Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 55: Invitation from Phoenix


The Nirvana Guild's application list broke through the 5,000 mark in an instant, and the lowest-level guild could only accept 50 people. Chi Qing was a little worried: "Brother Chen, there are so many people, can I just pick them?"

Chen Xiao thought about it and said: "Old players who have registered for more than half a year will be given priority to pass. We need to play the guild dungeon. The full-level players usually have a seven-star card in their hands, which is better for customs clearance. Select the qualified ones according to the application time. Bar."

Guild dungeons can only be played once a week. With the addition of guild construction, participating members will get points, and they will also drop precious enhancement cards that will be used a lot in the later period. It can be said that most guilds must do it every week.

However, because the difficulty of the guild dungeon is much higher than that of the usual daily and team books, low-level cards cannot be cleared at all. Of course, it is better to recruit old players who have cultivated good cards by themselves.

According to the screening rules proposed by Chen Xiao, Chi Qing selected 45 full-level 70-level numbers with a registration time of more than half a year from the dense application list. The members who joined the guild greeted excitedly in the guild chat room—

"Hello everyone! I can't believe I was able to squeeze in there are thousands of applicants!"

"Uncle Fat, I'm your fan, I beg Sun Ce, I beg Zhou Yu!"

"Uncle Fat gave me a look. I wanted to buy Lin Daiyu, but I never got it."

The people who joined the guild obviously came for Uncle Fatty, which is also the current promotion point of Nirvana Guild—our guild has Uncle Fatty who can make character cards, and the cards made broke the world record.

Xie Mingzhe greeted everyone enthusiastically: "Hello everyone, Qingqingcao is the management of our guild, everyone will follow the instructions of Sister Qing in the future!"

Everyone greeted Sister Qing one after another, for fear that the president would kick him out if he was unhappy—the people who wanted to join the club were still queuing outside, so they should cherish it when they came in.

Chi Qing's calm voice sounded in everyone's ears: "All the old players I put in are full-level old players, and they are approved in the order of application time. Let's take a look at the guild rules first. Later, we will divide into 5 groups to make Zhou Chang. ."

Hearing this, everyone opened the guild panel to check the announcement—

Nirvana Guild Regulations: 1. The weekly guild copy must be completed, and the contribution level is checked on Sunday. If it is less than 2000, it will be automatically dismissed; 2. Guild members must be harmonious and friendly, and the first warning of provocation, quarrel, and incitement, the second directly Kick people; 3. The guild benefits are three cards of Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, and Huang Gai. Members can exchange 10,000 points in the guild store. Other benefits will be added in the future, so stay tuned.

Guild points can be obtained by doing guild quests, playing guild dungeons, and donating materials. Active members can earn 10,000 points a month. A dungeon card like Sun Ce can’t be bought without tens of thousands of gold coins if he buys it himself, but now, as long as one month’s quests can be exchanged for a god card for free… I wonder which guild has such good benefits? !

Seeing the exchange rules, everyone was so excited that they could not wait to run a few laps - among the thousands of people who applied, the first batch of people who joined the Nirvana Guild had won the lottery!

This day happened to be Thursday, and the guild dungeon resets the CD every Thursday. Chen Xiaoxuan recruited people at this time so that those who came in could immediately play the guild dungeon and help the guild increase its construction.

Chen Xiao's account has been deleted before, so there are only five managements left in the guild: Chi Qing, Chi Yingying, Fatty, Jin Yue and Xie Mingzhe. Chen Xiao said, "It happens to be five of you, each with a group."

Xie Mingzhe was a little confused: "I haven't played the guild dungeon, can I lead a group?"

Chen Xiao said: "Let Ah Qing record a video for you, you will learn it after watching it."

Xie Mingzhe thought that it might not be difficult, so he agreed.

Chi Qing started grouping, and she did things neatly. She quickly completed the statistics of the 45 card groups that members were good at, and divided them into five small groups according to their respective strengths, and the group leaders were served by five managers.

