Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 198: Cards get pregnant too?


Xie Mingzhe was dying of a headache.

He was already mentally prepared for the first game of the home game of the City of Darkness. After all, they also lost the home game of the Judgment and the Temple of the Gods. It is almost impossible to win the home game of the Big Six at this stage.

But he didn't expect to lose like this.

Pei Jingshan's tactical awareness convinced Xie Mingzhe, from the selection of the scene, to the attack and reduction of the bee colony at the critical moment, to the late stage when all the Gu insects were left with blood, suddenly dispatched the spider queen to directly eat his teammates and turned into the Gu king , every time a situation that seems to be a disadvantage can be quickly resolved by him, and the disadvantage can be turned into an advantage.

That's a really great command.

As expected of Tang Muzhou's youth, the two have different tactical ideas, but they are equally strong.

In the second round, Xie Mingzhe originally prepared the tactic of Zhou Yu and Lu Xun's fire attack system. He wanted to rely on group attack to suppress the insects in the dark night city and quickly crippled them. The strategy is to send the opponent to win!

Once he uses a large number of group attack cards to crippling the opposing Gu insects, Pei Jingshan can send out a card to eat his teammates and become the Gu king, and in turn deal an explosive wave of poison attack damage.

What should I do

Gui Sirui's ghoul is that the more corpses die on the scene, the stronger the attack power after devouring the corpses. To deal with this card, you can use Zhong Kui to catch the ghost and banish it directly. However, Xie Mingzhe had never done the instant-death card of the Gu worm class, so he couldn't directly drop Pei Jingshan's Gu king with instant-death judgment.

Once Pei Jingshan was allowed to raise a Gu King, the 8 cards of Nirvana that were quickly dropped in the last round would be the consequence.

Unless all the Gu worm cards are killed in one go, so that the corpse of the worms disappears quickly, instead of being crippled and eaten by the spider queen, this requires the firepower of the group attack to be more powerful - the second round cannot be delayed, and a quick decision must be made. !

In all the scene pictures of Nirvana, the battle of Chibi is the negative effect picture of the whole scene, burning slowly and the rhythm is medium.

There is actually another fast-paced map - Yihong Night Banquet.

The scene map of the Grand View Garden series was originally produced. Jia Baoyu's residence in Yihongyuan suddenly accelerated when the game started to a certain node - the crit rate and crit damage of the whole scene increased greatly!

Xie Mingzhe remembered that Chen Xiao once said that he liked this scene the most because he could deal terrifying damage in an instant.

Maybe you can use this map to instantly clear the battlefield and wipe out all the poisonous insects in the dark night city, so that Pei Jingshan will no longer have the opportunity to raise a Gu king. However, the map that was originally prepared before the game was the Battle of Chibi. If the map was suddenly changed, the teammates might not adapt.

However, due to the relatively early production time of this picture, everyone has practiced it often and is already very familiar with it.

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath, looked at his teammates and said: "In the second round, if the battle of Chibi continues to burn slowly, the opposite side may raise another Gu King like just now. I think it's better to change the map. , try to play a wave - Yihong Night Banquet, do you think it is feasible?"

Yu Ke has become accustomed to Xie Mingzhe's whims. The last time he hit the temples and suddenly replaced Zhuge Liang, the effect was not bad. He had no problem at all and said, "It's okay, I'm familiar with this map anyway!"

Qin Xuan did not speak, but nodded in agreement.

Chen Xiao patted Xie Mingzhe on the shoulder and encouraged: "According to your idea, my brother also said that the commander needs to be adaptable and adjust his thinking at any time according to the opponent's tactics. Since the fire attack strategy of the Battle of Chibi doesn't work, maybe Yi can be replaced. Try the Red Night Banquet."

Xie Mingzhe said seriously: "Thank you everyone."

