Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 281: Dark-hearted coach


Yu Ke spent a whole morning memorizing all the new ghost cards that Xie Mingzhe gave him. The names, skills, and cooldowns were all memorized. He could immediately think of skills—his memory The speed is faster than Xie Mingzhe thought, Xiao Ke is indeed very smart.

In the afternoon, the four Nirvana players got together and opened a two-to-two battle in a ring room.

Different from the previous single-card vs. single-card experimental card data, this time, everyone carried 7 cards, 5 bright cards and 2 dark cards at a time according to the arena's play rules. This is also the standard mode of individual competition stipulated by the league - in the second half of the year, when the final round of the individual competition for the top 32 starts, all players must also follow the 7vs7 battle rules.

I heard that several players were going to play training games, and Chen Qianlin, the coach, also took the initiative to come to the training room for guidance.

He invited everyone to his personal space and came to the card showroom.

Everyone unexpectedly discovered that Chen Qianlin's showcase was actually full - in addition to the cards made by Nirvana himself, there were more than 80% of the common cards in other clubs, such as Fenghua's Millennium Tree, White Poppy, Mandala Flowers, the one-horned black rhinoceros of the ruling, the lion king, Lucifer and Michael of the pantheon, the stone giants, demon foxes, ghouls and so on.

Xie Mingzhe looked back at him in surprise: "Master, where did these cards come from?"

Chen Qianlin explained calmly: "Before you and Chen Xiao went to participate in the All-Star, I had nothing to do in those days, so I made a card list and asked the guild management to try to collect cards from other clubs, and acquired a large number of cards. Come back and practice for you."

Everyone: "… "

Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiao had a good time at All-Star, Qin Xuan and Yu Ke went home to rest during the few days off, and Chen Qianlin stayed at the club and did so much in silence.

The league stipulates that the god cards that are included in the memorial wall every season must be open to purchase, so that fans can also control the cards of the gods themselves. However, it is not easy to buy these cards, and sometimes it is necessary to entrust professional merchants.

Chen Qianlin must have spent a lot of time, money and energy in collecting so many club cards.

He seems indifferent and indifferent to the day-to-day life of his players, but he is a very reliable coach - his focus is on the things that matter most.

The four of them were a little moved, and they felt a little more confident in the future of Nirvana.

With such a reliable coach in charge, the actual combat in the team will definitely make everyone improve rapidly.

Chen Qianlin pointed to the cards in the showcase, and continued: "You can't always play your own decks in actual combat, you should also try to play against other clubs' cards. This afternoon, I'm going to practice ghost cards, Yu Ke. To fight with the three of you in a wheel battle, Xiao Ke will bring the ghost cards I chose, and the other three will choose cards from other clubs from my showcase to fight."

This rule made Yu Ke stunned - he could only choose ghost cards, but others could choose cards at will, which was very unfair.

But Chen Qianlin's regulations are also for Yu Ke to exercise his awareness of play style when facing different lineups. When it comes to the game, what he has to deal with is the god card of other clubs, not Nirvana's own card.

Xie Mingzhe also thinks that Master's training mode is very good. On the one hand, it allows players to have a more in-depth understanding of the operation and power of other clubs' cards; When you go to the god card of different clubs, you have a bottom line in your heart, and your ability to adapt on the spot will naturally be stronger.

Only by knowing ourselves and knowing our enemies can we win a hundred battles!

In the first game, Yu Ke vs Qin Xuan.

Chen Qianlin directly stipulated Yu Ke's deck and said, "Xiao Ke, in the afternoon individual match, you only bring seven cards: Hei Wuchang, Bai Wuchang, Nie Xiaoqian, Gongsun Jiuniang, Qiao Sheng, Liancheng and Huapi."

The explosive power of this deck is definitely at the top level, but the defense is too weak and it is easy to be defeated. But he didn't dare not to listen to the coach's words, Yu Ke had no choice but to nod and choose these seven cards in the preparation lineup.

Chen Qianlin said: "Qin Xuan, come here and choose cards from the showcase."

Qin Xuan walked to the showcase and picked out a few auxiliary cards. Xiao Ke didn't know what cards he was bringing. It wasn't until the game started to announce the light and dark cards that he realized that most of Qin Xuan's decks were ghosts. The thick pickup of the prison, which also has the most difficult to kill elephant, and the most annoying stone giant - open the dirt wall to rebound damage.

Yu Ke complained in his heart, but he still pressed the preparation seriously.

The other three watched the game from the perspective of God. At the beginning of the game, Yu Ke actively dispatched Nie Xiaoqian. At the same time, Gongsun Jiuniang was remotely controlling 9 ghost fires. Qiao Sheng and Lian Cheng used the speed bonus quickly. Dash...

In Qin Xuan's deck, there is a "Flower Demon" that is a healing card. Killing first weaned, killing him for treatment, Qin Xuan would have no battery life. At that time, he would use the full burst damage of Liancheng Attack Speed to kill him.

Yu Ke's idea is correct, but Qin Xuan will not sit still.

