Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 215: Away battle


In the first round-robin match outside the group on May 1st, Nirvana tied Fenghua 1:1 at home. According to the schedule, Nirvana will play away from home in the next two games. On May 3rd, they will play Ghost Prison. The number hit Liushuangcheng, and all the opponents in Group A were the strongest.

This roller coaster-like schedule has been set by the league long ago, and Xie Mingzhe has long been mentally prepared.

With Nirvana's current strength and the reaction and awareness of the two commanders, it is very thrilling to win a strong team with new scenes and new cards at home. It is almost impossible to score points in away games. After all, strong teams such as Ghost Prison and Frost City have passed through After years of training, the team members' tacit understanding is much higher than that of Nirvana. Coupled with home field advantage and targeted tactical arrangements, Nirvana's next two tough battles are very difficult to fight.

Of course, if you don't play well, you have to bite the bullet.

Xie Mingzhe made full tactical preparations before the game. However, he didn't want to rashly use new decks for the lineup of Ghost Prison and Frost City, but instead aimed to run the team together and let everyone practice and cooperate. This idea was also supported by Master. It is an unexpected surprise to get points away, and it is a normal result to not get points. The key is to accumulate experience and adjust your mentality by playing against strong teams.

On May 3, Nirvana vs Ghost Prison.

Chen Qianlin made his first public appearance as a coach.

The relationship between Tang Muzhou and Xie Mingzhe has been exposed, so there is no need to hide him as a master.

I thought that he had retired for many years and was already an outdated old player. Not many people knew him, but what Chen Qianlin did not expect was that after so many years, there were so many people who remembered him. The reporters were surrounded by water.

The reporters scrambled to hand him a microphone: "What made Lin Shen, who had retired for five years, decide to return?"

Chen Qianlin replied calmly, "My younger brother and apprentice want to set up a club, so I will help."

A reporter joked: "You are in a team with the younger apprentice, aren't you afraid that the older apprentice will have an opinion?"

Chen Qianlin said: "The eldest apprentice established the Fenghua Club by himself. He is already a mature captain. He doesn't need me, the master, to make decisions and have no opinion."

Some reporters also asked bitterly: "After leaving the professional league for five years, are you still so confident in your tactical awareness? Don't you think you will not be able to keep up with the times?"

Chen Qianlin looked at the reporter lightly, his light-colored pupils were as clear as water, and could almost reflect the projection of the other party. The reporter was a little guilty when he saw it, but he still forced himself to be calm: "Five years ago, although you He is the strongest player of the wood type, but the league has changed a long time ago in the past five years, and there have been countless new and powerful juniors. Now that you come back, those tactics and play styles from that year may not be applicable to this season! Lin Shen does not have it. Troubled by this?"

This question full of gunpowder made the scene immediately silent.

Although Chen Qianlin has laid the foundation of the wood-type deck, his status in the alliance is difficult to surpass, but after all, he has been away for five years, and the alliance has changed dramatically. The embarrassment of "can't adapt to the new season".

When Chen Xiao heard this, a burst of anger suddenly rose in his heart. He was about to stand up to the reporter, but was stopped by Chen Qianlin calmly.

The reporters looked at Chen Qianlin in unison, waiting for Lin Shenhui to answer this question.

Chen Qianlin said calmly: "This reporter friend is right. I have been away from the league for too long, and the previous tactical play is outdated now. But..." He changed his words and glanced at the reporters. , said, "You can also see Nirvana's performance this season. Have you ever seen it in Nirvana's game that used outdated tactics from five years ago?"

The sharp rhetorical question left the reporters speechless.

Nirvana's recent game, the tactics are indeed very novel, it can be said that it is the team with the most new tactics in the league! Therefore, the problem of Lin Shen's outdated thinking does not exist at all.

Chen Xiao found that his brother seemed to be more powerful than himself at scolding reporters, and instantly grasped the key.

He had to take a step back and let his brother play by himself.

Chen Qianlin continued: "As the head coach, I don't need to personally arrange tactics for every game. I don't want Nirvana's commander to be a robot that only listens to the coach's arrangements. A Zhe and Chen Xiao will have their own ideas - take them Getting started and uncovering their greatest potential is what I should do as a coach."

Lin Shen's calmness and equanimity in the face of reporters really has the demeanor of a senior god.

