Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 199: baby card


The line of words "pregnant" on the top of Black Rose's head has simply refreshed the three views of netizens - the card can still be pregnant, and the countdown to 9 seconds to give birth to a baby, this is really the scene of the star card professional league, not a family ethics TV drama

The audience stared blankly at the countdown above Black Rose's head, and Pei Jingshan, who had always been calm, was no longer calm.

He thought that the Nirvana team would use the effect of the scene's crit damage bonus to fight a large-scale counterattack at the moment the banquet started. Card: Golden Cicada.

The skill of Jin Chan's card is "Jin Chan Escape", which can leave a golden shell in place, and the teammates around themselves and themselves enter a short-term "avoiding being selected" state, which is equivalent to a group invincible protection skill.

As a result, after Jin Chan's ultimate move was finished, all his clothes were taken off, but Nirvana didn't attack at all

Just a waste of emotion!

It's not uncommon to miss the ultimate move, especially for a professional commander like Pei Jingshan. It is rare to make mistakes when predicting the ultimate move. Today, the ultimate move like "Invincible Group" is actually missing, and the scene looks particularly embarrassing.

What's more embarrassing is that Black Rose is still counting down to give birth to a baby.

In the professional league, all the spectators watched a black rose get pregnant and give birth to a child, which is unbelievable...

Fortunately, Pei Jingshan was stunned for a second and then quickly recovered. He had already figured out Xie Mingzhe's strategy.

Nirvana is brewing a large-scale attack plan. The start of the night banquet is not the rhythm point of Nirvana's attack, but Xie Mingzhe's trickery, making Pei Jingshan mistakenly think that the moment when the night banquet begins is their attack time.

Map events happen, and tactics are changed accordingly—any commander would think Nirvana would use this moment to do something about it. Xie Mingzhe deliberately delayed the attack time. This approach is indeed very clever, and because of this, Pei Jingshan's skill prediction made a mistake, the group's invincible big move was empty, and Nirvana's next tactics will naturally be implemented more smoothly.

Xie Mingzhe's tactics have three steps.

The first step is to let "Send Son Guanyin" appear, send a baby to the black rose, and copy a miniature version of the black rose. Among all of Chen Xiao's group attack cards, Black Rose is very flexible, and the basic data of the skill "Kiss of the Rose" is piled up to the highest level. Even if the data of the copied baby card will be halved, it will be enough to deter the enemy when it is released. .

The second step is to summon the two linkage cards of Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying.

When the two scattered cards were originally designed, Huang Yueying designed it as an output card. The skill "Zhuge Repeating Crossbow" can accumulate ten crossbow arrows, which will automatically shoot in the designated direction, causing a lot of damage to the enemies on the path. Zhuge Liang is a powerful control card, which combines the delayed counter-injury of group control, group concealment and grass boat borrowing arrows in one.

In today's game, Xie Mingzhe added Huang Yueying and Zhuge Liang's linkage to the deck, just to rely on Zhuge Liang's field control and Huang Yueying's range to shoot at a critical moment, causing huge damage to the small, hard-to-hit cards in the City of Darkness .

In addition to copying Chen Xiao's Black Rose, the second card Xie Mingzhe wanted to copy was Huang Yueying.

It's just that the order of appearances of Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying must be placed last, lest Pei Jingshan see them and target them in advance.

The third step is to let Qin Xuan summon Xue Baochai and kill Ye Zhu's key card - Bi Die.

In the first game, Xie Mingzhe didn't send Xue Baochai, he just wanted to see how Ye Zhu's butterfly card would work with Pei Jingshan's Gu insect card. He found that Ye Zhu's Pink Butterfly and Blue Morpho double-card combined attack was really strong, and the group of black-patterned butterflies was really strong. The control is very powerful, the single attack ability of the red belt sleeve butterfly is extremely strong, and the tracking speed of the jade butterfly is extremely fast.

However, no matter how powerful these butterfly cards are, the most annoying thing in teamfights is actually the healing card Bidie.

