Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 398: Layout and Breakthrough


Endless mode is like playing chess where you come and go, I play a chess, you solve it; you make a move, I will solve it again, in the process of layout and breaking the game, pay attention to the difference between the cards killed by both sides, and try to reduce the number of cards on your side as much as possible. At the same time of casualties, kill more cards from the enemy!

This is actually very particular about the skills of arranging troops. Once you make a mistake, a big rhythm on the opposite side may directly eat your 7-10 cards.

The Nirvana Eight Immortals cards were operated by four people, Xie Mingzhe operated Cao Guojiu and Lu Dongbin, Qin Xuan operated Zhang Guolao and Tieguai Li, and the remaining four cards were handed over to Chen Xiao and Yu Ke.

Feng Hua has a headache, it is impossible to destroy the Eight Immortals in one wave, but it is also difficult for Feng Hua to drag the Eight Immortals down.

Tang Muzhou was more decisive than everyone imagined - he set fire to Cao Guojiu at all costs!

Although the endless mode should reduce casualties compared to the number of dead cards, in some cases, it is not a loss to use 3-4 cards of your own to replace 1 core card of the opponent, because the core is not dead, the opponent's lineup is difficult to die, the Eight Immortals set Although Tieguai Li in the card has a very strong ability to increase blood, the real core is Lu Dongbin and Cao Guojiu!

After fighting Tieguai Li for a long time, he could still use his body to revive his soul. Tang Muzhou was too lazy to waste time with Tieguai Li, and put all the output on Cao Guojiu.

Fenghua's output is very strong, especially when the Zhenman snake card and Xu Changfeng flower card focus on one card at the same time, Qin Xuan's treatment is difficult to withstand, Xie Mingzhe has to force Cao Guojiu's yin and yang to control the field, use The difference in the number of cards in the blue-red array made Fenghua lose blood.

The audience was surprised to find that the tiebreaker started with a particularly fierce start.

In the fourth game, Xie Mingzhe used Jia Baoyu's system for 2 minutes, but the card was killed within 30 seconds of the decisive game - Cao Guojiu was taken away by Tang Muzhou's fire, Fenghua's firepower was too strong, Qin Xuan frantically added blood It is also difficult to hold for more than 10 seconds.


In the blink of an eye, only two of the Eight Immortals were hung. After Cao Guojiu was killed, Fenghua's next target was Lu Dongbin!

Lu Dongbin's Huangliang Yimeng is very powerful. Going back in time can restore the blood volume to 3 seconds ago, but what if it kills you within 3 seconds

Once Cao Guojiu died, Fenghua didn't have to worry about the number of cards. Xu Changfeng and Zhen Man's cards reached 10 in an instant, all of them were single attack cards, and they all focused on Lu Dongbin. He hangs up in seconds—

In the live broadcast room: "Lv Dongbin said that playing cards is like a dream, and you don't have to be sad if you lose your life!" "Hahaha, Lv Dongbin's strongest point is the rewind of the whole group. The HP rewinds 3 seconds before, but Fenghua doesn't let go of the group at all. Attack, directly attack him and focus on him, Lu Dongbin can't save himself even in a dream."

Tang Muzhou has thoroughly studied the Nirvana card, and obviously has his own strategy for dealing with the Eight Immortals.

Xie Mingzhe's move can be said to be completely broken by his senior brother.

Cao Guojiu and Lu Dongbin didn't show their power in the match against the Temple of Gods - but Xie Mingzhe's summoning of the Eight Immortals was not for Lu Dongbin to rewind it!

He Xiangu, Han Xiangzi and Han Zhongli are not decorations.

Under the control of Lan Caihe's singing voice, Han Zhongli smashed the overwhelming gold, He Xiangu's petals fluttered in the sky, Han Zhongli's Xiao sound summoned the dragon girl, and the continuous group attack skills caused Fenghua cards to have a lot of residual blood, closely following With that, Chen Xiao summoned Black Rose and Black Mage!

There was an exclamation from the audience.

Su Yang couldn't help but say: "I'm going, the Eight Immortals are used for group attacks, and their elegance is worse!"

—Senior brother, you focus on Cao Guojiu, don’t you just want to summon more cards as soon as possible to achieve the effect of suppressing the field

Xu Changfeng and Zhen Man played with a large number of cards to kill Cao Guojiu and Lu Dongbin, but the more cards you have, the more damage I will deal with the group attack. The group attack of the Eight Immortals, plus Chen Xiao's two dark plant critical attacks, Fenghua's cards were almost completely disabled at this time—

Yu Ke summoned the Black Impermanence, Nie Xiaoqian, White Impermanence and Niu Tau Ma Mian decks!

Niu Tau Ma Mian attacked in a row, Nie Xiaoqian pulled a card over to let Hei Impermanence seconds, Hei Wuchang teleported to the residual blood card for a second, and in a blink of an eye, the Yin-Yang mark was stacked to 5 layers in an instant.

Qin Xuan controlled the field, Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiao attacked, and Xiao Ke harvested.

