Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 326: Monsters in the deep jungle


The game officially begins.

The audience quickly discovered that all the control cards were controlled by Tang Muzhou, and Xu Changfeng was controlling the output cards such as Cactus and Bear Boy in this round—this is normal, both players have strong personal abilities, and Xu Changfeng also took the individual last year. The runner-up in the competition, they are very skilled in all the cards of Fenghua, and they can distribute the cards in any way.

Coincidentally, Xie Mingzhe also operated the control card in this game. That is to say, the next two brothers and sisters will have a direct confrontation on the timing of controlling the field and releasing the control, which makes Xie Mingzhe a little nervous.

After the start of the game, because cards must be summoned within 5 seconds, Xie Mingzhe had to call Song Jiang out to protect Yu Ke's ghost cards first, while Xu Changfeng summoned the normal attack cards Cactus and Aloe Vera to attack from a distance.

But it didn't take long for Tang Muzhou to summon the Ice Crystal Yulu!

I saw crystal clear succulents like dew, suddenly appearing and spreading under the feet, and as the ice crystal jade dew spreads, the hostile targets within the range are collectively frozen for 3 seconds!

Tang Muzhou moved too fast, and Xie Mingzhe didn't have time to call Li Wan out of control.

Xu Changfeng also had a very tacit understanding. Tang Muzhou controlled his opponent and immediately launched an all-out attack. In addition to the cactus and aloe vera, he also summoned a succulent dark card with extremely strong attacking ability-Thousand Buddha Hand!

Countless awl-shaped sharp rhizomes instantly aimed at Nie Xiaoqian, almost tying her into a honeycomb.

The big attack of the Thousand Buddha's Hand, combined with the focus of the cactus and aloe vera, directly hit Nie Xiaoqian below 30% of her health!

Xie Mingzhe looked stunned, and immediately asked Song Jiang to protect Nie Xiaoqian, and at the same time summoned Liu Bei—the crowd control effect was cleared!

This skill is particularly crucial, because he knows that with his brother's habit, behind the group control of Bingjingyulu, he will definitely keep up with the group control of Guanghan Palace. If the control is not lifted, his and Xiaoke's cards will be frozen. 6 seconds.

In 6 seconds, Xu Changfeng was strong enough to kill at least two of Yu Ke's ghost cards!

Tang Muzhou must not be allowed to break the chain of control.

Xie Mingzhe's mind was extremely calm at this time, and his judgment of timing was also very accurate. Almost at the moment when the freezing control of "Ice Crystal Yulu" ended, Tang Muzhou immediately followed up with the group control of "Guanghan Palace", and Liu Bei's result happened to be controlled by Liu Bei. Uncontrollable skills to resolve.

One person controls and one person releases the control, and the brain waves of the two brothers and sisters seem to have reached synchronization.

Su Yang, who was accustomed to fierce competitions, couldn't help but patted the table and praised: "Beautiful! God predicts, 1 second is not bad!"

Xie Mingzhe not only predicted the timing of his brother's control to resolve with Liu Bei, but at the same time summoned the dark card Wu Yong - the magic trick, the 30-meter wide target was affected by the sweat medicine, and the group fell into a drowsiness.

Release control, reverse control, all this only happens in a short 1 second.

Even Yu Ke felt frightened. If it were him, he would definitely not have such a fast reaction speed. A Zhe is indeed A Zhe!

A calm voice came from my ear: "Fight!"

A wave of beautiful counter-control temporarily relieved Yu Ke's pressure, Yu Ke was not stupid, he immediately summoned all the output ghost cards, and smashed the thousand Buddha's hand aimed at Xu Changfeng.

The hidden card of Thousand Buddha's Hand made him linger in fear, the crit was too terrible, and it would kill him if it released a ghost card that would crit him again.

In 3 seconds, four ghost cards set fire and crispy output cards, which could have solved the Thousand Buddha Hand, but at the moment when Yu Ke quickly crippled the opponent, a harsh chirping suddenly sounded in the sky, with six pairs of wings growing. The monster flew through the air, the huge wings blocked the light over the forest, and the whole scene fell into darkness for up to 5 seconds!

