Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 291: Eight Immortals


When it comes to the Eight Immortals, in the era he lived in, almost everyone knew about it. During the Chinese New Year in the north, there are "Eight Immortals" in the acting club fire. There are countless stage plays, and a lot of TV series about the Eight Immortals are also shot.

Although some people can't tell all the names of the Eight Immortals at once, most people can tell the stories of the immortals such as Lu Dongbin, He Xiangu, and Han Xiangzi.

If all the Eight Immortals can be made, not only can the number of cards be increased by eight at once, but also a deck linkage skill can be made. In the endless mode, the Eight Immortals appear at the same time, and the effect is similar to the neat appearance of the Ten Temple Hades. Instant overwhelming advantage.

Xie Mingzhe has always been interested in myths and legends, so he is very familiar with the stories of each of the Eight Immortals.

The head of the Eight Immortals, Tieguai Li.

For this immortal, many people have an impression of his appearance. He has a dark complexion, fluffy hair, a gold hoop on his head, a messy beard, lame legs, and an iron cane in one hand, with a back on his back. With a big gourd.

There is also a bizarre legend about the experience of Tieguai Li Chengxian—

It is said that he was originally a handsome, handsome man who practiced Taoism in a cave, and was highly accomplished, able to separate his soul from his body.

One day he decided to go out to look for a master, so he asked his apprentice to guard his "corpse", and the soul went out to travel. However, there was a sudden change in the apprentice's house and he needed to go back to deal with it. Seeing that the master had died for several days and there was no sign of resurrection, the apprentice thought that the master was dead, so he cremated the body of the master.

After Tieguai Li's soul returned, he found that his body was burnt, and he was very panicked. He wandered around the cave for a long time, and finally found a starved corpse in the woods. His original body was completely incomparable, but in order to be resurrected, he had no choice but to borrow the corpse to revive his soul, so he became the last lame look.

It can be said that Tieguai Li was trapped by the strength of his apprentice.

But this is also a blessing in disguise. Taishang Laojun showed up to guide him and told him, "Seeking the way should go beyond appearances, not just appearances. As long as you are successful in deeds, you are a true immortal." Tieguai Li accepted This ugly body rose to immortality. After becoming an immortal, he specialized in pharmacology, saved many people, won the support of the people, and was called "the king of medicine".

There are still many legends about Tieguai Li. Since he is the king of medicine, Xie Mingzhe decided to make him a healing card.

The big gourd behind him can store some golden elixir and feed it to his teammates to increase blood. His iron crutches are destined to be classified as gold-type cards. Gold-type healing cards generally rely on critical hits to heal, instantly increase blood, and can stack the basic attack and critical hit rate to the highest level, and the defense will be relatively weak, so it is necessary to Design another defensive skill.

Tieguai Li (Gold)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 600, ATK 1500, DEF 600, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional Skills: Hanging Hu Ji Shi (Tieguai Li has a compassionate heart and is good at refining medicine pills to help humans. There are seven elixir stored in the gourd behind him, each elixir can instantly restore Tieguai Li's basics to a designated single target. Attack power is 60% of the HP, and an additional 10% of the HP is recovered when the critical strike is triggered; the interval between using the elixir is 3 seconds. After the elixir is used up, the skill will be cooled down and refreshed again after 30 seconds;)

Additional Skills: Resurrection by Borrowing a Corpse (Tieguai Li was originally a handsome man, because his soul traveled far, his original body was burned, and by accident, he borrowed a corpse to bring back his soul to a lame man - Tieguai Li has the ability to separate soul and body, when When he is killed, his soul can continue to exist for 5 seconds, and the corpse of any dead card on the field will be automatically revived and resurrected. When resurrected, 30% of the corpse's basic HP will be restored and his own gourd will be recovered. ;Limited skill, you can only borrow the corpse once in a game)

Gold-type crit-healing cards have very low basic health and defense, and are easy to be killed instantly by focusing fire, while Tieguai Li's Resurrection can make him lower his taunt and make opponents hesitate whether to kill him or not. Even if he is killed, he can be resurrected. Then refresh the skills and add blood to teammates.