This answer also won warm applause from the reporters in the audience. The reporter who wanted to embarrass him withdrew with a blushing face, and the next question was much gentler. Of course, some reporters who love to gossip said: "How is your relationship with Shao Bo now? Did you still communicate after losing the lawsuit? "When you come back this time, have you thought about taking back the copyright of your cards?"

Hearing these sharp questions, Chen Qianlin was extremely calm, without even frowning, he said in a calm tone, "I don't want to talk about the past. For me, the most important thing now is to do a good job as a coach, Let the Nirvana Club achieve good results."

The reporters could not ask any further questions, so they had to leave.

On the way back to the backstage, Chen Xiao walked beside his brother and asked in a low voice, "Brother, do you really not care at all?"

Chen Qianlin looked at him and said, "I accidentally fell somersaults in a pit, do you want to stay in front of that pit, fill it up with soil, and then move on?"

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment, but it made sense when he thought about it carefully. Things in the past cannot be changed. It is better to look forward, learn a lesson and stop stepping on the pit. In fact, even if my brother's card copyrights are withdrawn now, most of the cards are not suitable for the eleventh season. Sanctuary is holding on to those old cards, and it is almost over. Why should I feel uncomfortable because of this matter? it is good

Chen Qianlin was just too lazy to make new cards, if he really wanted to... He made two new cards himself in order to help Qin Xuan play the Masters. It only took one day to make "Blood Rose" and "Black Elderberry". "Two cards helped Qin Xuan reach the top 32 all the way. It can be seen that his talent has not disappeared because of the passage of time - he is just bearish and doesn't want to come back to play.

Chen Xiao felt a little distressed about his brother, but more admired.

My brother's mind and indifference are not comparable to me. If it was me, I would have to fight Shao Bo to the end.


Chen Qianlin showed up in person for the away game to play Ghost Prison, and Lao Zheng also came out to greet him in person backstage, and gave Chen Qianlin a big hug, smiling for fear of the opponent's shoulder: "Qianlin, welcome back!"

As players who debuted at the same time, the five people known as the "Originator of the Five Lines" have a very good relationship in private. The "Qianlin Restaurant" opened by Chen Qianlin in the game was their stronghold. At that time, they were all under 20 years old. , often get together to discuss cards of various departments, and when new cards are made, they will also practice battles with friends.

There are not too many impurities in the feelings of youth, and it is especially pure and precious in today's competitive alliance.

Zheng Feng sighed: "After so many years, we are all old, and even our apprentices have become gods."

Chen Qianlin said: "Don't say this in front of Ling Jingtang, he has no apprentice."

Zheng Feng laughed and said, "That's right, poor old Ling."

Lingjingtang of the Pantheon suddenly sneezed at this moment.

When the two chatted, the juniors couldn't get in on the action. Xie Mingzhe had to sit with Gui Sirui and said with a smile: "God, today is the home court of Ghost Prison for two consecutive rounds. You must not show mercy."

Gui Sirui was stunned for a moment: "I thought you were going to politely say that you are merciful, but you really don't play cards according to common sense!"

Xie Mingzhe continued with a smile and said, "If you are abused by a strong team, you won't be so panic in the playoffs."

Gui Sirui was a little surprised - this guy's mentality is very good, and he seems to have expected that Ghost Prison would not be polite to them.

Because Tang Muzhou, who was graceful in the last game, deliberately took out a new card to target Nirvana, this time, Ghost Prison also took out a new card, which is all to blame for Tang Muzhou's good start.

Facts have proved that Xie Mingzhe's hunch is not wrong, the home court of Ghost Prison is extremely difficult to play.

In the past, Wei Xiaotian used to control the cards in the marking flow of Ghost Prison, marking the opponent's key cards with a wave of instant kills, but now, their strategy has become more flexible, with one marked card in hand, plus a ghoul , Puppet Master and these late-stage cards, and Liu Jingxu's two new single-body crit monster cards, Nirvana's core card was wiped out within 5 minutes of playing, and it has been at a disadvantage since the beginning.

In the second round, Nirvana changed the strategy and replaced Chen Xiao to command the head-to-head confrontation, but in the end, he still failed to beat Ghost Prison's concentrated fire assassination.