There was a smear of darkness in front of her, and she couldn't see anything. Gongsun Jiuniang's locking skills had already been released, and it was difficult for non-locking skills to hit the opponent.

Yu Ke was so anxious to scratch the wall!

There was only a trace of blood on the hand of the Thousand Buddhas, but at this time the monster skipped the sky. How unlucky was he

But the players watching the game backstage didn't think so.

It wasn't that he was unlucky, but that Tang Muzhou was too perverted to count the time of the scene and events clearly.

The timing of Tang Muzhou's shot was only a few seconds away from the appearance of the flying dragon. Even if he failed to focus fire and could not kill the opponent's card, even if Xie Mingzhe used the hidden card to counter control, there were less than 3 seconds left. DPS also doesn't kill his Plant cards.

The advance can be attacked, the retreat can be defended, the timing is very clever.

It was precisely because he knew very clearly that the opponent's output was not enough to kill "Thousand Buddha Hands", so Tang Muzhou was not nervous at all, he didn't even use "Peach Beauty"'s healing skills, and escaped the fire by relying on the scene events to let " Thousand Buddha's Hand" survived without any risk.

When the sky regained its brightness, the Thousand Buddha's Hand had already retreated to a safe distance beyond the reach of the other side.

In the first wave of firefights between the two sides, no one was able to kill anyone.

But Xie Mingzhe knows that such a fierce opening is just a test - the next time brother will only play more fiercely!

As he expected, at the moment when he regained his vision, Tang Muzhou continuously summoned two control cards, Sheng Shihua and Ziqi Lianhua, and Xie Mingzhe had no choice but to use Li Wan's large-scale immunity to block a wave.

But Tang Muzhou seemed to expect that he would summon Li Wan, but he didn't use his control skills

The result is that Xie Mingzhe's summoning Li Wan's skills is empty this time... It's not empty, at least 5 seconds of free control is real, but Tang Muzhou didn't hand in any skills when he called Li Wan, and the summoning card was just--deliberately scaring him

Su Yang, who understood this, couldn't help but said: "It's not a family, and if you don't enter a teacher's door, Tang Muzhou is really bad! He deliberately summoned two control cards to deceive A Zhe's Li Wan to appear."

Wu Yuemu said with a sullen face, "Both brothers and sisters are bad!"

Audiences: "Hahaha, it's rare for Azhe to be tricked by his senior brother once, and I love to hear it!" "Tang Shen is so handsome. He lied to his junior brother like this. Be careful to go back and be expelled from the school!"

Tricking the opponent into handing over key skills is also an important skill in the game. Xie Mingzhe's experience is still a bit lacking compared to Tang Muzhou, but he can't help it. If he doesn't call Li Wan, Tang Muzhou will definitely control three times in a row, and they will collapse!

It is difficult for him to ride a tiger and must be blocked by Li Wan.

Li Wan's invincibility at least gave the two of them time to adjust. Yu Ke immediately released a ghost card, and it took 5 seconds to forcibly remove the crispy output card Aloe Vera on the opposite side, which was not without gain.

But what about after the invincibility ends

Xie Mingzhe moved extremely fast, and opened Liu Bei's gold shield in seconds, and the whole group resisted the mortal damage.

Tang Muzhou's action was faster, and Zi Chi's lotus flower double big move was released at the same time - I saw countless ball-like lotus seats spread rapidly under the feet, and the scenes everywhere were replaced by the illusion of "lotus blooming", and at the same time, being touched The goals are all set!

Xu Changfeng kept up with the output, and Xie Mingzhe hurriedly summoned Li Shishi to control the country and the city!

Control, crack, counter control, counter crack!

This wave of skill exchanges made the audience hold their breath nervously - it can only be said that they are worthy of being brothers, they know each other well enough, and the fight is too intense!

Xie Mingzhe's fans' scalps are about to explode. In the face of so much pressure from his senior brother, Azhe actually withstood three waves in a row? !

