Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 235: New wood card


At the same time as Xie Mingzhe showed the deck, the Fenghua team also publicly revealed the 16 bright cards of the game.

Fenghua brought three control cards in this game, including the group chaos of "White Poppy", the group hallucination of "ephemeral", and the group sleep/freeze dual control of the succulent "Snow Lotus". The output card is the group attack card "Four Seasons Begonia". "Desert Rose", "Millennium God Tree" and other group attack plants and a large number of Shen An's group attack fruit trees, while the single attack mainly focuses on Zhen Wen's snake card and Tang Muzhou's single attack flower card.

This deck was different from the decks used to play other teams in the past. Neither Xu Changfeng's cooldown reduction card nor a floating card appeared, but Tang Muzhou's plant card appeared more than 8.

Obviously, Xu Changfeng will assist Tang Muzhou to use the plant card to control the field in this game.

Fenghua's strategy is obvious. A deck with multiple groups of control and multiple attacks can quickly destroy Nirvana's cards, and then use the flexibility of the vine snake card to grab the core card of Nirvana at the moment when the magic mirror appears. Kill in seconds and establish an advantage in the hand difference.

As for the 4 hidden cards, Xie Mingzhe couldn't guess his brother's thinking, so he could only adapt accordingly.

The first game starts soon.

Both sides started with exploration, so there were not a lot of summoning cards.

On Fenghua's side, Shen An first summoned various fruit trees, all kinds of pineapples and apples fell from the sky, causing a lot of damage to Nirvana's cards, Qin Xuan immediately activated the healing skills to recover, and Yu Ke released a tentative attack of ghost cards, which was attacked by Fenghua. Defense skills blocked.

The first minute was relatively peaceful, until the moment when the magic mirror appeared—

Xie Mingzhe has been staring at the timing bar of the arena. Since the senior brother chose the map "Magic Mirror Forest", the moment the magic mirror appears in the game is likely to be the rhythm point for Fenghua to launch a large-scale attack.

He guessed right, almost the moment the magic mirror appeared, Fenghua began to spread out on a large scale!

The way of playing the field has appeared many times in the previous games. The commander will seize an opportunity and summon a large number of cards in just a few seconds, so that the number of cards of his own team can be doubled to crush the opponent, thus forming a "too". Play more and play less" situation, and quickly clear the number of cards in the opponent's field, establishing a huge hand-to-hand advantage.

Generally speaking, the cards that command the field are generally controlled at about 10 cards.

But Tang Muzhou made a move that shocked all professional players at this moment—

He actually summoned all the cards!

The number of cards in the Fenghua team at this moment has actually reached the full 20 cards!

This is not only a play style, but a "popping pool" style that has not been seen for a long time.

All 20 cards are summoned in an instant, which will bring great pressure to the opponent, and the visual effect looks particularly shocking. Besides, when the magic mirror is present, the consequences of the simultaneous existence of real cards and phantoms are - Xie Mingzhe's eyes Inside, there are 40 Fenghua cards.

His eyes are dying!

The two commentators looked at each other, Wu Yue couldn't believe it and said: "Summon all the cards in an instant, this kind of teamfight bursting play has not appeared for a long time!"

Liu Chen said: "This style of play looks very powerful, but in fact it has a lot of drawbacks. It is easy to lose sight of one and lose the other by controlling so many cards at the same time. It is very likely that teammates will make mistakes in cooperation, leading to self-disorder. What's more, if the opponent once If there is a group chaos, it will be completely over."

Wu Yue echoed: "In Nirvana's deck today, Jia Xu's 'Wen and Luan Wu' can cause group chaos. Xun Yu and other auxiliary cards also have large-scale group control skills. Tang Muzhou is indeed more risky to play like this."

Chen Qianlin, who was watching the game backstage, didn't think so.

He knows Tang Muzhou very well. This apprentice can keep calm no matter what the situation is. Since he dares to use such a risky style of play today, he must have a special plan in terms of tactics.

Chen Qianlin quickly found out the key to Fenghua's tactics, it was the new dark card—

The card "Plant Expert" is a rare character card.

She holds a watering pot and a shovel for loosening soil in her hand. Skill 1 is "greening the environment, everyone is responsible". Plant experts advocate that everyone take care of flowers and plants. She can make all plants within 30 meters immune to any control/instant death effect. Lasts 5 seconds; skill 2 "watering and fertilizing", plants need careful care, plant experts can water and fertilize all plant cards within 30 meters, increase the attack power and crit damage of plant cards by 50%, and increase the defense power by 50 % for 5 seconds.

The great gods in the backstage were dumbfounded when they saw the two skills released by the plant expert in a row. Pei Jingshan frowned and said, "The skill description of Plant Expert, if it wasn't for the card that Tang Muzhou took out, I would have thought it was done by Xie Mingzhe..."

