Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 61: Arena winning streak


Xie Mingzhe paused and returned to his personal space after finishing his 11-game winning streak, wanting to rest his mind.

The arena must be highly concentrated. Players must not only pay attention to the position of each card and the timing of skill release, but also pay close attention to the situation of the opponent's seven cards. If they encounter an equally fierce competition, their minds will simply be too busy.

Fortunately, the low-rank players didn't react so quickly in the arena. If Xie Mingzhe's Soochow card group put down a set of combo moves, most of the opponents were basically killed and injured. But even so, after playing eleven games in a row, he had some headaches and just stopped to sort out his thoughts.

Xie Mingzhe was reminiscing about the game just now, when a system prompt suddenly came from his ear: "The private chat voice from my friend Kumu Fengchun."

Withered Tree Fengchun is Master's trumpet. Xie Mingzhe quickly pressed the listen button, and a familiar clear voice came from his ear. He asked calmly, "Xiao Xie, have you been to the arena? How's the record?"

Xie Mingzhe replied excitedly: "The record is not bad, we have won 11 consecutive victories! Except for the unexpected situation in the eleventh round, the first ten rounds were all crushed by waves."

Chen Qianlin said: "It is normal for your deck to have more than ten consecutive victories in the low-end tier. After ten consecutive victories, the system will match you with an opponent with a similar record to test your adaptability. The player you meet in the eleventh round will be relatively stronger. The more winning streaks there are, the more opponents you will meet next will only get stronger.”

Xie Mingzhe also noticed that the original "Star Card Apprentice" rank needs to accumulate 100 points to qualify for the promotion. According to the rule of 5 points for winning a game, only 20 games can be advanced. Since winning streaks will give extra points, the more winning streaks, the higher the rewards. Just now, he had 80 points for ten consecutive victories. When he won eleven consecutive victories, he directly added 10 points, and now it is 90 points.

That is to say, others may have to play 20 games on and off to accumulate 100 points, but if he wins all the way, he can accumulate 12 games.

According to Master, the more consecutive victories, the stronger the matched opponents will be. Only by winning the duel with the strong can one prove that one's own strength is much higher than that of the lower ranks. In this way, the opponent in the next round will definitely be very strong.

Xie Mingzhe said with anticipation: "This is just right. When I meet stronger opponents, I can accumulate experience and find out where my problems are. Otherwise, if I rush to the advanced rank, I will definitely be pressed to the ground and abused."

Listening to the cheerful voice of the young man, Chen Qianlin was also a little more gentle: "You try to maintain a winning streak and see how many games you can win in a row. When you lose for the first time, come to me to analyze the reason for the loss. Remember to save the game. video."

Xie Mingzhe nodded immediately: "I know Master, then I will continue to play in the arena!"

Chen Qianlin: "Well, come on."

Xie Mingzhe rested for ten minutes, regained his vitality, and when his mind became completely clear, he teleported to the Phoenix Star Region again.

Master was right, after the eleven-game winning streak, the opponent the system matched him with happened to be the player who had won the eleven-game winning streak.

In the low-end tier, 90% of players have no sense of competition, and many of them just collected seven cards to test the water. But there are also 10% of the players who are guided by masters, relatives and friends. The combination of the card group is more reasonable, and their own awareness is also very strong. There are even some trumpets opened by the great gods. Winning streak all the way.

Eleven consecutive victories, bumping into players with the same eleven consecutive victories, it depends on who is stronger.

When Xie Mingzhe saw the opponent's record, he immediately became serious.

After teleporting to the arena, he used the 20-second countdown to quickly observe the opponent's deck.

This player's ID is "Filina". She is a tall royal sister with curly golden hair and sky blue eyes. She has a very sexy image. Xie Mingzhe has no interest in the characters in the game at all, so he directly put his eyes on the display. on the seven cards in front of you.

-Ice Crystal Phoenix, Green Peacock, Pegasus, Flame Dragon, Black Crow, Flower Carving, Eagle Falcon.

Among the seven flying animal cards, the ice crystal phoenix is of the water type, the green peacock is of the wood type, and the other five cards are of the fire type.