The continuous cooperation of the four people is like the synchronization of brain waves. All these complicated operations did not take more than three seconds. The audience did not have time to see clearly, just heard a "bang", and the black impermanence mark directly killed Fenghua 8 cards!


Fierce group attack a wave!

This time, the Eight Immortals are not playing with Lu Dongbin and Huangliang Yimeng, but using Uncle Cao to draw out a large number of cards from you, and then the combination of immortals, plants, and ghost cards will flow!

Su Yang was frightened: "Gao Ming! I thought Xie Mingzhe was using the Eight Immortals to drag the rhythm, but I didn't expect that Cao Guojiu and Lu Dongbin were just bait. It's the follow-up main force!"

This wave of Fenghua's death was too traumatic.

The more cards on the field, the higher the damage caused by the opponent's group attack. After being smashed by five or six group attacks in a row, 8 cards died instantly, and Xu Changfeng didn't have time to increase his blood.

Fortunately, Tang Muzhou was calm enough to say decisively: "Strengthen the flow control!"

The last round of Nirvana used up a lot of protection cards such as Li Wan, Sun Ce, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, etc. The protection ability of this round is obviously not as good as the fourth round. Tang Muzhou summoned a succulent deck at a very fast speed to play consecutive control. Qin Xuan was forced out of Guanyin Bodhisattva's control release. After a wave of skill exchanges between the two sides, Nirvana's release control card was obviously not enough.

Tang Muzhou snake hit seven inches, quickly seized the weakness of Nirvana's card pool, instantly controlled the rhythm, and quickly tied the card gap - 10:10.

Only one and a half minutes into the game, the two sides played 10 cards, and the rhythm was so fast that the audience was dizzy.

In addition to the reflection of the cards in the City of Clouds, all the cards occupying the mirror have their own shadows under their feet, but Wu Yue opened her mouth wide but didn't know how to explain it, because she couldn't see clearly either—

This kind of violent confrontation lasted until 3 minutes.

Nirvana suddenly began to change the rhythm.

Tang Seng came out, followed by Zhu Bajie, Sun Wukong, Bailongma linkage deck, as well as Tathagata Buddha, White Bone Spirit, Spider Spirit, Bull Demon King, Red Boy and Princess Iron Fan!

Princess Tie Fan blew all the snake cards close to her with a fan, and the Bull Demon King rushed in to disrupt the Fenghua formation—

Su Yang praised: "Azhe is very decisive, using displacement formation to interrupt Fenghua's rhythm, otherwise, Fenghua will always be at a disadvantage if there are a lot of plants in the field. The Tang Seng linkage system is the most suitable for the displacement battle, and it can break through in an instant. The formation on the opposite side!"

Not only was Zhen Man's snake card blown away, Tang Muzhou's control card in the rear was also carried over by Zhu Bajie as his daughter-in-law.

Tang Muzhou: "..."

In the eyes of the audience, the scene was a mess!

The number of cards on the field has exceeded 50, plus the dense reflections, it is simply a "Kashan Kahai" card party, and it is impossible to tell who is who. In such a mess, the Bull Demon King is simply a bug , knocked the plants on the opposite side, and Zhu Bajie carried his daughter-in-law everywhere, the rhythm of Fenghua was completely disrupted, and Xie Mingzhe took the initiative again.

Zhu Bajie walked away from the key control card on the opposite side, killed it by force, and then started the linkage between the master and the apprentice—

I just heard the familiar "Senior Brother, Master was taken away by the monster", Zhu Bajie teleported, Tang Seng chanted the Hooping Mantra, and Sun Wukong's attack power exploded instantly - Monkey King's golden hoop stick, one head and one head, every second 3 crispy skins!

The hearts of the audience were trembling.


Nirvana's ability to stir the water is really top-notch in the league!

While Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong were quickly picking up their heads, Fenghua was not idle. Shen An, who was farthest away, smashed all Xiaoke's black and white impermanence with fruit smashing. After Xu Changfeng's flowers circled flexibly, he took away several cards of the Eight Immortals with residual blood.

- At 19:20, when the game was 3 minutes into the game, the number of dead cards on both sides had far exceeded the previous endless modes.

Su Yang said with emotion: "In the last round, there is no need to hide the cards, and there is no need to hesitate for summoning, so the pace is so fast. If the players' brains are not limited and the cards can't be controlled, I think they would like to use them. All 100 cards were summoned and the opponent was shot in seconds!"

Playing the suppressing effect with more cards is indeed a regular play in endless mode.

But the problem is, there are too many cards and you can't control it yourself, and it is easy to be pushed back by opponents by taking chances. Therefore, it is something that the commander needs to consider as many cards as possible.

What is the upper limit on Fenghua's side, Tang Muzhou is very clear.

In fact, until now, he has been using the number of cards to suppress Nirvana's counterattack, but the effect is not very obvious. Nirvana can always use strange tricks to catch up with the card difference.

The rhythm should be slowed down, Tang Muzhou said: "Don't call out new cards, turn to defense, and increase blood!"

At this time, Fenghua had as many as 30 cards on the field, some of which had less than 30% HP, and some were full of HP.

The captain gave an order, and everyone immediately changed their strategies.

