Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 208: Card love story?


On May 1st, the out-of-group round-robin competition of the 11th season of the Star Card Professional League officially began. At the same time, the first round of the individual competition also ended. The list of players who entered the second round was officially announced on the official website—a total of 100 people. , Nirvana's Xie Mingzhe, Chen Xiao, and Yu Ke are all on the list. As long as they qualify for the second round, they can reach the individual playoffs in the second half of the year.

In the individual competition, everyone usually trains by themselves. The opponents in the first round are randomly matched, and there is not much to be tangled. The key is still the team battle. The team members must focus on practicing and cooperating. In order to deal with Fenghua, the four of them have been practicing the Moon Old System almost without sleep in the past few days.

At 7:00 p.m. on May 1, the round-robin round outside the group officially started.

Two duels were arranged tonight, the first was Group A Ghost Prison vs Group B Starry Sky, and the second was Group B Nirvana vs Group A Fenghua.

Different from the system of "drawing lots to decide who will play first" in the intra-group loop, because there are two rounds in the out-group loop, it is a fixed home and away game format - whichever team's name is in the front, whichever is the home court.

At 6:30 in the evening, the contestants who participated tonight came to the backstage ahead of schedule.

Bai Xu was very nervous. He had a deep understanding of how difficult it was for Ghost Prison to beat him at home. He had a deep understanding of it when he watched the civil war in Group A. So far, Ghost Prison has a 100% victory record at home. In the civil war stage of Group A, even Fenghua and Liushuangcheng Couldn't beat them.

Just when I was having a headache, I heard two familiar voices: "Tonight is the home game of Nirvana, how many surprises have you prepared for me?" Tang Muzhou's voice was smiling and sounded very gentle.

Xie Mingzhe said bluntly: "There are too many surprises, I'm afraid you will beat me after the game."

Tang Muzhou smiled helplessly: "It seems that the surprise you prepared will turn into a fright again?"

Xie Mingzhe said, "You guessed it right!"

Bai Xu: "…"

These two are obviously rivals, and they still chat so "harmoniously" before the game. Is this scientific

Just thinking about it, Tang Muzhou and Xie Mingzhe walked in side by side. After Xie Mingzhe saw Bai Xu, he walked over to Bai Xu's side and sat down, and said, "Xiao Bai, cheers for the game later, don't get 2-0 by the ghost."

Bai Xu was stunned for a while, then looked at him blankly: "Xiao Bai? Who asked you to call me that?"

Tang Muzhou said, "I asked him to call, do you have any opinion?"

Bai Xu: "..."

Always feel that the relationship between cousin and Xie Mingzhe is not easy? Bai Xu was a little confused, so he simply ignored them and went to his teammates to prepare for the game.

At seven o'clock, the game started. The home court of Ghost Prison was very fierce, and the Starry Sky team was almost powerless. The first game was defeated in less than 8 minutes, and the battle ended in 7 minutes in the second game. It's over at 2:0...

Tang Muzhou said bluntly, "It ended so quickly, I didn't even react."

Bai Xu lowered his head dejectedly, like an eggplant beaten by frost. He was not in the mood to refute when his brother made fun of him. He sat on the sofa glumly. It’s normal to lose at home in prison, it’s better to lose quickly in 7 minutes than to be slowly tortured by the opponent for half an hour and then lose in the end.”

"..." It's better not to be comforted. Bai Xu glanced at the other party and asked with a dark face, "Are you confident to beat my brother at Nirvana's home game later?" Can't they be wiped out?"

Xie Mingzhe smiled and said, "I will try my best to give Group B some face."

Even if Group B is wiped out today, it is normal. After all, the schedule is like this, and Group A will play Ghost Prison and Fenghua today. Fortunately, the second game is Nirvana home, Xie Mingzhe has already made some arrangements for Fenghua.

The second game is about to start. Fenghua and the eight players from Nirvana walked to the big stage together. Tang Muzhou and Xie Mingzhe shook hands. Xie Mingzhe looked at him with a smile and said, "Come on."

Tang Muzhou raised his eyebrows: "To cheer on your opponent before the game, are you using your mind to curse me for a mistake?"

Xie Mingzhe: "You saw through it."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then turned back to the swivel chair and sat down.

Fans in the live broadcast room were very puzzled: "Tang Shen and A Zhe seem to have a good personal relationship?" "Just now they looked at each other and smiled, they should have a good relationship?" There are also fans who pay more attention to tactics. I don't know who is in charge of today's game?" "Fenghua should be directed by A Zhe. If Chen Xiao and Tang Muzhou have a wooden civil war, they won't have much chance of winning, right?"

Just as he was talking, Xie Mingzhe sat at the No. 1 position on the far left, which symbolized his commanding status.

