Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 207: Outer loop


The perfect ending of the civil war in Group B surprised Nirvana fans, not only because of the handsome score of 2:0, but more importantly, everyone found that their favorite team actually has two different styles of commanders - watching the game directed by Xie Mingzhe It will be fun to watch, but Brother Chen's particularly tough style of play today also makes many fans who like bloody battles especially enjoyable to watch.

The live broadcast room is full of confessions from fans: "Chen Xiao is so handsome!" "Chen Xiao's style is very hot, and you can change your taste in the future. It's a real happiness to be a fan of Nirvana!" "The current Chen Xiao and the former Chen Xiao Xiaobi, he is really reborn, I can't believe he is so tough." "I wonder if Lin Shen is paying attention to his younger brother's game?"

Of course, Chen Qianlin watched the whole live broadcast and was very satisfied with Chen Xiao's performance.

His parents died early, and this younger brother can be said to be brought up by him. Seeing that Chen Xiao can really show his strength on the field, Chen Qianlin was very relieved and sent him a message: "I played well today. "

Chen Xiao was walking to the interview room with his teammates at the time, and when he received the news, a smile appeared on his face immediately, just like a student whose high score was praised by his parents. Xie Mingzhe couldn't help but ask: "Master praised you?"

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows: "How do you know?"

Xie Mingzhe said bluntly: "I really can't think of any news that would make you so happy."

Chen Xiao was stunned for a while, and found that Xie Mingzhe's words were really okay, he couldn't help but smiled, patted Xie Mingzhe's shoulder and said, "Yes, my brother sent a message saying that I played well, he can recognize me, I am special happy."

Brother Chen is the oldest among the Nirvana Four, and Xie Mingzhe usually respects him, but in front of Lin Shen, he always looks like a "little fanboy". Get up to the interview room.

Today's reporters are very excited. Obviously, Nirvana has a conductor with a completely different style from Xie Mingzhe. The interview questions also revolve around Chen Xiao. For a time, Chen Xiao was surrounded by reporters, and he also enjoyed the treatment of "stars holding the moon".

Because he was in a good mood, he always had a smile on his face, such Chen Xiao looked more handsome than usual, and answered questions neatly: "I have a different style from Azhe, we will talk privately before the game. Exchange tactics, and whoever feels more suitable for the team will be in command.”

The reporter asked: "What if you have a conflict of opinion?"

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "This kind of problem rarely occurs."

Xie Mingzhe also said: "We have never had a conflict in private. Everyone's goal is to let Nirvana win the game, so they will understand each other."

The reporter asked with interest: "The civil war in Group B is over, Nirvana is currently doing well, and there are still many powerful opponents in the cycle outside the group. The tactics used before are likely to be targeted by other teams. Are there any new ones? What about the tactical plan?"

Chen Xiao said: "Of course there is. It is difficult to disclose this aspect. You can look forward to it."

A female reporter stood up and said, "I have a personal question for Chen Xiao. You said you were going to sue the Sanctuary Club, but there seems to be no follow-up. Did you reach an agreement with the Sanctuary in private?"

This means that it can be solved with money in private. This is often the case in the entertainment industry. It seems that you have to tear your face and sue the court. As a result, you lose money in private.

Chen Xiao raised the corners of his lips and looked at the reporter calmly: "There will be news on this matter soon."

His lawyer friend was very efficient. He had already sent a lawyer's letter to Sanctuary and filed a lawsuit with the court, but it took a certain amount of time for the court to accept it, and the court would be held in mid-May. Coincidentally, the time for the court session is likely to collide with the Sanctuary game.

The gossip-loving reporter added: "Sanctuary is assigned to Group A, and you will definitely meet this old club in the round robin outside the group. Everyone knows about your holiday with Sanctuary. Will you make some special preparations for them?"

Chen Xiao said lightly: "For me, Sanctuary is just a very ordinary opponent. Of course, we will try our best to get points from Sanctuary. As for tactical preparation, I believe it will give them a surprise."

Everyone: "… "

The surprises given by Nirvana are not ordinary surprises, and they often become shocks. For example, if a card is robbed to be a daughter-in-law, or a child is conceived, the Sanctuary will probably be abused miserably.

Shao Bo, who saw this interview, was so angry that he immediately asked the manager to inform the team members to be fully prepared to deal with Nirvana. At the same time, he thought of some ways to see if he could start with the Nirvana Guild and inquire about some of Nirvana's secret lineup arrangements. …

Chen Xiao's casual words kept the Sanctuary busy.

In fact, there is still a long way to go before the match between Nirvana and Sanctuary. The first opponent of Nirvana's cycle outside the group is Fenghua Club.


After the end of the civil war, there will be a short three-day vacation, but for the Nirvana players, these three days are not enough.

Chen Qianlin called out the cards of the four ace players of Fenghua Club and analyzed them carefully.

"Xu Changfeng is a cooling flow style. There are many cards that reduce the cooling time of the whole group, as well as displacement control cards such as blowing and floating. The position held by Fenghua is strictly a support position."

