Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 236: A stunning full cast


Although the defeat of Nirvana in the first game is excusable, it is not good news for fans after all. Nirvana fans are a little depressed, but fans who like Fenghua and Nirvana at the same time are looking forward to how Xie Mingzhe will fight back. There were also many people in the live broadcast room cheering him on: "Don't be suppressed by senior brother, so many wooden cards were not played in the first game!" "Cheer, Azhe, in the second game, kill senior brother!"

Amid the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, the four Nirvana team put on their helmets again.

At the beginning of the second game, the map submitted by Fenghua was still the Mirror Forest, which was also expected by many viewers.

Not changing the map is more common in the regular season, especially if the first game is won, not changing the map can take advantage of the victory and win the second game. Of course, it is possible to be cracked by the opponent without changing the map, which has advantages and disadvantages.

However, today's map is rather special. Most viewers believe that the complex map of the Mirror Forest should be the trump card that Tang Muzhou came up with. Xie Mingzhe is not so easy to crack.

There is no need to play the map in the second round, and both sides enter the deck display stage at the same time.

As soon as Nirvana's deck was taken out, the audience's eyes widened in disbelief—

All characters, a total of sixteen character cards!

Tang Muzhou also raised his eyebrows in surprise. It was a pure character lineup. This was a system that Nirvana had never used before. All character cards were used.

The black powder Yezhu in the backstage jumped up from his seat in excitement: "16 character cards, all of them are character cards made by Fat Uncle, ah, so spectacular!" Realizing that he was shouting too loudly, he immediately coughed and looked back. Looking at Team Pei, he said, "I definitely can't beat Fenghua."

Pei Jingshan: "..."

The two commentators were also surprised by Nirvana's full lineup.

Liu Chen was silent for a few seconds before he recovered his voice: "Cough, the professional league has been going on for eleven seasons, and it is the first time that an all-character card lineup has appeared. In this game, Nirvana has come up with a very distinctive all-rounder. Character system—the 16 bright cards are all character cards, and I think the 4 dark cards should also be character cards.”

Wu Yue said excitedly: "Azhe's fans are blessed today, they can see so many character cards appearing at the same time, fighting side by side! For example, the gold cards Zhuge Liang, Huang Zhong, Huang Yueying, Pangu, the earth cards Fuxi, the fire card The cards are Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Sun Shangxiang, the water series Li Wan, the wood series Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Jia Xu, Zhen Mi, Xun You, Hua Tuo…”

Sixteen character cards appear on the screen, which is truly spectacular.

But if you look closely, you can see that the deck set by Xie Mingzhe is very targeted.

First of all, Zhou Yu and Lu Xun's fire-type combination is the biggest nemesis of Tang Muzhou's explosive pool style play. If you want to burst the pool and summon 20 cards at the same time, Zhou Yu's iron cables are all connected in a chain, and the fire of Chibi and the fire of the camp will cause more damage. the higher.

Secondly, Xie Mingzhe brought a lot of protection cards, Sun Ce's group ridicule, Pangu's 5-second truce, and Li Wan's 5-second group invincibility, which was enough to withstand Fenghua's three consecutive burst attacks.

The output arrangement is also orderly. Huang Yueying can open a group to attack and compensate for damage under any circumstances. Huang Zhong specializes in fighting meat shields. , Jia Xu sent a letter to set fire to the opponent's Key card...

However, after careful counting, I found that there are a lot of auxiliary cards in this deck, such as Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang, Hua Tuo, these are all super auxiliary cards, and they appear in a lineup at the same time. The position of the output card is completely insufficient.

Among the four hidden cards, some powerful output cards must be placed.

And from the perspective of quantity, in order to make up 10 wood decks, the four hidden cards must be all wood.

Xie Mingzhe actually used a trick in the rules-in the league, if the dark card appears and the skill is not released, he will die in battle, and the audience will temporarily not be able to see the skill of the dark card, so as to retain the mystery of the dark card.

In the last round, Xie Mingzhe's deck was defeated by his senior brother before he showed his strength at all. Therefore, Cao Cao, Cao Pi, and Cao Zhi didn't have time to release their skills, and Sima Yi didn't even have the chance to endure it, and he was killed when he came out.

This is also one of the reasons why he decided to play the all-character card in the second game.

If the wood-based deck wants to exert its strength, it must have a large number of auxiliary cards for protection.

Under the protection of Zhuge Liang, Sun Ce, Hua Tuo and other cards, the system of Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, and Cao Cao can exert the greatest power.

The lineup of this round is all the character cards that Xie Mingzhe is most familiar with. In the complex map of "Magic Mirror Forest", only by commanding the character deck he is most familiar with can he possibly win a little bit of victory from his brother's tactical arrangement. machine!

Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath and arranged the controller of each card.

At this moment, the four people in Nirvana no longer distinguish between you and me. All of them have become Xie Mingzhe's most powerful and trustworthy assistants. They will use Nirvana's most distinctive character cards to draw pictures for this season's regular season. The next full stop!

