Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 218: A wave of laughter?


After a short break, the second game officially began.

This time, Chen Xiao took the initiative to sit in the No. 1 commanding position, and he decisively submitted the home map of the second game - Zilingzhou of the Grand View Garden series.

The scene map of the Grand View Garden series made by Xie Mingzhe has been used almost in the civil war stage of Group B, and Zilingzhou has not been used yet. The scene of this map is very desolate and depressing, and it is just used to fight the Sanctuary today.

The map design of Zilingzhou is not complicated. Every 2 minutes, affected by the desolate scene of the whole scene, the cards in the whole scene will be silent for 3 seconds, and no skills can be released.

Chen Xiao's style is not like Xie Mingzhe's slow anger that makes his opponent collapse. In the second game, he just wants to fight quickly.

After the game started, the Nirvana team quickly attacked and competed head-on with the opponent. In just 1 minute, the two sides exchanged firepower, each with 3 cards killed, and the rhythm was dizzyingly fast.

The Sanctuary is actually not afraid of Chen Xiao's head-to-head style of play. After all, Chen Qianlin's deck is not inferior to the mainstream decks of other clubs in terms of attack power. What they are more afraid of is Xie Mingzhe. tactics.

Zhu Chongliang breathed a sigh of relief after the change of command in this round, thinking to himself that he finally didn't have to endure Wang Xifeng's laughter.

The game time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the critical moment of 1 minute and 50 seconds was reached.

According to the setting of the scene, Zilingzhou's full-scene silence will soon be triggered. Will there be any big moves in Nirvana

Just thinking about it, Nirvana suddenly started to summon cards frantically.

In a blink of an eye, the map of Zilingzhou with a depressed environment was filled with Nirvana cards - they actually summoned more than a dozen cards in one go!

The audience was very puzzled. Most of the summoned cards from both sides of the team battle will be summoned in batches of 6 to 7 at a time. It is extremely rare to release all the cards in a wave like Nirvana.

Nie Yuandao frowned slightly: "Chen Xiao is trying to destroy his opponent in one wave? The risk is too great."

Shan Lan stroked his chin thoughtfully: "It is indeed very risky. If the Sanctuary uses control skills such as group chaos, stiffness, and paralysis, the more cards on Nirvana's side, the greater the impact will be."

This is why it is taboo to summon too many cards at once in teamfights.

When all 20 cards are present, in case of being controlled by the opponent, it is likely to cause unbearable huge losses. And if you summon 6-7 cards at a time, even if this wave of cards is completely destroyed, at least there are other cards to look for opportunities.

Many viewers disagree with Nirvana's approach, and some even think that Chen Xiao's play is too impulsive.

However, Chen Xiao looked calm. After summoning a large number of cards, he immediately directed the cards to adjust their positions and approach the opponent.

Zhu Chongliang's eyes lit up, thinking he had found an opportunity.

The more cards on the opposite side, the more chaotic the crowd control will be. Wouldn't it be cool to fight back when they are in chaos

However, he just released a group chaos skill to control a large number of cards in Nirvana, but the moment he released it, he found that the skill was invalid - because of the existence of Li Wan!

Li Wan, as the strongest control card in the Jinling Twelve Hairpins deck, is the key card for Xie Mingzhe to cooperate with Brother Chen.

As soon as the "President of Poetry Club" skill is activated, she will draw an address of "Haitang Poetry Club" within 30 meters of the surrounding area. Friendly targets within the range of the Poetry Club will not be affected by any control effects, and will not be affected by any control effects. Immune to damage for 5 seconds!

Up to 5 seconds of group immunity from control and injury, equivalent to 5 seconds of group invincibility, enough to interrupt the rhythm of the Sanctuary.

Seeing the appearance of this new card, Shan Lan couldn't help but smile and look at the master, and said with admiration, "No wonder they dared to summon so many cards at once. It turned out to be an arrangement."

Nie Yuandao said calmly: "Their tactics are not just Li Wan. We don't know much about Xie Mingzhe's water-based deck. According to my speculation, there must be other new cards."

Shan Lan thought: Your speculation will definitely become true.

Nie Shen's mouth really opened, and almost as soon as he finished speaking, Xie Mingzhe summoned another new card - Jia Yingchun.

This is a water-based deathrattle card. After playing, when a hostile target within 30 meters of her casts an attack skill, she will take the initiative to take all damage, which is equivalent to a range taunt, and after she absorbs the damage and dies, she will take the next For 3 seconds, the hostile targets are collectively silenced.

The players in the Sanctuary didn't respond in time, and the skills released were forcibly absorbed by Jia Yingchun. Yingchun was already fragile, with low HP and low defense, she died almost instantly - the Deathrattle skill was triggered, and everyone was silent!

