Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 294: Effects and sound effects


Xie Mingzhe put the Eight Immortals deck together on the card console, and continued to do linkage skills. Due to the strict limit on the number of linkage cards, he could not directly do the eight-card linkage, so he divided it into two batches according to the method of the Ten Temple Hell.

Lu Dongbin, Han Xiangzi, He Xiangu, and Han Zhongli, who have strong attack power, are together, and the linkage technique is called "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea". Ingots are all area spell attack skills. When four cards exist at the same time, the linkage can enhance the crit damage effect of the area skills. If the four cards are put on a group attack at the same time and cover the same area, you can instantly attack the area within the area. All enemy cards are crippled.

The remaining Tieguai Li, Zhang Guolao, Cao Guojiu, and Lan Caihe are all auxiliary cards. When these four cards are used as linkage skills, Xie Mingzhe also uses a unified setting. Demonstration", the effect is to reduce the cooldown of skills by 20%.

The linkage of the eight cards together is the allusion of "Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers". This allusion, Xie Mingzhe will be reflected in the card encyclopedia, describing in detail the legend of the eight immortals crossing the sea with their own magic weapons.

After making a complete set of the Eight Immortals, Xie Mingzhe took the cards to the master to read carefully, and told the master that he wanted to add a new category of "immortals". Although Chen Qianlin was surprised, he also expressed his support for his apprentice's decision.

The next day, the entire Nirvana Club knew about Xie Mingzhe's plan to add a new card race.

Yu Ke was the most excited and looked at Xie Mingzhe with a look of admiration: "Azhe, you are really amazing. When the players mention character cards in the future, you are the originator! You also created a brand-new fairy card, which will be the most popular in the professional league in the future. The contestant must be you! Hahaha, I followed you at the beginning, and I really have a vision."

He didn't even mention the horoscope, but he danced happily there. Chen Xiao looked at him helplessly and said, "Azhe didn't even hand in the application form, why are you so excited?"

Yu Ke said confidently: "It will definitely pass the approval. In the future, we will have our own special race card for Nirvana. Immortal race, we will have a bright face when we say it!"

This is true. Other clubs have their own special cards. Nirvana's humans, ghost cards, and plants are not new types. Although Xie Mingzhe's character card style is very special, there are already "characters" before him. In this category, the dark plants made by Chen Xiao can only be classified into the category of "plants". If you make a new "Fairy" type card, you will be able to gain a firm foothold in the professional league in the future.

Later, when people mentioned the Nirvana Club, they would know that "Nirvana created the Immortal Race Card".

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao also laughed and patted Xie Mingzhe on the shoulder: "I believe you can do it, just say if you need help."

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "Well, thank you Brother Chen!"

Qin Xuan didn't speak for a while, and when he heard this, he asked earnestly, "Is this batch of Eight Immortals going to need special effects? Sword Rain, Lotus Leaf Pond, Jin Yuanbao, etc., the effects produced by the official special effects artist are not necessarily what you want. Bar?"

"That's right." Xie Mingzhe nodded cheerfully, "I was just about to find you. We will discuss it in detail later. This time, not only do we need to do special effects for skills, but I also want to do sound effects by the way."

"Sound effect?" The three looked at each other.

"Well, our cards will have special effects and sound effects in the future, so this is perfect!" Xie Mingzhe said with a smile.

"..." The three were quite speechless. There are so many players in the alliance that can make cards, but like Xie Mingzhe, in addition to making strange cards, it is also the first time in history that special effects and sound effects must be customized!

"I know a teacher who makes music albums. If you guys are sure to make sound effects, I'll ask him to come over to help with recording and editing." Chen Qianlin was very fond of his little apprentice, and unconditionally supported Xie Mingzhe in making cards, and even used himself network of relationships.

"It's great to have a professional help!" Xie Mingzhe wanted to rush over to hug Master, and after meeting his calm eyes, he had to withdraw his hands and said with a smile, "If we want to alarm the recording teacher, then we should first Let’s make the visual effects, and then match the sound effects according to the special effects, so we can’t let people run to our club every three days.”

"Well, you finish this batch of cards first, and I'll ask him to help." Chen Qianlin carefully counted the cards of the immortal race mentioned by Xie Mingzhe, and said: "Shen Nong, Fuxi, Nuwa, Pangu, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Tathagata Buddha, Queen Mother, Sending Son Avalokitesvara, Yue Lao, plus Taiyi Zhenren, Taishang Laojun and the newly made Eight Immortals, if you want to apply for the category of immortals, the number of cards is far from enough."

At present, there are only 19 sheets, which is far from the new category application threshold of 30 sheets.

But it doesn’t matter, there are countless mythological materials, and there are still two weeks before the start of the game. Xie Mingzhe can continue to make cards, and the arrangement of the game is to play individual competitions and double competitions first. He makes fairy cards mainly for team competitions in the future. Yes, you can also make cards when you have inspiration during the game, and there is still plenty of time.

In the next few days, Xie Mingzhe and Qin Xuan worked together to make special effects, and made the special effects of the skills of the eight immortals very cool. I have to say that Qin Xuan is very talented in making 3D animations, and the characteristics he made are completely in line with Xie Mingzhe. imagination in mind.

With Lu Dongbin's big move, countless sharp swords with blue light effects fell from the sky, creating the scene of the battle of the gods in the Xianxia novels. Cao Guojiu's yin and yang circle light effect is also completely in line with Xie Mingzhe's requirements, just like the magic circle of the fairy world. If you hand it over to the official special effects artist, the special effects artists who don’t understand myths and legends still don’t know what they will do, or it is more reliable to do it yourself...

