Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 203: Bai Xu


After the game, Xie Mingzhe took the initiative to walk to the middle of the stage to shake hands with the Star Team members. Bai Xu's originally fair face looked a little red, and he didn't know if he was angry.

Xie Mingzhe smiled and stretched out his hand: "Acceptance."

Bai Xu: "…"

Let your sister! It was you who forced my card to become pregnant at a critical moment, which delayed a full 9 seconds, otherwise you will be the one who will destroy the group... Bai Xu complained in his heart, because the audience was present, on the surface he had to maintain a graceful handshake with Xie Mingzhe.

When he came to the backstage for an interview, facing the praise from reporters, Xie Mingzhe said humbly: "In order to beat the Stars team in the away game, we have been practicing the tactical cooperation of Sending Avalokitesvara for the past three days. In fact, there is also a great risk, in case other cards cannot be dropped within 9 seconds, it is equivalent to sending two powerful supports to the opponent.”

When the two baby cards are born, once the output cards of the star team are not dead, with the help of the two baby cards, the star team will greatly increase its strength, the cosmic wormhole can be opened twice at the same time, and the space rift can be split. Out of ten spaces, it becomes a real "maze war", which in turn will destroy Nirvana.

However, Xie Mingzhe had already calculated all the skills of his opponents before launching the skills of Zi Guanyin.

It's also strange that the star team underestimates the enemy. By the 7th minute of the game, Bai Xu had already summoned all the dark cards. Xie Mingzhe knew that there were no protective cards that could survive the 9-second burst of Nirvana in their remaining decks. Libra's "full team blood distribution" skill was also cooling down, and Xie Mingzhe seized the gap in the opponent's defense and knocked the opponent down in one wave.

The formulation of tactics is only the foundation, and grasping the timing is the key. If a tactic wants to exert its full power, the most important thing is to be adaptable during the game - the time to send the baby Guanyin to the opponent just now is just right.

Bai Xu looked at Xie Mingzhe's polite and modest appearance in an interview, and suddenly felt a little awkward.

I remember when the reporter asked him last time when they drew 1:1 with the Temple of the Gods, "Do you think the Stars team has the ability to compete for a playoff spot?" Bai Xu said without hesitation: "Of course, we are not interested in the playoffs. The seat of the competition is bound to be won." Another reporter asked, "The Nirvana team in Group B is also very strong. Do you have confidence in the next game against Nirvana?" How did you answer at that time? It seems to have said, "I will let Nirvana know who is the real seed in Group B!"

The results of it? Today, I was slapped in the face by Nirvana 2:0, and my face was swollen.

Netizens must be scolding him, right

Bai Xu opened his personal homepage and saw that a large number of Nirvana fans and black stars poured in to ridicule—

"Who is the real seed standing in Group B? It turns out that Nirvana is." "Does your face hurt in Team White?" "Poor Bai Xu, I'm happy to be a grandfather today, and suddenly there are two card baby grandchildren." "The little wormhole and the small space are very cute. You can form a group with Nirvana's little black rose and little Huang Yueying to go to kindergarten." "Isn't your family very rich? Do you want to invest in a card kindergarten?"

Bai Xu: "…"

What does it mean to be slapped in the face for speaking harshly, he has realized it today, and what's even more depressing is that he can't refute it at all!

At this time, the reporter suddenly asked: "What do you think of today's opponent Star Team?"

Xie Mingzhe said with a smile: "I think Xingkong is a very distinctive team. The Xingkong series decks made by Bai Xu are also very creative. The way of space division is very innovative. However, their tactics are very suitable for the deck. The requirements are too high, and it is easy to be targeted.”

The reporter said: "Are you confident that Nirvana will qualify for the playoffs?"

Xie Mingzhe said: "There are many strong teams in Group B. No one can tell until the end, but we will do our best."

Bai Xu: "…"

Look at others, he is still young, he is a newcomer who has just debuted, but every interview and speech is flawless.

Bai Xu remembered the big talk he had given in the interview, and felt a little ashamed, wishing he could dig a crack and bury himself. If the family knew that it was a shame for him to come to the card game, they would probably break his leg.

Xie Mingzhe was right just now. Through today's game, Bai Xu also clearly realized that the real strength of the Star Team is not as good as Nirvana - because the Star Team's tactics are too simple, they can only play "space division". easy to be targeted.

In contrast to Nirvana, the maps and decks used in each game so far have changed a lot. It is difficult for opponents to guess their layout. No one knows how deep their card pool is, and the richness of tactics is not the same. Comparable to the Star Wars.

Who is the real seeded team in Group B, is there still a need to discuss

The chances of making the playoffs this season are slim, but... just give up? That's not his style.