Shouldn't it be the Judgment Guild again

Xie Mingzhe remembered that Shan Lan, the apprentice of God Nie, liked the flying card the most. The biggest feature of flying animals is that their movement speed and attack speed are much higher than other land creatures, but correspondingly, their defense power is also much lower than other card groups.

The countdown was too short, Xie Mingzhe didn't have time to think about it, and quickly observed the skills of the seven cards.

Ice Crystal Phoenix has a strong control skill, which is a 3-second group freeze; Green Peacock is a group recovery card; Huadiao and Eagle Falcon are single attack cards, Flame Dragon and Black Crow are group attack cards, and Tianma is an auxiliary card for group status bonus. .

This set of cards is both offensive and defensive, and the skill matching is also quite perfect.

Xie Mingzhe roughly deduced the opponent's idea when he saw his skills - ice crystal phoenix opened the frozen group to control the opponent, Tianma group attack power bonus, flame dragon and black crow double group attack, Huadiao and Eagle Falcon's single pursuit can instantly kill the opponent's residual blood card , the green peacock defends with the backhand.

The playing style of this "Filina" is very similar to Xie Mingzhe in principle, and it is also a complete set of control and output chains, which are interlinked. The key is to see if she can drop the opponent's residual blood cards in seconds within the 3 seconds of freezing control.

The countdown is over and the game will start soon.

Sure enough, as Xie Mingzhe expected, the opponent released Ice Crystal Phoenix's group strong control skill at the beginning of the game - I saw a large number of transparent ice crystals falling from the sky, the visual effect was extremely gorgeous, the ice crystal hit Xie Mingzhe's card, and instantly all six cards were frozen. !

Why six cards

Because Sun Ce rode a horse and ran out of the freezing area at an extremely fast speed! !

Opposite Ice Crystal Phoenix and Xie Mingzhe's Lu Meng are Manmin's cards. In fact, Xie Mingzhe will not necessarily lose if he fights first, but Xie Mingzhe didn't do this this time.

Once he encounters an opponent whose consciousness is higher than his, the lead player may not be able to grab it.

So, if you are charged, how do you crack it

This is the focus of Xie Mingzhe's game in this game.

Xie Mingzhe remembered that the group attack and group control range of all cards in this game was up to 30 meters.

As early as the countdown to the game, he calculated the distance between the two sides in his mind. The distance between the cards in the game shows that he placed Sun Ce in the most edge position. When the opponent's Ice Phoenix started group control, Sun Ce just ran away!

- Jiangdong Shuangbi (linkage skill), when Zhou Yu exists on the field, Sun Ce enters a state of excitement, increasing his movement speed by 50%.

Sun Ce originally had a 500% movement speed bonus when he was riding a horse, and combined with Zhou Yu's linkage skills, he finally accelerated by 550%, which was not much worse than a flying animal. In the opponent's deck, the Falcon with the fastest flight speed is 600%, but the group control Phoenix's flight speed is only 520%, so if he really runs, Sun Ce on horseback will run faster!

It is also the 50% movement speed bonus of this linkage skill, which allows Sun Ce to run out of the freezing range in an instant, without being affected by the freezing group control.

Seeing that the characters on the opposite side turned into ice sculptures, Filina mercilessly smashed them down—

However, she unexpectedly discovered that after this set of group attacks was smashed, the character card on the opposite side was actually unscathed? Not a drop of blood

Taking a closer look, I found that Sun Ce, who was riding a horse, ran out of the freezing range and activated the group taunt skill!

Felina's skills are connected out of inertia, because the previous eleven winning streaks were all played like this, the phoenix group was frozen, the black crow flame dragon made a series of moves, the Huadiao and the eagle falcon picked the residual blood in seconds, basically Can lay a victory.

As a result, something unexpected happened this time - the group freeze failed to freeze Sun Ce, and it happened that Sun Ce had ranged taunt skills, so he absorbed the two large group attacks!

The accident happened in just 3 seconds. She didn't respond, but it was too late to stop. The two large groups of attacks all fell on Sun Ce alone.

Even if Sun Ce's blood volume is high, he can't stand the two group attacking big moves on his body.