Ye Zhu nodded in agreement: "Greening the environment, everyone is responsible, really looks like Xie Mingzhe's style!"

Zheng Feng looked back at Chen Qianlin: "The two good apprentices you taught."

Chen Qianlin: "..."

The expressionless Chen Qianlin pretended not to hear.

Xie Mingzhe was already dazzled by 40 unreal card phantoms at this time. Although he discovered the hidden cards of the characters summoned by Fenghua, the arena was changing rapidly. The big wave of fruits smashed continuously like cannonballs!

Fenghua launched an attack, Xie Mingzhe had to defend immediately.

Guo Jia, the prophet, all dodge upgrades!

The power of the Prophet skill is that as long as the opponent is a "non-directional skill", that is, most group attack skills can be avoided by dodging. However, directional skills, such as straight-line attacks, lock-on attacks, and single-target attacks, are not protected by the prophet Guo Jia.

Fortunately, most of Shen An's fruit tree attacks are group attacks, and the evasion of all Nirvana cards has been improved, and can dodge 80%.

At this moment, Tang Muzhou used another card's skill - Landscaper, Plant Grafting.

Landscaper is also a character card. Because he loves gardening and has developed a special plant cultivation principle, he can designate any two attacking plant cards of our party for cross-species grafting, so that the attacking skills of the two cards can be quickly integrated. .

This card uses the grafting principle of plants, and the design of "skill fusion" is also the first time it has appeared.

The pro players were confused when they saw this description, until everyone saw the actual effect—

The power of this design is that once the single attack card and the group attack card are integrated, the range skill of the group attack card will become an unavoidable locked attack, and the pointing skill of the single attack card will also come with a large-scale attack. Mass attack splash damage!

Tang Muzhou chose to combine the group attack card "Millennium Tree" and the single attack card "Wisteria Flower".

I saw a large number of vines of the Millennium Divine Tree instantly burst into small purple flowers, sweeping towards the card of Nirvana like tentacles! At the same time, the single attack of the wisteria flower slammed into the surroundings, and the petals were blooming everywhere, and the purple petals that fluttered in succession dragged the vine tail given by the god tree, like a large number of small purple umbrellas, overwhelmingly smashed towards Nirvana!

The group attack of Four Seasons Begonia and Desert Rose followed closely. Shen An's fruit trees continued to be smashed everywhere and disturbed the sight. Xu Changfeng quickly cooperated to control the field and forced the group of "Snow Lotus" to freeze—

Xie Mingzhe saw the most shocking scene since he participated in the competition.

Under the effect of the magic mirror, all the attacking skills he saw were double images. Countless vines, flowers, fruits, dense virtual images and real scenes rushed towards him at the same time. It was simply a disaster movie in the plant world.

The audience at the scene was also particularly shocked. Tang Muzhou's explosive pool play was really terrifying in terms of visual effects - all the plants attacked at the same time, just like seeing a spectacular scene of interstellar war in a sci-fi movie.

Xie Mingzhe was dizzy at the simultaneous attack of 40 plant cards in his field of vision, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

As a result, Fenghua's large-scale group attack instantly crippled the cards in the presence of Nirvana.

Immediately after, Zhen Man released the snake card, the flexible snake group moved quickly in an S-shape, quickly cleared the field, and 5 Nirvana residual blood cards were instantly killed, including the core cards Guo Jia, Xun Yu and Xun You.

Because Fenghua killed Nirvana's card, he first removed the magic mirror, and he could see Nirvana's actions clearly.

At this time, what Nirvana sees is still a "mixed reality" magic mirror illusion, but Fenghua can see everything clearly, which is even worse for Nirvana. When Nirvana finally killed a card from Fenghua to remove the magic mirror, the number of cards had become 19:11.

The difference of 8 cards is also the home map of Fenghua, and it is too difficult to catch up.


In the first game, there was no doubt that Nirvana lost, and the great gods watching the game in the backstage were also quite shocked—not to mention Xie Mingzhe, even if it was replaced by experienced conductors such as Nie Yuandao and Zheng Feng, they suddenly encountered the "Magic Mirror Forest". kind of reverse mirror map, also dizzy.

What's more, Tang Muzhou specially created a "VIP luxury surprise gift package" for his younger brother. Not only is the new map very difficult to play, but he also directly used the rare "explosive pool play" - 20 cards are summoned at the same time, and 40 virtual illusions. , while dazzling the opponent, he defeated the opponent very quickly, and let Nirvana fall into a more and more difficult situation from a wave of small group destruction.

The commentator Wu Yue was stunned for a long time before sighing: "Today's regular season finale is too high, Tang Shen has come up with a tactical arrangement that can go to the finals! Plant experts, landscapers are super supporters. The card is also the first time this season!"