Commanding a temporary change of scene is also a great test for teammates, but everyone supports him, which gives Xie Mingzhe more confidence: "The deck remains the same, it's still the way I practiced before, I It will be stuck when the Yihong Night Banquet starts, everyone remember to keep key skills, clear the field in one wave, and copy the group attack cards according to the situation."

At the beginning of the second game, Xie Mingzhe submitted the map—Yihongyuan of the Grand View Garden series.

Seeing such a long map name, fans are puzzled: "Is this still a series?" "How many scenes did Nirvana do? Are there other maps in the Grand View Garden series?" "I knew Fat Uncle would not disappoint us. , Nirvana's home court must be fun!"

Pei Jingshan is a terribly rational person. He is not affected by the descriptions of Xie Mingzhe's various strange skills, and he has no reaction when he sees the long map name. He only carefully looked at the map environment and quickly found the key. .

He said to his teammates: "There is a rhythm breakout point in a wave of maps. It seems that they want to clear the field in one wave. Keep the protection skills, bring an invincible card for the whole group, put invincible at the beginning of the banquet, and carry the opponent's opponent. mass explosion."

Auxiliary player Lin Quan nodded immediately and said, "I know Team Pei!"

In the private room, when he saw this map appearing, the corner of Chen Qianlin's mouth twitched slightly. Tang Muzhou noticed the change in Master's expression and said helplessly, "Could it be that he made his own decisions and changed the map temporarily?"

Chen Qianlin said: "He's very smart. This map is indeed the best choice for the mode of raising Gu."

Tang Muzhou was a little puzzled: "Pei Jingshan is not stupid, he must have seen it. I guess he will send Jin Chan and directly use Jin Chan's escaped group invincible protection skills; or put a random taunt card to mock the audience at the beginning of the night banquet, sacrifice Protect your teammates by yourself. In this way, Junior Brother's one-off plan will fail."

Chen Qianlin said, "It's not that simple, you'll know after you read it."

Game start.

In the early days, City of Darkness fought hard and wanted to destroy Nirvana directly before the banquet, but Xie Mingzhe had already made preparations. He sent taunt cards and resurrection cards, and used Sun Ce's high-speed group taunts to resist two waves of damage. , sacrificing himself to protect all teammates.

When Sun Ce is killed in battle, Zhou Yu will trigger a linked skill to increase damage.

Nirvana deliberately used the group attack skills to keep the health of the Gu insect card at around 50%. At this time, it would be very uneconomical to let the spider queen eat other Gu insects. Spider Queen is a card that has to be played in the endgame to be effective. If it is played too early, and it eats up teammates but cannot kill all the opponent's other cards, it is equivalent to breaking both arms.

Pei Jingshan is waiting for an opportunity.

Nirvana is also waiting.

With the passage of time, the NPCs of Yihong Court prepared a sumptuous dinner, and the scene gradually turned from bright dusk to night.

At the beginning of the lanterns, the Yihong courtyard suddenly became brightly lit.

- Scene event, Yihong Night Banquet!

At the moment when the banquet started, Pei Jingshan immediately asked the assistant to send Jin Chan, and the group was invincible for protection. He knows that Nirvana has left a lot of control skills and group attack skills, and he is afraid that Nirvana will quickly control and clear the field with a wave of group attacks at this moment.

Pei Jingshan's reaction was fast, but...

Nirvana did not fight back immediately.

The audience discovered that Xie Mingzhe had suddenly summoned a card before the start of the banquet, the Goddess of Mercy.

Then, a certain plant card of Chen Xiao stood still, with a soft luster on his body.

At the moment when the banquet started, a line of words was displayed on the top of the plant card at the same time: "Pregnant, about to give birth to a baby, immune to all attacks and controls, countdown 9, 8, 7..."


What the hell is being pregnant

Aren't roses all grown from seeds? !

Why is Brother Chen's Black Rose pregnant? ?

The author has something to say:

Black Rose: MMP... I'm a disgrace to the plant world!