Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 244: The picture of collectively losing morale


Gui Sirui's image of the female ghost in white is designed to be more terrifying. Although the baby born has a pale face, but after the height and face shape are all reduced by half, it looks quite cute.

Xie Mingzhe put away the baby card and continued to walk forward.

In order to maintain a sense of mystery, the map of God's perspective has not been released yet, and will not be released until the safe zone stage. At this time, on the big screen in front of the sixteen players, everyone's card acquisition status is being broadcast live simultaneously, and the big screen will randomly grab a player's refresh area to explain.

Wu Yuedao: "We saw that Nie Shen was born in a cave. He picked up [Poisonous Spider] and [Queen Bee]! The Queen Bee is a very strong swarm attack card and can summon a swarm of bees. I believe those who have watched the regular season. The audience is not unfamiliar, the poisonous spider is a single-attack card, with a super poisonous effect... Nie Shen picked up two output cards, and quickly walked out of the cave, he is still searching for cards. "

Liu Chen said: "Looking at the terrain, Shan Lan's birth point is also in this area. He picked up [Black Striped Butterfly] and [Bi Die], the former is a group control card, the latter is a healing card, both are Auxiliary cards…”

"Shan Lan also walked out of the cave. He found a butterfly card in the bushes, which is the [Transparent Butterfly] with the strongest tracking ability!"

"... Shan Lan is really a treasure hunter. He rummaged around in the grass and found the [Iris] with a strong single attack ability, and the group illusion control card [Ephemera]!"

"Currently, the number of cards of all players, Shan Lan has 5 cards, the most collected... Oops, he and Nie Yuandao are about to meet!" Wu Yue stared nervously at the live broadcast screen of the two, and the fans were sweating. .

Although Xiaolan had a lot of cards, they were all control and support cards. If he really played against Nie Shen, no one would be able to get a bargain.

At this moment, Nie Yuandao and Shan Lan were separated by a pile of rocks.

Nie Yuandao found Lao Zheng's classic counter-attack card "Stone Giant" from the pile of stones. Shan Lan also guessed that there would be stone cards here.

Nie Yuan said: "..."

Shan Lan: "… "

The two stared at each other - to fight or not to fight, that is the question.

Looking at each other for 3 seconds, Shan Lan smiled shyly as a friendly gesture. Nie Yuandao nodded at him, and he obediently walked behind his master, apparently deciding to form a team temporarily.

Liu Chen sighed lightly: "I knew I couldn't fight. It would be very difficult for Shan Lan to do something to Master."

Wu Yuedao: "Shan Lan is also more rational. Instead of fighting with Master for a long time, it is better for the two to join forces. Once they join forces, the cards they have can completely deal with wild bosses, and they can also cooperate to kill other people."

Stone Giant's defensive counterattack, Transparent Butterfly's tracking, Black Striped Butterfly, Epiphyllum's group control, Bi Butterfly's treatment, plus the poisonous spider, Iris, and Queen Bee's attacks, the current combat effectiveness of these two is indeed terrifying.

The location of Tang Muzhou was captured on the big screen.

Tang Muzhou discovered a big house deep in the forest. He had just picked up two beast cards [Lion King] and [White Wolf], but after opening the treasure chest in the house, he actually got three more character cards—Sun Ce, Zhuge Liang, and Hua Tuo.

Seeing this, the audience found that the cards that appeared on the deserted island this time were the most popular cards in the players' decks.

Ye Zhu and Bai Xu both got character cards, Bai Xu got Guo Jia, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi, Ye Zhu got Wang Xifeng and Jia Tanchun, and the two youngsters actually formed a team temporarily.

The two searched for cards together and met Shen An on the road. The little guy is relatively unlucky. The position he refreshed at the beginning was actually near Xie Mingzhe, but he kept wandering around in the jungle and lost his way. He didn't know how to look for the sound of water. Ye Zhu and Bai Xu were besieged and killed instantly.

- The remaining players on the desert island; 15 people.