Liu Chen said: "The first round of Nirvana was a bit miserable, but Xie Mingzhe can't be blamed. What commander can immediately react when he suddenly encounters such a complicated map? I think even Shen Nie , Lao Zheng, Ling Shen and other seniors did not dare to win Fenghua in the magic mirror forest. The new map will indeed have a huge home field advantage. "

Wu Yuedao: "I wonder if Fenghua will continue to use this picture in the second round. If I continue to use it, can Xie Mingzhe think of a solution?"

Being beaten at home by a new map is very common, the key is whether you can think of a solution.

Fenghua has already come up with a lot of maps in this regular season, and leaving such a complicated map for Nirvana has already given enough face to Nirvana. With Xie Mingzhe's understanding of his senior brother, it is impossible for him to reserve two maps for the last game. For Nirvana, it is too contempt for other teams. Therefore, the possibility of appearing "Magic Mirror Forest" in the second game is more than 80%, the possibility of other maps that have been used is 20%, and the possibility of new maps appearing is almost 0.

If there is another round of Mirror Forest, how to solve it

Xie Mingzhe quickly calmed down and thought carefully about how to play this new map.

The hidden card that my brother just took out, he also carefully analyzed the skills after the game. The plant expert can ensure that the plant card is free of control, and can also increase the attack and defense in groups. It can double the combat power of two output cards; in addition, there is also the transfer of gain status, which is also difficult to deal with.

Not only is the deck difficult to play, but the map is even more difficult to play!

The most terrifying thing about the Magic Mirror Forest is that at the moment when the magic mirror appears, the opponent suddenly summons a large number of cards, completely disrupting his line of sight, and the memory just now will be confused.

For example, in the first game, Tang Muzhou suddenly burst into the pool at the moment when the magic mirror appeared. He summoned 20 cards in one breath, and in front of Xie Mingzhe created 40 false and real illusions. No matter how good a person is, he suddenly saw so many cards. It is impossible to distinguish between real cards and phantoms immediately, and Tang Muzhou knows this map very well, and of course knows where the real cards of Nirvana are, so he can command Zhen Man to quickly drop the residual blood cards of Nirvana in seconds, establish an advantage, and form Snowball effect.

Playing this picture, the key is to quickly hit the opponent with a card to remove the magic mirror effect.

The key to the opponent's card in seconds is to confirm the position of the real card at the fastest speed and not be affected by the phantom in the mirror.

Xie Mingzhe discovered a little trick through the first game—

Looking at the opposite side through the magic mirror will indeed confuse people. However, your own cards do not move! So, why not use your own cards as a reference

For example, Guo Jia's position is aimed at the wisteria flower of Fenghua. Keep this in mind, then after the magic mirror appears, even if there are dozens of virtual and real phantoms suddenly appear in the field of vision, Guo Jia is still aiming at it. It is a splendid wisteria flower.

Selecting a reference object is something that teachers often mentioned in the past when studying physics.

A car traveling at the same speed on a high-speed looks like the other side is not moving, but the reference object becomes the tree on the roadside, and you will know how far you have traveled. For the mirror image map of the Mirror Forest, choosing a good reference is also critical. It is not affected by the mirror, but uses the reference to remember the position of the opponent's card. Only in this way, when the mirror appears, the thinking will not be confused.

In the first game, he was stunned by his senior brother's burst flow. He didn't expect this. But calm down and think about it carefully. In fact, this picture is not without solutions, but it is more risky.

Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath, sorted out his thoughts, and called his teammates to say, "Although our wood-type cards are very strong, the map of the Demon Realm Forest encountered today is too difficult to play. I want to try the special play method I mentioned before. Do you know if everyone is willing to take risks?"

Chen Xiao lightly patted his shoulder: "Why are you being polite to us? This game doesn't affect the qualifying places, it doesn't matter if you win or lose. Since it's your command, everyone will cooperate with you in whatever lineup you want!"

Yu Ke said excitedly: "Tell me, what kind of strange lineup is it?"

Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath and said with a smile, "The lineup of all characters."

Everyone: "… "

The full lineup of characters, everyone actually practiced when Nirvana first completed the card pool production. At that time, in order to make everyone familiar with the team's deck as soon as possible, Chen Qianlin shuffled all the cards and let four people practice one by one every day, remembering the skills and usage skills of each card, so Yu Ke, Chen Xiao and Qin Xuan In fact, he is very familiar with Xie Mingzhe's character cards and can control them.

In the last game, Qin Xuan controlled Zhuge Liang and Xie Mingzhe to cooperate tacitly. It's just that the full character lineup has never been used in an official game.

Today, in the last game of the regular season, on the super-complex map of "Magic Mirror Forest", when Tang Muzhou used a burst of pool play to destroy Nirvana, Xie Mingzhe decided to try it out.

What about adventure? He just wants to let his senior brother know that he is a man who never admits defeat.