Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 397: tiebreaker


The score on the big screen quickly became 2:2, and Nirvana actually equalized the score

After a few seconds of sluggishness, fans finally realized what that meant.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was overwhelmed: "Fuck, is this a tie?!"

"What? I thought Nirvana would lose, but I didn't dare to watch it, but it turned out to be tied?!"

"Brilliant, two rounds in a row!"

"The fourth round of endless mode actually has a full lineup of characters, dozens of character cards, and the crowd tactics are too slippery!"

Because the game was too intense, waves of cards appeared, and the audience's eyes couldn't see it.

It was not until the slow-motion replay after the game that everyone discovered that Lu Bu, Diaochan, and Dong Zhuo actually had a linkage technique, and this linkage technique was designed very strangely.

Diao Chan first complained to Dong Zhuo that Lu Bu was bullying her, Dong Zhuo came to protect Diao Chan, refreshed his skills and a wave of shields blocked the outbreak of Fenghua; followed by Diao Chan and told Lv Bu that Dong Zhuo wanted to force her to marry her, Lu Bu immediately rushed over and beat Dong Zhuo, triggering the harvesting mechanism —

Su Yang said: "The linkage between Dong Zhuo, Diaochan and Lu Bu is very complicated, but in the actual battle, Xie Mingzhe's linkage speed was too fast, and everyone didn't have time to see it clearly, only to find that Lu Bu suddenly broke out and received 4 cards from the opposite side. Now it is played back in slow motion. , Everyone should be clear, right? In fact, Diao Chan first complained to Dong Zhuo, and then to Lu Bu, so that Dong Zhuo's protection and Lv Bu's outbreak were released one after the other, Diao Chan is a very interesting card, right?"

Audiences:"… … … "

There are so many Diao Chan plays! So do you like Dong Zhuo or Lu Bu

The audience was applauding Nirvana's wonderful crowd tactics just now. The difference between the two sides was too tight, and it was too late for everyone to pay attention to these details. But in the current slow-motion playback stage, each step is four times slower, and the linkage operation is also It became extraordinarily clear, and there was a burst of laughter from the audience—

Sure enough, aside from the fierce game and the wonderful command, Xie Mingzhe is still the same Pipizhe in essence, and the design of the character cards is still a familiar formula and a familiar style!

Wu Yue also smiled and said: "Diaochan, Dong Zhuo, and Lu Bu are the three cards of love-hate entanglement, what will happen in the end, we have to ask our philosophy guide. As for the Yellow Turban Uprising, the cards have learned to rebel. I am really curious. What else can't Azhe's cards do?"

The audience: "No!"

Falling in love, having a baby, a love triangle, being chased by fathers and sons, going undercover, surrendering, betrayal, writing letters to the opposite side, Pengci committing suicide and persuading the opponent to hang himself, how could they still start a collective uprising? Xie Mingzhe's cards are truly omnipotent!

The painting style in the live broadcast room suddenly changed from 6666: "Zhe Director is really a Zhe Director, and every game allows everyone to watch movies for free!" "The ticket price is so worth it, you can watch the story while watching the game!"

"I beg Director Zhe to have a good time, and the card series will be filmed soon?" "So who does Diaochan like? It must be Lu Bu. Judging by his looks and strength, it's all Lu Bu!" "Yes, Lu Bu has already stabbed Dong Zhuo to death. , I want to fly with the beautiful Diaochan..."

Backstage viewing area: "… "

Just knew it would be like this.

Originally, the deck mix and tactical layout of this game of crowd tactics were very exciting. As a result, after the game, the discussion wind direction was twisted again, and Xie Mingzhe's style of painting was really not normal.

Su Yang knew the card skills for a long time and was not surprised by the appearance of these new cards. Seeing that the netizens were getting more and more crooked, Su Yang immediately smiled and returned to the topic: "In the fourth round, Nirvana employs a sea of people. Tactics equalized the score, which means that we have to play the fifth game today!"

Liu Chen immediately followed: "Yes, the two sides actually entered the tiebreaker, I really did not expect it."

When Nirvana was 0:2 behind, everyone thought that they could only take the runner-up this year.

Even Xie Mingzhe thought so.

At that time, he only felt that all his tactics had been guessed by his senior brother, and all kinds of targets were simply impossible to fight. When Chen Qianlin called for a time-out to take the stage, he also said, "0:3 loss, 1:3 loss, 2:3 loss is a loss anyway, so let's just pretend it's already lost."

