Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 290: New card types


After finishing the new cards in the "Water Margin" series, Xie Mingzhe rested for a few days to sort out the Nirvana deck and the next card-making ideas. He has already made a lot of character cards, and there are still some materials that can be reserved for the individual and double matches, and then tailored according to other clubs' decks. Card type.

When he first made cards such as Taiyi Zhenren and Taishang Laojun, because there was no "immortal" category in the official card library, he didn't want to classify these mythical characters into the "divine cards" created by the pantheon. , In terms of the attribution of card types, he temporarily set these cards as "human" to facilitate the review of the database.

At that time, he had an idea. In the future, when he was famous enough and his strength was strong enough, when the cards he designed could attract the attention of the officials, he might be able to apply to the officials to add the category of "immortal" to the deck.

The openness and freedom of the cards in the Star Card World are very high, providing Xie Mingzhe with fertile soil to fully display his fists and feet, and he is confident to create a new category of "immortals".

It's not that he is arrogant. There were many new genres created by some players themselves. For example, Gui Sirui added a horror-style "ghost card", Liu Jingxu created a "demon clan" with the ability to change two forms, Pei Before Jingshan, no one made "gu insects" cards, and when the pantheon did not make "Lucifer" and "Michael" mythological cards, there was no such category as "god cards" in the library.

Xie Mingzhe always felt that the cards such as Taishang Laojun and Sendzi Guanyin were classified as "god cards" together with Lucifer and Michael. Xie Mingzhe always felt that there was a big difference between Western gods and Eastern immortals, and he wanted to create a myth for himself. A new category of "Fairy" has been added to Legendary characters.

The star card library has been expanding, and the official encourages this aspect. However, if you want to add a new category, it is not as simple as making one or two cards alone. Xie Mingzhe didn't know much about the review rules, so he sent a video to consult Tang Muzhou: "Senior brother, if I want to add a new card category, how can I find an official application? What conditions do I need to meet?"

Xie Mingzhe has a flexible way of thinking about making cards. He has already made a lot of character cards, ghost cards and some monster cards. Tang Muzhou didn't expect that he would have a big brain, and he would like to add a new category

Looking at Xie Mingzhe's serious eyes in the video, Tang Muzhou knew that he was not joking, and asked curiously, "Have you always been a character card, a ghost card and a demon card? Why did you suddenly think of adding a new category, it is these three categories. Cards can't satisfy you?"

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "Well, I think the new type is called 'immortal'. Although the appearance is not very different from humans, they can fly around in the sky, and have all kinds of powerful spells. Skills, it doesn’t feel right to be designed as a human, and there are still many cards of this type that I will do next, so I want to simply apply for a new category.”

A "fairy" flying around in the clouds and driving the fog

Tang Muzhou thought this idea was quite interesting.

For Azhe's career, he has always been 100% supportive. Seeing that the person he likes is working so hard, of course he will not pour cold water on him, and gently encourage him: "You can really try your ideas and apply for a new card. For the card type, you need to submit an application form with sufficient reasons to the official. But the premise is that the number of new type cards you make must reach 30 or more.”

"30 cards?" Xie Mingzhe counted the immortal clan cards he had made before, Taishang Laojun, Taiyi Zhenren, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Queen Mother, Fuxi, Shennong, etc., still far less than 30 cards. quantity. But it doesn't matter, China has five thousand years of civilization, there are countless immortals, and it is not difficult for him to collect 30 cards to create a new category.

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe's eyes lit up, and he immediately replied: "I understand, as long as you make 30 cards with common characteristics and pass the official database review, and give sufficient reasons, you can create a new category, right? ?"

"Yes." Tang Muzhou raised his lips slightly and explained patiently, "The official rule is to prevent some designers from randomly making four or five cards and applying for adding a new category, which makes the classification of cards confusing. 30 cards is the most basic requirement, when Lingjingtang created a weapon deck, and Gui Sirui created a ghost deck, they all met this requirement."

"Well, they are really powerful." Xie Mingzhe admires the strength of these players. As a latecomer, he can draw a lot of experience from the predecessors.

"Wait a moment, I'll ask you an application form for reference." Tang Muzhou said, and quickly sent a message to Pei Jingshan: "Xiao Pei, please send your application to the official to add the Gu insect card group. Post it to me."

"What do you want the application form for?" Pei Jingshan was very puzzled, but he quickly figured out the reason, "Is it for Xie Mingzhe?"

"Well, my family's brain is too big, and the character cards can't satisfy him anymore, so he wants to create a new card type." Tang Muzhou's tone was obviously proud of "the person I like is really amazing".

"..." Pei Jingshan didn't know what to say. Can't the character card satisfy Xie Mingzhe? Are you going to create a new category again? I don't know how the players of the major clubs will react when the news is made public? Anyway, he only felt a headache, a huge headache!

