Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 284: Linkage card


When Xie Mingzhe was very young, he saw the comic strips of Water Margin, and also watched the oldest version of the TV series "Water Margin". The ending song is "Song of a Hero" sung by Liu Huan. The lyrics of "The river flows eastward" are especially brainwashed. Also often heard. In his freshman year, his homework was relatively easy. In his spare time, he read the original novel several times, and was familiar with the heroic stories of Liangshan heroes.

The first Water Margin card he made was "Wu Song", which attracted the attention of the Judgment Club and met Nie Yuandao and Shan Lan. Most of the cards made later were drawn from the Red Mansions, the Three Kingdoms, and myths and legends. Currently, only one of the characters in Water Margin has been made of Wu Song, and there are still a lot of character cards that can be designed.

When it comes to Liangshan Heroes, the first card to do is naturally their boss - Song Jiang.

Song Jiang is the third village owner of Liangshan. He is called "Timely Rain" by Jianghu people. The reason why he is given this title is because he is loyal to others and often helps others when they are in distress. When people throw money, he will also encourage and support each other spiritually, so that the person being helped feels that they have met a confidant.

It can be seen that Song Jiang is very good at life, has high emotional intelligence, and is well-rounded. Therefore, in Liangshan, where there are many masters, Song Jiang, who is not the most skilled in martial arts and whose background is not the strongest, finally became the boss. He is very good at winning people's hearts, and he is very caring for his brothers. Liangshan heroes are convinced of him and keep calling him brother.

The evaluation of Song Jiang is mixed, some people think that he is a leader with both integrity and principle, and some people think that he is too cowardly, which caused most of the deaths and injuries of Liangshan heroes. Song Jiang is a contradictory and complicated person. He has always cherished the imperial court, and finally accepted the imperial court's order. As a result, he was persecuted to death by the most loyal imperial court. The ending was very tragic.

Xie Mingzhe does not comment on the characters. From the card design alone, Song Jiang is suitable to be a team auxiliary card.

According to the description in the book, Song Jiang has dark skin and a short stature. Because he is a small official, wearing the official uniform of the Song Dynasty, he looks gentle, very cordial and kind, and the Song Jiang character cards drawn by Xie Mingzhe are also in line with the setting in the book.

Song Jiang (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 2000, ATK 0, DEF 2000, Agility 0, Crit 0%

Additional skills: Timely Rain (Song Jiang often lends a helping hand to his friends at critical moments, known as "Timely Rain" - when Song Jiang is present, if a certain card of our party's HP is lower than 10% and is on the verge of death, Song Jiang can teleport In front of the card, help the opponent to resist a fatal damage and save the opponent from danger; only one card can resist the damage at a time, the skill cooldown time is 15 seconds)

Additional Skills: Wealth (Song Jiang’s family is very rich, and he likes to give money by righteousness himself, whoever has financial difficulties will take the initiative to give financial assistance to the other party - when Song Jiang releases the "wealth-sweeping" skill, he can deduct it Any proportion of your current HP will be directly delivered to the designated teammate; cooldown time 10 seconds)

Additional skill: Juyi (Song Jiang is very loyal, and attaches great importance to brotherhood. When there are more than two friendly cards within 5 meters around him, the "Gathering" skill will be triggered, and "Friendly Cards" will be generated on his body. "Number x 10% of your own basic defense", the maximum increase is 10 x 10% = 100%; passive skills will be automatically triggered according to the number of surrounding teammates)

For the design of this card, Xie Mingzhe used the idea of soil-based auxiliary cards.

1 Skill "Timely Rain" has a short cooldown and can be triggered multiple times in actual combat. When teammates are at critical juncture, teleport to block damage, allowing teammates to save a life at a critical moment.

The 2 skill "Shu Cai" is a typical "blood-selling treatment". He uses his own blood to replenish the blood of his teammates. Due to Song Jiang's high blood volume, his 10% blood volume can be delivered to teammates for a considerable amount of treatment. In addition, the setting of "any delivery" also makes Song Jiang's card more flexible. When the pressure is not high, he can lose a 10% blood lift line at a time. When the pressure is high, he can even lose all his remaining blood to his teammates. Then commit suicide.

The design of the 3 skill "Juyi" is relatively innovative, giving Song Jiang extremely strong survivability - as long as there are teammates around, Song Jiang's defense will automatically increase, and the improvement data is related to the number of teammates. When there are more teammates, Song Jiang hides in the crowd, and the 100% defense improvement is simply as thick as a city wall, and he can't move at all!

This is also attached to Song Jiang's character design - his own force value is very low, he is the leader of Liangshan, and all fights rely on the efforts of his brothers.

Song Jiang is protected by his teammates, hides in the crowd to add blood, and can go out to help his teammates to block damage when necessary. His presence will greatly improve our fault tolerance rate, and he can be regarded as a "powerful nanny" in team battles.

The main function of this card is to sell blood to protect teammates, so Xie Mingzhe piled up the blood volume and defense to the highest value.

After becoming Song Jiang, his good brother Li Kui was naturally indispensable.

