Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 278: Skill effects


After all the designs of the Hades card were completed, Xie Mingzhe began to conceive the design of the linkage technology.

For the linkage of decks, there is an official limit on the number of cards that can be linked at a time. No more than 5 cards can be linked at a time, otherwise the calculation of the data will be too complicated and confusing. Xie Mingzhe also knows that it is not realistic to link ten cards at the same time, but you can click on the card. The types are linked separately.

Among the Ten Kings of Hell, King Biancheng's "Death City" is to lock up all the cards killed in battle, King Yama's "Return to the Sun and Atonement" is a temporary resurrection, and the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" of the Wheel King is reincarnation and resurrection. These three cards The skills are related to each other and can be linked.

- Linkage skill "Ten Halls of Kings of Life and Death", effective for King Biancheng, King Yama, and King of Wheels.

- When King Biancheng opens the gate of "Dead City", if King Yama and King of Wheels are present, an earth-based invincible shield will appear on their bodies for 5 seconds at the same time.

In future games, once the opponent is familiar with Nirvana's play style, and encounters King Biancheng opening the city gate and releasing the death card, the opponent will definitely use the single-control skill to restrict the actions of King Yama and King of Wheels, so that they can't revive the card smoothly. Card.

Invincible is the highest priority of all skills. The linked skills will give Yama King and Wheel King an invincible shield at the same time, ensuring that the actions of the two resurrection cards are not restricted in any way, and the resurrection skills can be released smoothly. This linked skill has no beneficial effect on the card itself, but the setting of "guaranteing the smooth release of the resurrection skill" is actually very critical in team battles.

The output cards in the Ten Halls of Hell include the Third Hall, the Fourth Hall, the Seventh Hall, and the Eighth Hall. These four Xie Mingzhe have also been linked together.

- Linkage skill "Ten Halls of Hell's Jealousy", effective for Song Emperor, Wuguan King, Taishan King, and City King.

- When Emperor Song, King Wuguan, King Taishan, and King City were present at the same time, the four Kings of Hell were extremely disgusted with those cards that did a lot of evil and thought they should be punished more severely.

- The basic attack power of Emperor Song's "Black Rope Hell" and the King of Five Senses "Blood Pond Hell" is increased by 50%; when the skill effects of King Taishan's "Fuel Pot" and City King "Stupid Pot" end, an additional 50% attack power will be generated. harm.

The four cards are all output cards, and when they are on the field at the same time, the linkage technology enhances the output. This design can maximize the output of the Hades card.

The remaining three cards are auxiliary cards, including King Qin Guang, King Chu Jiang and King Ping Ping.

As an auxiliary field control card, King Qin Guang's Nie Jingtai rebound, King Chu Jiang's ice hell attack speed, and King Ping's equalized damage, these skills can play a miraculous effect at critical moments. The most important thing about auxiliary cards is the skill cooldown. As long as the cooldown is shortened, one more skill can be released in the team battle, and the impact on the battle situation will be immeasurable.

Therefore, Xie Mingzhe started from the aspect of "cooling reduction" for the linkage design of these three cards.

- The linkage skill "Causal Reincarnation of the Ten Kings of Hell" is effective for King Qin Guang, King Chu Jiang, and King Ping Ping.

- Cause and effect reincarnation, good and evil eventually have retribution. When King Qin Guang, King Chu Jiang, and King Ping Ping are on the field at the same time, the skill cooldowns of the three cards are all reduced by 20%, and the faster skill cooldown allows them to release field control skills multiple times.

Xie Mingzhe first designed the linkage skills on the draft paper, and then added the description of the linkage skills to the skill description of each card, and wrote a very detailed card encyclopedia, perfecting from the first hall to the tenth hall. The setting of the hell king of the ghost world.

He will hand over the card encyclopedia to Chi Yingying to polish and modify it, and put it on the card after the modification.

At this point, all of his Ten Halls of Hell's decks have been completed.

Xie Mingzhe excitedly took the card to find the master.