In the past, the special effects of character card skills were very simple, such as archery, slashing or long-range magic attacks, and it was enough to extract materials from the special effect library. In the later stage, the Hell King and Immortal Clan cards were achieved, because hell, sword formation, and fairy spells were all novel, and Xie Mingzhe personally checked and made special effects and was also responsible for his own cards.

Otherwise, the skills of the Oriental Immortals are blinding future high-tech special effects, it would be too strange.


It took a week to make the special effects of this batch of cards, and it was already July 25th when it was finished. Chen Qianlin really invited the professional recording engineer friend. The other party has very natural curly hair and his name is Luo Cheng. He looks like an artist. It is said that he is a college alumnus of Chen Qianlin and has recorded songs for many famous singers , is very famous in the circle.

Xie Mingzhe felt that it was "overkill" to invite such a professional person to do the card sound effects, so he respected him very much, and "Mr. Luo" was very polite.

Luo Cheng didn't put on airs, and called the sound effect library with a good temper. According to Xie Mingzhe's request, he matched the skills of the Eight Immortals with suitable sound effects. Lan Caihe's "singing" was recorded by Xie Mingzhe himself. The melody hummed a few lines at will, and then after tuning and processing, it really showed the lazy and unrestrained immortal temperament.

Xie Mingzhe was very satisfied, but Yu Ke whispered to Qin Xuan next to him: "In the future, everyone will be very annoying to hear Lan Cai and singing, if you know that this song was recorded by A Zhe, everyone will be more annoying to him, haha Ha ha."

Qin Xuan didn't speak, just nodded in agreement.

Luo Cheng is worthy of being a professional recording engineer and has a first-class level of sound repair. With the help of this teacher, the sound effects of the Eight Immortals card perfectly matched Xie Mingzhe's settings. He imported the cards into the game and tried it with the sound effects - it was a great experience. A concert for sure. The melodious and melodious sound of the xiao is like taking people to a fairyland; when Lan Cai and opening skills, there will be mysterious chants from ancient times; Crisp and sweet.

Ignoring that this is a game, just closing your eyes and listening to the sound is actually pretty good.

But in the game field, when the cards are immobilized and a lot of blood is lost, hearing these sounds will make people particularly irritable.

After finishing the sound effects in a day, Chen Qianlin took the initiative to invite this old friend to dinner, and the four Nirvana players also followed. Xie Mingzhe logged into the game before leaving, and submitted all the special effects, sound effects and cards to the review channel.


official headquarters.

Hearing the familiar "8 new cards have been submitted to the manual review channel" again, Zhou Jiayao was used to it and cheered up: "It's probably Xie Mingzhe's card again, let's take a look."

I reviewed 11 ghost cards and 12 character cards before, but this time the 8 cards are relatively few, and Zou Xiaoning secretly rejoiced.

However, when the data package was opened, everyone was stunned: "Damn, how come there are sound effects?"

"Eight cards, each skill is matched with special effects, and also with sound effects?" Everyone's jaw dropped. I have never seen such a strange player. Should I say that he is too serious and responsible? Or should I say he's... nasty

It used to be the data department and the map department, and occasionally brought the special effects department to work overtime together.

This time it's good, but also drag the sound department into the water? !

Zhou Jiayao can't wait to hit her head against the wall - she must have been brainstormed before she was transferred to the Card Data Department as the director. If she had known that Xie Mingzhe would appear, she should honestly stay in the copy department, write and write copy programming every day, and find copy bugs. , how good

Everyone looked at each other, and in the end Zhou Jiayao could only pretend to be calm and say, "Go and invite the people from the sound department too."

From the "tripartite talks" to the "quartet talks", the conference room of the data department is becoming more and more lively.

The director of the sound effect department who participated in the trial for the first time was a little confused. Data, maps, special effects, sound effects... is it so complicated

However, when the card of Cao Guojiu was released on the screen, she finally understood what was going on.

As expected of the legendary card maker Xie Mingzhe!

The calculation of the skill data of this card alone is extremely complicated, and the data department must repeatedly calculate the balance; the continuous movement of the two arrays will involve the collision of various maps, which requires the map department to check; the special effects of the yin and yang array are They made it by themselves and asked the special effects department to nod in agreement; the percussion sound effects of the jade board were also recorded by themselves, and how to achieve a perfect fit with the frequency of releasing skills, naturally it was handled by the sound effects department.

The directors of the four departments collectively held their foreheads with headaches and complained in their hearts.

- Xie Mingzhe, you have such a big brain, why don't you just make a game yourself

But Zou Xiaoning twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "In the previous batch of cards, Pan Jinlian was feeding poison while chanting 'Dalang drank the medicine', and Erniang Sun wanted to make a human-meat bun to cause me not to eat buns for a week, I thought it was already Enough... Now he's actually passing the sound effect, and he wants to hold a card concert?"

Zhou Jiayao said with tears and laughter: "Since Xie Mingzhe appeared, I always feel that every card seems to have consciousness, fall in love, get pregnant and have a child, reincarnate, and occasionally listen to a concert, rich and wonderful card students, comparable to us Much more interesting!"

Everyone: "..."

After listening to the director's words, everyone suddenly felt very sad.

We work overtime every day, it seems that our lives are not as good as a card