice match with Fenghua No. 2 team all night. To Tang Muzhou, this deck is certainly not a secret, but other clubs don't know that Xie Mingzhe made such a set. Laughter attack card.

To play Fenghua, Xie Mingzhe would definitely not use the water-based deck that his brother already knew, that would be a death sentence. Tang Muzhou was obviously aware of this, so he asked him when the water-based deck would be playing.

Xie Mingzhe didn't intend to hide it, and typed back: "It's time for the Sanctuary."

Tang Muzhou: "..."

Xie Mingzhe found a "sincere smiley face" emoji from his brain, and said: "Senior brother played the Sanctuary decisively at 2:0 that day. I was very relieved. I also wanted to prepare a surprise for the Sanctuary. When the time comes, I will use Wang Xifeng. Hahaha laughing attack, Jia Tanchun's slap attack, isn't this just hitting Shao Bo in the face?"

Tang Muzhou didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "While listening to Wang Xifeng laughing and being slapped in the face by Tan Chun, Shao Bo will probably be mad at you."

Xie Mingzhe said seriously: "Master has always said that we should not mind the past, but every time I see the card that the Sanctuary took out, the card maker's logo has the word 'Lin' written on it, and I feel particularly disgusted."

Tang Muzhou agreed: "Me too, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense when I meet Sanctuary, it's enough to destroy them head-on."

Xie Mingzhe said: "That's right, it's okay to be an apprentice to the master, so I want to use this maddening water card when playing the Sanctuary, but I haven't told the master about this idea, anyway, it's still far from the circle outside the group. For a while, I'll think about it slowly first."

Tang Muzhou smiled slightly and said, "Master must be very happy to accept an apprentice like you."

Xie Mingzhe said: "How can I compare with my senior brother? You were so beautiful back then. You won more than 50 straight individual competitions and won the championship directly. Master's proud disciple is your big apprentice."

Tang Muzhou said: "But now, Master is in the same team with you, and the eldest apprentice has been put on stock [sad]."

Xie Mingzhe was stunned and couldn't help laughing: "Yes! In the future, Fenghua vs Nirvana, facing Master, Junior Brother, and a good buddy like Chen Xiao, you must be under a lot of pressure! [Sympathetic eyes]"

Tang Muzhou said, "Don't be too happy, Senior Brother has prepared a surprise for you. [Smiles]"

Xie Mingzhe's back felt a chill, and he always felt that this "surprise" was not simple. Tang Muzhou is the person who knows Nirvana the most. Among all the professional league teams, Fenghua, will be Nirvana's most formidable opponent.

According to the schedule, the out-of-group cycle with Group A will not start until May, and it is still a civil war in Group B. There is still a long time to think about how to deal with Fenghua. The opponent of the next game, the capital of the night, is the focus of Xie Mingzhe's attention.