Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 29: Surprised players


Night City Club.

Ye Zhu walked around the room, rubbing his nose constantly: "How come there are butterflies that are dead cards? I have so many butterfly cards in my deck, does this person have a grudge against me?! This one is directed at me. the entire deck!"

Seeing him turning around like a spinning top, Pei Jingshan couldn't help but stepped forward to block him, and said warmly, "Xiaozhu, you don't have to worry too much, I have already spoken to the guild about this author, and they are on the way. Investigate. Moreover, since Yue Ban has made Lin Daiyu's card against all flower cards, it means that he is not here for you alone."

Ye Zhu looked confused: "Then who is he coming for?"

Pei Jingshan said: "I guess the purpose of Moon and Half is not to target any professional player, but the cards he makes may target all mainstream decks. So you don't have to worry, Tang Muzhou is currently at a loss. , You suffer, and there may be a group of people behind you, once everyone suffers, it is the same as no one suffers."

Ye Zhu: "...I don't want to talk to you."

This man deserves to be a Philosophy graduate. He speaks dialectically. Every time he talks to him, his IQ is crushed. Ye Zhu simply ignored Pei Jingshan and turned back to his dormitory.

In his dormitory, there is a transparent glass cabinet on one wall. Instead of cards, there are various butterfly specimens collected at high prices from all over the interstellar space, including some precious and endangered butterfly species.

Since he caught a particularly beautiful butterfly when he was a child, he has developed an extremely strong interest in this creature. He has been studying butterflies for years, buying butterfly specimens at high prices and placing them in a room full of them. Degree.

When he was fifteen years old, he came into contact with Star Card Storm, and Ye Zhu tried to make butterfly cards. Since he has collected a lot of butterfly specimens at home, he can refer to these specimens when he draws cards. The inspiration is really endless.

In the official card pool at that time, there were only a measly two or three butterfly cards. Ye Zhu took a different approach and directly made butterfly cards into a deck, and even created a very distinctive "butterfly genre".

In his deck, there are black-patterned butterflies for control, transparent jade butterflies for tracking, red-banded sleeve butterflies for group attack, blue butterflies with strong group healing ability, as well as various blue morpho butterflies and phoenix tails. Butterfly, pink butterfly, variegated butterfly, dead leaf butterfly...

Ye Zhu has done almost all the butterfly species he knows.

The strongest defense of the alliance's current deck is Zheng Feng's Earth card, and the weakest is Ye Zhu's Butterfly card.

Small creatures have relatively low defense, so most players in the league will not choose to add such small creature cards to the card pool. At present, only the "Gu King" Pei Jingshan has a large number of Gu worms in his deck. He relies on the negative state of the Gu worms to attack poison. Moreover, many of his Gu worm cards have the ability to split and regenerate, and their defense is not high. unimportant.

Compared with the terrifying Gu worm, the light butterfly belongs to the insect category, and has no regeneration ability, so when Ye Zhu first made the butterfly card, everyone was not optimistic, thinking that he would definitely not go far. Unexpectedly, Ye Zhu was very talented, he made a lot of butterfly control cards, and he used the time difference of strong control such as hallucinations and blindness to play a world in the eighth season and won the best newcomer award.

Tang Muzhou's apprentice Shen An was the winner of the rookie award in the ninth season. Ye Zhu and Shen An were also the most talented young players in the league at the moment. The former was seventeen and the latter was less than sixteen.

Most of the old players in the league recognized Xiaozhu's talent very much. Especially the duel between Xiaozhu and Shan Lan was one of the most classic duels in the league in recent years. Shan Lan is very good at air strikes. In the deck, all kinds of cranes, larks, phoenixes, white eagles, and Yezhu's overwhelming butterflies battle. That air battle is also called "the most beautiful air battle in history".

It was also in that game that Ye Zhu and Shan Lan, who was a few years older than him, became good friends.

Ye Zhu has gone through the eighth and ninth seasons in the league, and his style of play has gradually matured. Ye Zhu is very confident in himself. He wants to come back with a medal in the individual competition of the tenth season. Even if he doesn't win the championship, he can consolidate his position in the league with a silver or bronze medal.

But now, the appearance of Xue Baochai's instant death card was like pouring cold water on his head, making him extremely uneasy.

- Butterflies are dead!

—What kind of hatred does that fat man have with him, directly targeting his entire deck!

Depressed, Ye Zhu turned on the smart tablet light brain, found Shan Lan from his friends, and connected to the holographic video call: "Brother Lan, a butterfly-type instant-death card appeared in the card shop in the month and a half, or the Manmin attribute, you know this What's wrong? I'm about to die of anger!"

Seeing the anxious look on the face of the teenager in the picture, Shan Lan smiled and said softly: "You have so many butterfly cards, you can only bring one instant-death card in the game, and you will lose one of your cards in seconds at most, you are worried what?"

Ye Zhu was startled, scratched the back of his head and said, "I was so dizzy, I almost forgot about it!"

Ye Zhu felt a little calmer after returning to his senses. In his deck, there were more than 30 Butterfly cards, so what if he destroyed one of his cards? However, if you are against a master and directly seize the moment to drop his black butterfly or track a jade butterfly, his rhythm is likely to be completely messed up.

Ye Zhu was still worried, and asked, "Brother Lan, do you know the origin of this month and a half of the instant-death card?"

Shan Lan said: "His name is Uncle Fat. There should be a lot of instant dead cards in the near future, and it's not just you who will be targeted. So don't worry too much, the large amount of instant dead cards in circulation will at least wait until next season, and you still have plenty of time to think about it. How to deal with instant kills."

Ye Zhu nodded: "I see, thank you Brother Lan!"

