Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 226: Deathrattle to deathrattle


Frost City has a lot of control cards, but Nirvana brought a lot of healing cards in this round. The two sides have come and gone and exchanged skills, but after playing for a long time, no one has been able to kill the opponent's cards. Floating Frost City is obviously testing and paving the way, but on Nirvana's side, Chen Xiao and Yu Ke's output cards have not acted, and many of Xie Mingzhe's cards have not been summoned.

Until the event of the first inspection of the Grand View Garden was triggered.

NPC Wang Xifeng led a group of people into the Daguan Garden scene. Wherever they passed, all the cards were punished to stand on the spot, and the rhythm of both sides was interrupted, but the audience was very excited: "Hahaha, look at all the cards. Being punished, reminds me of the fear of being punished by a teacher in middle school!" "The card that was punished said: I have no affair, I am innocent, don't come and check me!"

The audience swiped happily, but the arena at this time was full of crises.

Nirvana has 10 cards on the field, and almost all of them have 3-4 layers of water poison. After the 3-second penalty stand, Liushuangcheng will definitely launch the next wave of attacks. The professional players in the background are all watching the big screen carefully and observing Xie Mingzhe. how to respond.

Sure enough, after the 3-second penalty stand, Qiao Xi and Su Qingyuan joined forces to launch the most violent attack—

Qiao Xi's sea moon jellyfish freezes and controls Bai Wuchang, preventing him from delaying the damage settlement for another 5 seconds; the lighthouse jellyfish emits a dazzling light, causing the illusion of light within the range; immediately, the cannonball jellyfish bounces off a wave of water droplets!

Qiao Xi is very skillful in manipulating this card, and the path of the water droplets is very tricky. Almost in the blink of an eye, the audience saw him stack all the water poison of the ten Nirvana cards to 5 layers in one breath.

Wu Yue couldn't help boasting: "Some of the cards in Nirvana just now have 3 layers of water poison and need to be bounced twice, and some are 4 layers and only need to be bounced once. Qiao Xi can brush the water poison of all cards to 5 layers, which shows that he The ejection path of the water droplets is controlled extremely precisely!"

This is Qiao Xi's true level. Even in a very chaotic situation, he can accurately grasp the ejection path and quickly fill the water poison.

And Su Qingyuan did not let him down. Taking advantage of the light hallucination of the lighthouse jellyfish to control the field for 3 seconds, he forced the poison explosion of the devil fish - only to see the five layers of water poison explode in an instant, causing a huge amount of water poison damage. The card's blood volume was pressed to half blood, and immediately after, the octopus wielded its tentacles to strangle everywhere, and the huge and super-strong single-attack card shark also appeared.

The full-scale outbreak of Floating Frost City can logically take away a few cards of Nirvana, however, after playing, it is discovered that Nirvana is actually unscathed—

It's Li Wan again!

The range of Haitang Poetry Club is free from control and injury, and Qin Xuan's rightly summoned auxiliary card directly offset a wave of heavy firepower attacks from Floating Frost City.

The audience applauded excitedly. Nirvana's defense was really beautiful, and the opponent's key skills were stuck and invincible, making the opponent return without success.

But Floating Frost City still has another move. After Su Qingyuan and other invincibility are over, he summons coral fish to attack another large-scale group. Following that, Blue Whale and Shark are dispatched together to directly use Nirvana's super healing Ka Shennong and super support. Kali Wan devoured it all!

If two auxiliary cards die in a row, it will not be so easy for Nirvana to drag it down.

After 3 minutes of consumption, Liushuangcheng finally tore the gap in Nirvana's defense.

However, Fang Yu did not dare to relax, because Xie Mingzhe's cards have not yet played, Yu Ke's Meng Po has been watching the battle from a long distance, and Chen Xiao's plant cards have only appeared 3, also standing in the ultra-far Location to find opportunities.

Strictly speaking, Nirvana has been passively defending until now, and has not launched a single active attack.

Just thinking about when Nirvana will wait, I see Xie Mingzhe suddenly summon a card - Jia Yingchun!

Yingchun is a Deathrattle card. It comes with a range of taunts. Frost City's attack is actively absorbed by her. Yingchun, who is weak, is almost killed when he enters the battlefield. The Deathrattle skill is triggered, and the healing effect of allies is increased by 50%, and the enemy's All fell silent!