Xu Changfeng quickly summoned a single healing card to replenish his teammates with residual blood. Shen An also used hawthorn trees and vines to launch large-scale fruit projections to increase blood. The two teamed up to fill all the existing cards with blood.

Then, Tang Menzhi said calmly: "Up the cooling flow, pay attention to protection!"

The key cards of the cooling flow, bellflower, windmill grass, and hyacinth, all have the effect of "reducing the cooldown of team skills". This is a card designed by Xu Changfeng under the guidance of Tang Muzhou.

Usually due to the limitation of the number of cards, Fenghua is playing double cooling, today, directly on the third cooling!

Each card reduces the CD by 10%, and the three cooldowns reduce the CD by 30% for the whole team.

How scary is it when all 30 cards reduce the skill CD by 30%

Fans of Fenghua were stunned, and the great gods in the backstage viewing area also widened their eyes—

You can still play like that!

The cooldown of Fenghua's entire group has been reduced, and the cooldown bar of all plant card skills quickly regressed. The original 10-second cooldown became 3 seconds, and the original 30-second cooldown became 10 seconds.

Almost instantly, Nirvana was directly destroyed!

— 29:20!

Fenghua kills Nirvana 10 cards in a row, just like a bulldozer.

Xie Mingzhe was really frightened - senior brother is serious, senior brother broke out!

Fenghua's cooldown style is the most terrifying in endless mode. When the skill cooldowns of all cards are reduced to 30%, Fenghua's attack rhythm is almost tripled!

Who can stop this Nima? !

Fenghua quickly took the initiative in the arena, and the card ratio quickly became 30:20.

Tang Muzhou played with a big rhythm, calm and domineering, and the audience burst into applause!

Su Yang was so excited that he almost stood up: "The real cooldown style is in the endless mode! This is Tang Muzhou's great move, and it is finally hidden in the finals - the three players operate three cooldown cards each to speed up the whole process. The rhythm of the group, all the big moves cool down quickly, and directly blow the opponent!"

The upper limit of team cooldown reduction is 30%, which has now been reached.

What about Nirvana

If this continues, Nirvana's cards will be continuously eroded by Fenghua, and once the card difference continues to widen, it will be difficult to recover.

Xie Mingzhe gritted his teeth and said, "The Ten Kings of Hell are all on the way, Brother Chen cooperates with me and kills the Fenghua cooling card!"

Teammates quickly kept up with the rhythm of the command.

Xiao Ke and Qin Xuan summoned the Hell King of the Ten Halls together, Chen Xiao summoned the single-attack dark plant with extremely high crit, and Xie Mingzhe directly summoned the Fengshen card group—

Jin Zha, three golden circles suddenly shot, and directly pulled the cooling brand bluebells and hyacinths hidden in the back and tied them to the wooden post.

Zheng Feng slapped his thigh: "Pretty!"

Seeing that there was no one next to him, he was excited and photographed his thigh. Zheng Feng rubbed his leg hard and endured the pain and said, "Xie Mingzhe's reaction is really fast, he used Jin Zha to break the cooling current on the opposite side, and he threw it in three circles. That's great... Cough, although I only caught two, but in the vast sea of cards, I can quickly locate the protected cooling card on the opposite side, Xie Mingzhe's eyes are like laser spotlights!"

Everyone: "… "

Su Yang's commentary was unreliable, and Senior Zheng Feng's off-site commentary was particularly enthusiastic.

Laser scanning lights

Think about the scene where Xie Mingzhe's eyes turned into a searchlight sweeping a laser, everyone thought the picture was too beautiful.

But Lao Zheng's evaluation is very pertinent.

In such a chaotic situation, it was not easy for Xie Mingzhe to quickly think of a solution.

He played too many cards in the last game, and this game has a lot of limitations to choose from the remaining card pool. Jin Zha threw out three circles to force the opposing cooling card over to kill, which was undoubtedly the best solution.

Of course, in a chaos of nearly 50 cards, it is very difficult to find those three cards, let alone an accurate hit!

Xie Mingzhe can pull 2 cards, which is already a nightmare operation.

Ling Jingtang sighed softly: "Xie Mingzhe is indeed suitable for playing endless mode."

Nie Yuandao nodded: "Well, Nirvana's infinity is very strong, and it was pushed to its limit today."

If it is said that Tang Muzhou's cooling flow pressure field collapsed and nirvana was a great teamfight rhythm that made the fans' blood boil, then Xie Mingzhe used Jin Zha's iron ring to force the two cooling cards to instantly kill them. The detailed operation that will convince the audience!

It is said that a strong opponent will make you stronger - Tang Muzhou and Xie Mingzhe are obviously such fateful opponents.

In this endless mode, Tang Shen's outbreak left fans stunned.

And Xie Mingzhe's ingenious layout and meticulous operation also brought tears to the eyes of fans!

No matter who wins or loses, the endless mode tiebreaker they bring to you is the most exciting card battle this season, a strong collision of team tacit understanding, and a comprehensive confrontation between the two commanders in tactics, operation, details, and reaction speed. spell!