Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 37: God Card


After coming out of the ghost prison, Xie Mingzhe quickly returned to his personal space to make a new card. At this moment, Tang Muzhou sent a friend's voice: "Uncle Fat, do you have an idea for a new instant-death card? Do you need me to help you?"

With the guidance of Tang Shen, Xie Mingzhe certainly couldn't ask for it, so he simply sent an invitation.

After a while, Tang Muzhou's trumpet appeared in the personal space.

When the two came to the study, Xie Mingzhe did not rush to make a card, but first discussed the card making idea with Tang Muzhou: "Tang Shen, you told me before that the Great God Lingjingtang of the Temple of the Gods created a gold weapon card. According to Setting, weapons do not belong to living creatures, so you can't directly judge death, right?"

"Yes. In the game, it is generally plants, animals, and human beings that can make death decisions."

"Can I refer to the design of 'Zhong Kui Catching Ghosts' and capture the designated weapon card? Although it is not an instant death judgment, the effect is similar, right?"

"That's right." Tang Muzhou said with a smile, "This is only the difference in the description of the skills, the actual combat effect is actually instant death. You can try to let your character bring some special weapons and directly abolish Ling Jingtang's weapon card."

"Well, I'll think about it again!"

Cold weapons are generally metal, and the ones that can absorb metal are of course magnets. With this kind of magic weapon of "sucking away weapons", Xie Mingzhe thought of a character in Journey to the West - Taishang Laojun.

According to the description in the original work, Taishang Laojun has many magic weapons, such as the seven-star sword, the purple-gold red gourd, the suet jade bottle, and the diamond bracelet. The two boys around him, Sifan, went down to the realm and stole Taishang Laojun's "Purple Gold Red Gourd" and "Sheet Fat Jade Bottle". After going down, they became demons, calling themselves "Golden Horn King" and "Silver Horn King". , gourds and bottles are powerful magic weapons that can suck people in. Later, the Tang monk and his apprentice passed by Pingdingshan, and Sun Wukong exchanged the real gourd and the real clean bottle with the fake treasure. Taishang Laojun recovered the two boys from the lower realm and brought the magic weapon back to the heavenly realm.

Xie Mingzhe remembers this episode very clearly, because Taishang Laojun was also a character he liked very much in his childhood.

The magic weapon of Taishang Laojun's "King Kong Bracelet" completely conforms to the concept of "accommodating weapons".

I remember that it was said in the original book that the diamond bracelet is made of a special metal "Kungang". When this treasure is sacrificed, it can collect all the treasures and weapons in the world - this is not just a weapon that can restrain Lingjingtang. card

The Taishang Laojun in Xie Mingzhe's memory has long snow-white hair, white eyebrows and beard, and wears a Taoist robe, looking immortal. Characters are not difficult to draw, Xie Mingzhe quickly thought of the settings.

The key lies in the weapon. When Taishang Laojun usually appears on the stage, he will always carry Buddha dust in his hand, but since he wants to target the weapon card of the gold system, this time let him wear the magic weapon "Vajra Bracelet" - it is a round golden The bracelet can be enlarged instantly, and even the strongest weapon can be taken away by it.

After thinking about these designs, Xie Mingzhe immediately connected his mental power to the card making system.

An immortal image of immortal style and bones quickly formed in his mind.

Draw characters, set skills, assign data...

He is already very proficient in the process of single-mindedness and three-purpose. Moreover, it is much easier to draw Taishang Laojun's weapon than Wang Zhaojun's pipa, so this time he only took five minutes to draw the Taishang Laojun card. .

Xie Mingzhe connected the prepared cards to the database for review, and then showed them to Tang Muzhou—

Taishang Laojun (Gold)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 100, ATK 0, DEF 100, Agility 30, Crit 0%

Additional Skill: Diamond Bracelet (throws the diamond bracelet in the hand, stores the designated weapon cards, and makes the weapon cards incapable of combat)

Tang Muzhou praised: "Yes, this skill can take away the weapon cards of the gold type, which is equivalent to a variant of the instant death judgment."

Xie Mingzhe was also very happy to see the new card.

The gold-based restraint card was successfully completed. In this way, will the hatred of the great gods in the alliance be slightly reduced? After all, all six major clubs have been targeted, and none of the mainstream decks have been spared, so they can be relatively balanced in the future.

His instant-death cards will be placed in the Moon and Half Card Store, open for sale, and anyone can buy them. You let my card die instantly, and I can also abolish your card. When everyone gets an instant death card, the key to winning or losing the game depends on the players' awareness.

Just as he was thinking about it, Tang Muzhou continued to say, "Actually, there is another type of deck in the Temple of the Gods, which is particularly difficult to target."

Xie Mingzhe asked curiously, "What category?"

Tang Muzhou said, "God tribe card."

The cards in the star card world have many small categories, but there are only six major categories—

Plants, animals, undead, beasts, humans, and protoss.

Plants are the best decks for Tang Muzhou and Fenghua Club players. Animals, including the beasts, birds and other decks of the Judgment Club, and the insects, Gu insects and other decks of the Night City.

The two categories of plants and animals are the most common cards in the game. The generated phantoms are beautiful, the number of cards is the largest, and they are also the most popular among players.