When Yu Ke stared at the flower demon and asked Nie Xiaoqian to teleport over to create a burst, Qin Xuan immediately activated the healing skill to forcibly bring back the blood of the flower demon. Yu Ke followed Lian Cheng and Qiao Sheng in human form to kill the flower demon. Qin Xuan did not hesitate to use the stone giant's earthen wall to counterattack and bounce back all the damage.

Yu Ke couldn't kill the flower demon in seconds, but his ghost card lost a lot of blood.

After the stone wall disappeared, Yu Ke switched to Liancheng's ghost form, with 100% high attack speed superimposed, and he could play super high combos.

But at this moment, Qin Xuan suddenly summoned a card - White Poppy from Fenghua Club.

Group chaos!

Liancheng's set of explosive combos hit his husband Qiao Sheng, and with Gongsun Jiuniang's ghost fire, Qiao Sheng was instantly killed.

Yu Ke: "..."

Qin Xuan, how are you doing? The high-defense card with the ghost prison on the bright card, and the group chaos card White Poppy on the dark card?

Yu Keben wanted to use seven pure output cards to kill the healer and then drain Qin Xuan to death, but he became weaker and weaker. Qin Xuan's seven cards included six support cards and one output card. This kind of auxiliary and field control skills resolved Yu Ke's wave after wave of attacks, and finally consumed Yu Ke to death.

Yu Ke was very aggrieved. He didn't expect Qin Xuan to be so conscious, and he knew the rhythm of his attacks. Every attack was resolved in time by Qin Xuan. What, this feeling is particularly bad.

Chen Qianlin looked calm: "In the next round, Chen Xiao, you go."

Yu Ke forcibly cheered up and continued to fight against Chen Xiao.

Unlike Qin Xuan's 6-assist 1-output extreme lineup, Brother Chen's lineup is much faster-paced. He uses the ruling beast deck, including lions, cheetahs, black wolves, and antelopes that rely on normal attacks. The group stunned pangolin, the nine-tailed fox with super high evasion and critical strike, and the one-horned black rhino with the taunt card.

This deck is a deck that Nie Yuandao often uses in individual tournaments. Lao Nie's style is simple and straightforward, so he doesn't bring a healing card to delay the time. Among the 7 cards, only one taunt card is used to block the key. Skills, pangolins look for timing to control the field, and the other five output cards only need a set of consecutive moves to second your key cards, and you can basically lock the victory.

Chen Xiao's most admired senior player in the league is Nie Yuandao. His style of play is simply violent. He has a lot of research on Nie Yuandao's deck, so it is also handy to take the opponent's deck against Xiao Ke today.

The game ended in just 1 minute, and Chen Xiao won.

Yu Ke knew that his personal level was not Brother Chen's opponent, but he was still a little depressed after losing two games in a row.

The third game against Xie Mingzhe was even more mentally tortured.

Xie Mingzhe picked a variety of cards - Ye Zhu's Chasing Butterfly, Pei Jingshan's Queen Bee, Gui Sirui's Headless Doll, Nie Yuandao's Black Wolf, Tang Muzhou's Millennium Tree, Lingjingtang's Vampire Dagger, and Liushuangcheng The death language card Dou E.

Against Xie Mingzhe, of course Yu Ke did not dare to be careless. He was not as aggressive as the previous two games, but was very careful.

However, Xie Mingzhe knew him well after all, and his awareness of actual combat far surpassed him.

Yu Ke didn't dare to advance rashly, and Xie Mingzhe simply attacked at the beginning.

He directly summoned Dou E to take the initiative to touch the porcelain - June Feixue, blood splashing Bai Lian, the opponent's group freezing, and our group's attack bonus.

Then, the death strangling of the Millennium Sacred Tree combined with the bee swarm attack to deal a lot of group attack damage. When the opponent's cards were left with residual blood, they would release Ye Zhu's Chasing Butterfly, Nie Yuandao's Black Wolf and Ling Jingtang's blood-sucking dagger. Harvest!

The black wolf's claws are stacked higher and higher, and the blood-sucking dagger is more and more powerful, and it can't stop it at all!

Yu Ke was beaten until his mentality collapsed, and his face flushed, he said, "I'm not very skilled..."

Chen Qianlin said: "Continue."

Yu Ke could only bite the bullet and continue, and the result was that he lost 6 games in a row.

He couldn't beat Brother Chen and A Zhe, he recognized it, and he still couldn't beat them in normal times. But he was killed by Qin Xuan today, which made Yu Ke's self-confidence a great blow - he was beaten to death by an assistant, should he still mess up!

Seeing the annoyed look he wanted to crawl into the ground, Chen Qianlin's voice was rarely gentle; "Look at the playback, and I'll find out the problem for you."

The four of them exited the ring and watched the replay on the big screen together.

Chen Qianlin said: "In the first game, Xiao Ke, you played too aggressively. Qin Xuan is only a support, but because he is the support of the team, he has a special understanding of the rhythm and play style of the three of you. Killing the healer, throwing out too many skills at one time, once you are blocked by him for two or three rounds of attacks, you will be completely passive."

