Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 84: Gathering of gods


Fuxi is the ancestor of the Chinese civilization, one of the three emperors in the "Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors", and has left a lot of myths and legends.

One of his most important contributions was the creation of words. Human beings used to "knot the rope to record things", and some more complicated things are difficult to record clearly in this way of knotting the rope. After Fuxi created writing, people began to learn to use writing to record some important events, which also laid the foundation for the splendid five thousand years of Chinese civilization in later generations.

The second contribution is to weave ropes into fishing nets, teach humans the skills of fishing and hunting, enrich people's food materials, and also teach humans to domesticate prey, which is also the origin of the original "domestic animals".

The third is to create gossip divination and put forward the theory of yin and yang. It is said that Fuxi once caught a white tortoise while fishing by the river. He thought this animal was very interesting, so he dug a pond to raise the tortoise and carefully studied the patterns on the tortoise's back. Gradually, he discovered that the patterns on the tortoise shell were very peculiar, and he immediately understood the changing laws of all things in the world, and drew eight different patterns, the most primitive version of the "Bagua Diagram".

If Fuxi is made into a card, Xie Mingzhe wants to design him into a powerful control card.

The yin and yang gossip chart used for divination was created by Fuxi. The large-scale gossip array can create the effect of "group chaos".

When fighting in groups, the chaotic effect can turn the opponent into a mess, especially in a three-way melee, where the two sides can kill each other, and the third-party guild can take advantage of the fisherman.

Fuxi's first skill is related to gossip, which allows Fuxi to set up a large array of gossip for divination within the range, and the hostile target group entering the array is in a state of chaos.

The second skill, Xie Mingzhe wanted to use Emperor Fuxi to teach humans to fish and hunt as a starting point.

Fishing nets can also be used as a group control skill. A huge fishing net is dropped at a designated location, covering all hostile targets within the range with fishing nets, immobilizing the target for a period of time.

In this way, the two skills can work with each other to play large-scale crowd control. At the same time, the immobilization of the fishing net can also be used in conjunction with the group control skills of other cards, so that the opponent is covered by the fishing net, unable to move and avoid, so that the subsequent group control skills can achieve the effect of "sure hit".

Fuxi's appearance, according to legend, is a human head and a snake body, with a kind face and deep eyes. The gods of the primitive era did not have gorgeous clothes. Xie Mingzhe decided to continue to draw the Fuxi card in the simple style of Shennong, and he held two weapons in his hand. The first one was a "divination gossip mirror" made of turtle shells. , the second is a fishing net made of rope.

Due to the complexity of the weapon, Xie Mingzhe decomposed this card.

He first drew Fuxi's figure on one draft, and on the other draft, he drew the gossip mirror made of tortoise shell and the fishing net made of rope. The Eight Diagrams Mirror is better to draw, and it is drawn according to the Eight Diagrams in memory. Fishing nets are more complicated, each line must be drawn clearly, because the skill effect will double the enlargement of the weapon, if the model is not done well, the enlarged fishing net will be very strange.

It took Xie Mingzhe a long time to draw this card.

It took an hour to finally get the image design done.

Then, according to the previous practice, he merged all the ideas in the spiritual world, and the highly concentrated spiritual power gradually formed a brand new card on the nebula paper—

Fuxi (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1000, ATK 0, DEF 1000, Agility 25, Crit 0%

Additional skills: Yin-Yang Bagua (Fuxi deploys a huge Yin-Yang Bagua divination array within a designated 23-meter range, and the hostile target group within the range falls into a state of chaos, lasting 3 seconds; cooldown 35 seconds)

Additional Skills: Fishing Net Hunting (Fuxi casts a huge fishing net at the designated position, the fishing net quickly expands to a size of 23 × 23 meters, falls from the sky, and covers all hostile targets within the range, and the hostile targets covered by the fishing net are prohibited from moving for 5 seconds; Cooldown 35 seconds)

After the two control skills were completed, Xie Mingzhe connected the card to the database for review, and soon heard the news that the review was approved.