When Chen Qianlin saw the ten cards he handed over, the expression on his face froze slightly: "So many?"

Xie Xingxing nodded with a smile: "These ten cards are a complete set of Hades cards. Because the number of linkage skills is limited, they can only be designed separately. I think it is more useful to design linkage skills according to the types of different cards."

Chen Qianlin looked back at him: "I mean, can you tell who is who with so many cards with similar names?"

There are too many cards in the team competition, and cards with similar names are easy to be confused. Chen Qianlin's worries are not unreasonable. King Chu Jiang, King Qin Guang... All ten cards are called "King xx", which makes people who do not understand the culture of the underworld. It is really embarrassing for people to remember so many Hades.

Xie Mingzhe lowered his head and thought for a while, and said, "I will explain the design ideas to Xiao Ke in detail, so that he can understand and remember. I believe that with Xiao Ke's cleverness, he can quickly memorize it."

"Well, it's best if you also have detailed design ideas." Chen Qianlin didn't say more, remembering cards is the basic skill of professional players, and the skill setting of ten cards of Hell is extremely complicated. To remember the cooling time of each skill, and to operate it proficiently in actual combat, Xiao Ke will be very busy next.

"Master, take a look, are there any mistakes or omissions in the skill description?" Xie Mingzhe asked seriously.

Chen Qianlin read the ten cards carefully. He was used to the various weird designs of his little apprentice, but the skills he designed this time still made him feel that his three views would be overturned. Especially the resurrection skills of "Six Paths of Reincarnation", the major clubs in the alliance, there are countless cards with resurrection skills, but they have never seen a complete change after resurrection, starting a new "card student" skills.

It's also thanks to Azhe that he figured it out. Usually everyone says, let go of the past and start a new life. As a result, now, the cards have to be forgotten, and a brand new card has been opened...

Chen Qianlin rubbed his temples helplessly and said, "From the data point of view, there is no major problem with these cards. In terms of skills, the most controversial one is the Six Paths of Reincarnation. After resurrection, it will become another card, but you stipulated that Reincarnation The reborn card only inherits one skill, and the restriction cannot be turned into an instant death card or a deathrattle card. In this way, the strength is similar to the general resurrection skills. As for whether it can pass the review, it depends on the official attitude. "

Master's analysis is very reasonable. What Xie Mingzhe can do is to try to design according to the officially announced standards. As for whether it will pass or not, he has no control. If the statisticians are in a bad mood and insist on stifling his creativity for this card, he can't fight against the authorities.

Chen Qianlin followed closely and said, "These cards of yours have special skill designs, such as the black rope hell, oil pan, simmering pot, evil mirror platform, city of death, etc. You just described them in words, the system can't do anything about them. Automatically generate skill effects."

Xie Mingzhe was stunned: "Yes, I almost forgot about this!"

Chen Qianlin looked at the problem more carefully, and pointed out the key point: "The special effects of new skills, it is best to design them yourself, add them to the special effects database and read them directly, otherwise, the system may generate a new skill for you. A big iron pot for cooking rice. It’s definitely not good to make a big mirror on the mirror table.”

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

That picture looks ugly.

Although the combat power of the card is only related to the data, even if the skill special effects are ugly, it will not reduce the strength, but the pleasing skill special effects will make the players more handy when operating.

Most of the card skills, such as "Flame Attack", "Freeze", etc., have a large number of special effects library, and there are also fixed templates for the effect of plant petals, but the card skills designed by Xie Mingzhe are very special - special effects database There is definitely no material such as "oil pan" and "Nie Jingtai", so the official special effects engineer will redesign it, and the result may not necessarily echo the style of Yan Wang card.

The special effects of this batch of Yan Wang cards must be checked personally.

That night, Xie Mingzhe called Qin Xuan over and told him his thoughts.

Qin Xuan's artistic accomplishments are much higher than Xie Mingzhe's. The previous Daguanyuan splicing scene map is obviously amazing even to the official, and it is used as an all-star battle map. In terms of special effects, Xie Mingzhe wanted Qin Xuan to help.