The reaction speed of the Sanctuary is not slow, and the control is immediately released when it sees this.

However, Nirvana seems to have calculated the time. Just after the Sanctuary was released, the silent effect of the scene in Zilingzhou was triggered.

The silence of the scene cannot be uncontrolled. The two sides are caught in the embarrassing time of 3 seconds, and no one can make an attack. The Sanctuary sees so many cards on the opposite side, and they will face each other later, and their cards may be destroyed. , Zhu Chongliang had to quickly summon other cards to prepare for defense.

At the moment when the 3 seconds of silence in the whole scene ended, Sanctuary and Nirvana made operations at the same time—

Xie Mingzhe summoned a new card - Jia Xichun.

The ancient Buddha of Qingdeng, Xichun silently recites the Buddhist scriptures, and applies a silent state to the hostile target within 30 meters, making it unable to release skills for 3 seconds.

Another 3 seconds of silence!

Zhu Chongliang originally wanted to use the hallucination field control skills of the newly summoned flowers. However, his familiarity with the map of Zilingzhou was not as good as that of Xie Mingzhe, and the speed of using the skills was 0.5 seconds slower.

And 0.5 seconds at the critical moment is almost fatal.

Xie Mingzhe released his skills first, and all card groups in the Sanctuary were silenced.

The reason why I chose Silence to control the field is also because the deck used in Sanctuary is Master's work in the past. Plant cards all rely on skills to eat, and there are only a handful of basic attack cards. To deal with Sanctuary, use the silence of welcome spring to force it out before the scene effect is triggered. The opponent's control, after the scene effect is over, use Xichun's silent group to force control, closely following Chen Xiao's fear of the dark plant card "Snapdragon".

Then, the new cards "Black Elderberry" and "Blood Rose" made by Chen Qianlin that Qin Xuan carried were released in groups to bleed. Xiao Ke picked some cards with high blood volume to attack, and Chen Xiao's main plant output cards were dispatched collectively. In the end, Tan Chun and Wang Xifeng controlled by Xie Mingzhe came to the end.

This set of control and output chain, the Nirvana four have repeatedly rehearsed countless times, and they work together extremely well!

The players in the Sanctuary were silent for 3 seconds, feared for 3 seconds, and could hardly operate for the next 6 seconds.

But Nirvana began to release skills frantically in an orderly manner—

The sky is raining with black roses, the pine needles of Chiba alpine pine are strafing, Yu Ke's black mark is impermanent, and even Qin Xuan, the assistant, has brought two new cards.

A large wave of skills smashed down, and the Sanctuary was simply unable to parry!

What's more, Xie Mingzhe's key card appeared again. The familiar Jia Tanchun teleported over and slapped his face without hesitation; Wang Xifeng seemed to think that he had not laughed enough in the last game, and laughed again in the second game—

Ha ha ha ha!

Following Wang Xifeng's outrageous laughter, he was beaten into a blood-skinned sanctuary card by the group, and a large number of people died in an instant.

This effect is as if all the cards were laughed to death by Wang Xifeng.

The audience: "… "

Professional gods: "..."

In fact, Nirvana wants to destroy the sanctuary with a wave of flow groups. There are many methods. For example, let Chen Xiao's black mage clear the field, and let Yu Ke's black impermanence finally explode the mark and harvest, but in the end, Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiaoyi combined, but chose This is the most uncomfortable play for the opponent.

Plant cards, ghost cards, and a slap in the face, all the sanctuary cards were disabled, and the task of finally clearing the field was handed over to Wang Xifeng.

Wang Xifeng's sonic attack doesn't deal high group damage, but...

Mental damage is high!

In the end, a wave of laughing to death opponents, this approach is really amazing!

Nirvana's fans said happily: "Silence + fear control the field, stand on the opposite side and don't move, let Tanchun slap you a few times, and then let Wang Xifeng laugh at you!" I was laughed to death by Hahaha..." "Cough, Wang Xifeng has a wave of hahaha, the cards can't stand the torture, and the group died in battle. This can definitely be selected for the classic scene of the season!"

I've seen cards that were beaten to death by flowers, bitten by animals, and assassinated by ghost cards, but I've never seen cards that were laughed to death by characters. The audience watching the game today was an eye-opener.

In the second game, Nirvana wins.

And it was an extremely fast crushing victory that lasted no more than 5 minutes for the entire game.

In the end, Wang Xifeng's "hahaha" laughter ended, which was almost a mockery of Sanctuary Chiguoguo.

Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiao looked at each other and smiled happily.

The more unhappy the people in the Sanctuary were, the happier they were. If it weren't for the presence of too many spectators, they would have thought hahaha.