Bai Xu clenched his fists hard. He had less than half of the galaxy decks he made today, so he can try other styles in the future. Although they lost to Nirvana in the group match, the regular season is less than two weeks away, and there are still a lot of games. Maybe they can surpass Nirvana in points in the round-robin stage outside the group.

Bai Xu made up his mind, took a deep breath and turned to leave the backstage.

He happened to hear a familiar voice at the corner of the corridor, a low-pitched adult male voice, with a very gentle tone: "Today's game played well, if you win the stars, you have a greater chance of qualifying in Group B."

Another clear young voice was obviously Xie Mingzhe: "At a critical moment, I asked Bai Xu's card to be pregnant and asked for leave. Thinking of the expression on his face at that time, I wanted to laugh, hahaha, he must want to hit me, right?"

Bai Xu: "…"

You know I want to hit you too? Still talking here! Really getting more and more angry.

Xie Mingzhe felt an inexplicable chill down his spine. Looking back, he met Bai Xu's eyes. His smile immediately froze on his face, and he said awkwardly, "Bai Xu, are you here too?"

Bai Xu nodded with a complicated expression: "Yes."

Tang Muzhou clenched his hand into a fist, put it on his lips and coughed lightly to hold back his smile, and said, "Aren't you going to be interviewed by reporters?"

Bai Xu frowned; "I'm about to accept criticism." After that, he looked at the two of them: "You know each other very well?"

Xie Mingzhe immediately clarified: "I'm not very familiar with him. I happened to meet Tang Shen just now, and we chatted a few words."

Tang Muzhou: "..."

Bai Xu looked at Tang Muzhou suspiciously: "I remember that there is no Fenghua team's game today? Brother, are you still here to watch it?"

Tang Muzhou smiled: "Come to cheer you on."

Bai Xu raised his left eyebrow: "Will you come to cheer me on? It's almost the same as my joke!" His left and right eyebrows are not the same height. The curly hair is like a little teddy. The more Xie Mingzhe looks at it, the more interesting he thinks this arrogant guy is. He seems to be called Brother Tang Muzhou? what's the situation

Just wondering, a staff member came to urge: "Bai Xu, the reporter is still waiting for you."

Bai Xu's face suddenly turned red: "Can I do it if I don't go?"

The staff said: "This... The league has regulations. After the game, each team must send at least one person to be interviewed. No one from your team wants to go. You, as the captain, can only... "

Bai Xu frowned and waved his hands: "I see, let's go!"

He turned and walked away, his straight back was very stiff, the arrogance on his face when he first saw Xie Mingzhe in the backstage had disappeared, but instead, he looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, looking a little pitiful.

Tang Muzhou chuckled lightly and said, "Who is the seed team in Group B? How would you answer if the reporter asked you that?"

Bai Xu turned his head sharply: "Who would ask such a question!" His face was flushed, and he was obviously angry.

Tang Muzhou shrugged: "The last interview was too full of words, you should be prepared to lose the game and be ridiculed by reporters and netizens. I said earlier that Nirvana is very strong, but you don't take it seriously, you deserve it Philosophy teaches life."

Bai Xu glared at him, turned and walked away.

After Bai Xu left, Xie Mingzhe looked puzzled: "What is your relationship? He seems to be calling you brother?"

Tang Muzhou leaned into Xie Mingzhe's ear and explained in a low voice, "My mother's surname is Bai, and Bai Xu is my uncle's son, the only child of the Bai family. I don't know how to be polite to others, and if you say something that offends you, don't take it to heart."

Knowing that Bai Xu and Tang Muzhou are cousins, Xie Mingzhe's impression of Bai Xu is inexplicably much better. Besides, Bai Xu was a little arrogant during the interview, and he didn't do anything overly. After being taught a lesson today, he still looks like he is drooping his head. Pretty poor.

Thinking of Bai Xu's complicated face when Card was pregnant, Xie Mingzhe couldn't help but smile and said softly, "I won't mind, I think he is very cute and has beautiful hair."

Tang Muzhou asked, "Like a little Teddy, isn't it?"

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "Well, little golden retriever Teddy!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Tang Muzhou continued: "He was quite good when he was a child, everyone liked to rub his curly hair, the older he got, the more ignorant he became. However, he came to play the card league because of my influence, look at me. Create Fenghua, the results are so good, he also wants to get a club to win the championship and show it off, but he thinks the league is too simple, and he should take some losses and gain knowledge."