The healing mechanism of this card is different from other healing cards - buff therapy. That is to say, when the blue butterfly exists, the teammates around it will automatically get a healing buff of "returning blood per second". As time goes by, the buff is automatically stacked. the higher.

At the same time, Bi Die also has a skill that can explode the buff, explode all the stacked layers, and instantly restore a large amount of blood.

Don't look at the single healing amount of this card is not high, but the longer it exists, the higher the healing buff it stacks for teammates, the first game is precisely because of its existence, the capital of the night is in the "Poison Insect Valley" like this Only a map that loses blood in the whole scene can survive for so long.

In the second round, Xie Mingzhe decided to start the team battle with Bi Die in seconds, lest a wave of attacks would be released later. Of course, in order to prevent the opponent from bringing a resurrection card to revive Bidie, the time to kill Bidie must be closely related to the time of the full-scale attack, and the opponent should not be left with any chance to react.

The connection of these three steps is interlocking, and every link cannot go wrong.


Shortly after the banquet started, Black Rose's baby had not yet been born, and a large number of netizens in the live broadcast room were complaining: "Is Black Rose going to have a difficult childbirth?" The cards designed are really enough, turning a good card battle into a family ethics battle of robbing a daughter-in-law and giving birth to a child!" "The black rose is such a ruthless and dazzling plant, it is actually a baby of all living beings. If I were a black rose, I would be better than a black rose. Hit to death!"

The countdown number above Black Rose's head has been decreasing, and the Dark City side has responded quickly and started an all-out attack.

Since Xie Mingzhe pretended to delay the start of the war, Pei Jingshan couldn't wait for the other party to fight after giving birth - Nirvana won't fight us, then let's fight him in the past!

After receiving Team Pei's order, Ye Zhu's tracking butterfly moved quickly, aimed at Zhou Yu, and summoned his teammates to his side.

Once the Yihongyuan Night Banquet begins, there will be a crit effect bonus for the whole scene, which both parties can enjoy. The attack power of the cards in the Dark Night City itself is high, and it gets the scene crit bonus, which almost instantly kills Zhou Yu.

Lu Xun and Sun Shangxiang were not able to escape the fate of being besieged by Gu insect cards and butterfly cards, but Xie Mingzhe had already released a wave of skills on these cards, which reduced the blood of the Capital of Dark Night cards to about half blood, forcing them to If the opponent summons Bi Die, it is considered a successful retreat, and it is not affected much by the second.

Chen Xiao's black rose was still counting down to give birth, and was not allowed to attack. The Capital of Darkness killed Xie Mingzhe's cards first, and then rushed to Yu Ke's ghost cards.

Yu Ke's Black Impermanence was focused on by a large number of output cards.

At the moment when Hei Wuchang was about to hang up, Xie Mingzhe suddenly summoned a familiar card - Zhuge Liang.

The young and handsome Zhuge Liang appeared in the arena, took out the guqin, and played it as if no one else was around, with a clear and pleasant melody in his ears.

Empty city plan, group stealth!

Zhuge Liang's group is invisible for 5 seconds. Nirvana can't make any attacks during these 5 seconds, but the dark night can't find where they are, which is equivalent to a relatively calm truce for 5 seconds.

Xie Mingzhe asked his teammates to quickly adjust their positions.

At this time, the audience from the perspective of God can see that not far from Zhuge Liang, there is a woman covering her face with a veil, just because she is invisible, her image looks like a phantom. Name is: Huang Yueying.

What's scary is that there is also a line of words written on top of her head: "Ka card is pregnant, and will give birth to a baby card, the countdown is 9, 8..."

The audience was collectively speechless: "Is another card pregnant?" "I wipe, Xie Mingzhe is shameless? In order to win, Nirvana's card says pregnancy is pregnant, there is no prelude!" "Mr. Black Rose is a baby , This piece of Huang Yueying has a baby again. The two babies are invincible holding hands. Why don't we make a baby kiss?" "How can a character and a plant make a baby kiss?" "Pig Bajie also married a butterfly!"

It's all because of Xie Mingzhe, the relationship between the cards has been completely messed up.

