Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 312: New fairy brand


After Bai Xu went back that night, he posted a message on Weibo. He drew a picture of the Q version of the three cards of Sagittarius, Scorpio and Taurus who were placed on the B star, and then added the text: "I'm sorry, Dad. I accidentally left you guys Q_Q"

Fans came to comfort him: "Touch your head, how did Xiaobai learn to self-deprecating?" "It's okay, I lost to the big devil Xie Mingzhe, we are not in a hurry, at least we are two years younger than him, and we can survive until he retires!" What you said upstairs, it seems that Xiaobai can't beat Xie Mingzhe in his life..." "There is still hope to qualify for Group A, come on!" "Every time you are in the same group with Xie Mingzhe, you are really unlucky, next season Remember to wash your hands before drawing lots!"

In the group stage of Group A, the situation has become very clear.

After Xie Yu's combination killed Liu Ran, Zhou Xiaoqi, and Bai Xu Yi Tianyang in a row, they almost determined the places to qualify. Because the remaining three partners are of average strength, the next schedule will be very easy for Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke.

As for the second spot, it's up to them to fight for it.

There are 6 teams in Group A, and a total of 15 games will be played in a single round. According to the speed of one game per day in each group of AH, it will take 15 days to complete the group stage. Xie Yu's next match schedule is to play every other three days. Since the opponent's strength is not strong, the two only need to maintain daily running-in practice to easily qualify for the group stage.

Relatively speaking, the pressure on Chen Xiao and Qin Xuan is much greater.

The two of them are in Group F. In the same group are the strong partners Pei Jingshan and Ye Zhu. There are only 2 qualifying places in each group. Chen Xiao and Qin Xuan lost to Pei Ye in the first game. The field is not to be missed.

Fortunately, Qin Xuan has a calm personality and is very careful and cautious when playing support, and Chen Xiao is very good at fast attack and fierce attack. The two of them cooperate and complement each other. In the next group stage, the two of them have overcome difficulties all the way, and their points have gradually stabilized. Group second.

Naturally, Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke were the first in the group.

There was no pressure for the next ten consecutive days of competition. Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke practiced the double competition during the day, and took time to continue playing cards in the evening.

His immortal cards have not yet reached the number that can pass the review. Before the start of the team competition, he must increase the classification of immortal cards, and make at least 30 immortal cards. He has to hurry up and quickly put the cards once he has inspiration. The card is made.

The competition these days are very easy, Xie Mingzhe just took the time to think carefully about the materials for making the immortal card.

He first thought of several immortals related to nature.

Speaking of the more famous gods in folklore, Lei Gong and Dian Mu are indispensable - Lei Gong is in charge of thunder, and Dian Mu is in charge of lightning. These two immortals usually appear together. As long as they come, there will be lightning and thunder in the sky.

Legend has it that the Duke of Thunder holds a heavy hammer and will make a rumbling sound of thunder, and the Mother of Electricity holds two gong-shaped instruments, which will release lightning in the sky when struck. People in ancient times did not understand the principle of thunder and lightning in nature, so they made up two gods, the God of Thunder and the Mother of Electricity.

Both the Thunder God and the Electric Mother holding the magic weapon can be made into gold-type crit output cards, and linkage skills can enhance the opponent's output ability.

After Xie Mingzhe thought about it carefully, he first drew the images of the two cards, and then appeared in the clouds and fog. At first glance, they were immortals, and their skills must also be released in the sky—

Lei Gong (Gold)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 700, ATK 1600, DEF 700, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional skills: Five Thunders (Lei Gong can control the sound of thunder, when he releases the "Five Thunders" skill, there will be dark clouds in the sky, and rumbling thunder will sound. The thunder will sound five times in total, and the interval time is variable, and the total duration does not exceed 15 times. Seconds, each time the thunder strikes, it will cause 60% gold group damage to the enemy target within the specified range of 23 meters; the cooling time is 30 seconds)

Additional Skills: Thunder Fury (Lei Gong slammed the hammer in his hand, and a deafening explosion-like thunder sound suddenly sounded in the sky. The unexpected explosion of thunder can instantly cause 300% group gold critical damage to enemy targets within a range of 23 meters. And cause the enemy who hears the thunder to be terrified for 1 second; cooldown 35 seconds)

Additional Skill: Lightning and Thunder (Linkage Skill: When the Thunder God and the Lightning Mother are on the field at the same time, they cooperate with each other to make lightning and thunder in the sky - whenever the Thunder God makes a thunder sound in the sky, the Lightning Mother's skill cooldown will be immediately shortened by 10%)

Electron mother (gold series)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 700, ATK 1600, DEF 700, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional skill: Electric flashing (the electric mother strikes the gong in her hand, emitting a dazzling electric light, all hostile targets within 23 meters are affected by the dazzling light, and the collective blindness lasts 3 seconds; the cooling time is 35 seconds)

Additional Skill: Electric Shock Kill (Electric Mother controls the lightning to slash straight down from the air, causing 320% single gold critical damage to the hit target, and releasing chain lightning to the enemy targets within 5 meters around it, causing an additional 120% Lightning splash damage; if the target's HP is lower than 30%, the electric shock will directly kill the target and cause 150% chain lightning splash damage to other enemy targets within 5 meters around the target; cooldown time 30 seconds)

Additional Skill: Lightning and Thunder (Linkage Skill: When the Thunder God and the Lightning Mother are on the field at the same time, lightning and thunder can be heard in the sky. Whenever the Lightning Mother releases an electric light, the Thunder Lord's basic attack power is permanently increased by 10%)

These two linked cards, Lei Gong's two skills are group attacks. "Five Thunder Strikes" is a continuous thunder attack within 15 seconds. The frequency of the thunder can be freely controlled, and the flexibility is high. It can be sounded once in 3 seconds or in 1 second. Once, as long as it doesn't exceed 15 seconds. The "Rage of Thunder" of skill 2 is an instant group attack, which can cause a large amount of damage and fear the opponent for 1 second.