Li Kui, nicknamed "Tie Niu" and known as "Black Whirlwind" in Jianghu, has a forthright personality, is loyal and straightforward, but is also prone to conflict and is reckless and belligerent. He escaped because he killed someone and ended up in Jiangzhou. He happened to meet Song Jiang, who was sent to Jiangzhou. Li Kui was a gambler and lost all his belongings. Song Jiang admired his straightforward character, so he borrowed money to let him gamble, and said, "If you don't have enough money in the future, you can ask me for it." Li Kui admired the generosity of "Boss Song", and from then on, he became a partner with Song Jiang. good brother.

Regarding Li Kui, there are two very exciting stories in Water Margin, which Xie Mingzhe wanted to choose as the card making material.

First, after he went to Liangshan, he missed his mother very much, and he went home specially to pick up his blind old mother on Liangshan to enjoy the blessing. As a result, when passing Yiling, Li Kui put down his mother and gave her water to drink. When he came back, he found that his mother had been killed by a tiger. It was eaten, leaving only the clothes and bones. Li Kui looked at his mother's clothes torn apart. In anger, he searched for blood and killed a litter of tigers to take revenge!

There are two heroes who killed tigers in the Water Margin. Wu Song killed a tiger while drunk in Jingyanggang, while Li Kui killed a litter of four tigers in a row after losing his mother and in a state of grief and anger. Wu Song has already been made a dead card. For a single beast, the one-death judgment is triggered; Li Kui can make a group attack card against the beast group, which will have additional damage to the beast group.

The second thing is that Li Kui was particularly loyal. After learning that Song Jiang was in danger, he ran to the robbery field alone and cut down several executioners in a row, which was very fierce. This can be used as a cooperative skill. When our card is in danger, let Li Kui go to the robbery field to cut down the opponent, which can be matched with Song Jiang's skills.

In the future, once a certain card is in danger, Song Jiang will come forward to protect it personally, and Li Kui will teleport to cut down the opponent. With the existence of Song Jiang and Li Kui, the opponent wants to forcefully kill our card. One thousand enemies will also lose eight hundred.

Li Kui's ending was rather tragic. Song Jiang was forced by court officials to drink poisonous "imperial wine", knowing that he was poisoned to death. He was afraid that this reckless brother would avenge himself, so he also gave Li Kui a glass of poisonous wine and asked Li Kui to follow him Die, avoid future troubles.

This approach is very unfeeling, but Li Kui has no complaints about it. After learning the truth, he said: "I followed my brother to fight in the north and south, and I am willing to be a little devil under my brother after death." This shows his loyalty to Song Jiang.

This story can be made into a linkage technique. When Song Jiang died, Li Kui died with him.

Li Kui (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1000, ATK 1500, DEF 1000, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional Skills: Revenge for Mother %, 50% crit damage, and hits close hostile targets within 5 meters for 5 seconds, each heavy hit causes 30% earth-based group damage; since his mother was eaten by beasts, Li Kui attacked beasts When the target is similar, each critical hit will add an additional 20% additional damage; the cooldown is 60 seconds)

Additional skills: Yi robbery field (Li Kui is particularly loyal, knowing that his good brother is in danger, he goes to the robbery field alone - when our teammate's HP is lower than 10%, Li Kui can teleport to the teammate's side and attack the attack. A teammate's hostile target performs a heavy blow, causing 280% soil-based single-target damage, and kicking the opponent for 1 second, making the opponent unable to release skills; cooldown time 15 seconds)

Additional skills: Poisoned to death (linkage skill. Song Jiang and Li Kui are good brothers. When he died, he was afraid that Li Kui would avenge himself, so he gave Li Kui a glass of poisoned wine and let him die with him. When Song Jiang died in battle, Li Kui immediately drank the poisoned wine. Killed, and deal a 200% critical damage to the enemy within 23 meters)

Song Jiang's linkage skills can also be designed in this way - when Song Jiang was killed in battle, he took the initiative to hand Li Kui a glass of poisoned wine and let Li Kui die with him. When both of them are killed at the same time, the linkage is triggered, and 50% of the HP of friendly targets within 23 meters is recovered.

The death linkage between Song Jiang and Li Kui is not as good as the professional Deathrattle card. This is because Song Jiang and Li Kui have very high skill strength. If the Deathrattle skill is too strong, it will be difficult to pass the audit. Therefore, the linkage between the two only makes one large group attack + large attack. AOE skills that restore blood.

With the linkage, the opponent will have a very headache if they want to kill Song Jiang and Li Kui.

Once Song Jiang is killed, Li Kui will also die. It is not worthwhile to trigger the linkage AOE after the death of the two.

But if Song Jiang is not killed, he has been using "Timely Rain" to protect him and "Shu Cai" to increase blood, which is particularly annoying. Song Jiang can also sell blood and sell himself to death, it's useless if you want to prevent the two from linking up.

These two cards will definitely become hedgehogs that are difficult to handle in actual combat.

When Song Jiang and Li Kui appear in the future, the Judgment Club will definitely have a great opinion - our beast ate your mother? Also came here for revenge and added damage to the beast? Nima, you don't bring this kind of thing when you touch porcelain!