Fang Yu said in his heart: Come. Nirvana's offensive rhythm point should be Yingchun's Deathrattle group control.

Sure enough, taking advantage of Yingchun's treatment improvement, Qin Xuan summoned the treatment card Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva very tacitly, with a move of "Public Rain", which instantly filled the blood of all cards in the whole group! And Yu Ke and Chen Xiao finally acted, and joined forces to kill Su Qingyuan's blue whale and shark.

Xiao Yi quickly used the team protection skills to avoid injury to the whole team, helping senior brother to resist this wave of damage.

Fang Yu did not hesitate to summon the Deathrattle Card - Transparent Fish Shoal.

When a school of transparent fish appears, the evasion of nearby allies will increase. If the allies are hit by the enemy's non-directional skills, the transparent fish will take the initiative to take the damage for the allies. When killed, the deathrattle will be triggered, and the group of marine creatures will become transparent for 5 seconds.

This card's method of touching porcelain is "non-directional skills", that is, other skills other than "designated single attack skills" can be absorbed by it. Chen Xiao's plant card has a large number of group attack skills, which happens to trigger the transparent fish. mockery.

Seeing that the transparent fish was about to die, at this moment, Xie Mingzhe suddenly summoned an unexpected dark card—

The immortal medicine of the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother can feed the "Pill of Immortality" to any designated target. When the target suffers enough damage to kill them, the "Pill of Immortality" will be triggered immediately, restore 20% of their HP, and be immune to damage for the next 5 seconds.

Xie Mingzhe actually fed Fang Yu's Death Talk card an "immortal medicine"!

The great gods watching the game were very speechless. The skill of immortality medicine is usually to help teammates and ensure that teammates don’t die. As a result, Xie Mingzhe actually fed the immortality medicine to his opponents to ensure that Fang Yu’s transparent fish would not die - then there is no way to trigger death. Language skills!

The witty Xie Mingzhe received warm applause from the audience, and many people were laughing: "Fang Yu is going to be mad at him!" "Hahaha, let you play Death Talk, I will not let your Death Talk card. hang up..."

Fang Yu's plan to use the transparent fish death language technology group to be invisible was disrupted by Xie Mingzhe, and he was also very helpless.

It is said that Xie Mingzhe is very skinny, and today he saw it.

Fang Yu reacted very quickly, and immediately summoned the second Deathrattle card—Squid!

The squid can increase the defense of the friendly group by 100%, making it difficult to fight, and once it is killed, it will spray ink to smear the opponent's vision for 5 seconds, making the opponent's eyes black, which is equivalent to blind group control.

This card is very difficult to deal with, but Nirvana has Meng Po!

Almost as soon as the squid appeared, Madam Meng forced it to feed it a bowl of soup—however, Fang Yu was a first-class conductor after all, and he had long guessed that Nirvana was going to target his Deathrattle card, so when the squid appeared, he also Let the younger brother help protect.

Xiao Yi activates the walrus' stand-in skill, and assumes all negative skills for the squid within 3 seconds.

As a result, the walrus forgot who he was, and the squid was not influenced by Meng Po.

Fang Yu relied on the squid to withstand this wave of Nirvana's attack, but then, Xie Mingzhe summoned Qin Keqing, grabbed a card with less than 30% of the opponent's HP, forced the opponent to hang, and let Chen Xiao's strongest attack card Black Mage has increased his attack power!

Chen Xiao immediately cooperated with Yu Ke, and the two ignored the squid's Deathrattle skill and slaughtered the squid. After all, the defense improvement of this card was too annoying. If it survived, the whole group's double defense improvement buff would always exist. .

Some Deathrattle cards are not played to seek death immediately. Fang Yu's squid is such a "disgusting opponent" card, which requires you to spend a lot of skills to kill it.

After the squid was killed, a large amount of ink was sprayed, and all Nirvana's eyes were blackened with ink. Fortunately, Qin Xuan specially reserved Guanyin Bodhisattva's control technique. What will the city do.

The two sides exchanged offense and defense, and this wave of Nirvana killed the opponent's 3 cards. In terms of the number of cards, there were 17 cards left in Flow Frost City and 18 cards left in Nirvana, which was Nirvana dominant. However, Liushuangcheng quickly launched a counterattack, killing Nirvana's Guanyin Bodhisattva and Queen Mother's two auxiliary cards in a row, and the number of cards instantly surpassed.