"The cards he made are really interesting, but the single tactics is the fatal flaw of the Starry Sky team, and it is too easy to be targeted." Xie Mingzhe said earnestly, "There are several teams in Group B that are also very strong, and the Starry Sky's qualifying situation is not very optimistic. By the way, you came to watch the game in person today because of your brother, right?"

"I'm..." in order to meet you backstage.

Although there is video or voice chat every night, the feeling of seeing the face is still different. The two belong to different teams, and there are usually too few opportunities to meet each other. Tang Muzhou has set tickets for all Nirvana competition days this season. see him.

During the regular season, Team Fenghua would watch every game in the conference room. Sister Xue did not understand how Tang Muzhou came to the scene: "Isn't it the same in the club? Why is it so troublesome to go to the scene?" The atmosphere is better” as the reason to prevaricate the past, but his friend Xu Changfeng has already seen the clue and said with a smile: “There are many occasions, so be careful of the other party’s suspicion.”

Seeing Xie Mingzhe's bright eyes, Tang Muzhou didn't say anything, he smiled slightly, and said, "Cousin and junior brother are playing a game, of course I have to come to the scene to watch, why? Are you not happy to see me?"

Seeing that the man's gentle eyes have been watching him, Xie Mingzhe's heartbeat suddenly stalled, and he looked away and said, "How could it be? I'm also... very happy to see you in the background."

This sentence is true, but when I say it, I don't know why I feel a little guilty

Xie Mingzhe felt that his cheeks were inexplicably hot, and hurriedly said: "I have to go first, my teammates are still waiting for me!"

He walked out of the backstage quickly, feeling the eyes following behind him, and his ears were a little red.

Seems to have met Tang Muzhou backstage a little more often? Fenghua also happened to have a match when the ruling was played before, so it is not surprising to meet. But when playing the Temple of the Gods and the Capital of the Dark Night, Feng Hua obviously didn't arrange the game, but the senior brother was actually there... He didn't come to the scene to see himself, right? Bah, how could he be so idle!

Xie Mingzhe quickly ignored the messy thoughts in his mind and quickly got into the car of Team Nirvana. The teammates have all arrived, and Chi Yingying is also there. She walked up to Xie Mingzhe and said, "The editor of Star Card Weekly magazine who had made an appointment before contacted me again and asked when you were free to be interviewed. I think these days The opponents are not very strong in the schedule of the match, or is it set for tomorrow?"

Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath, calmed his violent heartbeat, and said, "You decide."

Chi Yingying went to ask Brother Chen and the others again. Everyone had no opinion, so she replied to the editor of the other party and asked them to come to the Nirvana Club tomorrow.

After returning to the dormitory, Xie Mingzhe swiped the webpage and found that there were many emojis in today's messages, "No, I don't want to get pregnant!" "Dad, I'm pregnant, can I ask for 9 seconds of maternity leave?" He laughed while watching. Gotta roll.

The netizens are so talented, the emoji package he downloaded in the light brain is almost 1 G.

At this time, he found that a message popped up in the message: "I found that Bai Xu is following Fat Uncle!" "Little Bai Teddy, this is Bai Xu's account, he really followed A Zhe?" "Shh, you guys Don't say it, he might be dismissed if he is angry." "Hahaha, he was really laughed at by you guys!"

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

How tangled is Bai Xu? I paid attention secretly, and after being discovered by netizens, I became angry and immediately quit...

Is the middle school sickness still good

Xie Mingzhe clicked into his account, followed him, and sent a private message: "I didn't expect you to be Tang Shen's cousin."

Bai Xu blushed: "What do you mean by that? Am I much worse than Tang Muzhou?!"

Xie Mingzhe endured a smile and said, "There are about twenty baby cards left between you and Tang Shen, how about it? Do you want me to send it to you? Nirvana's one-stop service for pregnancy and childbirth, you can have it in just 9 seconds."

Bai Xu: "..."

Ah, who will take this Xie Mingzhe? !

It's very easy to make Tang Shen's cousin so angry. Seeing his long ellipsis, Xie Mingzhe was in a good mood, he turned off his light brain and prepared to go to sleep, but Tang Muzhou suddenly sent a message, saying, "Bai Xu is asking me for the address of the Nirvana Club, saying that he wants to send you a regular mail. bomb."

Xie Mingzhe: "Hahaha, if you are angry with him, maybe he will wake up faster."

Tang Muzhou smiled and said, "It's okay, he's half a year younger than you, you can treat him like a younger brother and bully him at will."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Is my brother just used to bully? Probably for Tang Shen... Right!

What is the apprentice for? Thinking of this question, Xie Mingzhe suddenly felt his heart skip a beat and was a little embarrassed to ask, so he said good night to Tang Muzhou, and quickly lay down in the bed and fell asleep.