Game start.

Nirvana brought Zhou Yu and Lu Xun in this game. Of course, Tang Muzhou would no longer use the explosive style of play. The two sides played steadily at the beginning until the critical moment of 1 minute.

The familiar magic mirror reappeared, and the cards that both sides saw created a phantom in a 180-degree reverse position.

Almost at the moment when the phantom was formed, Fenghua began to launch an all-out attack. Xie Mingzhe immediately asked Qin Xuan to summon Zhuge Liang - an empty city plan, the group was invisible!

All Nirvana cards have collectively disappeared, but Tang Muzhou also adjusted the deck in this round. When he saw Zhuge Liang in the bright card, he would naturally bring out the Luminous Tree to break Zhuge Liang's invisibility.

Nirvana's card was invisible for less than 1 second before being photographed by Luminous Tree collectively...

Tang Muzhou keenly found that Nirvana had an extra card, which was obviously summoned by Xie Mingzhe while the group was invisible.

It was a man riding a black horse, with a bushy beard on his chin, a hair crown on his head, a serious expression, and a very domineering look. As soon as Tang Muzhou saw his name "Cao Cao" clearly, he saw that a card of Fenghua was suddenly out of control and was forcibly caught by Cao Cao—

Rely on the Son of Heaven to command the princes!

When Cao Cao activates the skill "Holding the Son of Heaven to Order the Princes", he can take any target within 30 meters as a hostage for 5 seconds. The hostage card will give instructions to teammates according to Cao Cao's orders: 1. Stop releasing all attack skills; 2. All retreat 10 meters; if the teammates do not follow the instructions, the hostage card will be killed. If the teammate follows the instructions, the hostage card is put back.

The skill description was quickly slapped on the big screen by the director, and the audience was stunned.

Taking hostages? And this kind of operation

The card that was caught by Cao Cao was the thousand-year-old tree that Xie Mingzhe had just aimed at according to the "reference principle".

Although the Millennium Divine Tree generated a phantom, Xie Mingzhe remembered its location, and Cao Cao caught the real card at once.

Fenghua's players are very difficult to handle. If everyone continues to attack, the hostage cards will be killed. The Millennium Divine Tree card is very important to Fenghua. Besides, once Fenghua's card is killed, the magic mirror on Nirvana will be lifted. Tang Muzhou had to suspend the attack according to Cao Cao's request, intending to save the Divine Tree in 5 seconds.

5 seconds passed quickly, can the hostage card be put back? The audience was curious.

Facts have proved that Xie Mingzhe was not so kind.

At this time, Jia Xu suddenly came out to join in the fun and wrote a letter to the Millennium Sacred Tree.

The thousand-year-old tree that received the letter inexplicably: "????"

Not to mention being taken as a hostage by Cao Cao, and Jia Xu forcibly stuffing a letter, making his teammates mistake him for a traitor

The Millennium Divine Tree is really tiring!

Due to the influence of Jia Xu's letter, Fenghua could not be rescued, and Nirvana's output card immediately focused fire to kill the thousand-year-old tree, removing the first magic mirror effect.

The two commentators didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “Let Cao Cao take the hostages, Jia Xu write a letter, focus fire to kill the opponent’s card, and remove the influence of the magic mirror first. This approach is really immoral and fits the style of Nirvana.”

Tang Muzhou's response was also very fast. The death of the Millennium Divine Tree was undoubtedly a blow to him, but it didn't matter. Tang Muzhou immediately ordered his teammates to quickly gather fire and kill the crispy output card Huang Zhong. On the one hand, it reduced Nirvana's output ability, and also Can remove the magic mirror state.

But at this moment, Cao Cao once again released his skills - the world returns to his heart!

Cao Cao expects all the heroes in the world to submit to him. When he activates the "Return to the Heart" skill, all attacks within the range will automatically target Cao Cao, and at the same time, Cao Cao will draw 5% of the HP from all attackers.

All Fenghua's attack skills were forcibly ridiculed by Cao Cao and all hit him.

There are not many cards that attack Cao Cao. He will suck blood from the attacker's body. With this blood sucking, he has just been crippled and sucked up his blood again. He didn't die, and he still saved his teammates? !

Audiences:"… … … "

This Cao Cao is terrible! Taking hostages and sucking blood in groups

Tang Muzhou didn't realize until now that Cao Cao was the strongest blood-sucking meat shield in his younger brother's wood-type deck.

Xie Mingzhe obviously didn't react in the last round of Fenghua's explosion. If Xie Mingzhe summoned Cao Cao and used the "Heart of the World" skill, it might have been a different ending.

Judging from the performance of the second game, Xie Mingzhe has quickly reacted to the key to distinguishing between virtual and real cards on the Magic Mirror Forest map.

Xie Mingzhe, who knows how to play this picture, how much strength can his wood-type deck show in the second round

Tang Muzhou waits and sees.