Master said five "lose" words in a row, and the entire Nirvana team thought that they would lose today. Instead, everyone put down all pressure and fought the third game with the mentality of playing practice games. Boba, at least don't get shaved.

Unexpectedly, in the third round, the chaotic knife flow tactics directed by Chen Xiao actually completely disrupted the rhythm of Fenghua!

The third game was won with a score of 1:2.

In the fourth round, Xie Mingzhe came up with a big move, endless mode, crowd tactics, one wave of cards was lost, and another wave of cards was added, one after the other, endlessly. More than 90% of the character cards produced by Xie Mingzhe appeared in this endless mode, and he won the game at the last minute.


Looking at the score that popped up on the screen, everyone couldn't believe it - it was really tied

At this time, Chen Qianlin stepped onto the stage again. A rare smile appeared on the man's face. He lightly patted the little apprentice on the shoulder and said, "Good job. Then in the next tiebreaker, you know what to do? ?"

Yu Ke said dumbly: "The tiebreaker? Are we in the tiebreaker?" He looked at Qin Xuan and found that Qin Xuan's always calm eyes were surging, but he finally nodded and said one word: "Well! "

The slightly trembling tail sound betrayed Qin Xuan's excitement.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "The tiebreaker is one step away from the championship."

Xie Mingzhe also laughed: "At this time, of course, we must do our best - for the championship!"

Xie Mingzhe took the initiative to stretch out his hand, and the other three immediately folded their hands together and shouted in unison, "For the championship!"

Nirvana is a team that has just been formed, with four players, and there are no substitutes. The cards are also played while playing, and the endless mode deck has just been prepared before the playoffs start.

Although they said that we wanted to win the championship, everyone didn't really think that we could win the championship.

Today, however, the championship trophy is only one step away from them.

This was an unexpected surprise, but it made everyone's blood boil!

Seeing everyone cheering, Chen Qianlin said calmly: "The fourth round of the endless mode has used up almost all the character cards, and the fifth round can no longer use these cards, Azhe, you must have it in your heart. end."

Xie Mingzhe nodded vigorously: "Well, I know."

In the live broadcast room, Su Yang was also saying: "The fourth round of Nirvana ran out of character cards, and the final round of the fifth round is also in endless mode. The card pool is not very beneficial to Nirvana, after all, Fenghua's card pool is deeper than theirs. However, in the fourth game, in order to suppress the outbreak of Nirvana, Tang Muzhou actually used a lot of powerful cards, such as Green Vine, Creeper, Pearl Chlorophytum, and Fujimoto Rose in the vine deck. It's a tough test!"

"Both sides choose suitable lineups in the remaining decks, and I believe the fifth game will be more intense!"

"Because this game will determine the championship of this season's team battle project!"

The excited voices of the three commentators aroused the emotions of the audience.

Finals, tiebreaker, one game to decide the winner!

Backstage watching the battle area, the great gods were also very excited, Lao Zheng said while patting the stool: "This is interesting, the fourth round of Nirvana characters is full, and Tang Muzhou has paid a very high price. There are more than 40 dead cards for both sides. There are more than 50 cards used! In the fifth round, Nirvana has no character deck available, Xie Mingzhe can only play the ghost card, the fairy card, the demon card!"

Ling Jingtang said: "The Eight Immortals and Ten Palaces of Hell are still very strong, and in the fourth round, with the crowd tactics, Chen Xiao's Dark Plants didn't play a single card."

Lao Zheng nodded: "So Nirvana still has a chance of winning!"

For some reason, everyone slowly stood on the side of Nirvana. It's not that people prefer to support the weak. Nirvana is a new team and everyone supports it more - it's because Nirvana's performance today has really impressed these seniors.

Everyone knows how powerful Tang Muzhou is. Today's performance is also remarkable. However, Nirvana can chase two games in a row in a desperate situation of 0:2. The toughness and tenacity of this team are unmatched by many teams.

So everyone hopes to see more things in the tiebreaker to see how high the limit of Nirvana is.

The rest period before the tiebreaker will be a little more than the normal round, but not as much as the 10-minute timeout.

Both sides quickly put on their helmets and got ready.