The audience swiped the screen in the live broadcast room, but Pei Jingshan couldn't see this card at this time - because the group was hidden.

Tang Muzhou, who was watching the game in the background, was full of admiration: "Junior brother is really smart, Huang Yueying was summoned together with Zhuge Liang, because Zhuge Liang immediately played the empty city plan when he appeared, and this card was invisible as soon as it appeared. not found."

Chen Qianlin still looked calm and said, "The skill of this card is well designed, it can ignore all the negative states of the scene, place the Zhuge Crossbow in the designated position, and automatically shoot arrows around it, which is more useful than Shen An's fruit smashing. ."

Tang Muzhou was very curious: "What does Huang Yueying have to do with Zhuge Liang?"

Chen Qianlin said: "Husband and wife, there is a linkage effect bonus."

Tang Muzhou pondered: "No wonder he wants to summon at the same time. It seems that after the group concealment effect of the empty city strategy is over, Nirvana will fight back in an all-round way."

The 5-second group hidden time Nirvana has been rapidly adjusting the card position, and the Dark Nights can't see each other, so they can only temporarily stop the fire. When 5 seconds came, Pei Jingshan unexpectedly discovered that there was an extra card in the arena - Huang Yueying, and he was also counting down to give birth to a baby!

As an experienced commander, when a new card is encountered on the field, Pei Jingshan can quickly analyze the skill characteristics of the card. Huang Yueying's card is a "automatic shooting" group attack card. Once she copies another card, the dark night The Gu insect card of the capital will definitely not escape the fate of being crippled by a 360-degree sweep.

Nirvana must be completely destroyed before she and Black Rose's baby are born.

Time was running out, and Pei Jingshan had no choice but to summon the strongest attack card in the dark card - Queen Mantis.

This is an extremely violent group attack card. When she comes out, it will summon countless little mantises to automatically chase down enemies within the range, causing large-scale poison damage. The densely packed mantises began to chase the opponent frantically, and the scene made the intensive phobia almost spit out.

However, Xie Mingzhe looked calm, and without hesitation, he activated Zhuge Liang's 1st skill "Talking to the Confucianists"—group chaos within the range!

The confused little mantises lost their direction and collided with each other.

However, Pei Jingshan was already prepared, and immediately summoned a group of "Moonlight Gu" to purify and release the control.

After the release of control, the mantis finally stopped running around. A large number of mantis cooperated with Ye Zhu's butterfly group and quickly rushed to Nirvana's cards. It was about to kill Yu Ke's ghost cards, but at this moment, all Nirvana cards were killed. The blood volume of the card was suddenly fixed at a certain value, and even if it was attacked by fierce firepower, the blood volume did not drop at all.

The audience was very puzzled: "Is there a bug?" "I was bitten by a mantis and didn't shed blood. Nirvana is a plug-in?"

The official commentator Liu Chen quickly recalled the battle record of the arena, explaining: "It's Bai Impermanence's skill 'getting rich at first sight', which applies impermanence blessings to all allies within a 30-meter range. All damage received within 5 seconds will be Settlement after 5 seconds."

Wu Yue remembered this card and said, "It's Yu Ke's ghost card, a protection skill with a 5-second delay!"

The settlement is delayed, so no matter how hard the opponent's attack is, the HP of all Nirvana cards is fixed at the moment when Bai Wuchang's skill is activated. After 5 seconds, the settlement is unified and the HP is lost at one time. Bai Wuchang, a life-saving skill, was precisely activated by Yu Ke at this moment—it actually saved the lives of all teammates!

At the critical moment, Xiao Ke's reaction was quite fast.

5 seconds is enough time for Black Rose and Huang Yueying's baby cards to be born smoothly.

Xie Mingzhe was so excited that his voice trembled: "Xiao Ke is great! Everyone is ready to fight back in an all-round way - 3, 2, 1, let's fight!"

With the commander's order, Nirvana's output chain, which Nirvana had practiced countless times, was immediately released.

Qin Xuan summoned Xue Baochai, and instantly dropped Bi Die, who Ye Zhugang had summoned to restore blood to his teammates.