Filina simply sent Huadiao and Eagle Falcon to chase after Sun Ce, killing Sun Ce in one breath!

At this time, Xie Mingzhe's other six cards were still in a frozen state, and Zhou Yu's body had a red light effect with a buff bonus - a linkage skill. After Sun Ce was killed, Zhou Yu fell into a state of grief and anger, permanently increasing his attack power by 50%!

Seeing this scene, Filina felt bad!

The two group attacks could have disabled all the opponents, but now they only killed Sun Ce, which was totally uneconomical.

Seeing that the freezing time was about to end, in order to prevent the opponent from counteracting her, Felina immediately used the peacock's defensive skill - I saw the green peacock suddenly open the screen, and the beautiful feathers formed a huge feather barrier, and the whole group within 3 seconds. Immune to all controls and damage.

Although it was the first time I saw the card "Green Peacock", Xie Mingzhe had carefully observed the skills before the game and remembered that the green peacock's barrier could be avoided. wasted.

Xie Mingzhe resolutely adjusted his position and evacuated Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao from the battlefield within 30 meters.

Taking advantage of this time, the opposite party sent two cards, Huadiao and Eagle Falcon, which had strong single attack, and they rushed over to kill Zhou Yu!

The 50% damage bonus of linkage skills makes Felina very afraid, and Zhou Yu is a key link in the output chain. If she beats Zhou Yu, she can still win the game. The card skills haven't been released yet, and my two large group attacks are already on CD.

Felina calmly used the flower carving and the eagle falcon to flank Zhou Yu to focus on the fire, and Zhou Yu really lost blood in an instant.

But Da Qiao was not a vegetarian, Xie Mingzhe quickly withdrew Da Qiao to 30 meters away and kept a distance from the other party, just to prevent Da Qiao from being controlled by the opposite side. At the moment when Zhou Yu was left with blood, Da Qiao used his skill again - seclusion!

Zhou Yu is gone!

Filina was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, and immediately turned the fire to kill Sun Shangxiang.

The biggest advantage of the single bird crit card is that it "does not depend on skills", it can deal high damage with basic attacks, and it has a very strong ability to focus fire and turn fire. This type of card is called "chopping knife flow" by netizens, and it is Shan Lan's favorite air attack fast attack method of the ruling club.

Most of the card skills have a relatively long CD, but this kind of kitchen knife card does not worry about the problem of no skills to play, nor does it worry about the control of silence, fear, etc. - because they do not rely on skills to eat, just a simple attack. Enough to endure.

The basic damage of Huadiao and Eagle Falcon is extremely high, and Sun Shangxiang, who was besieged by two birds, was also crippled in a blink of an eye!

Da Qiao immediately activated the "Good Helper" skill, which restored 50% of Sun Shangxiang's health at one time.

The opposite side is chasing after him, and Xie Mingzhe quickly uses Sun Shangxiang's 2 skills - returning to his hometown!

I saw that Sun Shangxiang came directly to Da Qiao's side with a teleport, suddenly out of the opponent's attack range.

At this time, all the cards on the field were pulled apart, and the formation was completely disrupted - Sun Ce was killed, Lu Xun and Lu Meng were standing together, and Sun Shangxiang, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were in another place, split into two places. The opponent's Huadiao and Eagle Falcon chasing Sun Shangxiang happened to be in the middle of the formation, and the other five cards were all within 30 meters that Lu Xun and Lu Meng could attack.

Xie Mingzhe found the time.

Re-summon Zhou Yu!

The moment Zhou Yu returned to the arena, Lu Meng activated his skills—crossing the river in white clothes, without bloodshed!

Filina's eyes were suddenly black, and she couldn't see anything.

She was a little anxious. Sun Shangxiang was chased to the point of bloodshed. She only needed to put two birds and take a bite, and Sun Shangxiang would die, but as soon as she was blind, she could not find Sun Shangxiang's exact location.

Xie Mingzhe was quickly adjusting his position at this time. Sun Shangxiang teleported back to Da Qiao just now, avoiding the critical attack of the opposite bird. At this time, he took a turn and quickly returned to the battlefield, and went around to the back.