Fang Yu's strategy is very clear: kill the supports and healers first, leaving a group of crispy skins with low defense. Without the protection of cards, they can't resist the slow field control attack of Frost City at all, and it is easy to consume them.

However, at this moment, Xie Mingzhe summoned a brand new dark card - Guo Jia.

I saw a beautiful man suddenly appearing in the arena. He held a folding fan and smiled like a graceful gentleman. He had a very special temperament. The girls were moved by it.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately became excited: "Another handsome guy!" "This little brother is so good-looking, I like it!" "His skills are very special, it's actually a Deathrattle card?"

Fang Yu was shocked when he saw this card—

Another Deathrattle Card!

Just now, the appearance of Jia Yingchun and Qin Keqing's two Deathrattle cards forced out a lot of Frost City's defensive skills. At this time, Xiao Yi's team protection skills were all cooling down. Guo Jiashan arrived late, proving that those in front were smoke bombs - Guo Guo Jia, is the true core of Nirvana's Deathrattle!

Skill 1 "Prophet", you can know the opponent's attack plan in advance, and increase the dodge of the whole team every 20 seconds. Skill 2 "Envy of Talents", automatically loses blood due to illness after appearing on the field, spreads diseases in a large area when killed, and instantly stacks five layers of poison on the enemy in the area. Skill 3 "Liaodong", the attack, attack speed and crit damage of the whole group are fully increased when the whole group is killed!

The professional gods were also frightened when they saw this card. Ye Zhu's eyes widened: "With a 20-second cooldown and a 5-second evasion, the opponent won't be able to kill Nirvana at all if you're on defense! He's slowly losing blood, and he still has so many effects when he's killed. It's too shameless, right?"

Pei Jingshan said: "It is indeed a very strong Deathrattle card, but there is a way to deal with this card, that is to forcefully kill Guo Jia when Nirvana is not ready, and then activate the whole team's protection skills to resist Nirvana. outbreak."

Of course, Fang Yu also thought of this, and immediately sent sharks and blue whales to kill Guo Jia.

However, Xie Mingzhe dared to release Guo Jia at this time, which proved that he would accurately control the time when Guo Jia was killed and the whole group erupted, and would not let his opponent disrupt the rhythm of Nirvana.

At the moment when Guo Jia's HP was forced to 20%, Jiangdong's little overlord, Sun Ce, came on stage and quickly taunted him in a wide range. The opponent's skills couldn't hit Guo Jia at all.

The new healing card Hua Tuo - Wu Qin Xi, enhances defense. Hemp boils powder, reduces damage. Scratch the bone to heal wounds. When the target's HP is lower than 20%, it will be healed and reset all skills.

All three protection skills in a row were given to Sun Ce, allowing Sun Cela to taunt and resist a lot of damage at the same time.

Qin Xuan's smooth operation made the great gods look at him with admiration. This auxiliary player, who has been unknown for a long time, has become more and more tacit with Xie Mingzhe. Sun Ce and Hua Tuo are both controlled by him. The two cards protect Guo Jia together. It is impossible for Liushuang City to kill Guo Jia.

At this time, many of Chen Xiao and Yu Ke's offensive skills were cooling down. If Guo Jia was killed in battle, he would not be able to exert the effect of Deathrattle.

Therefore, Guo Jia must wait for Guo Jia to die in battle without letting his opponent interfere.

With Sun Ce standing in front of him, Fang Yu couldn't do anything about Nirvana.

Moreover, when Guo Jia was about to lose blood and die, the scene effect of "Checking the Grand View Garden" was triggered. Both sides were punished and could not do anything. Fang Yu watched Guo Jia's blood drop to 0, triggering death. Language skills, collectively stack five layers of poison on the cards that were punished for standing on the opposite side!

Just at this time, the penalty station ended, and Nirvana immediately seized this opportunity - Chen Xiao's plant card, Yu Ke's ghost card, all output cards' attack, attack speed, and critical strike rate were greatly increased.