After the group was divided, she opened a copy of the guild and played it once, recorded a detailed video and sent it to Xie Mingzhe.

After all, Xie Mingzhe had the basics of the game. After reading it twice, he understood the mechanism of the boss, so he led the group members to play the guild dungeon at four o'clock.

As soon as they entered the dungeon, everyone was very excited: "I'm with Uncle Fatty, so excited!" "Uncle Fatty, I want to take a photo with you, I saw Uncle Fatty today!" "Uncle Fatty, I love your drawings so much. Beauty card, come and take a photo!"

Xie Mingzhe: "..."

Xie Mingzhe, who was surrounded by a group of people to take pictures, felt helpless: "Don't make trouble, we are here to make a copy, not to take a photo with you, everyone, be serious..."

However, no matter what he said, the people in the group were jokingly surrounding him for a group photo, as if taking him as a... mascot

Cough, his image in the game is really kind and kind, like a mascot!

Xie Mingzhe had to accept his fate and take a group photo with everyone.

Five minutes later, everyone began to move under Xie Mingzhe's persuasion.

Xie Mingzhe said seriously: "This dungeon requires six output cards, two assists, one healer, and one taunt card. First, call out the commonly used full-level cards and show them to me."

Everyone cooperated to summon the cards.

Guild dungeons are very difficult, and you have to match your deck well. Xie Mingzhe picked two group attack cards to use for the large number of mobs that appeared during the Boss phase, and picked four cards with the strongest single attack to fight bosses. For the rest of the cards, he took Sun Cela and kept one. Healing cards add blood to Sun Ce, and two status support cards add various Buffs to teammates.

Seeing how well-organized he was, the players who took a group photo and joked also quieted down and listened to the command. The fat uncle, who looked very kind, commanded very decisively and quickly allocated the deck to start the dungeon.

As the five guild groups cleared the dungeons successively, members were actively doing guild tasks. At 5:00 p.m., a prompt popped up on the guild channel—Congratulations to Nirvana Guild being upgraded to a second-level guild, and the number of members has increased to 100!

The members were particularly emotional: "I've been promoted to Level 2 in one afternoon, I've never seen a guild that has been upgraded so quickly!" "Our guild is a guild that wants to do big things, and we are proud of it!" The design is so beautiful!"

The guild channel is particularly lively, with text messages and voice messages constantly swiping.

Chi Qing arranged everything in good order. Xie Mingzhe deeply felt that it was the right choice for Brother Chen to hand over the management of the guild to Sister Qing.

At this time, Chen Xiao suddenly said privately: "Thank you for coming, let's speed up."

Xie Mingzhe has been making cards in addition to making cards these days, and his character level is only level 40. Characters are not like cards, they can be filled up by feeding experience stones directly. Characters generally brush wild monsters and do quests to gain experience. A character's level is linked to mental power, which in turn determines the number of cards that can be used at the same time.

It doesn't matter how high or low the character level is, as long as you reach the 35-level dungeon entry threshold. But the arena is different. You are a level 40 player to play with a level 70 player. Others summon 7 cards at a time, and you can only summon 4 cards.

The access limit of the arena is that the characters must be at full level.

So, Xie Mingzhe, who was at level 40, took Chen Xiaoxiao, who was just at level 10, to go to Egret Star to gain experience in the wild.

Chen Xiao picked a lot of monsters, and the attack power was not high. Xie Mingzhe was able to control Sun Ce and Zhou Yu at the same time, and his experience was rising. Xiao also has the experience of high-level monsters to level 30.

In the next few days, Chi Qing was busy taking the members to do tasks, and Xie Mingzhe and Chen Xiao teamed up to upgrade their experience together.

The cards in the Yueban card shop have been controlled at around 50 cards per day.

Officially, the maximum number of cards a card maker can make per day is 100. This is also to protect the card maker from excessive use of mental power and damage to the brain.