The two skills of the electric mother are group control + small area splash attack.

The target of the lightning strike is naturally the key card that we intend to focus fire and kill. While chopping the key card, it can also create chain lightning to deal splash damage. The attack power of the electric mother itself is very strong. Thunder will reduce the skill CD of Lightning Mother - In theory, if Lei Gong's wave of skills is put down, Lightning Mother's skills will cool down. If Lightning Mother releases his skills, Thunder Master can enhance his attack. The two cards cooperate with each other to make the sky The lightning and thunder in the middle of the game have been uninterrupted, and the more it hits, the stronger it is!

The rumble of thunder, coupled with the crackling lightning, the opponent's head is about to explode, right

But that's not enough.

Just thunder and no rain doesn't sound like a complete success!

Now that I have become the mother of thunder and lightning, I simply do the complete set of wind, rain, thunder and electricity.

In myths and legends, the god in charge of the natural element "wind" is called "Feng Bo", and the god in charge of "rain" is called "Rain Master".

Folks have a long tradition of worshipping Feng Bo and Yu Shi. It is said that Feng Bo and Yu Shi can control the wind and rain at will. If the two cooperate well, the weather will be smooth, and all things in the world will be nourished and grow vigorously, and the crops will be harvested. And once the two get angry, it will be violent storms, houses will be destroyed, rivers will swell, floods will flood, natural disasters will continue, and even countless people will be killed.

If these two immortals are made into cards, Xie Mingzhe intends to design them into two-way cards - strong winds and showers are used to attack the enemy, and breezes and drizzles are used to assist friendly forces, which can be attacked and easily defended.

Feng Bo (water system)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 700, ATK 1600, DEF 700, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional Skills: Fengjuanyuncan (Feng Bo can control the wind direction at will, he can summon a 5×5 meter tornado to sweep in the designated direction, causing 260% group damage to the hostile targets on the straight path passed by the tornado , and cause an additional 120% crit damage to the enemy target at the center of the tornado; cooldown 35 seconds)

Additional skills: Wind without trace (Feng Bo controls the breeze to blow through the designated 23×23 meter area, clears all negative effects on allies in the area, and makes the beneficial effects on friendly targets take effect immediately; cooldown time 30 seconds)

Additional Skill: Wind and Rain (Linkage Skill: When Feng Bo and Rain Master are on the field at the same time, if the skill ranges of the two overlap, the healing effect of Rain Master will be increased by 50%)

Rain Master (Water System)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 700, ATK 1600, DEF 700, Agility 30, Crit 30%

Additional Skills: Heavy Rain (Rainmaster drops a torrential rain in a designated 5×5 meter small area, the rain lasts 10 seconds, and the basic defense of hostile targets within the rain area is reduced by 50%, and a layer of water is superimposed every second Poison state, each layer of water poison loses 5% of the basic blood volume, and when it is stacked to five layers, it will be frozen for 3 seconds; the cooling time is 35 seconds)

Additional Skill: Drizzle (Rainmaster drops drizzle within a designated 23×23 meter range, lasting 5 seconds, friendly targets within the range recover 10% HP per second; cooldown 30 seconds)

Additional Skill: Wind and Rain (Linkage Skill: When Feng Bo and Rain Master are on the field at the same time, if their skill ranges overlap, Feng Bo's skill damage will be increased by 50%)

The basic output of Feng Bo and Rain Master is not as good as Thunder God and Lightning Mother, but they are more flexible. The small range of 5×5 meters can quickly target the core cards that need to focus fire. Defense, stacking water poison, followed by letting Feng Bo summon a tornado sweeping over, not only the center position will cause additional damage, but the overlapping range of linkage skills will also improve Feng Bo's output ability.

And once our side is at a disadvantage, Feng Bo and Rain Master can also work together to save the field - full-level Feng Bo's 30-meter wide-area release control, cooperate with full-level Rain Master's 30-meter large-scale group milk, plus linkage skills, wind While Bo's control is released, it can make Rain Master's 5-second continuous blood recovery into an instant 50% increase in blood, and can also increase Rain Master's healing amount by 50%.

These two cards work especially well in large teamfights, but can also work well in smaller teamfights.

Four new cards have been added to Lei Gong, Dian Mu, Feng Bo, Yu Shi - the immortal family.

It is conceivable that when we arrived at the game site, there was thunder and lightning in the sky, and sometimes it was windy and sometimes raining. If you were a little careless, you might be killed by lightning. The cards just came out to play a game, and also Want to experience this unpredictable weather

Scared by thunder, struck by lightning, blown by wind, drenched by rain...

It's not easy being a card in Xie Mingzhe's hands!