Commentary Wu Yuedao: "It seems that today is commanded by A Zhe. The external cycle is fixed at home and away. Today, both games are Nirvana's home game. I think Nirvana fans must be very curious to know what new scene and new card Xie Mingzhe will choose. Let's look forward to it together!"

The map selection box appeared, and Xie Mingzhe quickly submitted the home map of the first game—Marriage Tree.

I saw two big trees standing in the middle of the huge square. The branches and leaves blended together, almost becoming one. The name of the tree was "Marriage Tree", and it was covered with red wishing amulets. Every once in a while, the wishing amulets on the tree would meet. Drop down, two at a time.

The wishing charm has a special function - it can make two cards fall in love quickly and fall in love. The two cards in the state of love will not attack the opponent, but will share all the positive and negative states because of their love for each other.

Since it is a new map, the 5-minute familiar scene time allows the audience to clearly see the wonderful setting of the map.

In the live broadcast room, the screen began to swipe frantically: "What the hell is the state of love?" "So today, the Nirvana cards are going to fall in love?" "Hahaha, the marriage tree, the love wishing talisman dropped, look at Tang Shen's expression. …”

The corners of Tang Muzhou's mouth twitched slightly, and he soon changed to a graceful smile.

What is the little brother thinking in his head? I grabbed a kiss for a while, and got pregnant for a while. Now this is back to the initial stage. Are you going to let the card fall in love? Can't talk about it

Tang Muzhou quickly thought about the strategy, and said in the command channel: "Only two wishing charms have fallen. Since Nirvana has been prepared, we may not be able to grab it. Continue to play at your own pace."

Shen An's face was blank: "Master, the wishing talisman will make the card fall in love, sharing the damage and healing... Isn't it similar to our ivy?"

Tang Muzhou nodded: "That's right. Ivy's link is to share damage with the whole group, and the wishing talisman will only allow two cards to share the damage. Nirvana should find a card with high defense and high blood volume to fall in love with the crispy card. , to protect the crispy cards. In this case, we will quickly divert our firepower and give priority to killing those single cards."

Xu Changfeng couldn't help laughing out loud: "Cards are now single or not?"

Zhen Man said with a blank face: "Not only are singles not single, but also those who have given birth to babies and those who have never given birth to babies."

Everyone: "… "

Tang Muzhou coughed lightly, held back a smile and said, "Okay, everyone is ready."

After 5 minutes, both sides began to submit the deck.

There are no new cards among the 16 bright cards in Nirvana's deck today. Xie Mingzhe's deck is a gold deck, speeding up Ma Chao, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and linkage card Liu Bei with high single output; Chen Xiao's plant cards are all It was a group attack; Qin Xuan didn't bring many healing cards, but there were two more group control cards; Yu Ke brought Po Meng in addition to Black and White Impermanence and Nie Xiaoqian.

The audience can't see what is hidden in the hidden card, but according to the analysis of the number of cards on the field, Chen Xiao's plant card plus Qin Xuan's auxiliary card, there are currently only 8 wood-type cards, and I want to form 10 sets of the same type. card, there must be at least 2 wood-type cards in the dark card.

Xie Mingzhe made the deck, the only thing Fenghua didn't know was the wooden deck. But in terms of quantity, Xie Mingzhe didn't directly put wood-type decks today, because there were too many gold-type crit cards in his clear cards.

In other words, some loose cards were put into the dark card? Since the loose cards are easy to match, the tactical system around the loose cards will be more flexible.

Send your son Guanyin

Tang Muzhou couldn't guess the train of thought of his younger brother, so he had to "respond to all changes with the same thing".

Game start.

The Fenghua team was playing away from home, so Tang Muzhou played very cautiously and did not attack rashly.

Nirvana's side is more active, because Xie Mingzhe's gold card moves very fast, he let Ma Chaokai speed up at the beginning, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei rode horses into the enemy camp, Liu Bei opened the linkage again, Qinglong Yanyue Dao and Zhangba Snake The spears joined forces to attack, and the linkage cut another round, giving priority to killing all of Xu Changfeng's cooling cards "Hyacinth" and "Windmill Grass"!

Xu Changfeng's team-wide cooldown reduction card is not the key to Fenghua's tactics in this round, but the existence of these two cards reduces the cooldown time of all plant ultimate moves, making it harder and harder to play in the later stages. Xie Mingzhe's ability to seize opportunities is particularly strong. Taking advantage of Fenghua's lack of attack, he drops two cooldown cards on the opposite side at a very fast speed, reducing the pressure on skill time.

But Zhen Man's counterattack was also extremely fast. When Guan Yu and Zhang Fei rode close to each other, she also quickly released a group of snakes, stacking several layers of poison on the cards within 30 meters of Nirvana.

At this time, Tang Muzhou had a flash in the pan, and the 30-meter hallucination controlled the field!