Su Yang praised: "Azhe's consciousness is still very strong. If someone else played support, he might have collapsed long ago, but he arranged the skills of each card in an orderly manner, such as control release, invincibility, and shield. , Counter-control, not a single waste, although he was tricked out of Li Wan by senior brother just now, but he still hides Li Shishi's group control and group blood."

The crisis has been temporarily eased, but Xie Mingzhe also knows that this is only temporary.

With a strange sound, the giant monster three-headed snake appeared in the field of vision - the whole scene is full of fear, three layers of poisoning!

All the cards were stacked three times poisoned, and they began to lose a lot of blood.

Can't move for 3 seconds, directly dropped 9%, and will continue to drop in the future.

Xie Mingzhe kept Li Shishi's group health boosting skills. Just waiting for it to be released at this moment, Tang Muzhou also started Taomeiren's group therapy after the 3 seconds of fear ended, but Xie Mingzhe unexpectedly discovered...

Li Shishi's group big move added blood actually only returned a little blood

After taking a closer look, I realized that it was Tang Muzhou who had summoned the dark card—Succulent Light Bulb.

The appearance of this card is very strange. It is a huge light pink ball, which is like the shape of a light bulb magnified dozens of times. The effect is also very simple and crude: within 30 meters of the succulent light bulb, the healing amount of our party increases by 50%. , the enemy's healing is reduced by 50%.

The buff cards that harm others and benefit themselves are very common in the league.

But appearing at this critical moment gave Xie Mingzhe a splitting headache!

He didn't expect that senior brother would still have this move, and the map in the depths of the jungle is even more abnormal. After the three-headed snake appears, the Flamemane Rat will also follow, and the interval is less than 5 seconds!

At this time, Xu Changfeng finally showed the explosive power of a first-class player, and the output card aimed at Yu Ke's ghost card is a wave of onslaught!

The consequence of Li Shishi's inability to recover from his treatment is that the big rat will attack the entire map as soon as he comes out, destroying all cards with a large amount of HP, and at the same time killing cards with less than 30% HP!

- It turned out that Tang Muzhou had this idea from the very beginning.

He made full use of the characteristics of the dynamic scene map, and forced Xie Mingzhe's a lot of control-free and control-free skills in the early stage. Until the whole group lost blood at the critical moment, he used the dark card to reduce the opponent's healing amount, and then used the full map of the monster. The group attack and Xu Changfeng's output forced Yu Ke's ghost card to die.

The rhythm is too slow!

Song Jiang is a residual blood card that can protect his own side, and Liu Bei can resist a critical attack, but the problem is, Li Shishi's treatment does not add up, and the ghost card is directly killed by the scene Boss, what can he do? !

From this moment on, Xie Mingzhe and Yu Ke fell into complete passiveness. Tang Muzhou and Xu Changfeng used a chain-controlled game, and continued to interfere with group control skills, solving Xie Mingzhe's auxiliary cards one by one, and the hidden cards hidden by Xie Mingzhe. Yan Qing also did not play a role.

In the first game, Tang Muzhou won!

Seeing this result, Yu Ke felt a little uncomfortable and didn't dare to speak.

Xie Mingzhe took a deep breath and said, "I thought he might have a control or output card in his dark card, but I didn't expect it to be a simple buff auxiliary card that reduces the healing effect... Brother, he really thought about it carefully, After accounting for every unexpected situation, I played very calmly from start to finish, and this game is really a teaching of the ultimate control game."

Yu Ke can only echo dully: "... uh, your senior brother... is really amazing."

However, it's not good for you to praise your opponent like this in the middle of the game? How can I hear you praise him for being so natural

Yu Ke's face was blank.

Xie Mingzhe also found that it was too natural for him to praise Tang Muzhou, he touched his nose and smiled, and quickly changed his words: "He is indeed very strong, but we can't let him bully him. In the first game, he showed the treatment of his opponent in the finals, Hit us with the dynamic forest map of three monsters... If you lose, you lose, I admit it. If you still lose in the second game, wouldn't it be a shame to lose 0:2?"

Yu Ke continued blankly: "It seems... not ashamed, right?"

Xie Mingzhe rubbed his friend's head and corrected: "Why not shame? Forget the game just now and start over!"