He set Fuxi as the earth card. First, because the blood volume and defense of the earth card can be the highest, Fuxi can improve his survivability in the melee. The second is because the Nuwa card he is going to do next is also an earth-type card, which is convenient for the linkage of cards of the same type.

Why is Nuwa a soil type? Because she made man out of clay.

Fuxi and Nuwa are actually brothers and sisters. There was a disaster in ancient times, and human casualties were heavy. Only Fuxi and Nuwa survived. The two have no relatives and no home. Brother Fuxi and sister Nuwa depend on each other , wandering everywhere, after the two grew up, in order to prevent the complete extinction of human beings, the two decided to become husband and wife and become the parents of human beings.

Legend has it that Nuwa made people out of loess. She kneaded the clay into small figures, and these little clay figures soon became human beings who could talk and walk. She not only created human beings, but also established a perfect marriage system for men and women. Later, because the sky collapsed and human beings were in danger, Nuwa filled the vacancy in the sky with colorful stones, thus leaving behind the myth and legend of "Nuwa mending the sky".

Using mud to pinch people, it is naturally more suitable to make an earth card.

It's just that Xie Mingzhe needs to think carefully about how to set up this pinching skill.

He has Shennong for the treatment card, and Fuxi for the control card. He still lacks a powerful resurrection card.

In the situation of multi-party melee, resurrecting the cards that have been killed by allies, sometimes it is too flowery to see where the cards are. So, can you automatically resurrect the cards that have been killed

He suddenly thought of the resurrection and healing babies in many games, most of which are intelligent.

Since Nu Wa is creating human beings, of course, she can create clay figurines babies, so that these babies have special skills. Xie Mingzhe has not seen a card that can summon a baby so far.

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe's eyes lit up, and he immediately designed Nuwa's skills along this line of thinking.

To create a human, Nuwa creates a clay figurine baby to assist her in fighting. The clay figurine baby automatically finds teammates who have died in the range and resurrects them. In this way, you are not afraid of finding the card and dying in the melee. In addition, for the sake of playing in the arena in the future, it is too wasteful for Nuwa's baby to only bring one resurrection skill. You can also add an auxiliary effect, such as following the enemy's target. Nuwa's creations are all made in batches, so naturally the baby can't just make one!

Another skill to mend the sky, since it means "filling up the vacancy", it may be designed to let Nu Wa mend one's own shield. This skill has a wide range of applications. Liu Bei's anti-seckill gold shield, Huang Gai's free shield Control + blood-returning earth shield, Shennong's group blood-returning wood shield, Nuwa can all be repaired, equivalent to one shield can be used twice!

Because Nuwa and Fuxi are brother and sister, she and Fuxi have the appearance of "human face and snake body".

She is the mother of human beings. The upper part of her body is the image of a gentle and intelligent female mother. She has beautiful long hair, and the clothes and hair accessories on her head are decorated with leaves from the primitive era; Part of the body is a snake body, which is relatively slender and flexible than Fuxi's giant snake body.

After deciding on the character image, Xie Mingzhe decided to give Nuwa a weapon in her hand—a stone composed of five colors. She can use the five-color stone to repair the shield of any attribute. This also makes more sense in principle, and it is easy to through the system audit.

In addition, she uses clay to make a human, so she will hold a few small clay figurines in the other hand. When the "Making Human" skill is activated, the models will be enlarged and turned into babies who assist in combat.

After conceiving the character image, Xie Mingzhe decomposed the card again, drew a draft of Nuwa, the five-color stone, and the clay figurine, and then connected all the elements with spiritual power.