Yu Ke blushed and listened attentively, not daring to let out the air.

Chen Qianlin said: "And you are in a hurry to kill the key card of the opponent, but you forgot your key card - painted skin."

In the three rounds just now, his mind was in a mess, and he really didn't have time to use his skin-painting skills.

Chen Qianlin said: "Painted skin is an all-purpose tactical card. It can disguise and copy key skills according to the situation on the field. For example, in the first round, you can wait for Qin Xuanbai Poppy to appear and immediately copy chaos skills to counter control. In the second round, you can copy the taunting skills of the one-horned black rhino, and use counter-taunting to block Chen Xiao's most powerful attack; In the third round, you can also copy the blood-sucking dagger and fight the attack power from the front..."

The more Yu Ke listened, the more ashamed he felt. His tactical awareness was really bad. In the previous team match, he only needed to control 5 cards, and he would play whoever Azhe asked him to play. Besides, with Qin Xuan's auxiliary field control and Chen Ge's assisted attack, it was not difficult for him to face the core cards in seconds.

Now, he really realizes that he is too well protected by his teammates.

Once he is left alone to face a powerful enemy without the assistance of his teammates, he cannot quickly analyze the battle situation and find out how to crack the opponent's lineup. If things go on like this, in the individual competition of the playoffs, although he has entered the top 32, he will definitely become the bottom one in the top 32... I feel like I am good!

If this set of ghost cards can't exert 80% of its power, wouldn't I be very sorry for A Zhe

And Qin Xuan, I really underestimated him, I didn't expect him to be so calm, and he knew everyone's style of play very well. The unknown assistant in the team is also the one who should not be ignored.

Seeing that Yu Ke was beaten down, Chen Qianlin patted his shoulder lightly and said, "Don't be discouraged, this training method is actually very unfair to you, the three of them know your deck, but you don't know theirs. , you lose half of the game before the game starts. I train you like this just to make you see your own shortcomings."

Yu Ke nodded: "I know..."

Chen Qianlin said: "Today's training is here first, you can organize your thoughts and come back tomorrow morning."

Yu Ke had been training on a single machine for the past few days, and Yu Ke was actually very confused. He didn't know how to match up with so many ghost cards, and how to win in actual combat.

A strong deck is the foundation, and strong operation is a necessary condition, but there is one more crucial point, which is the awareness of battle.

His ghost card deck is indeed strong enough, and the operation is decent, but what is lacking is the awareness of analyzing the battle situation. He will only follow orders, and in the individual competition he also reached the top 32 with a super strong deck, but if he wants to go further, he must pay attention to his shortcomings.

Otherwise, if you meet such great gods as Nie Yuandao and Ling Jingtang, you will definitely be tortured to death in minutes!

Yu Ke became more and more energetic. He refused to sleep in the middle of the night. He began to study the video of today's game seriously, thinking about how he should fight to win...

As everyone knows, in the next dormitory, Xie Mingzhe was complaining to Tang Muzhou: "Master is so bad, he chose a deck with a low chance of winning for Xiao Ke, and let the three of us abuse him in turn."

Tang Muzhou asked with interest, "What deck?"

Xie Mingzhe said: "Except for Bai Wuchang, the output of six crispy skins is extremely extreme."

"Wouldn't it be over if you were confused by the other side?"

"Yeah! Xiao Ke was so dizzy after being abused. Master definitely wants to use this method to give him more motivation and make rapid progress. It's also because Xiao Ke is heartless and won't lose his confidence because of the blow." Xie Mingzhe found that he seemed to With a particularly black-bellied master.

"When Master took me back then, do you know how he trained me?" Tang Muzhou asked with a smile.

"tell me the story?"

"I played Nie Yuandao on Monday night, Ling Jingtang on Tuesday, Zheng Feng on Wednesday, Su Yang on Thursday, and he personally played against me on Friday. After losing five days in a row, he will rack his brains to make cards by himself on weekends." Tang Muzhou A helpless expression came, "You can imagine what kind of life I lived in those days."

"..." Xie Mingzhe almost dropped his light brain.

At that time, my senior brother was still a 17-year-old boy. He was abused by the great gods in turn from Monday to Friday. He did not delete the game directly, which shows how strong his endurance was. No wonder that in the individual competition that year, Tang Muzhou was able to create a myth of 50 consecutive victories - he was usually abused by the great gods and beat bosses every day, so he was not afraid of these great gods at all.

I have to say that Master's education model is really effective.

He deliberately abused Xiao Ke today, it seems that he wanted the little guy to grow up as soon as possible. Xiao Ke is not only young and stature, but also not mature enough psychologically. I hope he can understand the painstaking efforts of the coach and keep up with everyone's footsteps as soon as possible.

Xie Mingzhe believes that with Xiao Ke's cleverness, he will definitely be able to really control these ghost cards and become a player who makes his teammates proud!

The author has something to say:

Xiaoke is really not strong enough, he has to practice, otherwise it will be very abrupt to win the award in the later stage of Nirvana~

The clever Xiao Ke will definitely exert 100% of the power of A Zhe's ghost card.