The refresh of this news let everyone know that one person was out, and who was not announced. Judging from the experience of professional players, it is difficult to kill 1v1 heads-up, and someone must have formed a team temporarily.

Immediately afterwards, another message popped up on the big screen.

- The remaining players on the desert island: 13 people.

Two more out!

Nie Yuandao and Shan Lan's master and apprentice team met Fang Yu and Xu Xingtu's temporary partners, and the two sides fought fiercely.

Because the Bidie cards Shan Lan picked up could be healed, Nie Yuandao and Shan Lan narrowly won, killing their opponents and taking all the cards Fang Yu and Xu Xingtu picked up.

Master and apprentice have more than 10 cards, and they have become the strongest Boss combination in the audience.

The atmosphere is getting more and more tense, and more cards must be searched!

Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath and continued to walk forward. He currently only has three output cards, Feiyan, the white-haired female ghost and the female ghost baby. He has no control or defense. Abusive results.

Fortunately, he was lucky. When he walked through a jungle, he found two plant cards - these two cards were originally refreshed near Shen An, but unfortunately Shen An's eyes were not good and he couldn't find them. One of them is the white poppy that Tang Muzhou likes to use, and the group is chaotic to control the field; the other is the big banyan tree of Tang Muzhou, which is invincible to protect the group.

awesome! Xie Mingzhe happily put the two cards into the package.

With Senior Brother's Plant Card bonus, at least he can leave the big banyan tree and run away when he is in danger.

Among the three who were eliminated at the beginning, Shen An was so dazed that he couldn't find the card, and he had no power to resist with his empty hands. Fang Yu and Xu Xingtu were simply unlucky. They actually met Shan Lan and Nie Yuandao, the master-disciple partner. Regardless of the tacit understanding of the cooperation or the number of cards, they were far lower than Nie Lan's master-disciple pair, and they were only killed. Can recognize.

This kind of game really depends on luck. No matter how strong the player is, there is only one way to die when surrounded by many people.

At this time, Xie Mingzhe was also in crisis!

Viewers from God's perspective could see that after Ye Zhu and Bai Xu had just killed the empty-handed Shen An, they continued to wander around this area, looking for any cards that Shen An had left behind.

As soon as the two walked around the corner, they saw Xie Mingzhe busy searching around.

Ye Zhu and Bai Xu glanced at each other, their hearts beating faster at the same time—a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Bai Xuju whispered in Ye Zhu's ear, "What should I do? Do you want to kill him?"

Ye Zhu didn't hesitate: "Of course, he's there alone, and he certainly doesn't have temporary teammates. What are we afraid of two-on-one?"

Bai Xu said: "Yes, two against one, we still have the linkage skills of Cao Pi and Cao Zhi!"

Ye Zhu excitedly said: "Go on! Kill him together!"

As soon as the words fell, the two quickly summoned a large number of character cards, Guo Jia began to lose blood quickly, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi linked, Wang Xifeng's laughter attacked and Jia Tanchun slapped the face.

Xie Mingzhe noticed a strange airflow behind him, and immediately heard a familiar laughter behind him—hahahaha!

Nima, isn't this Wang Xifeng

Wang Xifeng, who had never seen him and heard his voice first, and the cards made by Xie Mingzhe himself, the demonic laughter attack was very familiar, but he did not expect that one day he would also become the target of Wang Xifeng's attack.

Who is it

Alerted, he immediately summoned the big banyan tree, quickly calmed down and turned his head to look.

- Ye Zhu and Bai Xu, two little guys with a lot of character cards, aggressively killed them.

After seeing Wang Xifeng's laughter attack, Jia Tanchun followed by teleporting and wanted to slap in the face, but because Xie Mingzhe's big banyan tree protective cover was opened too soon, Wang Xifeng's laughter was canceled, and Jia Tanchun's output was also hit. empty.

There was a burst of exclamation from the audience at the scene, Xie Mingzhe's response was really fast enough!