Chen Xiao's black rose and the copied version of the black rose simultaneously launched a large-scale "Kiss of the Rose" group attack. I saw pure black rose petals, large and small, mixed together, sweeping into the dark night like a violent storm. Card phantom of the capital!

The cards that Xie Mingzhe summoned before were all killed, but he still has Huang Yueying, the ultimate output card, and Xiao Yueying just copied by Huang Yueying.

The miniature version of Huang Yueying's baby is only as tall as the adult version's waist. The "Zhuge Crossbow" in the little girl's hand is also halved compared to the original version, which looks very cute.

Huang Yueying had already taken advantage of the stealth opportunity to place the fort "Zhuge Liannu" in the center of the opponent's card. Now, Xiaoyueying has put a miniature version of the "Zhuge Repeating Crossbow". The two skills are activated at the same time, and countless sharp arrows, big and small, like machine guns, shoot 360 degrees around frantically, causing a lot of damage to the enemies on the path. .

After the Yihong Night Banquet is opened, the critical damage of all the cards in the scene will be greatly increased.

Huang Yueying shoots an arrow at it, and it can almost kill the insects. The volume of Xiao Yueying's repeating crossbow has been reduced by half, and the output has also been halved, but the damage caused by the small continuous crossbow can just make up for the lack of the Dalian crossbow.

Twenty sharp arrows shot out, and for a while, the ear was full of the sharp sound of sharp arrows breaking through the air!

The cards of Night City are simply unstoppable.

Zhuge Liang was still waving the feather fan in the middle of the venue gracefully, as calmly as watching a play.

Before the 5-second delay in the settlement, the cards of the Night City were destroyed!

Nirvana's counterattack was too fierce, and the team members cooperated very well. Pei Jingshan looked at the word "failure" that popped up on the screen and didn't know what to say for a while - he thought that he might have underestimated Xie Mingzhe.

Ye Zhu's face was extremely ugly. In the end, he couldn't help but take off his helmet and complained: "Xie Mingzhe is shameless! How did he come up with such a wonderful skill by making the card pregnant for 9 seconds and giving birth to a baby?"

Pei Jingshan is also very speechless. The description of giving birth to a baby is really indescribable.

But from a tactical point of view, Xie Mingzhe was indeed well prepared for this game. He summoned Zhuge Liang and Huang Yueying at the same time, and asked Zhuge Liang to immediately open an empty city. White Impermanence's 5-second delay is settled to protect teammates from being seconds.

Adding this up and down, he can gain nearly 12 seconds, while the card copy baby only needs 9 seconds.

Nirvana has only 3 seconds left to fully counterattack. This operation is extremely thrilling. Once a certain link fails to cooperate, it may lose the whole game.

As it turns out, they don't cooperate with mistakes.

Whether it was Xie Mingzhe summoning the core card, or the time when Yu Ke and Qin Xuan connected their skills and Chen Xiao's full output, the cards of the four formed a complete chain of cooperation. It can be seen that this deck of Nirvana has been practiced many times in private, so it is so proficient. Compared with the "gamble" when playing against the Temple of the Gods in the previous round, the tactical arrangement of Nirvana in this round is indeed A lot of wise.

It seems that Xie Mingzhe's talent is far beyond everyone's imagination. In just 2 days, he has made such rapid progress.

Pei Jingshan took off his helmet and walked to the middle of the stage, calmly shaking hands with the four of Nirvana.

Xie Mingzhe knew that he was a junior from his senior brother and an alumnus of the Philosophy Department of Imperial Capital University, so he treated him very politely and said with admiration: "Shen Pei's tactics of raising gu on the spot are really good, your spider queen has really taught me a lot. ."

Pei Jingshan said politely: "Your tactics of making cards pregnant also refreshed my worldview."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Is this what Pei Shen means by euphemistically saying "You are really weird"

Pei Jingshan continued: "With you Nirvana this season, the game has become a lot more fun."

Xie Mingzhe said embarrassedly: "Thank you Team Pei for the compliment."

It's a lot of fun, shouldn't that be a compliment? But he had the cheek to take it as a compliment!