Chen Xiao sprinkled a wave of roses, and the amount of blood lost by the sea creatures in Floating Frost City was terrifying! After Black Impermanence’s attack speed and crit increase, it’s almost a trick for a kid, and he quickly stacks several layers of marks; after the black mage’s full stats are increased, he aims at the remnant blood card on the opposite side, and turns single attack to group attack, causing a range of damage that is violent. Hit the numbers just make the audience's scalp go numb! A single attack on Ka Nie Xiaoqian and Canina is a god who blocks and kills a god, and a Buddha blocks and kills a Buddha. There is no need to hesitate at all for the remaining blood cards on the opposite side...

Xie Mingzhe took the time when all of Nirvana's output card skills were complete, allowing Guo Jia to be killed just right. At the moment when Guo Jia triggered the Death Talk skill, Nirvana attacked with full firepower and directly killed 7 cards of Flowing Frost City. !

The audience was stunned - this Guo Jia's death language skills are too strong!

Compared to Dou E, his buffs to allies are terrifying.

The great gods in the backstage are also in complicated moods.

Tang Muzhou smiled and said, "After calculating the cooldown of the opponent's skills, trigger the full-scale attack of the Deathrattle when the protection skills of Liushuang City are all CDs. This should be learned from him and Fang Yu? It's not bad."

Pei Jingshan also sighed: "Guo Jia's card is indeed very strong, but it is very difficult to operate. Xie Mingzhe controlled it very well today, and the timing of his death was very precise. In the future, if you encounter a lineup with Guo Jia, you must play the instant death card."

Ye Zhu whispered: "Xie Mingzhe has made too many annoying character cards. If he can bring ten characters in a game, he will die. I will definitely let all Xie Mingzhe's character cards die."

Probably this is also the voice of all players.

Nirvana fans are getting more and more excited. After all, Guo Jia's card is not only very strong - but also handsome!

Guo Jia's popularity has increased exponentially for a while, and fans have expressed that there is another male god, and it is necessary to show Guo Jia's physical card around, just calling out to see his face is enough!

Liushuangcheng was caught off guard by the instant outbreak of Guo Jia's death speech. After the Nirvana wave was over, Fang Yu quickly retreated to rectify.

At this time, the card difference between the two sides is already very big, there are only 10 cards left in Liushuang City, and 15 cards left in Nirvana.

However, the Nirvana skill was cooled down, and temporarily could not pose too much threat to Floating Frost City, and Floating Frost City took the initiative again.


Qiaojie suddenly appeared again, turning the bad luck into good luck, resurrecting the designated card and resetting all its skills!

The resurrection of this card can be used at most once in a game, and it can be used on key cards, which is enough to give the opponent a headache.

She resurrected Guo Jia.

Audiences:"… … … "

Can you still play like this? !

After reviving Guo Jia, all Guo Jia's skills were reset, and Nirvana switched from attack to defense. Guo Jiaguang was able to resist a large number of attacks from Liushuang City by relying on the group dodge of the "prophet" skills. And Guo Jia kept losing blood, and after losing the blood, he could turn from defense to offense again, and the whole group exploded again!

The commentator Liu Chen sighed: "Guo Jia's card is not only the strongest in the effect of his Deathrattle, but his flexible ability to swap offense and defense! When he is alive, the team's dodge improvement makes it difficult for the opponent to wave. Destroy Nirvana, and when he is killed, the entire team's attack, attack speed, and critical strike are fully increased, but Nirvana can defeat the opponent in one wave!"

I'm alive, you can't kill my teammates.

I'm dead and my teammates will crush you.

Guo Jia's design idea is like this. Although it is an auxiliary card, his tactical significance is definitely worthy of the word "core".

Nirvana used Guo Jia's flexible attack and defense to withstand the attack of Liushuang City. While waiting for the cooling down of his own output cards, Guo Jia was killed again just right - Nirvana immediately switched from defense to attack and defeated Liushuang City in one wave.

Before the game, no one could believe that this would be the case - Xie Mingzhe was too daring to actually play Death Talk while playing Frost City? But the results proved that Xie Mingzhe was not only bold, but also careful. Deathrattle to Deathrattle, he really scored 1 point neatly in Fang Yu's hands!

The audience's applause almost burst the eardrums, which is enough to prove the brilliance of this game.

The newly-appeared "Guo Jia" card, whether in terms of appearance or skill design, is qualified to be selected as the best card of the season.

As an auxiliary card, Guo Jia is the well-deserved MVP of this game and the well-deserved male god in the hearts of fans!