"I'll look for it, and I'll send you an email." Although he had a headache, Tang Muzhou took the initiative to ask him for the application form for reference, and Pei Jingshan didn't want to stingy to refuse, it was no secret.

It was the second time that Tang Muzhou asked him for an application. The first time was when Xie Mingzhe dropped out of school.

Tang Muzhou seldom asked for help since he was a child, but he asked friends for Xie Mingzhe many times. Pei Jingshan sighed in his heart that it seemed that this friend was serious about Xie Mingzhe. However, what he is more curious about is what new card type Xie Mingzhe is going to create? So he asked casually, "What category does he want to create, can you reveal it?"

"I'll ask him." Tang Muzhou turned back and asked Xie Mingzhe if he could tell Pei Jingshan. Xie Mingzhe said generously: "It's just a category, it doesn't matter to tell Team Pei. Anyway, I haven't finished the card yet, and it's just in preparation."

"Well, he said it was a fairy clan." Tang Muzhou replied to Pei Jingshan, "The one that flies in the sky, has many spell-like skills, and is somewhat similar to the god clan card of the pantheon, but the style of painting is too different, so He wants to do new categories."

"..." Pei Jingshan rubbed his temples hard, "If the people in the Temple of the Gods knew this news, their faces would turn green, right?"

"Don't say it out." Tang Muzhou urged, "Apart from the Nirvana people who know about this, it's only you and me at the moment."

"Understood." Pei Jingshan is not a talkative person at all. He just suddenly had some expectations. If Nirvana happened to face the temple in the first round of the playoffs, it would be a proper fight between "gods" and "immortals". It must be wonderful!


Pei Jingshan's application form helped Xie Mingzhe a lot.

The writing of the top students of the famous schools is very good, and the seniors who graduated from the philosophy department have a very clear thinking. They analyze the characteristics of the Gu insect cards, the meaning of their existence, and the difference between them and other cards, and list all the 30 cards of the same type that they have produced.

When it was the seventh season, Pei Jingshan actually took a different approach and made so many strange bugs out. When encountering a player like Pei Jingshan, the condition of patients with intensive phobia is estimated to be aggravated.

Xie Mingzhe also found that in addition to meeting the basic requirements of 30 cards, adding new card types must also explain the common characteristics of the cards of this race - for example, the common characteristics of ghost cards are that they are all undead, have no entity, and have strong stealth ability. ; Yaozu cards can be deformed; Gu insect cards are characterized by small size, most of their prototypes belong to insects, and have the ability to split.

The official way of classifying cards is a bit like the classification of xx phylum xx class in biology - they are divided according to the characteristics of animals and plants, which is quite reasonable.

What specific racial characteristics should the immortals design

Xie Mingzhe thought carefully for a moment and sorted out a few common points—

First of all, the immortal race is similar to the human race in appearance, but after becoming immortal, it will have a long life span of tens of thousands of years, away from disease and pain, and its appearance will not change with the passage of time, which is very different from human beings. The difference; secondly, the immortals have boundless mana, they can fly in the clouds, they can fly in the sky, they can also use various spells, and they can control wind, rain and lightning, so they can attack at will in long-range and melee combat, without being restricted by natural science...

As for why not belong to the Protoss? The reason given by Xie Mingzhe is that "the style of painting and the background story are very surprising, and the application is separate from the Protoss, and the category of Immortals is independent."

Xie Mingzhe listed the basis for the new card types one by one according to the way Pei Jingshan wrote the application form.

After writing the preliminary application form, he continues to design new cards based on common characteristics.

Most of the card categories in the alliance have distinctive features. For example, the monsters can change shape at any time, and the ghost cards are pale and terrifying. You can see what category they are by looking at the appearance. feature.

In order to be clearly different from humans, the immortal clan cards he plans to make in the future will be full of immortal energy. The settings of the immortal cards made before can also be modified to add elements such as fog, clouds, and Buddha’s light that echo the identity of the “immortals”. For example, gods such as Guanyin Bodhisattva and Yuelao appear on the cloud, and the golden Buddha light shines behind the Buddha. and many more.

Xie Mingzhe spent a few days revising all the immortal cards he made before, and even the ancient creation gods Fuxi, Shennong, Nuwa, etc. have also added elements that symbolize immortals.

Simple image modification does not require manual review. The database determines that Xie Mingzhe is the original author, and these minor adjustments will be passed directly. Therefore, the official data engineers do not know that the troublesome Xie Mingzhe is brewing a larger wave of actions.

After changing the image of all the fairy cards, Xie Mingzhe began to design a new myth card.

In the choice of material, he first aimed. It is a well-known series of myths and legends-

The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.