The healing rhythm of this card is very fast. It can heal a single critical hit every 3 seconds and a total of 7 times. Although the healing amount is not as good as the long-cooled group healing ultimate move, it is more flexible in the game and can quickly treat the target. Fire's teammates' blood volume was lifted.

After designing Tieguai Li, the next is Zhongliquan, the second of the Eight Immortals, also known as Han Zhongli.

According to legend, Han Zhongli was burly and dressed very strangely. He had a ball head tied like two little girls, tied with a red rope, and wore a blue Taoist robe, but his clothes were disheveled and his chest was exposed. The huge banana fan, with a smile on its face, looks particularly dashing.

Han Zhongli was a fierce general in the army and fought very hard. Later, he became a general of Han Xin's subordinates and made great contributions to Liu Bang's establishment of the country. However, because of his straightforward temperament, he offended Liu Bang many times. Liu Bang was very angry and killed him with the help of Han Xin.

After Han Zhongli's death, he came to Zhongnan Mountain to hide his name, and he wanted to cultivate and become an immortal. It happened that a giant python made trouble in Zhongnan Mountain and devoured a lot of people. In a rage, Han Zhongli raised a big knife and slashed the giant python. Absolutely, alarmed the Queen Mother of Heaven, so Immortal Donghua was sent down to earth to extradite Han Zhongli, so that he could be officially placed in the class of Immortals.

It is said that after Han Zhong became immortal, he had the ability to "turn a stone into gold" and saved many poor people. After accepting Lu Dongbin as his apprentice, he also taught Lu Dongbin this spell.

When designing this card, Xie Mingzhe thought of the iron fan princess he made before, who also used a banana fan as a weapon, but the iron fan princess is a forced displacement control for group blowing, and Han Zhongli's design does not require repeated displacement control, so Xie Mingzhe decided to use He made remote spell control and output cards.

Han Zhongli (Gold Series)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 800, ATK 1500, DEF 800, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional skills: Touch the stone into gold (Han Zhongli will have a kind of "touch the stone into gold" spell, what he touches will become priceless gold - Han Zhongli can turn group hostile targets within 23 meters into golden statues , lasts for 3 seconds; if the target is a card with the word "stone", the time for turning into a golden statue will be increased by 2 seconds; cooldown is 30 seconds)

Additional Skills: Prosperity of Fortune (Because Han Zhongli turned stones into gold and saved many poor people, everyone believed that Han Zhongli had the ability to protect gold mines and bring fortune. Han Zhongli turned the designated target into a golden statue Afterwards, it can trigger the "Prosperity fortune" state. In this state, Han Zhongli is not bad at all. He waved the banana fan in his hand and summoned a large number of gold ingots to fall from the sky for 5 seconds, causing 60 damage per second to hostile targets within a range of 23 meters. % gold-based group attack damage; targets hit by gold ingots within 23 meters of our party will be happy because they have obtained a lot of treasure, and their attack power will increase by 50%; cooldown time is 30 seconds)

That's typical - smashing you with money!

This skill is estimated to cause strong psychological discomfort to people who have no money - it is too much to hit people with gold! The audience may wonder, can they stand within the skill range of Han Zhongli and pick up the gold ingot with a washbasin


After Tieguai Li and Han Zhongli, Zhang Guolao was the first to become immortal.

Zhang Guolao's original name was "Zhang Guo", because he was very old and lived a very long life, so the people added the word "old" to his name to show respect. According to legend, he lived for hundreds of years and is also the symbol of the longest "longevity" among the people.

With white hair and a long beard, he looks immortal. Zhang Guolao's deepest impression on Xie Mingzhe was his mount. Everyone else rode horses and beasts, but he was riding a donkey, and he was "riding backwards" with his back and his back facing forward.

Zhang Guolao's instrument is the "fishing drum", which is made of bamboo. The shape is like a bamboo tube with a "Y"-shaped bamboo board inserted in the middle. This is a musical instrument. It is said that Zhang Guolao often used it in the folk. It accompanies singing. When Xie Mingzhe designed the image of the card, he followed the legend and drew a donkey for Zhang Guolao, riding upside down, and holding a bamboo fishing drum in his hand, which was full of fairy spirit.