A gentle woman with a human face and a snake body soon appeared on the Nebula paper—

Nuwa (earth type)

Level: Level 1

Evolution star: ★

Frequency of use: 1/1 time

Basic attributes: HP 1000, ATK 0, DEF 1000, Agility 25, Crit 0%

Additional skills: Nu Wa mending the sky (Nu Wa uses five-color stones to make up for the defects of shields, which can repair damaged shields with any attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and soil, and prolong the existence of shields on their own targets. 5 seconds; cooldown 60 seconds)

Additional skills: Nuwa creates a human (Nuwa uses clay to create human babies to assist her in combat; male babies automatically follow and mark the enemy's target with the highest blood volume, increasing the target's damage by 50%; female babies automatically find death within the range The teammates will be resurrected immediately; Nuwa can create no more than five babies at the same time, and babies inherit 20% of Nuwa's basic attributes; the cooldown of summoning and marking babies is 35 seconds, and the cooldown of resurrecting babies is 10 minutes)

Xie Mingzhe looked at the card made, took a deep breath, and connected the card to the database for review.

The review time of this card is obviously longer than that of the previous cards. After a full five minutes, the system prompt sounded in my ear: "Sorry, the system review failed. The number of babies summoned by the card cannot exceed two, please follow the The rules modify Nu Wa's human-making skills!"

Xie Mingzhe also knows that he thinks too beautifully. If Nu Wa can summon five babies, if all of them are female babies, it is equivalent to five times of resurrection of friendly cards. One card resurrects five cards. This is too bug. , no wonder it was called back by the system.

It is more reasonable to have two babies, one boy and one girl, one baby will stare at the opposite card with high blood volume, and the other baby will revive the friendly army; of course, it can also be flexibly changed in special circumstances, such as the situation of a big tailwind, directly summon the two. Only male treasure, mark the enemy card with the highest HP, focus fire to kill; when there are many dead cards in the inferior round, summon two female treasures to revive two of our cards.

According to the system requirements, Xie Mingzhe changed the sentence about the number of babies in the skill description to: "Nu Wa can create no more than two babies at the same time, and babies inherit 50% of Nu Wa's basic attributes."

After the modification, I reviewed it again, and I heard the prompt of "approved".

Then there's the final linkage technique left!

Fuxi and Nuwa are called the parents of human beings, and human beings were created by them. Then, when these two cards exist at the same time, the linkage technique can be designed as a buff effect for the whole group, just like the piano sound ensemble of Big and Small Joe, but the target must be limited to humans.

Fuxi, additional skill 3: Human ancestors (linkage skill), when Nuwa is present, Fuxi and Nuwa trigger a linkage, and the attack power of all friendly human cards is increased by 50%.

Nu Wa, additional skill 3: Human ancestors (linkage skill), when Fuxi is present, Nuwa and Fuxi trigger a linkage, and the defense power of all friendly human cards is increased by 50%.

Linkage Technology has also passed the system audit.

Xie Mingzhe took the three completed cards of Fuxi, Nuwa and Shennong, and his confidence instantly increased!

These three cards are tailor-made cards for the upcoming guild resource battle, which are very suitable for large-scale melee battles with a large number of people.

Fuxi's large-scale chaos, immobilized dual group control, Nuwa's automatic resurrection, repair shield, Shennong's continuous large-scale healing and overall buff effects, and the addition of three powerful support cards will definitely make Nirvana Guild in the future. Invincible in guild battles!

More importantly, the wild skills of these three cards can be integrated into any deck. When playing in the arena in the future, if you don't have enough control, you will bring Fuxi, if you don't have enough treatment, you will bring Shennong. If you want to delay the later stage, you will bring Nuwa back to life.

His card pool has been replenished again, and the three cards in this addition are all very strong.

Before school starts, he must lead the Nirvana Guild to become famous.

The competition for guild resources on the weekend is the battlefield where their Nirvana guild flexes their muscles!

The author has something to say:

These three cards are a bit too strong, especially Nuwa's baby, which can be annoying in the arena. Hahaha, all-match magic cards are naturally stronger!

About the skill range: there is a bug that has been revised, the first level card skill is 23 meters, and the level 7 is 30 meters.

PS: Don’t be too serious about the data such as attack and defense. I’m not a professional game numerical planner. I really can’t achieve a complete numerical balance, so I can only compile it myself. The professional numerical planning of large companies is sprayed by players every day, not to mention that I am just an author, please bear with me, thank you :)