Xie Mingzhe drew rough drafts for new skills such as Blood Pond Hell, Black Rope Hell, Nie Jingtai, Wangxiang Terrace, and asked Qin Xuan to perfect them. The city of the dead was also made into a quaint empty city according to the style of the ghost world. The towering gates were written with three bloody characters of "the city of the dead", and there were some wandering spirits floating in the empty city...

Oil pan, hollow copper pillar, stuffy pot hell, these skills and special effects Xie Mingzhe also thought up the design plan by himself. After discussing with Qin Xuan and finalizing it, he handed it over to Qin Xuan to make card special effects.

Qin Xuan's work efficiency is extremely high. He completed all the special effects of the ten cards in one week. Xie Mingzhe took it to the virtual room of the game and tried to release his skills. The special effects of each skill were carefully matched with the Yan Wang card The style of painting is very unified, and the dark-style skill effects almost completely reproduce the horrible scene in hell!

Xie Mingzhe was so excited, he patted Qin Xuan on the shoulder and said, "It's so handsome!"

Qin Xuan's talent in art can help Nirvana make every card extremely beautiful. The skills and special effects of Yan Wang cards are particularly cool. Once these new cards come out, they will definitely make the audience shine.

"Do you want to call Xiao Ke over to have a look? You can change the details." Qin Xuan asked.

"Don't tell Xiao Ke yet." Xie Mingzhe said, "He is busy practicing the operation of Gongsun Jiuniang's new batch of cards recently. The review of these ten Yama cards has not passed, and it may be rejected by the authorities. Ke Kong rejoiced, and let him know after all the reviews are over, and let him try it out in practice, if the details of the special effects affect the operation, let’s talk about it.”

Qin Xuan nodded.

Qin Xuan can see how serious Yu Ke is these days. Since he got the new cards of Gongsun Jiuniang, Yu Ke has been in the simulation training room from morning to night, practicing the operation repeatedly. It is not difficult for Gongsun Jiuniang to release the skills. He only needs to control the number and angle of the ghost fires, which he has been able to master. Qiao Sheng, Lian Cheng's husband and wife linkage, he still can't control it well. Not to mention Wufang Ghost Emperor, as soon as the highway in the ghost world opened, his ghost cards were completely messed up.

Although he is very busy, Qin Xuan can see that Xiao Ke is very busy. After all, these are new cards tailored by A Zhe for him. He was like a child who got a new toy, and he was not tired of playing until midnight every day.

A Zhe is busy making ghost cards, Xiao Ke is practicing new cards, and Chen Xiao is also busy making new plant cards. In comparison, he seems to be the most idle one? Qin Xuan is actually quite happy to be able to help when designing special effects. Thinking of this, he looked at Xie Mingzhe and said, "If you need help, just come to me, I have nothing to do these days."

The auxiliary cards that Chen Xiao was going to hand him have not been finished yet, so Qin Xuan has been very busy these days.

Xie Mingzhe thought for a while, and said, "There is still one card to be made, so just submit it together after finishing it, and you will be required to help design the special effects."

Qin Xuan immediately agreed: "No problem."

Xie Mingzhe said: "When this batch of ghost cards is finished, I will share some for you to practice and control. It is impossible to give all the ghost cards to Xiao Ke. When necessary, you have to help him share the pressure."

Qin Xuan nodded: "I understand."

In addition to the endless mode of team competition, the mode of light and dark cards can also be selected. At that time, if ghost cards are used to assist, Qin Xuan must be able to control them accurately—character cards, dark plant cards, ghost cards, as long as they are Nirvana's auxiliary cards, he must master every one of them.

The war is coming, and everyone is busy.

Xie Mingzhe became more energetic the busier he was.

Early in the morning the next day, he struck while the iron was hot and made the last trick he thought of.

—The Great Emperor Fengdu, the lord of the ghost world.