There are many legends about Zhang Guolao, most of which are the stories of him pretending to be dead many times. Tang Taizong and Tang Gaozong asked him to enter the palace, but he declined. Wu Zetian sent someone to invite him out of the mountain, and he pretended to be dead, leaving behind a decomposed body. Later, Tang Xuanzong continued to recruit Zhang Guolao into the palace, and wanted to marry the princess to him, so he pretended to be dead.

There are many theories about the process of Zhang Guo's becoming an immortal. The most popular one is "stealing ginseng soup." The abbot called a meeting to discuss how to divide the food. Just as Zhang Guolao came back, he smelled the fragrance in the kitchen and secretly went to eat the whole Polygonum multiflorum, and the soup was also fed to his donkey.

The abbot found out that He Shouwu was stolen, and in a rage, he wanted to kill Zhang Guolao and divide his flesh to get immortal energy. Zhang Guolao was awakened, and when he knew something was wrong, he immediately rode a donkey and fled, but he rode upside down on the donkey in a panic. The donkey gave a strange cry, and took off to the top of the mountain. It turned out that it was the donkey who drank the soup made by Polygonum multiflorum and gained the power of immortality. Zhang Guolao died because of this.

Zhang Guolao's design can be moved closer to the auxiliary cards. As a representative of longevity, Xian Weng's protection can make our cards live for a hundred years. In addition, the ability to play dead and the greedy personality should also be reflected in the card design.

Zhang Guolao (Gold)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 800, ATK 1500, DEF 800, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional skills: Longevity Immortal Weng (No one knows Zhang Guolao's age, it is said that he lived for hundreds of years, and he is very long-lived. When Zhang Guolao is present, the designated target within 23 meters of our party can get the blessing of "Xian Weng" ", get the "Immortal" state for 8 seconds. During these 8 seconds, you will lose blood when you are attacked, but you will not die if your blood volume drops to 1 drop. After 8 seconds, the immortality state disappears and you will be attacked. death; cooldown 30 seconds)

Additional Skills: Pretending to be Dead (Zhang Guolao enjoys a leisurely and clean life, every time someone asks him to come out, he tells the other party that "Zhang Guolao is dead" and leaves a grave for himself to run away - when Zhang Guolao receives When dealing fatal damage, he can use the skill of playing dead to leave a grave on the spot and teleport to a designated position within 23 meters to escape; the cooldown is 60 seconds)

Additional skills: Stealing ginseng soup (Zhang Guolao is very greedy and has a very smart nose. Once he smells delicious food, he is greedy and steals it - when there is any buff on the field, Zhang Guolao can ride backwards Donkey, let the donkey fly over the clouds, run over with a 500% acceleration, and eat the buffs on all hostile targets within 5 meters of the self; cooldown time: 60 seconds)

This auxiliary card is very annoying. The skill of playing dead in Skill 2 makes it difficult for him to be killed in one wave. He runs fast on a donkey and steals the opponent's Buffs, such as continuous blood recovery, attack enhancement, attack speed enhancement, etc. , all belong to the gain class buff, if Zhang Guolao steals the buff, the opponent's rhythm will be greatly affected.

Three of the Eight Immortals were made. Tieguai Li and Zhang Guolao were both super strong auxiliary cards that were difficult to kill. Zhong Hanli came out and smashed people with gold and turned them into golden statues. Glittering golden butterflies, golden plants, golden ghost cards... With the existence of Zhong Hanli, the entire professional league has become rich!

The remaining five Lu Dongbin, Han Xiangzi, He Xiangu, Lan Caihe, and Cao Guojiu also have their own bizarre legends, and the linkage skills of "Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers" can be produced, and he needs to be more careful about the specific design. Think.

The author has something to say:

The Immortals are going to create a new category, so there will be a lot of them. The Eight Immortals will be finished tomorrow.