Xie Mingzhe gets up every morning and makes 5 sets of instant-death cards, a total of 50 cards, and sells them in the store; in the afternoon, he makes some Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and Huang Gai. These cards are guild benefits. After a month, members will definitely be able to save enough points to redeem them. be ready.

Fortunately, copying the card directly does not consume much mental power. After Chen Xiao got up, he took the initiative to control the card to go to Egret Star to brush wild monsters and let Xie Mingzhe rest his brain and follow him to gain experience. The two combine work and rest every day, and the character level has been rising rapidly.

In this way, on Sunday, Chen Xiao and Xie Mingzhe's character level finally rose to level 70.

Level 70 is the full level of the characters in the game, and full level is just the real beginning of the game.

In a card game, all players have the same attributes after the character reaches full level, so there is no need to build equipment. The deck is the only reference for comparing the strength between players. Casual players may only keep some cute pet cards, and they are very satisfied to see the scenery in the game; but for players who want to play in the arena, the card deck is the top priority.

With the fat uncle reaching the full level, there are a lot of system notifications in the mailbox. Xie Mingzhe roughly swiped the email and received the full-level reward with one click. The rewards are all materials for strengthening cards, which are officially given to full-level players. Welfare.

He deleted all the insignificant emails, leaving only the most important ones marked in red.

—Invitation from the Phoenix Star Region!

When I opened the email, I saw that it read: "Hello dear player, congratulations on reaching the full level of 70 and unlocking all the ways to play in the world of Star Cards. The competitive star Phoenix Starfield sends a sincere invitation to you, as long as you have seven 70 full-level cards. level black card, you can enter the Phoenix Star Field and officially participate in the Star Card Qualifying Tournament!

The level of the Star Card Qualifying Tournament is divided into seven stages, from low to high: Tier 1 [Star Card Apprentice], Tier 2 [Apprentice Star Card Master], Tier 3 [Internship Star Card Master], Tier 4 [Elementary Star Card Master] Star Card Expert], Tier 5 [Intermediate Star Card Expert], Tier 6 [Advanced Star Card Expert], and Tier 7 [Star Card Master].

If you have outstanding talent and can become the highest-ranking [Star Card Master], then you will have access to the national [Star Card Master Invitational Tournament]. The Master Invitational Tournament, which starts in January every year, is the only way to the professional league. . Players who perform well in the Masters can be registered in the league and sign contracts with major clubs to become real professional players!

A new journey is about to begin, looking forward to your good results in qualifying! "

Xie Mingzhe has seen countless official emails since he entered the game, and this is the one that excites him the most.

Invitation letter from competitive star!

He once followed Tang Muzhou to a competitive star. At that time, Tang Muzhou built a ring room to demonstrate to him the effect of Lin Daiyu's death card. However, in order to truly enter the regular Phoenix Starfield Qualifying Tournament, one must reach the level 70 full-level character and have at least 7 full-level black cards.

The Phoenix Starfield is relatively independent from other starfields, and only various events are held here, including the "Star Card Master Invitational Tournament" with the largest number of participants, and the most high-end "Star Card Alliance Professional League".

Unlike the warmth and harmony of other star regions, the Phoenix Star Region is full of battlefields filled with gunpowder smoke. Here, only strength speaks. For players who can make a breakthrough in the Phoenix Star Region, in addition to their excellent consciousness, the deck is also a very important factor.

Seven full-level black cards are just the threshold for admission.

How can a master who really hit the master rank only have seven cards

And Xie Mingzhe now... he doesn't even have seven cards!

Instant dead cards do not count, because there is a strict limit on the number of instant dead cards that can be brought in each game. At present, the only competitive cards he can use to play in the qualifying matches are Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and Huang Gai. He can't even build a basic deck. He must speed up his pace and make some cards suitable for playing in the arena. .

Why don't you ask the master how to match the deck

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe opened the friend list and wanted to send a message to the master, but as if he had a good heart, Chen Qianlin also sent him a voice message on the trumpet: "Xiao Xie, I think you have reached the full level, go and call. Arena ranking?"