Wu Yue's voice raised a decibel: "Welcome back, audience friends, this is the scene of the Star Card Alliance's eleventh season team event finals and tiebreaker! This game will determine the ownership of the champion, and the two sides are Fenghua. vs Nirvana, whether Fenghua will suppress Nirvana's counterattack and successfully win the match point, or Nirvana will continue to pursue and counterattack into victory, let us wait and see!"

Liu Chen: "Okay, the game has started, and there are three random selection pictures of the tiebreaker on the screen—"

On the big screen, three familiar thumbnails appear simultaneously in the map frame.

"Aquarium" from Frost City, "Ghost City" from Ghost Prison, and "City in the Sky" from Judgment.

Needless to say, the aquarium, the whole scene deceleration map; the ghost market has appeared in the previous game, when the ghost market opened the auction, the whole scene was chaotic, it was a rhythm flow control map; the rest of the "city in the sky", listen It looks like an air battle, but it's not.

This map was designed by Shan Lan.

There are white clouds floating in the sky, surrounded by clouds, there is a fairy tale castle, and there is a square inside the castle, which is covered with huge mirrors of more than 100 square meters, like a mirror square.

All cards will fight on the mirror, and each card will cast its own reflection on the mirror. This picture does not have any negative state, and the mirror effect has little effect on the players. Shan Lan designed this picture - purely for the sake of appearance.

Just like girls have girlish hearts, Shanlan also has a childlike heart!

Xie Mingzhe and Tang Muzhou banned the map selection quite quickly. Tang Muzhou had the first mover advantage in this round, so he directly banned the aquarium, he didn't want to slow down. Xie Mingzhe followed the ban on the ghost city, and the two brothers and sisters had a tacit understanding and left the city of clouds.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Sure enough, the final decisive battle will be in the beautiful city of clouds!"

The map loads and the game begins.

Shan Lan sat in the background and smiled happily: "The map I designed."

Nie Yuandao commented lightly: "Well, beautiful."

Ye Zhu complained beside him: "Brother Lan, what's the difference between your picture and the square, isn't it just a square in the sky!"

Shan Lan is righteous: "It's more beautiful than the square."

Ye Zhu: "..." I can't refute.

Really beautiful, card tourist attraction!

In terms of design, Cloud City is not much different from the square in the eyes of many professional players, except that the environment floats in the air and the cards have reflections, which looks dreamy.

Of course, the reflection will have a certain impact on the player's operation at certain times. Mainly in terms of vision, once there are too many cards in the endless mode, the commander will be dazzled and can't see clearly.

This map is actually a test of the commander's eyes. Fortunately, Tang Muzhou and Xie Mingzhe have first-class eyesight, neither myopia nor astigmatism, so this subtle influence can be ignored.


The game started soon, and a beautiful castle in the clouds gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Surrounded by floating clouds, the mirrored square in the middle of the City of Clouds was enlarged by the director's camera—almost the moment the map was loaded, both sides began to quickly summon cards!

Fenghua summoned a group of flower cards to test, and on Nirvana's side, he went directly to the Eight Immortals at the beginning.

Lv Dongbin, Han Xiangzi, Zhang Guolao... The familiar deck of the Eight Immortals appeared again, and Cao Guojiu, who was controlled by Xie Mingzhe, began to knock on the jade board again. It seemed like a prelude to the concert

Wu Yue said excitedly: "The output ability, field control ability, and defense ability of the Eight Immortals' deck are all good. Lu Dongbin can still live like a dream back in time. Fenghua wants to break the Eight Immortals, but he doesn't know which card to focus on?"

Zhang Guolao eats shields and can prolong his teammates’ lives. Tieguai Li has super healing treatment. Lan Caihe has group control. Yes, once Cao Guojiu came out, the opponent did not dare to press the field with a lot of cards.

Su Yang smiled and said, "The call to the Eight Immortals is very subtle at the beginning, because Cao Guojiu's Yin-Yang formation is a formation with a large number of cards and the cards will continue to lose blood - the more cards are, the worse! Don’t dare to summon too many cards, if you want to break the Eight Immortals, you need to kill Cao Guojie first, but Tieguai Li’s treatment and Zhang Guolao’s longevity can make Cao Guojiu persist for a long time!”

Start steady first, this is also Xie Mingzhe's style of playing endless mode.

The Eight Immortals deck's limit on the number of cards is currently the best way to stabilize the situation.

How will Tang Muzhou crack it? As the concert was held, the audience was looking forward to it.