But only Xie Mingzhe can make such an accurate prediction, because he knows the cards he made very well. In fact, Wang Xifeng's laughter attack has a delay of 0.2 seconds, and the damage will only be triggered after the first laugh. He was stuck at that limit, and his conditioned reflexes usually recruited the big banyan tree in seconds, resisting Ye Zhu's first wave of damage, and by the way, he saw the situation clearly, gave himself time to adjust, and quickly summoned cards.

Players without cards, 50,000 HP is not enough to plug their teeth, and they will soon be killed by the opponent.

But the big banyan tree's defense is only 5 seconds after all.

After 5 seconds, Bai Xu began to let Cao Pi and Cao Zhi cooperate to start the linkage.

Xie Mingzhe did not expect that the two of them had picked up so many character cards. Cao Pi's attack power was not high, but the attack power absorbed by the centralized power was quite terrifying, and Cao Zhi's drunken break into Simamen and Qi Bu Cheng Shi group control were also very powerful. Is there a stunned group fear caused by brotherhood

Anticipating Bai Xu's next move, Xie Mingzhe immediately took the lead - the group that directly opened Bai Poppy was chaotic!

Before Cao Pi and Cao Zhi's linkage skills were released, the snow-like petals of the white poppy fluttered in the air, accompanied by a deadly aroma, triggering the chaos effect first!

As a result, Xie Mingzhe's skills were released a few tenths early, Bai Xu and Ye Zhu's cards began to fight in a mess, Cao Zhi's seven-step poetry skills were not finished, and Cao Pi also failed to kill Cao Zhi.

At this moment, Xie Mingzhe asked the white-haired female ghost and the female ghost baby to launch a group attack at the same time!

The long hair of the big ghost and the little ghost fluttered in the sky, and a fierce strangulation left the character card group with blood!

Ye Zhu and Bai Xu were a little panicked - bad, I didn't expect Xie Mingzhe's accurate prediction twice in a row, so that their output did not come out at all, and they were turned into confusion!

What's more deadly is that there are no control and healing cards in their cards!

Xie Mingzhe's understanding of these character cards is not comparable to Bai Xu and Ye Zhu. He first kills Guo Jia, who has been bleeding all the time - Guo Jia's death in battle will trigger the death language skill, which will increase the attack power of the teammates. But so what

The timing of Guo Jia's death must be calculated accurately. If you have a temporary partner like you, you will not be able to exert 10% of Guo Jia's power at all.

Xie Mingzhe looked at the familiar cards and calmly analyzed and calculated the damage of all cards.

After killing Guo Jia, let Feiyan cards be dispatched immediately to kill Cao Pi and break Cao Pi and Cao Zhi's linkage skills.

In a blink of an eye, the temporary coalition formed by Ye Zhu and Bai Xu was easily defeated by Xie Mingzhe. The two little guys turned pale and wanted to run away. Of course, Xie Mingzhe would not be polite and let Feiyan Pai chase and bite all the way!

Shan Lan's Flying Wild Goose card also relies on basic attack to eat, and the attack speed and movement speed are very fast.

Being chased and bitten all the way, Ye Zhu and Bai Xu fell to the ground at the same time, so depressed that they wanted to vomit blood - this Nima has met the Great Demon King! I knew earlier that I shouldn't hit Xie Mingzhe. The two simply pulled their teeth out of the tiger's mouth, only to be swallowed by the tiger in one bite, with no regrets.

Xie Mingzhe stood next to the "corpses" of the two and said with a smile: "You two, this is a gift for a thousand miles? Seeing that I don't have enough cards, I came all the way and gave me five cards at a time?"

Ye Zhu: "!!!"

Bai Xu: "!!!"

The two of them were about to cry with anger by Xie Mingzhe.

However, the fans at the scene burst into laughter when they heard Xie Mingzhe's voice, and even the host Wu Yue laughed: "Xiaozhu and Xiaobai are also quite funny, they formed an alliance temporarily, and they didn't look at the cards. Match it, kill Xie Mingzhe when you see it, what a hatred this is!"