Zhou Yu and Lu Xun's Fire Element Group Attack Dalian is on—

It's time for a full-scale counterattack!

When the blindness effect ended, Filina regained her vision and found that all her cards had been surrounded by fire and were all connected by chains. Although her card positions were very messy, she happened to be within a 30-meter attack range around Zhou Yu and Lu Xun. The position of this card on the opposite side, the attack distance card is too beautiful!

Filina was even more panicked and wanted to use the Green Peacock's group healing skill to restore blood. As a result, at this moment, Xiao Qiao, who used the blind time to return to the arena, turned on the sound of the piano - Changhe Yin!

Group silence!

The peacock's blood was not added, and Sun Shangxiang, who was around, immediately shot!

Before Filina could realize what was going on, she saw the sharp arrow with flames slammed into her most crispy falcon from behind—

One arrow kills, triggers the pursuit!

After seconds of eagles and falcons, seconds of flower carvings, seconds of flower carvings and seconds of crows, seconds of crows and seconds of flame dragons!

Two arrows, three arrows, four arrows!

Almost in a blink of an eye, the situation was completely reversed.

In the beginning, she pressed the opponent and beat Sun Ce, and almost beat Zhou Yu and Sun Shangxiang, but Uncle Fat seized the opportunity to fight back and knocked her down with a combo!

Six of the seven animal cards died in an instant, and only the peacock with the thickest blood remained, standing there staring blankly at the corpses of the surrounding companions.

Filina: "..."

A string of ellipses represents her speechlessness at the moment.

Peacock can add blood now, and then what? There is only one healing card left for her to fight!

Xie Mingzhe was in a happy mood, and sent a smiley face: "Acceptance and acceptance."

Filina: "..."

Let your sister! I'm exhausted, okay? After finally beating Zhou Yu to blood, it was taken back? After finally beating Sun Shangxiang into blood, Sun Shangxiang slipped away in a teleport

In the early stage, she pressed the opponent to fight, but the opponent seized the right time, and a wave of counterattacks beat her completely.

It feels so good!

Filina felt a pain in her chest, so she pressed surrender and exited the arena.

She found her best friend Shuangshuang, and complained, "I'm going to die of madness, why is there such a thing as a star card apprentice rank?!"

Shuangshuang was a little dazed: "What's wrong with Sister Fei?"

Filina said angrily: "I met an opponent in the arena, called Uncle Fatty, who ended my eleven-game winning streak! Seven character cards, very strange skills! I destroyed one of his cards, and he took it back. Go, summoned out again full of blood, can you still play like this?"

Shuangshuang saw the familiar name and immediately said, "Uncle Fat! Are you sure it's Uncle Fat?"

Filina: "Of course I'm sure. After the fight, I told me to give and take, and I was so angry that I couldn't fight anymore!"

Shuangshuang; "..."

It seems that the fat uncle didn't run away. Seven character cards, did he make another set of character cards to play in the arena? When I received Wu Song's card in the black market, because of her carelessness, the Judgment Guild spent a lot of time waiting for Fat Uncle to reply. This time, she wasn't careless. When she heard the name of "Fat Uncle", the twin sisters were as sensitive as conditioned reflexes.

This matter needs to be reported to the vice president!

Thinking of this, Shuangshuang immediately took Filina to the guild territory and went to the office to find the vice president.

As soon as the two of them walked to the door, they heard a voice from inside: "Vice President, I listened to your words and got up at 8 o'clock in the morning to play the qualifying game. I wanted to win 30 games in a row and go straight to the expert rank so that I can play here. After a week of guild leagues, the ten-game winning streak was interrupted by a guy named Fat Uncle."

Filina pushed open the door and said with a cold face, "What a coincidence, my eleven-game winning streak was interrupted by this fat uncle."

The setting sun: "..."

Fat uncle again!

I just broke the world record of Zizhulin a few days ago. If I didn't make a good card to play dungeons, I went to the arena to make trouble, right? With a splitting headache, Chan Yang sent a message directly to Huan Yue, saying, "Boss, come back and have a look, I can't handle this matter..."