Xie Mingzhe said: "Of course I want to go! But I don't have enough cards. I'm just looking for you, Master."

Chen Qianlin said, "Take me to your personal space."

After a while, Chen Qianlin's trumpet "Withered Trees Meets Spring" came to Xie Mingzhe's personal space.

Master's trumpet uses the passer-by face that comes with the system, which is far worse than his own temperament. His voice is the original, and it sounds clear and pleasant. He said directly: "Show me your current deck."

Xie Mingzhe took him into the study and introduced: "I made 10 instant death cards, and there were Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, and Huang Gai."

Chen Qianlin asked, "You know that you can only bring one instant-death card per game, right?"

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "Well, Tang Shen told me."

Chen Qianlin said: "Actually, most players in the low-end arena have a messy deck, and they don't need to use the dead card at all. After the fourth battle rank, the star card expert and above will have a relatively regular deck. At that time, you will choose the instant-dead cards in a targeted manner. You have to start playing from the lowest tier now, and it is best to make a universal deck."

With his slender fingers, he picked out Sun Ce, Zhou Yu, and Huang Gai, and said, "These three cards can be used, but you still need to make four more competitive cards. Just one Zhou Yu will not have enough attack power, so let go of your group attack skills. Go, heal the opposite side and restore blood, which is equivalent to playing in vain. Make another group attack card, it is best to make it a fire element, and cooperate with your Zhou Yu to form a fire element deck. "

The dungeon can set fire to three Zhou Yus at the same time, but the cards in the arena cannot be repeated, and it is definitely not enough for Guang Zhouyu to output one. Master's suggestion is very reasonable, if it is a dual fire group attack card, if a set of skills is smashed, the opponent will not die or be disabled.

Chen Qianlin reminded: "In addition, you still lack a field control assistant, single control or group control can be used, you must make control effects such as dizziness, silence, freezing, petrification, stun, etc., and destroy the opponent's card. combat power."

Xie Mingzhe stroked his chin thoughtfully: "Master, if Huang Gai uses this card to play in the arena, will he not be able to add blood?" When playing the dungeon, Huang Gai only needs to stare at Sun Ce's blood. That's alright, but in the arena, a deck of seven cards, he can only shield one teammate by reducing the 20% blood, and it will be very powerless in the situation of group blood loss.

Chen Qianlin said: "Huang Gaijia has to take the initiative to deduct blood when attacking and shielding. The opponent is likely to take advantage of his residual blood to kill him directly. You can make another healing card to stabilize the situation."

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "Then let's make a group therapy card. When the opponent puts a high damage group attack, I can open a group add, and a group therapy card to stabilize the blood line can also increase the fault tolerance rate."

Chen Qianlin said with appreciation: "That's the reason, basically everyone in the arena has a group healing card, and because of this, the official requirements for healing cards are not so strict, it is easy to pass the review, as long as the description does not match other cards Just do it all over again."

His deck still lacks group attack, field control, and healing cards...

First think about what to do with the fire-type group attack card.

Xie Mingzhe scratched his head and thought for a moment, his eyes suddenly lit up.

-Since you have made a set of Soochow dungeons, let's make a set of Soochow Athletic Team!

There are countless famous generals in Wu State, and it is more than enough to make seven sets of cards.

Zhou Yu's Burning Chibi was a fire group attack, and Wu Guo also had a person closely related to "fire".

—Lu Xun, courtesy name Boyan, was the most important military strategist in the late Wu Kingdom.

If Zhou Yu's Battle of Chibi established the situation that Wei, Shu and Wu divided the world into three parts, then Lu Xun's burning of the company in the Battle of Yiling also made great contributions to the Soochow regime in charge of Sun Quan.

With Zhou Yu's "Burning the Red Cliff", how could it be possible without Lu Xun's "Burning the Company"