Liu Chen said: "Actually, they shouldn't do it. Although they have five cards, as well as linkage skills and control skills, it seems that the two-vs-one has a good chance of winning, but they ignored that these five cards are all very crispy. , without any self-protection skills, it will definitely collapse once counter-controlled. Moreover, since Shen An did not find a card in this area and was easily killed by them, it means that Xie Mingzhe took the card left by Shen An, There are at least four cards on him. So, regardless of the fact that it is two-on-one, Xie Mingzhe's cards are actually not less than theirs."

Wu Yue said with a smile: "Probably seeing Xie Mingzhe's order, both of them were too excited, so I didn't think so much."

As a result, he rushed up and sent the head.

Two people have 5 cards, Xie Mingzhe has 4 cards and 1 baby card, but obviously Xie Mingzhe's deck is stronger in defense, plus he knows too much about the character cards he made, and successfully blocked the first wave with the big banyan tree. Attack and kill two little guys instead.

When the player is killed, all the cards they carry will regenerate treasure chests on the spot, just like the chests dropped by the bosses in the dungeon.

Xie Mingzhe happily accepted the card gift package that Ye Zhu and Bai Xu personally sent.

Guo Jia, Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, Wang Xifeng, Jia Tanchun... Thank you so much!

Xie Mingzhe instantly became the Boss with the most personal cards in the audience.

The fans were very excited: "It's over, A Zhe has become a big devil!" "Thank you Ye Zhu and Bai Xu for sending people thousands of miles away!" "Unless A Zhe directly meets Nie Lan's master and apprentice, and encounters others, Shan Pick the one you are not afraid of at all!"

With this deck, Xie Mingzhe is indeed not afraid of anyone.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in everyone's ears at the same time: "It's getting dark, the safe area has been refreshed, please go to the safe area as soon as possible, otherwise you will be overwhelmed by the herd. Of course, if you have enough confidence in yourself , you can also continue to fight the herd on the periphery."

According to the design of the desert island, at night, the herd will come out to attack all players, only the safe area will not be affected. Reaching the safe zone means that although you will not be attacked by beasts, you may be attacked by other players.

How to choose at this time

Nie Yuandao and Shan Lan resolutely headed to the safe area. They have joined forces, and they have more than ten cards. They are strong in combat and are not afraid of anyone.

The other players also went to the safe area. After all, it is difficult to win the fight against the herd outside alone. It is still necessary to collect some resources in the safe area, or find a temporary teammate.

Xie Mingzhe was very fortunate to find that he was very close to the safe area - it was only across this river.

It seems that the road to the safe area must pass through this Zimu River!

And the audience who saw the top view from God's perspective had a very complicated mood at this time.

This map is very large, ten times larger than the league map. You can see that the Zimu River forms an O shape around the entire map. That is to say, no matter where the players refresh on the desert island, if they want to go to safety All areas must pass through the Zimu River.

Soon, Nie Yuandao and Shan Lan came to the vicinity of Zimu River from the northwest.

After the two saw the river, they were silent for 3 seconds, and then they tacitly asked the card to drink water to give birth to the baby. Nie Yuandao asked the stone giant to give birth to a small stone, so that there were two counterattacks by the stone wall; Shan Lan Let Bi Die give birth to a small butterfly, double treatment, and stronger survivability.

From the northeast, Gui Sirui, Pei Jingshan, Zheng Feng and the others who came in a hurry also began to let the cards drink water without hesitation.

In the southeast direction, the temporary partner formed by Shao Mengchen and Zhen Man rushed over in time. Zhen Man directly let the golden python drink a sip of water and gave birth to a small golden python; Shao Mengchen also let the Lucifer that he picked up drink the river water and copied it out. A little Lucifer.

Audiences:"… … … "

The morality of the great gods has been lost!

What's with this positive attitude of making the cards have babies

Everyone is busy making the cards drink water. There are more than ten cards pregnant at the same time. This picture is too hot for the eyes. If it weren't for the 10-minute cooling time limit, everyone would have liked to copy all their cards into a shrunken baby version.

The audience looked at Xie Mingzhe, the culprit.

Xie Mingzhe's face is full of innocence - what does this have to do with me? You should pull out the event planning of the All-Star Project and have a good meal!