"Zhen Man's wood-type snake card has extremely strong attack power, and his single-kill ability is very terrifying. It can be regarded as an assassin."

"Shen An's fruit smashing method is used as a group attack to spread the field, and it usually cooperates with Tang Muzhou or Xu Changfeng's flora attack, but Shen An's fruit tree also has the function of field control and single kill. Therefore, Fenghua's four ace players The cooperation between them is actually very flexible, and everyone has the possibility to rotate positions, we can't guess who they are controlling the field and who is the main attack before the game, these four are all-round players."

Xu Changfeng and Zhen Man won the runner-up in the individual competition, Shen An also participated in the individual competition every year and reached the quarterfinals many times, not to mention Tang Muzhou, the double champion of the individual competition - Fenghua's strength is that every player is very strong . The four powerhouses joined forces, plus Tang Muzhou's command, this is not only 1+1+1+1=4, but far greater than 4.

"Tang Muzhou's style is changeable. Vine displacement control, flower illusion chaos control, wood toxin stacking... He uses all kinds of play styles very skillfully. More importantly, as the commander-in-chief, he has an extremely good grasp of timing. Strong, grasping the rhythm is very powerful, even if we have a huge advantage in the early stage, we may be overturned by him if we are not careful in the later stage."

As a master, Chen Qianlin spoke highly of his eldest apprentice, and Tang Muzhou could indeed afford such an evaluation.

His record of 50 consecutive victories in individual competitions that year has not been broken yet, and his overall view and tactical awareness are very strong. Looking at the entire professional league, there are very few great gods that can be compared with him. Although he is very young, he has become a representative of the new generation of players, and his popularity and strength are at the top of the league pyramid.

What's even more frightening is that Tang Muzhou is the person in the league who knows Nirvana best.

Including Nirvana's Red Mansion water deck, which has never been played, Tang Muzhou knows everything. Xie Mingzhe made a lot of loose cards in the later period, and the data was also shown to him. Only the last wooden deck and some loose cards were kept secret by Xie Mingzhe and did not tell him.

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe couldn't help but said: "If we want to win Fenghua, we have to use a deck that my senior brother doesn't know about. Should we go to the wood department?"

Chen Qianlin frowned slightly and said, "The wood-based deck is too difficult to control, and Guo Jia's death language burst point and you are not skilled enough to cooperate. Cao Pi and Cao Zhi's linkage system, Jia Xu's isolated card, take out these orders. They are all very strong, but if you put them all together, if you don’t cooperate well, it’s easy to get confused.”

Master is also right. They have been taking time to practice this deck, but it is really too difficult to control. Guo Jia's death language skill was designed to be very strong at the beginning, but it is difficult to control the timing of Guo Jia's death. Under the circumstance, rushing out to play Fenghua may backfire.

Although the regular season is training, but if the new deck is released and can't get points, if it is cracked by other clubs, Nirvana will suffer a lot in the standings.

Chen Xiao also agreed: "Tang Muzhou's reaction speed is extremely fast. We will not be able to use this set of cards that are not very skilled. It may not be as effective as Zhuge Liang when we suddenly used Zhuge Liang to deal with the temples. My suggestion is to play against Fenghua in the next round. When the time comes, I will take out this wood-based deck, isn’t there two rounds outside the group? In the first round, we should use simpler tactics.”

"Then think about something else. There are also several loose cards I made in the later period that my senior brother didn't know about..." Xie Mingzhe touched his chin and thought for a while, and suddenly had an idea, "Why don't you try it last month?"

"Yue Lao system?" Chen Qianlin glanced at him, "Do you want your brother's card to fall in love?"

Xie Mingzhe smiled and touched his nose: "I have a kiss and a pregnancy. I have to let the cards talk about love."

Yu Ke couldn't help but complain: "Your order is completely reversed, right? You should fall in love first and then grab your own baby."

Xie Mingzhe waved his hand indifferently and said, "It's alright, it's also very common to get pregnant before marriage! This time, let's let Senior Brother's card experience the feeling of falling in love."

Chen Xiao: "..."

Will Tang Muzhou want to cry or laugh? Didn't this guy see it at all, does my brother want to fall in love with you? As a result, I haven't moved yet, and the card first talked about love...

Seeing Xie Mingzhe's high-spirited appearance, Chen Xiao helped his forehead helplessly: "Do you really want to get old last month?"

Xie Mingzhe said with a smile: "There is also a scene marriage tree, let the cards talk about love enough at one time."

Chen Xiao: "..."

Your brother will want to hit you.

Chen Qianlin was accustomed to Xie Mingzhe's whimsical ideas for a long time. He only analyzed it from the perspective of tactical feasibility and said: "You can try the Yue Lao system, and you can discuss the combination of other decks. Since Yue Lao is there, more Bring some attack cards, you can bring a few less defense cards, and you can tie up Tang Muzhou's big banyan tree to suck blood, his banyan tree has a lot of blood."

Everyone: "… "

Lin Shen was really full of bad water, so he directly used Tang Muzhou's banyan tree as a blood bank, would that be okay