The main reason for all this is that three people—Tang Muzhou’s master laid the foundation for the wood-type plant deck, Nie Yuandao perfected the fire-type land animals and flying animals, and Su Yang expanded the entire water-type marine creature card pool. . As early as the first season, plant cards and animal cards flooded the arena, which also gave players an illusion, as if plant cards and animal cards were the most powerful in the star card world. It is difficult to change this concept until today. After all, the plant deck and animal deck have a history of nine years, and the richness of the deck is not comparable to other types.

In the second season, the appearance of cards such as weapons and stone spirits was the credit of the two great gods, Zheng Feng and Ling Jingtang. Ling Jingtang "anthropomorphized" all his weapon cards. For example, his Wushuangjian was a girl with two swords; and Zheng Feng's various rough-skinned stone spirits and clay monsters also belonged to Objects become refined, so the official simply added "things" to the card classification, and all object cards are classified here.

The undead card group is inseparable from Gui Sirui. His ghost card has driven a large number of players and original players who love horror and ghosts. After the ghost card, various zombies, witchcraft, vampires and other cards appeared. These cards The dark card group is officially classified as "undead".

There have been many Terran cards since the first season, but there has never been a player who has truly formed a complete Terran card system and won the championship by relying on Terran cards. Because, in the same human form, there is a set of cards that are countless times stronger than humans - that is the Protoss!

Tang Muzhou gave Xie Mingzhe a brief introduction to the card classification, and listed several god cards: "In the god card group, the most famous is Odin, the king of the gods, others like the evil god Loki, the sea god Poseidon, and the archangel Mi. Caleb, Fallen Angel Lucifer, etc., have strong fighting abilities. Protoss cards are immune to death judgments, so it is not easy to deal with instant death cards. To deal with divine cards, you can smash the illusion, or directly seal the body."

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Aren't these mythical figures in Norse and Greek legends? Are Western myths not destroyed with the earth? In order to be sure, Xie Mingzhe asked: "Tang Shen, have you heard of the mythical stories of Lucifer and Michael?"

"I've heard of it, but I don't know much." Tang Muzhou said, "There is a player in the temple called Xu Xingtu, who especially likes these myths and stories, and has done research on myths. It is said that he has published a lot of papers on myths and legends. However, He just knows these myths and stories, and the Protoss cards are not made by him. The specific skill design is checked by the designers of their club."

Xie Mingzhe was stunned - since Tang Muzhou had heard of characters like Lucifer and Michael, it means that Western mythology has not completely disappeared in this world, but a fault has appeared in Eastern culture.

Xie Mingzhe wished he could write all the stories in his mind into novels so that everyone could understand the ancient eastern civilization. It's a pity that his writing is just too bad to be able to write the best of those stories.

Since there are Western Gods in the game, theoretically, Eastern Gods can also exist.

For example, the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother of the West, Avalokitesvara, and the Tathagata in Journey to the West, as well as Nuwa, Fuxi, and Shennong in the mythical stories... If these mythical characters are really made into cards, the gods fight, and it is not certain who wins or loses.

The "Tai Shang Lao Jun" that I just made should belong to the god card, but Xie Mingzhe checked the classification of the card, and it was automatically classified as "human race" by the system. After all, the system does not know these oriental gods. Xie Mingzhe can't think of a way to deal with the specific problem.

A small transparent like him, even if he went to the official headquarters directly and told people, "These cards I designed are from oriental myths and legends", no one will pay attention to him, and maybe he will be driven away as a lunatic.

Maybe a long time later, when he is famous enough to be able to speak in the world of Star Cards, he can ask the official to increase the classification of Oriental God cards and classify these characters into the God card group. But at present, only the grievance Taishang Laojun can be returned to the human card group first.

Seeing Fat Uncle bowing his head in thought, Tang Muzhou thought he was thinking about how to target the divine card, so he couldn't help but reminded: "You can refer to the skill design of this card, Cao Chong, and try to use the effect of the seal, that is, the 'exile skill', Exile a designated divine card from the arena."

Xie Mingzhe came back to his senses: "Okay, I'll think about it again."

Seal the magic card

By the way, Fengshen Romance!

When he was a child, he watched the cartoon of Nezha Naohai, and when he was in middle school, he read the entire original work of "Fengshen Romance", and read it over and over many times. The main characters in it like Daji, Jiang Ziya, Nezha, Yang Jian and other characters impressed him deeply. .

Xie Mingzhe carefully searched the memory in his mind.

In Fengshen Romance, his favorite is Nezha, the third prince. He remembers that Nezha's master was the real Taiyi, who used lotus to reshape the body for Nezha, taught Nezha the "three heads and six arms" spells, and taught Nezha Qiankun There are many powerful magic weapons such as circle, mixed sky, hot wheel, nine dragon fire cover, etc...

If the skill effect of "Seal God Card" is designed, then "Nine Dragon God Fire Cover" is undoubtedly a very suitable magic weapon!

According to the description in the original work, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover is very powerful. When using the magic weapon, it can completely cover the enemy from head to toe. The flame inside the cover rises, and there are nine fire dragons circling. Burned to ashes.

According to the principle of the five elements, fire beats gold, and flame can melt metal.

Many of the divine cards in the pantheon are gold-type cards, and using fire-type magic weapons to seal gold-type divine cards makes sense in theory. God, of course they won't be burnt to ashes, but it's alright to seal them with the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover and make them incapacitated, right

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe decided to draw Taiyi real person on the next card.

It is too wasteful to make Nezha an instant death card. Let his master, Taiyi Zhenren, use the magic weapon for this seal.