Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 46: The idea of a copy card


The guild's affairs were handed over to others, and Xie Mingzhe went back to his personal space to think about how to make cards.

This afternoon, I read the notes of Lin Shen's experience in detail, and Xie Mingzhe benefited a lot. Group attack card, he wants to make a fire card. According to the official card data range, the fire element can achieve the highest value of group attack damage.

When it came to the fire element, he immediately thought of Zhou Yu during the Three Kingdoms period.

In the Battle of Chibi that year, Sun Liu's alliance defeated Cao's army, and Zhou Yu, the governor of Jiangdong, burned hundreds of thousands of Cao's army. This is Zhou Yu's battle to become famous, and it is also one of the most famous battles in history where less wins more. The key element used in this battle is "fire".

Zhou Yu's evaluation in history is also very high, but it is a pity that he died young. Su Shi once wrote in "Nian Nujiao: Chibi Nostalgia" in commemoration of the Battle of Chibi: "I think back to the time when Gongjin was married for the first time, Xiao Qiao was a majestic figure. Feather fan and scarf, chatting and laughing, the ashes vanished." Zhou Yu is simply a talented and handsome male god-level figure.

Xie Mingzhe thought for a moment and decided to paint Zhou Yu as the general commanding the battle of the world.

The elements of armor and battle robes will make Zhou Yu more heroic, but he is not simply a reckless general. As the governor of Jiangdong, he is very talented. He usually plays the piano and reads books with Xiao Qiao, which is famous in history. beautiful man.

After thinking about Zhou Yu's image, Xie Mingzhe used his mental power to connect to the card making system and try to make Zhou Yu's card.

He was not too sure about making a copy card for the first time, so he used the first-grade nebula paper of 7 gold coins sparingly.

The image of the card was quickly drawn, and the skills were also set. Xie Mingzhe connected to the database and waited patiently for the review. Five minutes later, he heard the system prompt: "Sorry, the card review failed, and the skills are repeated."

Xie Mingzhe glanced at the skills he had set, the fire group attack damage within a range of 20 meters in front, this skill could easily collide with other cards.

So he revised the description and continued to review.

However, in the process of making this card, Xie Mingzhe encountered unprecedented trouble.

Sorry, the card review failed, and the skills are duplicated.

Sorry, the card review failed, please modify the skill description.

Feel sorry…

After being called back ten times in a row, Xie Mingzhe finally realized why Lin Shen said, "The simpler things are, the harder it is to innovate."

The fire-type group attack card is the most common dungeon card in the game.

In the database, various fire-type group attack skills have long been flooded. The "fire-type damage within a 20-meter range" he set at the beginning was ruthlessly rejected by the system and changed to "straight fire-type damage" and "fan-shaped fire-type damage". "Fire damage within the specified range" - all his sisters were rejected!

At that time, it was too easy to make an instant-death card, which gave him the illusion of "it's easy to make a card".

In fact, he just hit luck, just in time for the instant death card to be added to the database. Since there are very few instant death skills, it will be easier for his card to pass the review. But once it leaves the instant-death card database, it will be difficult to do other dungeon cards and battle cards.

Innovation... How to innovate the fire group attack skills

Xie Mingzhe had a splitting headache. After he failed to smash all 20 nebula papers in a row, he decided to slow down his mind and go offline to find inspiration.

Chen Xiao was also offline, but he was diligently cleaning up the bedroom on the second floor.

Xie Mingzhe went upstairs and saw that he was tidying up the empty master bedroom. He couldn't help but ask, "Brother Chen, did you clean up this room because you wanted to bring your brother back to live?"

Chen Xiao's eyes were full of smiles, and he looked very happy: "It's always right to clean up in advance. Maybe he wants to come back and live? My brother's room has been kept as it is, and all the furnishings have not been touched." He He made the bed himself, looked back at Xie Mingzhe and asked, "How is your copy card doing?"

Xie Mingzhe said with a bitter face: "The character has been thought out, but the skill design has been beaten back by the system, saying it is a repetition."

Chen Xiao came over and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, the database already has a lot of group attack skills, it's not easy for you to innovate. Let me teach you a little trick - dual-skill cards will be more effective than single-skill cards. Easy to pass audit.”

Xie Mingzhe was stunned: "How is this calculated?"

Chen Xiao explained: "The database determines that the card is compared with the card. For example, one card is the dual skill of 'water group attack' and 'group deceleration', and the other card is 'water group attack' plus' Strictly speaking, the dual skills of "Group Frozen" are not considered duplicate cards. Because of the different functions, the system can allow you to pass the level. But the key is that there are only so many control and group attack skills in the game, and various combinations and combinations are available. It has already been used badly, and you want to make a new combination plan, which is the real difficulty.”

Xie Mingzhe suddenly realized. What he had done before was all single-skill or dead cards, and he had not done dual-skill cards. When the database is audited, it will search for duplicate cards. Cards with a dual-skill combination are naturally less likely to collide with others than with a single-skill.

But even so, it's not that easy to make a brand new combo. Moreover, the attributes of the five elements cannot be randomly combined, and a card has fire group attack + water freeze control, and this kind of card cannot be reviewed.

Under the premise of following the basic rules of the five-series card group, it is difficult to match up with new ideas...

Xie Mingzhe lowered his head in thought.