Ye Zhu, who wanted to understand this, turned off the video communication and picked up his helmet. He decided to take a trumpet and go to the Yueban card store in person. Doesn't it mean that there are new cards tomorrow? He would like to see which unlucky person will be targeted next!


At the same time, the ruling club.

As soon as Shan Lan hung up the video call, he saw Nie Yuandao come out of the bathroom after taking a shower. Nie Yuandao's skin is a very manly bronze color, wearing a bathrobe, the straps are not tight, and you can vaguely see the sexy eight-pack abs.

Seeing the man walking towards him, Shan Lan immediately turned his eyes away with a blushing face, and moved to the side: "Master."

"Yeah." Nie Yuandao responded in a low voice, sat down beside his apprentice calmly, and asked, "Who are you chatting with?"

Shan Lan took a deep breath to stabilize her heartbeat, trying her best to ignore the heat coming from the person beside her, and said, "Xiaozhu and I complained that there were butterfly-type instant-death cards in the card shop in Yueban. How could he be so short-lived? Can you make instant death cards full of agility within the time limit? I wonder if Uncle Fat has an expert guidance?"

"There is a possibility." Nie Yuandao's voice was low and steady, "He has already figured out the data distribution of the original cards, Xue Baochai, President Huanyue grabbed one today, and showed it to me just now. It's really not bad, it's not an ordinary progress compared to Wu Song's fight against tigers."

"Wusong fights tigers, Daiyu buries flowers, Baochai flutters butterflies... How many death cards does he want to play?" Shan Lan pressed his forehead with a headache, "I knew earlier that when we recruited him, the conditions should have been higher. a little."

"It's useless. It is estimated that we bought Wu Song's copyright, which just made him realize the importance of copyright." Nie Yuandao said with certainty, "Unless he owns the copyright of the card, he will consider signing to our club. ."

"But isn't it too risky in this case?" Shan Lan also felt that it was impossible for the ruling executives to agree to the conditions of "copyright freedom", "Let him own all the card copyrights, and he can change jobs with his cards at any time. At the same time, he can also master the research secrets of the Judgment Club and know the decks of all players. With such a designer, which club would dare to sign him?"

"So, the more talented the designer, the less each club dares to release the card copyright. Because once such a person quits, the consequences are likely to be an unbearable disaster for the club." Nie Yuandao paused and lowered his voice. , "In the beginning, didn't Lin Shen fall out with the club because of copyright issues? He even went to court, and the lawsuit lasted for half a year, which affected the entire league, and all clubs collectively revised their contracts."

When Nie Yuandao said this, he got up and wanted to pour water, Shan Lan immediately ran to pour a glass of water for the master, looking at the master with admiration and gratitude: "I know, since the Lin Shen incident, the major The club's contract has become much stricter, and the copyright of the cards made by the players is also vested in the club. Master supported me at the shareholders meeting, and signed a contract with the ruling for a full five years. Only then did I keep my cards. Copyright allows me to create freely. Master's kindness to me has always been in my heart... "

Nie Yuandao frowned and interrupted him: "You don't need to talk about gratitude every day. I'm your master, and I should take care of you."

"..." Shan Lan's face flushed slightly, his eyes dodged, and he lowered his head and did not speak.

Nie Yuandao looked at his apprentice suspiciously: "Why are you blushing?"

Shan Lan hurriedly coughed and returned the topic: "Cough, what Master means is, because of copyright issues, Uncle Fatty won't sign any clubs?"

Nie Yuandao said solemnly: "It's also a good thing for us that he doesn't sign with the club. At least, he won't join hands with the great gods like Tang Muzhou, Ling Jingtang and Fang Yu to deal with us. Next, other clubs will notice his Talent will definitely find a way to recruit him, but as long as he is firm on copyright issues, no club dares to take a huge risk to sign him."

"Then we won't continue to win him over?" Shan Lan was still not reconciled.

"Let's wait and see." Nie Yuandao stood up, turned and walked towards the training room, "You don't have to worry too much. Your deck is the most difficult bird to target. I believe that even if Yueban has an expert guidance, it will not work. Might make an instant-death card against you so quickly."

"..." Are you really saying that

Yesterday, Ye Zhu had the happiest laugh in the group, but today he was completely targeted by the instant death card of the butterfly class. Master's words made Shan Lan's back feel hairy. He always felt that if Master said this, Fat Uncle might actually make an instant death card against him.

The more Shan Lan thought about it, the more uneasy it became. No, at noon tomorrow, he will also go to the game to see Uncle Fatty's new card!


In the game, Xie Mingzhe counted the store's income happily.

This "limited marketing" model is just a strategy to gain fame in the early stages of entering the market. Only make a small amount of cards and sell them slowly. On the one hand, you can save your mental energy and time to think about how to make new cards; on the other hand, it can also ensure a stable customer flow in the store. Those who can’t buy them will be anxious and continue tomorrow. Zhuan Shou, when I came to Zan Shou, I found that he had released a new card... What should I do? Can only continue to squat the day after tomorrow.

In less than a week, players who love competition and major guilds all know the name of "Yueban Card Store". He will release new cards in the future, so he will not worry about losing popularity - those who pay attention to instant death cards will definitely use the power of the masses. Offer to advertise for him.

Today's shop turnover actually reached 2,000,000 gold coins.

The first time he sold Wu Song's copyright to Nie Shen, his eyes widened when he saw so much money. But now, looking at so many zeros, he no longer had the shock of seeing the huge sum of money for the first time, but took it for granted—because his card was worth the price.

The new store opened, and 10 pieces of Daiyu and 10 pieces of Baochai sold for a total of 2 million gold coins. This is just the beginning.

There are still two card inspirations in his mind. Tonight just took time to think about it, and if you do it seriously, you can make a lot of money tomorrow.