This is the first time Nirvana has won a score of 0:2 since the start of the game, but everyone is very calm, especially Xie Mingzhe. When interviewed by reporters, he smiled and said: "It was expected, so I am not surprised or sad." "0:2 is nothing to be afraid of. Many teams play ghost prisons at 0:2. The important thing is to learn something new from it and accumulate experience for future games."

Chen Xiao said that he still needs more exercise, and he will try his best to get points when Nirvana is playing Ghost Prison at home. As for Chen Qianlin... After the game, the reporters didn't find him at all. It is said that he was dragged by Lao Zheng to dinner.

The next game with Floating Frost City is very similar to the home court of Ghost Prison - Floating Frost City’s team competition is notoriously strong. Last season, he defeated Fenghua to win the championship. This season’s momentum is also very strong. He is currently in Group A. Number one on the list.

The rare thing is that the great god Su Yang also appeared, and he also brought his super cute twin daughters. As a result, the style of the backstage painting became very strange, and a group of big men scrambled to hug their daughters.

Xie Mingzhe likes children very much. The two little girls are wearing the same pink princess dress with cute pigtails. He hugs them one by one and feeds them candy. Tang Muzhou, who came to the backstage, just saw this scene and couldn't help but smile. Said: "Do you like children very much?"

Xie Mingzhe had a gentle smile on his face, rubbed the heads of the two little girls, and said, "The daughter of God Su Yang is super cute."

Tang Muzhou said, "Do you like your daughter more?"

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "The son is too skinny, the daughter is better."

Tang Muzhou thought to himself, if we are together, we can't have children directly, but we can do test tube babies, and then we will use the genes of two people to give birth to a pair of lovely girls. If you think it's too troublesome to be a test-tube baby, you can adopt a few children - anyway, the money has been saved, and he can afford as many children as possible. Xie Mingzhe likes children so much, he will definitely be a good father.

Seeing that his senior brother's eyes were very gentle, Xie Mingzhe thought he liked children too - he didn't expect Tang Muzhou's thinking to have spread to raising children together in the future.

The game was about to start, Su Yang came over and took his two daughters away, and said to Tang Muzhou, "Xiao Tang, I'm so sorry that day, I didn't read the news clearly, I thought you were giving out red envelopes in the group because you were married to that scandalous person. already."

Xie Mingzhe was speechless: "...Senior, the object of the scandal is me! Haven't you read the news yet?"

Su Yang was taken aback: "I always read half of gossip."

Tang Muzhou smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter, if we get married in the future, we will definitely invite senior to our wedding."

Su Yang said: "Then it's settled, then I'll give you a big red envelope!"

Xie Mingzhe: "????"

you? The word "we" is used incorrectly, isn't it? It's just me and my senior brother here. "Participating in your wedding" sounds strange! Sure enough, this great god has first-class skills in the game, but he always speaks outside the situation. I really don't know where he came from. It's like the home has been disconnected from the Internet for many years and just connected to the wifi...

The god Su Yang, who had just connected to the Internet, smiled and hugged his daughter to find the four apprentices of Liushuangcheng - of course, seeing Chen Qianlin is the first priority, and by the way, it is the most important to ask for a few red envelopes for his daughter.

When the four apprentices saw the master's daughter, of course it was not good to be empty-handed. The little girl's arms were stuffed with red envelopes. Su Yang was overjoyed and said in the group, "I have four apprentices and two daughters, who are you? More complete than me? [I have reached the peak of my life]

Ling Jingtang: "Go away!!!"

Zheng Feng: "Daughter is very cute, you are really not cute at all."

Nie Yuan said: "Don't make such remarks in many bachelor groups."

Su Yang, who was criticized by everyone, immediately shut up.

However, Xie Mingzhe heard from his master that Su Yang's sudden appearance was not only to see his old friend Chen Qianlin, but also to show off his daughter—the official invited him back with a lot of money, and wanted him to be a commentator for the playoffs.

Originally he was not happy, but now Chen Qianlin has come back as a coach, and the five seniors are only missing him, so he agreed with the flow, and today happened to be here to sign the contract.

Xie Mingzhe was in a complicated mood. The "frequently disconnected" Su Yang god would definitely be funny as a commentator...

The playoffs will probably be more lively than the regular season!