He has been thinking about how to make this copy card, and he didn't think of a good idea until he went to bed at night.

In desperation, he had to go back to his old business, draw some instant-death cards that he had done before, and put them in the store to sell tomorrow. Stores can never be empty.

The instant-death card was done too smoothly before, in fact, he only knew a little about the rules of the game's card making. Lin Shen's notes gave him a lot of inspiration, but he had to start with the simplest copy card, which stumped him again.

Don't be in a hurry, think again.


It was late at night, Xie Mingzhe walked to the balcony and looked at a pot of green dill on the wall in a trance.

After being raised for too many years, the green dill grows very vigorously. After falling from the wall to the ground, it crawls along the ground, circles the balcony, and finally stops at the position of the curtain, and starts to climb up again, on the roof. After a circle, the whole balcony is decorated with green, which makes people feel happy when they look at it.

Chen Xiao took good care of the plants left by his brother, this green radish is almost mature!

Looking at it, Xie Mingzhe's mind suddenly flashed -

By the way, if the fire encounters this plant, can it burn all the way down the branches

Back then, the wooden team dungeon "Dark Night Forest", which they played very irritably, also had a lot of these vines. Xie Mingzhe was bound by the vines after walking a few steps. He was bound several times after the copy came down. I remember that at that time, Brother Chen arranged for him to use the freezing skills of "Ice Goddess" to control the vines. After the vines were frozen, they would temporarily lose their ability to move. Everyone took advantage of this time to quickly bypass the vine array and go to the front to brush the tree spirit mobs.

But what if you don't bypass it? Aren't these vines making it easy to conduct fires

The key to the success of the Battle of Chibi was that Cao Cao's troops were unfamiliar with water warfare and connected all the ships together, so Zhou Yu was able to take advantage of the wind and fire to burn most of the hundreds of thousands of troops at one time.


- The fire can burn vigorously, and the key is to rely on conduction.

Designing a fire-based skill that can be conducted may be able to reproduce the spectacle of the battle of Chibi that burned Cao Jun's warships!

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe immediately ran downstairs excitedly and rushed all the way to the seat to put on his helmet.

It was already two o'clock in the morning, but Xie Mingzhe was full of energy. He quickly logged into the game and connected his mental power to the card making system. As his mental power was gradually injected into the Nebula Paper, the characters on the paper became clearer and clearer—

The man was dressed in handsome armor, the cloak flying behind him, the young general, with a handsome face, firm and sharp eyes, he straightened his back and looked into the distance, with a smile on the corner of his lips, calmly and calmly commanding this unparalleled battle. war.

"Congratulations, the card production is complete, please connect to the database to review your card..."

The familiar voice sounded, and Xie Mingzhe immediately connected to the database to review the card. He prayed that he must pass the review this time, but he must not hear the word "sorry" again. He listened to the system "sorry" for an afternoon today, and his head is big!

three minutes…

five minutes…

Ten minutes later, there was finally a "ding dong" in my ear, and a familiar and cordial voice said: "Congratulations, the card has been approved!"

Xie Mingzhe almost wanted to cry - this voice is so heavenly!

He used to get the instant death card in half an hour, but for Zhou Yu's card, he thought hard for eight hours.

Start thinking about it at six o'clock in the evening and think about two in the morning.

My head was about to burst when I finally came up with a good idea.

Xie Mingzhe's fingers trembled slightly, he carefully removed the card from the console and looked at the data on the card—

Zhou Yu (Fire)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Times of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 500, ATK 300, DEF 150, Agility 10, Crit 10%

Additional Skill: Iron Chain Link (Use a flammable chain to link hostile targets within 20 meters in front of each other; cooldown 10 seconds)

Additional skills: Burning Chibi (inflicts 100% group fire damage to hostile targets within 20 meters in front of them. If the attacked target is connected to other targets in any way, the fire damage will continue to be transmitted, and the transmission damage will increase with the increase of the target. Up to 130%; cooldown 45 seconds)

Long, long skill descriptions.

After reviewing for so long just now, it was obvious that the intelligent database was helping him to check the details of some data, such as the cooling time added at the end.

The skills of dungeon cards and battle cards have a cooldown time limit, that is to say, after a wave of skills is released, and the cooling is over, you can release another wave. As long as you protect this card, the skills can be recycled. As for Daiyu's Burial Flower and Cao Chong's Elephant, these are function cards, which are all one-time use, and skills cannot be reused, so there is no "cooling time" attribute.

The iron chain chain only links the target and does not cause damage, so the cooling time is very short, and it can be used continuously for 10 seconds.

The fire burns Chibi, the group attack damage is relatively high, the more it burns after the conduction, the cooling time is also very long, 45 seconds.

Looking at the two skills alone, it seems that they are not particularly powerful.

But this is just a Zhou Yu card.

What if you put more than five Zhou Yu cards together

Let's "chain links" together, and you can instantly connect all the mobs in the audience!

Followed by "burning the red cliff", the fire can be transmitted in a wide range, and the more it burns, the more prosperous it is, and it may be able to achieve the effect of instant kill in the audience!

Xie Mingzhe's heart beat faster.

He succeeded, he originally created a fire-type dual-skill dungeon card!

I don't know if this card is qualified to show to Lin Shen