Xie Mingzhe had to hand over Liu Bei's control release technique, but Tang Muzhou followed by releasing coral vines - a wide range of vines quickly crawled on the ground like tentacles, and the cards in the Nirvana range were collectively bound.

This group was tied very skillfully, Xie Mingzhe didn't react at all, and the cavalry regiment was all tied in place.

No matter how fast a horse runs, it can't run even if it is bound by vines!

The output skills of Fenghua team focused on Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Guan Yu, who was not very defensive, fell to the ground almost immediately, and Nie Xiaoqian, who was in front of Yu Kechong, was instantly killed by the rapid firepower.

The two sides exchanged a wave of skills, and each killed 2 cards at the beginning of the game.

At this moment, the marriage tree dropped two wishing charms.

Tang Muzhou was too lazy to deal with it. He brought the ivy in this game, so he could share the damage with the whole team, so it was not necessary for him to share the damage with the two cards of the Wishing Talisman. Instead of grabbing this scene prop, it's better to take the opportunity to kill a few more Nirvana cards.

Xie Mingzhe quickly grabbed two wishing talismans, connecting Zhang Fei with the lowest HP in front of him and Bai Wuchang with more than 150,000 HP in Yu Ke's hand, so that at least Zhang Fei would not die.

A text prompt appears in the battle channel—card Zhang Fei and card Bai Wuchang are in love.

There was another wave of barrages in the live broadcast room: "You still have to fall in love during the game, the cards are so busy!" "The human card and the ghost card are in love with the red rope, why do you feel so awkward?"" I think Zhang Fei and Bai Wuchang are very reluctant to have this relationship!" "There is a master who is messing with the red line, so the cards are quite helpless too!"

Tang Muzhou wanted to laugh a little when he saw this scene - the setting of the younger brother letting the card fall in love is enough, fortunately, his own card does not need to suffer this kind of torture, as a serious card, he should remain single.

At this point, Xie Mingzhe didn't have a lot of HP for the character cards he used to charge at the start, especially when the whole group accelerated Kama Chao, with less than 10% of his HP remaining. Since Zhang Fei is bound to share the blood volume with Bai Wuchang, and he can't lose it for a while, then Ma Chao is the first.

Tang Muzhou summoned the big banyan tree, intending to rely on the banyan tree's invincibility of the whole group, to clear the residual blood card of Nirvana in a wave.

But at the moment when the banyan tree appeared, Xie Mingzhe suddenly summoned a new card - Yue Lao.

I saw a white-haired old man holding red silk in one hand and a cane in the other, with a warm and kind smile. With a flick of the old man's hand, he tied one end of the red line to the big banyan tree in Tang Muzhou, and the other end to the body of Nirvana's residual blood brand Ma Chao.

-A thousand miles of marriage is tied by a thread, and the red thread is thrown out of the hands of the old general. The two ends of the red thread are connected to any two designated targets. In the state of being connected by the red thread, the two sides will be in love with each other, and the two cards after falling in love will divide everything equally. Gains, debuffs, and evenly all healing and damage data until the red line breaks.

-Love and thoughts, because the cards connected by the red line love each other deeply, when one of them has residual blood, the other will be very heartbroken, and is willing to share its own health with the other until the blood volume of both parties is equal.

The sudden appearance of Yue Lao made the audience a little stunned.

Ma Chao and the big banyan tree are connected by a red thread, and the two sides fall in love.

Affected by the second skill "Love Silk", Banyan Tree "distressed" the lover with residual blood, so he gave his HP to Ma Chao, and quickly returned the blood to Ma Chao, the gain status was also shared, Tang Muzhou just opened Banyan Tree Invincible, so... Ma Chao is also invincible.

Tang Muzhou: "..."

Tang Muzhou's mouth twitched slightly as he watched his big banyan tree directly replenish Ma Chao's HP.

- I don't go grab the wishing charm, you also made another moon old, forcing my plants to fall in love

- Xie Mingzhe, do you know that you are so arrogant

The audience was also stunned: "The banyan tree of Tang Shen fell in love with Xie Mingzhe's Ma Chao?" "The banyan tree sacrificed his own blood to restore blood to Ma Chao, am I wrong?" "The banyan tree is adding blood to the opponent, but also letting the opponent. Invincible, this is true love!" "Hahahaha, Tang Shen probably wants to vomit blood, Xie Mingzhe is too skinny!" "Forcing people to fall in love with plants, alas, I feel sorry for the banyan tree." "The banyan tree said: I don't want this love. Yes. Master, I didn't betray you, I blame that Xie Mingzhe!"

Compared to Tang Muzhou's complicated expression, Xie Mingzhe was full of smiles at this time.

Falling in love with a red thread, using a big banyan tree as a blood bank, and filling up the blood in a few seconds, faster than adding blood yourself, really cool!

Yue Lao will soon save two more red lines. Which card from Senior Brother is better to fall in love with